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Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

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Thermal behavior of ferric selenite hydrates (Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O, T

Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O) and the water content in the natural ferric selenite

Astrid Holzheida, , Marina V. Charykovab, Vladimir G. Krivovichevb, Brendan Ledwiga,
Elena L. Fokinab, Ksenia L. Poroshinab, Natalia V. Platonovab, Vladislav V. Gurzhiyb
Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, 24098 Kiel, Germany
Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia


Handling Editor: Juraj Majzlan Any progress in our understanding of low-temperature mineral assemblages and of quantitative physico-che-
Keywords: mical modeling of stability conditions of mineral phases, especially those containing toxic elements like sele-
Selenites nium, strongly depends on the knowledge of structural and thermodynamic properties of coexisting mineral
Mandarinoite phases. Interrelation of crystal chemistry/structure and thermodynamic properties of selenium-containing mi-
Ferric selenite hydrates nerals is not systematically studied so far and thus any essential generalization might be difficult, inaccurate or
Thermogravimetry even impossible and erroneous. Disagreement even exists regarding the crystal chemistry of some natural and
Differential scanning calorimetry synthetic selenium-containing phases. Hence, a systematic study was performed by synthesizing ferric selenite
hydrates and subsequent thermal analysis to examine the thermal stability of synthetic analogues of the natural
hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite and its dehydration and dissociation to unravel controversial issues re-
garding the crystal chemistry. Dehydration of synthesized analogues of mandarinoite starts at 56–87 °C and ends
at 226–237 °C. The dehydration happens in two stages and two possible schemes of dehydration exist: (a)
mandarinoite loses three molecules of water in the first stage of the dehydration (up to 180 °C) and the re-
maining two molecules of water will be lost in the second stage (> 180 °C) or (b) four molecules of water will be
lost in the first stage up to 180 °C and the last molecule of water will be lost at a temperature above 180 °C. Based
on XRD measurements and thermal analyses we were able to deduce Fe2(SeO3)3·(6-x)H2O (x = 0.0–1.0) as
formula of the hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite. The total amount of water apparently affects the crystal-
linity, and possibly the stability of crystals: the less the x value, the higher crystallinity could be expected.

1. Introduction pollutants in soils and groundwater. Depending on its concentration,

selenium has a narrow concentration range between deficient and toxic
Interest in selenium behavior under supergene conditions has in- levels in the diets of humans and animals (see for more details, e.g.,
creased owing to needs of environmental protection. Near the surface, review papers by Plant et al., 2003, 2014). Since the selenium species
selenium occurs in oxidized states as selenites (M-[SeO3]2−) and much control Se mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity, it is essential to un-
less frequently as selenates (M-[SeO4]2−). The basic sources of sele- derstand which of the common oxidation states of selenium prevail in
nium in near-surface environments are oxidation zones of selenides (M- mineral phases under certain conditions and to disentangle the influ-
[Se]2−) or selenium-bearing sulfide deposits and technogenic waste ence of parameters such as pH, redox potential, microbial activity and
products. The Earth's surface and near-surface regions are dominated by the long-term impact of complexing and precipitating agents on the
the interaction between minerals, aqueous solutions, and atmospheric release of Se to the environment. Recently we have characterized the
gases. Such interfaces play an important role in a number of geological selenium oxysalts, selenites and selenates, as natural mineral systems,
and geochemical processes. In an environmental context interfacial reviewed and evaluated the accuracy of thermodynamic values of the
processes such as mineral dissolution and mineral precipitation are selenites formed during oxidation of selenides and selenium-bearing
responsible for the release and/or confinement as well as the seques- sulfide minerals by examining the various experimental parameters
tration of selenium and heavy metals that may eventually become used, and proposed data on the thermodynamics of selenites at the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Holzheid).
Received 27 September 2017; Received in revised form 1 January 2018; Accepted 16 January 2018
0009-2819/ © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

standard state (25 °C, 1 bar pressure) (Charykova and Krivovichev, summarized by Giester and Wildner (2006). For instance Giester (1993)
2017; Krivovichev et al., 2017). In general, knowledge of the thermal reports on synthesis and properties of Fe2(SeO3)3·H2ONishimura et al.
stability of hydrous selenites from the oxidation zone of ore deposits is (2005) present XRD pattern similar to that depicted by Dunn et al.
necessary in order to conduct a detailed analysis of their physico- (1978) and claim that the studied ferric selenite is Fe2(SeO3)3·4H2O
chemical formation conditions (Charykova et al., 2014, 2015, 2016; (quoted in the JCPDS Index No. 29-718). Thus, according to its struc-
Fokina et al., 2014). The objective of this study is thus to examine the tural characteristics there seems to be only one study (Nishimura et al.,
thermal stability of the synthetic analogue of natural hydrous ferric 2005) in which a synthesized iron selenite hydrate matches with the
selenite and its dehydration and dissociation. natural ferric selenite hydrate (mandarinoite of Dunn et al., 1978). But
Natural hydrous ferric selenite, mandarinoite, was found for the first Nishimura et al. (2005) do not satisfactorily clarify the number of water
time at Pacajake mine, near Hiaco, Colquechaca, Bolivia (Dunn et al., molecules in mandarinoite, because – although the XRD pattern is in
1978), where it is associated with native selenium, siderite (FeCO3), agreement with Fe2(SeO3)3·4H2O – the authors report that chemical
penroseite (NiSe2), and alteration products of selenides and selenium- analyses of the synthesized iron selenite hydrate point to 5 or 3 mole-
bearing sulfides such as ahlfeldite (NiSeO3∙2H2O), cobaltomenite (Co- cules of water as function of temperature. Summarizing their results of
SeO3∙2H2O), chalcomenite (CuSeO3∙2H2O), and molybdomenite chemical and thermal analyses, Nishimura et al. (2005) conclude that
(PbSeO3). The water content of mandarinoite was not directly analyzed the stable solid phase changes from Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O formed at a lower
by Dunn et al. (1978), but the amount of water was derived from dif- temperature to Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O as the temperature rises above 110 °C.
ference based on electron microprobe analysis To shed light on ferric selenite hydrates regarding their possible
(Σ(Fe2O3 + SeO2) + H2O = 100.00 wt.%) and the theoretical formula incorporation of water molecules and thermal behaviour, we performed
of the new mineral was deduced as Fe2(SeO3)3·4H2O. a systematic study by synthesizing ferric selenite hydrates and sub-
Ferric selenite hydrates were also found in association with leached sequent thermal analysis.
quartz at the Skouriotissa mine, Cyprus, and in association with
poughite (Fe2(TeO3)2SO4·3H2O) at the El Plomo mine, Honduras (see 2. Materials and methods
Hawthorne, 1984). A fourth occurrence was reported by Lasmanis et al.
(1981) at the De Lamar silver mine in Idaho, USA. In total 20 syntheses of ferric selenite hydrates were successfully
A single ferric selenite hydrate crystal from the De Lamar silver accomplished by slow precipitation from aqueous solutions. At first we
mine was studied by Hawthorne (1984), who derived the ideal formula followed the synthesis’ procedure described by Larrañaga et al. (2008),
of the mineral as Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O from the structure based on single- but later modified the method by finally starting with only powdered
crystal X-ray precession photographs. A comparison of the mandar- SeO2 (initial weight: ∼0.207 g) and FeCl3·6H2O (∼0.330 g) dissolved
inoite composition deduced from electron microprobe analysis with the in distilled water (26 ml). The solution was then placed in steel auto-
formula deduced from the single-crystal X-ray precession photographs claves (length (L) 155 mm, outer diameter (OD) 55 mm, inner diameter
is given in Table 1. (ID) 35 mm) with teflon inlay (L 105 mm, OD 33 mm, ID 25 mm with a
The Fe2O3 and SeO2 values from microprobe analysis (Dunn et al., total reactor volume of 55.75 ml). The entire reactors were heated up to
1978) are ≈ 6% higher (6.3 and 6.0%, respectively) compared to the the desired run temperature in Memmert® heating ovens. Ferric selenite
values derived from the formula based on structure determination hydrates formed under low-hydrothermal conditions (30–110 °C) and
(Hawthorne, 1984). This points to the fact that mandarinoite samples autogenous pressure (1.5–2.7 bar). The pressure was calculated based
studied by Dunn et al. (1978) may have lost water under the electron on the thermal expansion of the fluid in relation to the filling rate. Pre-
beam during microprobe analysis. Thus, the Commission on New Mi- run pH values were in all experiments ∼1.06 and post-run pH values
nerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Miner- ∼1.11. Duration of synthesis varied between 5–259 days. Experiments
alogical Association finally approved Fe2(SeO3)3∙6H2O as chemical were terminated by removing the autoclaves from the heating oven.
formula of the mineral mandarinoite (Pasero, 2017). The still sealed autoclaves were cooled down for ∼30 min under air
Rai et al. (1988) reported a synthetic analogue of mandarinoite with (except for experiments at only 30 °C) and finally opened. The solid
the supposed formula Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O. The value of the solubility particles were filtered out, desiccated overnight at ∼47 °C, and stored
product obtained by Rai et al. (1995) was recommended by Olin et al. in an exsiccator until analysis. Sample recovery was 230 ± 50 mg.
(2005) in the reference book “Chemical thermodynamics of Selenium”. Synthesis conditions, optical observation and XRD results are sum-
However, Giester et al. (1996) reinvestigated compounds synthesized marized in Table 2.
by the method of Rai et al. (1988) and studied the synthetic phases by The experimental charges were optically inspected by a scanning
chemical analysis, IR spectroscopy, powder and single crystal X-ray electron microscope (CAMSCAN-Series-2-CS-44) and characterized by
diffraction as well as thermogravimetric analysis. Giester et al. (1996) X-ray powder diffractometry (Rigaku MiniFlexII and UltimaIV dif-
were able to show that the formula proposed by Rai et al. (1995) for fractometers, CuKα1+2 radiation, 30 kV/15 mA (Rigaku MiniFlexII) and
their synthetic product is erroneous and should be rewritten as 40 kV/30 mA (UltimaIV), D-Tex Ultra PSD, 2theta degree step 0.02,
Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O. The same formula was later confirmed by Larrañaga count time for each step 0.6 s, air). The chemical composition of solid
et al. (2008). phases was measured using energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis on a
In addition to Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O and Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O, information Hitachi S-3400N SEM. Thermal analyses with TG (thermogravimetry),
about other Fe(III) hydrates is available in the literature and DTG (difference thermogravimetry) and DSC (differential scanning ca-
lorimetry) were done to detect the water amount and thermal behavior
Table 1 of the synthesized phases. Various heating ramps are used (see figure
Compositions of natural hydrous ferric selenite. captions of Figs. 3–6 for more details). The results obtained were pro-
cessed using the program NETZSCH Proteus Thermal analysis version
microprobe, wt.%a structure, wt.%b Δ Δ, %
5.2.1. The NETZSCH Peak Separation 2010.09 software was used for
Fe2O3 28.68 26.86 28.68–26.86 = 1.82 6.3% additional processing of the DSC curve and separation of effects.
SeO2 59.53 55.98 59.53–55.98 = 3.55 6.0% Thermogravimetric analysis combined with mass spectrometry allowed
*H2O 11.79 17.16 to even measure the released volatile phases (NETZSCH STA 449 F3
Σ 100.00 100.00
Jupiter and Netzsch QMS 403C Aeolos). The thermal behavior of syn-
Calculated by difference based on electron microprobe data, Dunn et al. (1978). thetic ferric selenites hydrates was also studied in situ by High Tem-
Derived from structure based on single-crystal X-ray precession photographs, perature X-ray Powder Diffraction (Rigaku Ultima IV powder dif-
Hawthorne (1984). fractometer with low-medium temperature camera R-300, CuKα1 + 2

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Table 2
Synthesis conditions, optical obervations and XRD results of ferric selenite hydrates.

sample # pH temperature [°C] steam pressure [bar] duration [days] optical observations XRD results

1 1.16 110 ∼2.7 5 fine-grained yellow powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O

2 1.10 110 ∼2.7 10 fine-grained yellow powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
3 1.23 110 ∼2.7 77 fine-grained yellow powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
4 1.26 110 ∼2.7 77 fine-grained yellow powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
5 0.97 110 ∼2.7 259 fine-grained (yellow)-green powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
6 1.11 110 ∼2.7 259 fine-grained (yellow)-green powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
7 1.07 75 ∼1.5 27 fine-grained lime-green powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
8 1.01 75 ∼1.5 27 fine-grained lime-green powder Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
9 1.02 30 ∼1.5 47 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
10 1.10 30 ∼1.5 47 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea + Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
11 1.03 50 ∼1.5 47 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea + Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
12 1.07 50 ∼1.5 47 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea + Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
13 1.07 30 ∼1.5 34 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
14 1.05 30 ∼1.5 34 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
15 1,02 30 ∼1.5 69 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
16 1.04 30 ∼1.5 69 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
17 1.10 30 ∼1.5 61 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
18 1.17 30 ∼1.5 61 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
19 1.03 30 ∼1.5 61 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea
20 1.01 30 ∼1.5 61 very fine-grained greenish powder mandarinoitea

Synthetic analogue of mandarinoite.

radiation, 40 kV/30 mA, D-Tex Ultra PSD, vacuum, temperature step Rai et al. (1988) examined the thermal behavior of Fe2(SeO3)3∙6H2O
5 K, heating rate 2 K/min). and deduced a two-step dehydration. At 310–350 °C (stage 1) 1.5 mo-
lecules of water are lost and at 350–465 °C (stage 2) 4.5 molecules of
3. Results and discussion water are lost, with both stages accompanied by partial decomposition
with the release of selenium dioxide. As mentioned above, Giester et al.
3.1. Sample characterization (1996) cast doubts on the water content of the ferric selenite hydrate
synthesized by Rai et al. (1988) and clarify that Rai et al. (1988) studied
The X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns clearly indicate that Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O instead of Fe2(SeO3)3∙6H2O. Thus, the scheme of de-
synthesized ferric selenite hydrates are either Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O or syn- hydration by Rai et al. (1988) is questionable. Giester and Pertlik
thetic analogues of mandarinoite, i.e. Fe2(SeO3)3∙6H2O (Fig. 1). The (1994) show that the dehydration of Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O occurs in two
unit-cell parameters calculated from the powder data are in good ac- stages. At the first stage (140 °C) Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O loses one molecule of
cordance with data obtained by other authors (Table 3). The agreement water and at the second stage (230 °C) the remaining two molecules of
of cell parameters with those reported for mandarinoite confirms suc- water are lost. Nishimura et al. (2005) describe the thermal behavior of
cessful synthesis of ferric selenite hydrates with 6 molecules of H2O in two crystalline ferric selenite hydrates: Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O shows two
the ideal crystal structure usually at synthesis temperatures of 30 °C. steps of weight loss (two-stage dehydration) in the temperature range of
Based on the X-ray microanalyses Se:Fe ratios were derived with an 130–180 °C and Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O starts its weight loss at 200 °C with an
average Se:Fe ratio of 1.51 for Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O and of 1.52 for syn- endothermic peak at 329 °C. In the most recent publications Larrañaga
thetic analogues of mandarinoite, which corresponds to the stoichio- et al. (2008) determine the dehydration of Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O at
metric ratio Se:Fe equal to 3:2. The amount of other elements was 200–350 °C.
below the detection limit with the exception of some samples with Representative measurements of thermal behavior of iron hydrous
traces of Cl, which apparently remained after synthesis with ferric selenites synthesized in the present study are illustrated in Figs. 3–6.
chloride. The small amount of Cl (less than 0.2%) was detected in Fig. 3 – top shows TG, DTG and DSC curves of Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O
samples #10 and #11. As those samples consist of both ferric selenite (sample #6; synthesized at 110 °C, 2.7 bar, 259 days). Two endothermic
hydrates, Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O and Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O, the samples were not effects, which overlap each other, are observed up to a temperature of
further studied regarding the thermal behavior of the individual ferric ∼350 °C, i.e. dehydration of Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O seems to occur in two
selenite hydrates Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O and Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O. stages. Within the experimental error the ratio of areas is equal to 2:1
Fig. 2 illustrates post-run charges of Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O (Fig. 2A–C), (Fig. 3 – bottom), i.e. 2 molecules H2O are lost at the first stage, and 1
synthetic analogue of mandarinoite (Fig. 2F), and an intergrowth of molecule of water is lost at the second stage. The total weight loss
both ferric selenite hydrates (Fig. 2D–E). In general, higher synthesis observed within the entire temperature interval up to ∼400 °C
temperatures (75 and 110 °C) seem to result in precipitation of (−9.8 wt.%) is in good agreement with the theoretical weight loss
Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O, intermediate temperatures of 50 °C form intergrowths (−9.9 wt.%) calculated for the dehydration reaction
of both ferric selenite hydrates and the synthetic analogue of mandar- Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 3H2O. The theoretical (calculated)
inoite can be synthesized at the lowest temperature (30 °C), despite mass loss during the dehydration of various ferric selenite hydrates is
different synthesis time at constant temperatures. Only in one sample summarized in Table 4. The mass loss of dehydration based on thermal
(sample #10) an intergrowth of both ferric selenite hydrates formed at analysis ranged from −8.7 to −10.0 wt.% in other synthesized samples
30 °C as well. of the present study with 3 molecules of water (as derived from XRD
patterns) and the temperature range of dehydration slightly varied from
3.2. Thermal behavior of iron hydrous selenites 241 to 257 °C (the beginning of the 1st stage) to 335–342 °С (the end of
the 2nd stage). The decomposition of the remaining Fe2(SeO3)3 of
A few studies regarding thermal behavior of iron hydrous selenites sample #6 with the release of SeO2 starts immediately after the dehy-
with different numbers of water molecules exist in the literature. dration and ends at 746 °C. The observed total weight loss (-71.45 wt.
Bakeeva et al. (1970) report dehydration of Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O at 200 °C. %) is in good agreement with the theoretical weight loss (-70.7 wt.%)

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 1. Representative XRD patterns of synthesized iron(III) selenite hydrates.

Top: Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O (sample #6; 110 °C, 2.7 bar, 259 days).
Bottom: synthetic analogue of mandarinoite (sample #9; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 47 days).
The blue bars depict the theoretical XRD reflexes of Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O and mandarinoite.

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Table 3
Cell parameters of mandarinoite, synthetic analogues of mandarinoite, and Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O.

cell mandarinoite mandarinoite synthetic analogue synthetic analogue Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2Oa Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O
parameters Fe2(SeO3)3·4H2O Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O of mandarinoite of mandarinoite sample #6
sample #9 sample #19
space group P21/c R3c

а, Å 16.78(3) 16.810(4) 16.824(6) 16.783(15) 10.914 9.360(1) 9.361(1) 9.3645(2)

b, Å 7.86(1) 7.880(2) 7.849(3) 7.817(5) 9.352
c, Å 9.96(6) 10.019(2) 10.010(4) 10.000(7) 8.646 20.297(2) 20.276(1) 20.2646(6)
β, 0 98.3(6) 98.26(2) 98.20(2) 98.24(1) 96.52
V, Å3 1313(4) 1308(2) 1298(2) 876.769 1539.98 1538.8(2) 1539.0(1)
reference Dunn et al., 1978 Hawthorne, 1984 this work this work Rai et al., 1988 Giester and Larrañaga et al., this work
Pertlik, 1994 2008

Giester et al. (1996) reinvestigated compounds synthesized by the method of Rai et al. (1988) and concluded that the synthetic phases contained only 3 molecules of H2O.

calculated for the reaction Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O → Fe2O3 + 3SeO2 + 3H2O. synthesized analogue of mandarinoite (sample #9; synthesized at 30 °C,
To ensure that within the lower temperature range only dehydration 1.5 bar, 47 days) are illustrated in Fig. 5 – top (TG, DTG, DSC curves).
occurs without any partial decomposition, the released volatiles were also Please note that the classification of having synthesized an analogue of
detected in some of the measurements. Those DSC measurements con- mandarinoite is based on XRD and cell parameter calculations. From
firmed two endothermic processes within the lower temperature range Fig. 5 – top it is seen that within the temperature range 25–300 °C, there
(up to 350 °C) and according to mass spectrometry these processes are are two endothermic effects accompanied by mass losses. These effects
accompanied by release of only water (ion current m/e = 18 – H2O). occur in the temperature intervals 84–179 °C and 182–228 °C, respec-
Subsequent decomposition of anhydrous iron selenite occurs in the tem- tively. The total mass loss of these two effects is −15.25 wt.%, which
perature range 358–746 °C and is also accompanied by two endothermic well coincides with the calculated value of mass loss of the dehydration
effects. A sharp exothermic effect on the DSC curve is observed at a reaction of ferric selenite hydrates with 5 molecules of water, i.e.
temperature of 473 °C, which obviously corresponds to the phase crys- Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 5H2O (−15.4 wt.%), see Table 4.
tallization of Fe2(SeO3)3. Fig. 4 depicts a representative example of those Thus, the synthesized ferric selenite hydrate seems to contain five
TG measurements and DSC data of mass spectrometry of the released molecules of water, and not four molecules or six molecules as assumed
gases, including the ion current value of H2O. by Dunn et al. (1978) and calculated by difference based on electron
The results of comprehensive thermal analyses applied to the first microprobe data or by Hawthorne (1984) and derived from single

Fig. 2. Secondary electron images of representative post-run charges.

A–C: Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O. (A, B: sample #7, C: sample #8; both runs were at 75 °C, 1.5 bar, 27 days).
D, E: Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O + Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O. (sample #10; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 47 days).
F: Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O. (sample #9; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 47 days).

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 3. TG, DTG and DSC curves (top) and peak separation (bottom) of synthesized Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O.
Sample #6; 110 °C, 2.7 bar, 259 days − heating ramp of thermal analysis: 5 °C/min.
Top figure: TG, DSC, DTG curves.
Bottom figure: experimental data (squares) and result of experimental data approximation (black line), approximations by Fraser-Suzuku function to separate overlapping peaks (gray

crystal XRD structure solution and refinement, respectively. significantly different to the calculated mass loss values of either
The at first glance unexpected result of synthesized Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O (−17.9 wt.%) or Fe2(SeO3)3·4H2O (−12.7 wt.%), see
Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O with cell parameters identical to those derived by Table 4.
Dunn et al. (1978) and Hawthorne (1984) led us systematically perform The first effect in dehydration of Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O within the tem-
thermal analysis of further synthesized samples of ferric selenite hy- perature interval of 84–179 °C (Fig. 5 – top) corresponds to a weight
drates that are all classified as synthetic analogues of mandarinoite loss of −9.32 wt.%, implying loss of 3 molecules of water. Within this
based on XRD. The data obtained show that mass loss during dehy- narrow temperature interval already two endothermic effects overlap
dration ranges from −15.3 to −15.7 wt.%, similar to the calculated each other. Peak separation result in a ratio of the areas of 2:1 within
mass loss of the reaction Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 5H2O, but the experimental error (Fig. 5 – bottom).

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 4. TG, DSC and ion current curves of synthesized Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O.

Sample #5; 110 °C, 2.7 bar, 259 days.
Heating ramp of thermal analysis: 10 °C/min.

Thus, the entire dehydration occurs according to the scheme:

Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O − 2H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O
1st stage (temperature interval 84–179 °C) with two dehydration
reactions Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O − 2H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3∙H2O
Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O − 2H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O 2nd stage (temperature interval 186–226 °C) with one dehydration
Fe2(SeO3)3∙3H2O − H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3∙2H2O
Fe2(SeO3)3∙H2O − H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3.
2nd stage (temperature interval 182–228 °C) with one dehydration
reaction In consideration of thermal behavior observations of all synthesized
analogues of mandarinoite of the present study, dehydration most likely
Fe2(SeO3)3∙2H2O − 2H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3.
starts at 56–87 °C and ends at 226–237 °C.
Fig. 5 – top shows not only the mass loss due to dehydration but also To conclude, the most probable formula of synthetic analogues of
the mass loss due to dissociation at higher temperatures (343–665 °C), mandarinoite seems to be Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O in accordance to our find-
which is accompanied by two endothermic effects. An exothermic effect ings and in agreement with literature data of Bakeeva et al. (1970) and
is observed on the DSC curve at a temperature of 459 °C, which ob- Nishimura et al. (2005) for thermal analysis of ferric selenite hydrates.
viously corresponds to the phase crystallization. Different syntheses seem to have diverse ways of dehydration. The
The observed total weight loss (−71.73 wt.%) is in accordance with reason remains vague. Two possible schemes of dehydration could be
the calculated theoretical value of reaction Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O → derived in the present study:
Fe2O3 + 3SeO2 + 5H2O (−72.6 wt.%).
To ensure that partial loss of water does not occur during storage of 1) in the first stage the sample loses three molecules of water and in the
synthesized analogue of mandarinoite, thermal analysis of the sample second stage the remaining two molecules of water;
#19 (synthesized at 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 61 days) was carried out im-
mediately after completion of its synthesis. The results are presented in or
Fig. 6. Fig. 6 – top shows that the total mass loss during dehydration is
−15.36 wt.%, which coincides with the dehydration value for 1) in the first stage the sample loses four molecules of water and in the
Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O. The dehydration starts at 56 °C and proceeds in two second stage the last molecule of water.
stages, namely within the temperature ranges of 56–180 °C and
186–226 °C. In contrast to sample #9 discussed earlier, not 3 but 4 To complete the study on thermal behavior of synthetic analogues of
water molecules are lost within the first temperature interval (mass loss mandarinoite, representative syntheses were also studied in situ by High
is −12.34 wt.%). Based on the dividing peaks method the ratio of the Temperature X-ray Powder Diffraction. Unit cell parameters at different
areas (within the experimental error) equals 1:1 (Fig. 6 – bottom). temperatures were refined by Topas program (TOPAS v.4.2 by Bruker
The dehydration of sample #19 follows a slightly different scheme: AXS – Rietveld full profile refinement software).
1st stage (temperature interval 56–180 °C) with two dehydration Fig. 7 illustrates changes of XRD pattern with temperature of sample
reactions #20. At temperatures above 110 °C the intensity of peaks is

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 5. TG, DTG and DSC curves (top) and peak separation (bottom) of synthesized analogue of mandarinoite.
Sample #9; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 47 days − heating ramp of thermal analysis: 5 °C/min.
Top figure: TG, DSC, DTG curves.
Bottom figure: experimental data (squares) and result of experimental data approximation (black line), approximations to separate overlapping peaks (gray lines) − 1 st peak: Fraser-
Suzuku function, 2nd peak: Gaussian function.

significantly reduced relative to initial values, indicating that the syn- beginning of dehydration of the sample. This is in accordance with the
thesized substance transformed into amorphous. Already at 100 °C observed onset of dehydration at 56 °C based on the DSC results (see
changes in peaks can be seen as they become less pronounced. The Fig. 6 – top).
dependence of unit cell parameters of Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O as function of Structural analysis performed on a single crystal of mandarinoite
temperature is shown in Fig. 8. A drastic change in the unit cell para- (Hawthorne, 1984) revealed that the crystal structure (Fig. 9a; redrawn
meters occurs above 80 °C accompanied by lower accuracy of unit cell after Hawthorne, 1984) contains three crystallographically non-
parameters’ determination. Insignificant non-linearity of temperature equivalent Se4+ atoms, surrounded by O atoms to form a trigonal
dependence of unit cell parameters at 60 °C may be caused by the pyramid with Se atom in its apical vertex which extends from the base

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 6. TG, DTG and DSC curves (top) and peak separation (bottom) of synthesized analogue of mandarinoite.
Sample #19; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 61 days − heating ramp of thermal analysis: 2 °C/min.
Top figure: TG, DSC, DTG curves.
Bottom figure: experimental data (squares) and result of experimental data approximation (black line), approximations to separate overlapping peaks (gray lines) − 1st peak: Fraser-
Suzuku function, 2nd peak: Gaussian function.

plane of oxygen atoms for 0.80–0.82 Å. There are also two Fe3+ atoms
Table 4
Calculated mass loss during the dehydration of ferric selenite hydrates with different
in the structure of mandarinoite octahedrally coordinated by six O
amounts of water. atoms. Fe(1) cations form 4 bonds with O atoms of selenite pyramids
while another two bonds are slightly elongated and accounted for water
ferric selenite hydrate mass loss, % molecules (H2O(10) and H2O(11)). Fe(2) cations form 5 bonds with O
atoms of selenite polyhedra and another one with a H2O(12) molecule.
Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 6H2O 17.9
Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 5H2O 15.4 Coordination polyhedra of Se4+ and Fe3+ cations form a vertex-sharing
Fe2(SeO3)3·4H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 4H2O 12.7 framework architecture with large elliptical channels (∼8 × 5 Å) along
Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O → Fe2(SeO3)3 + 3H2O 9.9 the [001] direction. Structural analysis also showed the presence of

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 7. Variation of X-ray diffraction pattern of synthesized analogue of mandarinoite (sample #20; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 61 days) with temperature.

three crystallographically non-equivalent positions of O atoms within dense framework of Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O structure type (Giester and
these channels that are attributed to water molecules (H2O(13), H2O Pertlik, 1994; as illustrated in Fig. 9b). The possibility of such transition
(14) and H2O(15)). Hawthorne (1984) suggested that all available po- is also confirmed by the close interatomic distances (a) between the
sitions of water molecules are fully occupied and, hence, the formula of neighboring Fe atoms within the layer perpendicular to channels in
the mineral mandarinoite should be written as Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O even mandarinoite (Fe(1)-Fe(1) = 5.4 Å) and (b) within (110) plane in the
despite the fact of high atomic displacement parameters (ADP) of trihydrate structure (Fe(1)-Fe(2) = 5.6 Å). Further dehydration of ferric
‘zeolitic’ water molecules (especially for O(14) atom, that are twice selenite during heating will cause the release of water molecules
higher than those for O(13) and O(15)). Such high values of ADP could bonded to the Fe3+ cations, which in turn results in an increase of
lead to erroneously assigned full occupancy of those positions. For in- packing density by transition from vertex- to edge-sharing type of
stance, 0.5 per formula unit (p.f.u.) value for the O(14) atom would structure formation. According to the thermal analyses, which de-
equalize its displacement parameters with O(13) and O(15), and only monstrate the presence of only one water molecule at 180 °C (Fig. 6)
this action revises the formula of mandarinoite to Fe2(SeO3)3·5.5H2O. and crystal chemical considerations, the structure of ferric selenite
Taking into account the unique architecture with elliptical channels monohydrate (Giester, 1993; Fig. 9c) with its [Fe2O9(H2O)]12− dimers
in the structure of mandarinoite (Fig. 9a) and evolution of its unit cell is the best candidate for the next structure type in the given phase
parameters with heating (Fig. 8), the dehydration process could be transition row present at 180 °C.
described as follows: the release of ‘zeolitic’ water molecules from the
channels causes compression of structure along [010] direction while 4. Conclusions
the a parameter even increases at the temperature range of 20–60 °C.
Regular increase of the c parameter follows from the dynamics of lattice The data obtained in the present study show that synthetic analo-
to maintain its stability. Subsequent total release of ‘zeolitic’ water gues of mandarinoite neither contain four molecules of water as pro-
molecules results in a complete desintegration of the channels and re- posed by Dunn et al. (1978) nor six molecules as suggested by
arrangement of Se4+ and Fe3+ coordination polyhedra into the more Hawthorne (1984). The very probable formula of synthetic analogues of

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 8. Unit cell dimensions of synthesized analogue of mandarinoite (sample #20; 30 °C, 1.5 bar, 61 days) versus temperature.

mandarinoite seems to be Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O. The discrepancy of the water in pseudo-octahedral arrangements to the two Fe3+ positions.
chemical formulas of our synthesized analogues of mandarinoite The Fe(1) position is coordinated by four oxygen atoms and two mo-
(Fe2(SeO3)3∙5H2O) to natural mandarinoite studied by Dunn et al. lecules of water, and the Fe(2) position by five oxygen atoms and one
(1978; Fe2(SeO3)3∙4H2O) might be due to fact that the water content molecule of water. The remaining three molecules of water are not
was not directly measured by Dunn et al. (1978). The amount of water associated with Fe or Se atoms and are placed in cavities of the struc-
was assumed by difference H2O wt.% = 100 wt.% – (Fe2O3 wt. ture. They are only held in the structure by hydrogen bonds (atoms O
% + SeO2 wt.%) and the calculated 3.65 molecules of water were (13), O(14) and O(15) in Fig. 9a). Perhaps the behavior of these mo-
therefore not of high accuracy. Hawthorne (1984) deduced lecules determines the characteristics of the processes of dehydration
Fe2(SeO3)3∙6H2O as chemical formula based on only one studied single and the fact that we have observed two possible mechanisms of dehy-
crystal of mandarinoite. Hawthorne (1984) neither measured nor ex- dration for different samples.
perimentally determined the content of water. The number of water The comparison of powder XRD patterns of this study’s synthesized
molecules was derived solely from the structure of the mineral and analogues of mandarinoite with theoretical pattern calculated from the
inferred from six possible positions for molecules of water in crystal structural data of Hawthorne (1984) leaves no doubt that the material
structure. The structure of mandarinoite as published by Hawthorne in both cases is the same (cf. Fig. 1 – bottom) although the crystallinity
(1984) is shown in Fig. 9a. Hawthorne (1984) linked three molecules of of our synthesized analogue of mandarinoite is not such as superb and

A. Holzheid et al. Chemie der Erde 78 (2018) 228–240

Fig. 9. Crystal structures of ferric selenite hydrates: (a) mandarinoite Fe2(SeO3)3·6H2O, (b) Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O, (c) structure of Fe2(SeO3)3·H2O with clarified [Fe2O9(H2O)]12− dimers.
Fe3+-centered octahedra = blue, Se atoms = orange, O atoms = red,
H atoms = light grey, H-bonds = red dashed lines.

the occupancy of ‘zeolitic’ water molecules might be less than 1.0 p.f.u. University Resource Centers “X-ray Diffraction Methods”,
A minor lack of ‘zeolitic’ water molecules in the structure might cause “Thermogravimetric and Calorimetric Research Centre” and
only a slight change of the crystal structure that could even be not “Geomodel” made their equipment available for this study. The authors
detectable by XRD. Thus, XRD patterns of synthesized analogues of thank Marlene Dreizler, Sebastian Meier, Birgit Mohr, and Maria
mandarinoite and theoretical pattern of mandarinoite as described by Krzhizhanovskaya for help and assistance in performing the experi-
Hawthorne (1984) are indistinguishable. ments, SEM images, and High Temperature X-ray Powder Diffraction.
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