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Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S/4 HANA ((MD01N, ME21N, ME22N, ME23N)


With this app you can see at glance which materials in your area of responsibility need to be
ordered based on the specified shortage definition and filtered by the optimal order date. The
app displays essential information about the material, such as the stock availability, the
preferred vendor, and the alternative vendors, so you can order several materials from the
same vendor in one purchase order. You can even temporarily change the preferred vendor for
this purpose. You can then optimize the shipment of the materials by changing the order
quantities. This enables you to use the full capacity of the means of transport (such as a truck),
which is ecological and saves delivery costs. By adjusting the quantities, you can also maximize
the time until the next order from this vendor is due. Once you enter the capacity limit, the app
assists you by proposing quantities and converting the base unit of measure into the logistical
unit of measure. To complete the process, you can create a purchase order for several materials
from this vendor.

Open the Fiori App “Create Optimal Orders for Shipment” MRP View

Choose your plants from the list 7010,7020,7030

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Directly we can create the Purchase order, click on “Order”, but material should exist info-record.

Enter the ordered quantity and then click on “Create”

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Check at MD01N or at Monitor coverage app

Order several materials at a time

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Click on “Not Yet Defined”

Select the Capacity limit, and enter the maximum capacity of your shipment (Truck Capacity)

Look at here Conversion factor 1 KG= 1 EA

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Here I would like to order a quantity of 1000 Kgs, and it's equal to the capacity limit

Note: If you ordered less than capacity limit, then the system through you wrong message

If you ordered more than capacity limit, then the system through your error message

Enter the propose quantities

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Enter the propose quantities, and if you don’t want change the quantity then locks it

Look in here, it's been locked, now you can’t add any more

Click on Create Order

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

Enter the delivery date

Check the stock Overview

Create Optimal Orders for Shipment in SAP S4 HANA – M Jayababu (SAP MM & S4HANAMM)

“Create Optimal Orders for Shipment app” Optimize the results of your Material Requirements
Planning (MRP) by creating collective orders for material shortages.

Thank You
Name: M. JAYABABU (SAP MM & SAP S4 HANA MM Consultant)

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