Meeting 10 Agenda - January 24th, 2022

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Grad Minds Executive Meeting #10

Online via Zoom

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Meeting will be called to order at 5:30pm.

1. Meeting Comes to Order

a. Adoption of agenda
b. Minutes from January 10th, 2022 Meeting
2. Project/Event Updates
a. Coffee chats
i. Making the most of the graduate experience - preview
b. Workshops
i. Addressing racial microaggressions: Tools, strategies, and
discussions - review
ii. Mental Health Resource fair - review
iii. Meet Navi - U of T’s Mental health Wayfinder - review
iv. A part of it all: An expressive arts mindfulness workshop to connect
with self and nature - preview
c. Socials
i. Kickboxing
d. Peer support
e. Conference
3. Policy/Advocacy
a. Policy drop-in hours
b. Food insecurity
4. Finance
a. Budget
b. Reimbursement
5. Any other business
6. Ajournement

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