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Reg. No. |II
Marks 90
Time 3.00 Hrs. ENGLISH
PART 20X 1 20
. Answer all the
Choose the correct options given belowords in the folowing senter w o r d s

for the underlined ation.

Choose the synonyms

1. Nicola was glaring at his young brother in yrorise c ) s u r p r i s e

d) anger
b) annoyance cles.
a) fear
c a m e back to my mu d) flexibility
2 Strength and suppleness c ) r i g i d i t y

a) stiffness b) elasticity s not explored.

human existence that d) problem

3. There is not a facet of c) f e e l i n g

a) feature
b) size
in the following
for the underiined
Choose the antonyms
virtues which are not
to be desplsEd d) underestimated
4. China tea has c) valued
b) hated tne rope a round.
a) loved
and put a few loops of
. T h e n in turn, l
would sink my shaft d) loosen
c) float
a) fix b) tighten into the hospital.
persuaded us to take her
.ney brought her here, c) d i s s u a d e d d) challenged
a) compelled b) pestered combination "foothills'.
compound word for the + Noun
7. Choose the correct c)Noun+ Verb d) Adjective
a )Verb+ Noun b) Noun + Noun
expansion of lT'.
8. Choose the correct of Technology
Industrial Training b) Indian Institute
a) Indian Indian Institute of
Indian Investment Trade
c) sentence:
Choose the meaning of the foreign word in the
The Parliament has
been adjourned sine die.
till next date b) without a date fixed being
a) d) till the next session
c) for one
for the biended word 'diplonomics'.
10. Choose the right combination
a) Diplo + economics b) Diplomacy economy
c) Diplo + economy d) Diplomacy economics
Choose the clipped word for 'pantaloons
b) pants c loons d) pantas
a) pant
sounds is called

12. The study of speech

b) Statistics c) Phonetics d) Genetics
a) Linguistics
13. Form a derivative by adding the rignt P to the word 'manage
a) im b) dis C)un d) mis
14. Fill in the blanks with a suitable relative pronoun
father is in
This is Akshaya
a) who b) which

C) whom d) whose

15. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposlon,

The aeroplane leaves
b) from
a) to d) in
16. Choose the correct question
Let's organise a trip to Goa, -
tag for
following statement.

a) can wwe b) do we c) Shall we d) did we

om found in the following sentence.
meaning o at th
u n d in
the following
17. Choose
the suitable wall
Wa atthe loud noise outside.
The old man was
driven up the d) shocked
b) decefved c) angered
a) irritated
b) dece d witn the appropriate polite alternative.
Substitute the
18. is a housewife.
d) home lady
Mr, Rao's wife D ) h o m e m i n i s t e r

c) home maker
a) home wife
no pattern
for the following sentence.
i9. Choose the c o r r e c t

am always the winner. c) SVAC d)SVOC

b) S VOA
a)SVCAA suitable p a s a l verb.
20 Fill in the blank with a

their children affectionately

Parents -

d) bring up
b) bring in c) bring out
a) bring on
Section 1
4X 2 8
. Answer the following. following.
of poetic lines and answer any four of the
Read the following sets
our walls were thick,
2 Our gates were strong,

So smooth and high, no man could Win.

a)How safe w a s the castle?
What w a s the firm belief of
the soldier?
embraces bound
A creeper climbs, in whosel

No other tree couid live.

Toru Dutt use the expression 'a creeper climbs'?
a) Why does
Which tree is referred to in the above
23. Then the whining school boy, with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like
Unwillingly to school.

a) How does the boy go to school?

of speech has been employed in the second line?
b) Which figure
24. Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gieams that untravelled world, whose margin
For ever and for ever whenI move
a) What is experience compared to?
is endless?
b) convey that the oxOerience
How do the lines
25. Life is hard, be steel, be a rock.
a) How should one face life?
b) Identify the figure of speech in the above line.
26. Legs wide, arms locked behind
As if to balance the prone brow
Oppressive with its mind.
a) What is meant by "prone
b) Whose action is described he.
Answer any

Answhe the
three of the
following dialogue
fo Section
quesstions 3X 2 6

Teacher: Aathavan
27. are
avan:I missed the bus,
you' late?
Convert tne
ng simple senten
28. s p i t e havil
complex sentence.
insa a
t Raia WasOe
Aathir wasa
ides being pretty,Aathira to
to get
get the
t h e est
est result.
Besides being pretty, unable
[ C h a n g e nto a
compound sentence
30. Anuska did not study well. She couldn't
mbine the sentence using lP 9eta rank.
Explain any two.of the following with1 Section 1
n reference to the
the context. 2X3 6
31. It is the tree's lament, an eerie speech. to

his work, I mine,

32. He works

33. To
see your flag-bird flap his vans
Where, to heart's desire
Perched him!

Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words each. 2 X3 = 6
34. How would liberty cause universal chaos?
How did the narrator help the boys on Sunday?
36. The soft snow was difficult and.dangerous. Why?
Answer any three of the following questions in about 30 words each.3 X 3 = 9

37. Study the pie-chart given and answer the questions that follow.
Favourite sports of students
20% Cricket

5% Fasket Ball
Questions: Hand ball 10%
favourite game of the students? 10%
a which is the most least numoer of students. Volley Hockey
the game preferred by the
0) Name have number of staents?
ball 15%
) which two games 15%

two between two batsmen.

38 Write a dialogueof minimum 3 exchanges b te dish.
Describe the process of preparngword given below.
given be
using the word
0 Complete the proverbs the
a) The pen is mightier than
- -

louder than
b speak
of invention.
c) is the mother
[brave, necessity, actions, sworaTN
7 X 5 35
Answer the following questions. O
Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 w On;the rule of the road'? (OR)
41. What do you infer from A.G. Gardiner Redoss Children's Hospital.
Cape Townyicdoy
Describe the Grand Prix' at Cape oW the yictoy of
of the French at Ratisbon?
the French
42. What is the role of the ung in the soldier
at Ratisbo
Or u
uman greed led to the mighty fall
Rev.-XIl-(English) F-1
43. Write the paragraph in aD
bout A50houre8
words by
by developing the following hints.
- two ho Ours dev
Planet Venus sun
ven years live underground tunnels
nine yeaMar William ar
- -

Margotschool - -

argry-locked - closed -
sun came
children enjoyed rememD Unlocked - wait another seven years.
Baidwin and Gresham - friene 30 years Baldwin -work bank - personal
secretar- Royal to Gresham nonest like him - but misappropriated - arrested by
dwinundred thousand dollars - Baldwin did not accept
the police - convince Baldwin
- aainst
very sad testimonial aga - nis friend voluntarily confess his crimhe.
nofes of
44. Write a summary or of the following passage.

We have to be carefu while choosing job. Several factors can give us job
re-reedom, a large pa lot of
satisfaction. Some of them are leave facilities, a good
boss, a good environment o asy job. But none of these can give a real
satisfaction if one has not cno ne right job. A good job is one where the work is
easy, a pai
lot of incentives are ere hard work is rewarded and leave facilities
will not
genuine available.
reasons are
ut li the
job does not cater to our interest, it
to show one's skil, will he
give us satisfaction. Only when one gets opportunity
derive satisfaction. Thus aptitude and flair for a job are prime
factors that offer job
45. Write a paragraph on the import ance of Education. (OR)
Naveen is the sports secretayof your school..He writes a letter to the proprietor
a sports shop requesting tuisupply the sports articles to the
43. Spot the errors and rewr.te the sentences correctly.
i) Four miles are not a lcng distance.
i) One of the Minister was preseni.
iii) ! amm reading The Hindu' daily.
iv) No one know the secret. write the exam. (OR)
was allowed to
V Though she came iate but she
Fill in the blanks correctly.
a)- the opposite of Tright/write]
b)I- Ike to have a cup of tea. [Use a modal verb]
was young. [Use a semi
modal verb]
c) Aathira. play cricket when she
correct tense form of the verb]
d). I t - -rain] since marrning. [Use
with the fields given below.
47. Tdentify each of the followina sentences
beings by cloning.
a) It is possible to replicate human evidence.
b) The judge dismissed the Case due to lack of
c) The flight was cancelled due to fog
d) We took a bus to Nagercoilaat night.
T20 match.
e) India defeated the. Indies in the third
[Weather, Law, Sports, Scien ce , answer
Travel] the questions (OR)
in your own words.
Read following passage
ited in our minds with
war and calls up

word "Victory' is genete

t al y a s s o c i a t e d

The force and we think of war

visions of battles, bloodshed af conquest by But when we
and splendid triumphs.
glorious thing because of its ais victories
statesmen, scholars,
social reformers,
think of the achievements famouat
men, honest workers for the
scientists, philanthropists, of
discoverers and
ciVilization of the world,

betterment the xp t htne

e progress and
of human
race and than the victories of
realize that the ctories of peac

i) What is victory sually asspc

c i a t e d with?

ii) Write the name of a s o c i a o m e t h e nievements of great men?


iii) What do we realize when think ofthething?

iv) Why do we think of war. lorious

v) Who is a philanthronica a g

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