Skills Assessment: A New Chapter For Kids: Indian-Origin Teen Wins Children's Climate Prize 2021

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ From topics as diverse as ➤ Do you know which is ➤ T20 WC: Title
TODAY’S Water Table to the World Wars,
get yourself ready for experi-
thought to be the happiest favourites England look
to upstage

place on Earth? Yes, it is Newspaper in

ments, debates and more in Disneyland in Paris. Times consistent NZ in the

Concepts to Classrooms NIE takes you on a tour first semifinal



CHAPTER FOR KIDS The real danger
comes not from killer
robots but from peo-
ple—because people still
have a monopoly on evil.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) will There is simply no evidence
conduct a National Assessment Survey (NAS) in government and private that machines are threat-
schools soon to check children’s learning skills. The survey, which will ening us. The true threat
comes from 'the dictatorial,
cover lakhs of children in more than 700 districts, is aimed at finding out totalitarian countries and
the learning skills of children and what changes are required in the terrorists who will use
this technology to harm us.
curriculum post-Covid-19 pandemic. The subjects on which learning You should treat computers
capability will be assessed are Maths, EVS, Science, among others... like it's another human cre-
ation. It is not a magic

1 2
wand, but it is not a termi-
Union education For children of 2017 covering over 22 address the mental online and help them nator. You don't expect this
minister classes III, V, lakh students of class- health concerns of the to deal with their men- to bring you to heaven, but
Dharmendra VIII and X, the es III, V and VI students in the tal and social concerns it is not going to open the

Pradhan had earlier NCERT conducts schools, which are gates of hell. Machines
On February 5,

announced that a National Sample reopening after made us stronger, faster
2018, the NSS Through various and intelligent machines
survey to assess Survey (NSS) to make Covid-19

was conducted online channels, will make us smarter if we
children's learning the assessment

for class X The experts and know how to use it

skills is likely to NCERT experts
Earlier, the NSS The NCERT is officials of the will interact with
Garry Kasparov, chess
be held in was conducted NCERT will con- students of classes VI
grandmaster, allaying fears
November this year also providing that AI is a threat to
on November 13, counselling to nect with the students to XI humanity

Indian-origin teen wins Children’s Wang Yaping becomes first Chinese

woman to walk in space HONOUR

Climate Prize 2021 W

ang Yaping has become the first
Chinese female astronaut to con- The spacewalk marks the first of
duct spacewalk outside the Tian- the Shenzhou-13 mission, and
he space station module, according to the the third of its kind dur-
China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).Yap- ing the country's
or the third consecutive year, Indian teenagers are shining and showing

ing along with Zhai Zhigang, and Ye
their ‘green thumbs up’, as they work towards achieving a cleaner envi- Guangfu, which form the Shenzhou 13 space station
ronment and earning the coveted Children’s Climate Prize. This year too, crew, had launched to the Chinese space building period, the
the winner of 2021’s Children’s Climate Prize is an Indian-origin teen station on October 15 to kick off a six- CMSA said.
month expedition to the orbital lab.
Reshma Kosaraju, a 15-year-old from Saratago, US. Reshma’s project, AI against
forest fires, uses AI technology to predict forest fires.


THE PROJECT: Reshma’s project can predict forest fires with I’m happy and my hope is that this win will
almost 90% accuracy. Reshma uses open data, such as temperature, lead to more people hearing about AI against ONLINE TOI
humidity, wind speed, soil moisture and human behaviour with the
help of AI to calculate where and when the probability of a forest forest fires, and that it will become a universally Newspaper in

fire occurring is greatest. Reshma hopes the Children’s Climate Prize accessible tool for predicting forest fires
will draw attention to her project, so that more people can become
aware of the AI model's existence RESHMA KOSARAJU LEARNING FROM Happy
THE YOUNG Children’s

Unveiled: A new search US lifts pandemic travel YOUNG

witter has
ban, opens doors to visitors ENTREPRENEURS

T rolled out
a new
search button on
The US has lifted restrictions on travel from a long list of countries including
Mexico, Canada and most of Europe, allowing tourists to make long-delayed STUDENTSPEAK

some accounts trips and family members to reconnect with the loved ones after more than
that allows users
to more easily
a year and a half apart because of the pandemic. BUDDING
Twitter scan through a specific person's Starting Monday, the US LIFE LESSONS
users have past tweets. The button, located accepted fully vaccinated FROM CHILDREN
always been able to in the top right corner next to travellers at the airports WHAT I LEARNT
search their own or the 3-dot (or hamburger)
and land borders, doing
other users' tweets, using menu, had started appearing EXPRESSIONS
away with a Covid-19
the format 'from:[handle] for a small number of users in
[search term]' in the
October. It is now rolling out restriction that dates
regular Twitter
more widely on the iOS Twitter back to the Trump
app, XDA Developers reported.
search bar administration. The new AND MUCH,
rules allow air travel from previously restricted countries as long MUCH MORE
This new button simplifies the process, providing as the traveller has proof of vaccination and a negative Covid-19
a search field where you can enter the terms test. Land travel from Mexico and Canada will require proof of
you're looking for and find a post, response or
even an article more quickly
vaccination but no test
MARK NOVEMBER The celebration starts early on our
YOUR DATE 13, 2021
website from Monday, November 8
02 “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he
can learn in no other way.”

Beginning the journey TEACHERS, IF YOU
of learning in an THAT CAN CHANGE
alphabetical order, Times A CLASSROOM,
NIE takes you through SHARE IT ON
one concept from each WITH
subject every week YOUR PHOTOGRAPH


GEOGRAPHY How water table fluctuates
The groundwater found below the
WATER TABLE water table comes from precipitation
that has seeped through surface soil. WORLD BANK

ater table, also called groundwater table, Springs are formed where the water
is upper level of an underground sur- table naturally
face in which the soil or rocks are per- meets the land
manently saturated with water. The water table surface, causing
separates the groundwater zone that lies below it groundwater to
from the capillary fringe, or zone of aeration, flow from the sur-
which lies above it. The water table fluctuates face and eventual-
both with seasons and from year to year as it is ly into a stream,
affected by climatic variations and by the amount river, or lake. CHECK OUT YOUTUBE VIDEOS
of precipitation used by vegetation. It also is The water table
affected by human consumption from wells.. level can vary in ON HOW TO BUILD AN AQUIFIER
areas and ■ Demonstrate groundwater flow the surface water so students
The shape and even within using a groundwater model tank. can visualise how the water can
height of the the same area. Fluctuations in It is best to have different types flow from the surface water to
water table is influ- the water table level are caused
of soil — one coarser grained like the ground and then move under

by changes in precipitation between he World Bank is an international financial in-
enced by the land sur- seasons and years. During late win- gravel and a finer grain soil (like the ground. ■ Remind students stitution that provides loans and grants to the
face that lies above it; it ter and spring, when snow melts sand) — and include an example that gravity is the force that governments of low-and middle-income coun-
curves up under hills and and precipitation is high, the water surface water feature (like a causes water to flow and move in tries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. It
table rises. comprises of two institutions: International Bank for
drops under valleys lake). ■ Add food colouring to this way. Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the In-
ternational Development Association (IDA). The World
Bank’s goal, as stated by it, is reduction of poverty.

of the triangle ABC (to find the coordinates Another way of adding vectors is us-
By Sandeep Srivastava of the triangle A1 B1 C1). The vertices of tri- ing the parallelogram law. This method
WASTEFUL Educator since 20 yrs, _ _

angle ABC is given by A = ( 2, 4), B = ( 3, 1), of vector addition is The World Bank is just what its name says:
he specialises in making and C = (_1, 2). slightly different from a bank, albeit on a larger scale. Providing loans,
By Kartik Bajoria The translation vector moves each ver- the triangle law as in- knowledge and guidance, the organisation
Maths easy and fun
Jaipur-based tex of triangle ABC without changing the stead of making the works with governments, the private sector, civil
Communication Skills This lesson is an extended discussion shape & orientation of the figure. Thus, the second vector start society organisations and regional development
on vectors. new coordinates are: where the first one finishes, we make them banks.
Educator & Writer Recall,the lesson on V ended with a vec- A1 = (_2, 4) + (2, _1) = (_2 +2, 4 _1) = (0, 3) both start at the same place, and complete
torV = 3i + 4j. The components of the vector B1 = (_3, 1) + (2, _1) = (_3 +2, 1 _1) = (-1, 0) a parallelogram.

The organisation was started over 70 years ago
C1 = (_1, 2) + (2, _1) = (_1 +2, 2 _1) = (1, 1)

n the one hand it is recommended that V are 3 units (in the x direction) and 4 units Vector addition is associative: (A + B) and was first called The International Bank for
one induces ‘variety’ in one’s spoken as (in the y direction). The vector is the hy- Translation can be Reconstruction and Development. Originally
well as written language by inducing syn- potenuse of the triangle. thought of as the ad- it worked to improve conditions in countries dev-
onyms and a varied mix of words; on the other But the same vector dition of a constant astated by World War II, but this quickly evolved
hand, frugality is also suggested. How does one can also be written as col- vector to every point + C = A + (B + C) into efforts to end global poverty once and for all.
decide? A good way of deciding is to judge the umn vectors in the form and is thus,helpful in SUBTRACTION
situation. (ba ) . The column vector understanding addi- Before under-
If ONE IS WRITING A PIECE OF PROSE OR (34 ) represents a transla-

tion and subtraction standing subtrac- There are now 189 countries who are mem-
DESCRIPTIVE WRITING, one would be wise to dis- tion 3 units towards the of vectors; it enables us to experience com- tion of vectors, we need to review negative bers of the World Bank Group. This means
play one’s repertoire and have a certain amount right in the x-direction and 4units in the bination of vectors in simpler,alternate ways. vectors. only seven countries in the world are not mem-
of variety. However, if one is WRITING A SIMPLE y-direction. Here are two examples- We see the above pair bers of the institution. The leading members of
ARTICLE OR A BLOG-POST (where it is safe to as- For example,in the giv- In the graph, the two of vectors are equal in the Group are the US, Japan, Germany, France
sume the reader wants quick and to-the-point en figure below, the vector, vectors show the dis- magnitude, but oppo- and the UK.
information and is not there to luxuriate and p, can be written as: ( 2 ) placement of a person site in direction.
revel in language), one ought not to be ‘waste- The column vector on a visit to a friend’s What is P _ Q? We
(1.52) represents a transla-
ful’. To waste one’s own time, effort and portfo- house (the person think of this as P + So where does this money come from? The
lio of words and expression on situations and tion of 1.5 units to the right starts at (1, 2) in a di- (_Q). World Bank is backed by subscriptions paid by
pieces of writing where not only will it not serve in x-direction and 2 units in y-direction. rection and then changes direction once at Now we can subtract its member countries, bond flotations (money
to better language, it will in fact become an im- When expressed this way,vectors can be very a point – (5, 4) in the graph and then walks two vectors.Subtracting q from p will be the made from issuing new securities and expenses)
pediment to the reader/listener’s understand- easily added and subtracted, as under: till the point (9, 5)). same as adding _ Q to P. from international markets and earnings from its
ing – is a bad idea. Wasteful can also refer to the ( ba )+ ( ba ) = ( ba ++ ba )




The displacement vectors are obtained by Therefore, we can say that subtracting a own assets.
tendency of being needlessly complicated, when For the vector V, the magnitude subtracting the coordinates of head and tail. vector is the same as adding a negative ver-
one’s communication will be infinitely more V = x 1 + y2 Therefore,the two vectors are - (4,2) (the first sion of the vector (remember that making

effective if the language was simple. The magnitude of vector vector with head as (5, 4) and tail as (1, 2)) a vector negative means reversing its Four issues that the World Bank has identified
Let us take a basic example that I always |v| = 3i + 4j is (3)2 + (4)2 = 5 and (4, 1) (the second vector with head as (9, direction).( ba ) ( ba ) ( a __ a )
b b
as standing before its goals are as follows:
share with my students. EXAMPLE 1 – Surrepti- 5) and tail as (5, 4)); each unit in the graph access to schools, healthcare, electricity and
tiously, Anuj uncurled his posterior, mindful not KEY OPERATIONS ON could be any amount,e.g.,100 m,1 km,3 km, Look at the diagram and imagine going safe water. It attributes much of its success to its
to rouse the apprehensions of the exam-admin- VECTORS any such unit. from A to C. How diverse staff of economists, professionals in pub-
istering ascendancy. EXAMPLE 2 – With one eye Translation: A The final displacement is given by connect- would you write the lic policy and social scientists.
on the examiner, Anuj straightened his back, translation vector ing the starting point and the end point of path in vectors using
making sure he had not been noticed. Which one can be thought of as the travel, by an arrow, and that is the vec- only the vectors AB
is more effective and less wasteful? I think the a slide (which even- tor – (8, 3) (the displacement vector has the and CB?
answer is quite clear! tually doesn’t change the shape or size of the head (9, 5) and tail (1, 2)). What is interest- Look at the diagram
figure) with no rotation (hence, no change ing is that (8, 3) is same as (4 + 4, 2 + 1)! The and imagine going from A to C. How would
in orientation as well).The translation vec- final displacement vector – (8, 3) - is indeed you write the path in vectors using only
tor can be drawn on the graph and can be the addition of the two vectors – (4,2) and (4, the vectors AB and CB?
written as v= <a,b>. For example, a trans- 1).The respective coordinates of the vectors You could say it is vector AB followed by
lation vector that moves have been added in the addition of vectors. a backwards movement along vector CB.
any figure 2 units right ADDITION To travel from A to C, it is possible to move
and 1 unit down is the The vectors are laid along vector AB followed by BC. It is also
vector v=<2,-1>,shown head to tail in sequence possible to go direct-
on the graph as: as shown in the below ly along AC.
The translation vector is irrespective of figure.Addition is then Therefore, AC is
TEACHER its placement on the accomplished by cre- known as the result-
graph,i.e.,its initial and ating a triangle. ant of AB and BC.
PROMPT terminal points do not The result of adding the vectors P and Hence, we can write
matter,just that it has Q is P + Q (or the resultant,as it is sometimes the path from A to C
Give stories to students. Ask them some length and a di- called) is what we get when we join up the as:
to edit it to a particular word count rection. Let’s use this triangle. Adding vectors by creating trian- AB + BC = AC
vector for translation gles is called the triangle law of addition. Or AB - CB = AC.

HISTORY War, the World War or the War to End

all Wars. In this war, 135 countries
participated and more than 15 million
required that Germany accept
full responsibility for causing
the war; make reparations to
Over 250,000
underage soldiers
were allowed
WORLD WAR I & II people died. some Allied countries; surren-
der some of its territory to to fight
in WWI. The
orld War I (WWI) also known as surrounding countries; surrender its
the First World War, was a glob- ■ A tangle of alliances made between African colonies; and limit the size of youngest
al war centered in Europe that countries, to maintain a balance power its military.
BEGAN ONJULY 28, 1914, AND LASTED in Europe, which brought about the
was a British
UNTIL NOVEMBER, 11, 1918. The war last- scale of the conflict. WORLD WAR II (WWII), also known as the boy named WASHING SODA
ed exactly four years, three months and ■ The Bosnian Crisis where Austria- Second World War, was a global war Sidney Lewis

which took place BETWEEN 1939 AND who was just 12 years old
14 days. Before World War II began in Hungary took over the former Turkish odium carbonate is the
1939, World War I was called the Great province of Bosnia in 1909 angering 1945. Most of the world’s countries, but lied about his age to chemical name for soda
Serbia. including all of the great powers, ash and washing soda.
■ Countries were building their mili- fought as part of two military alliances: join the forces The principal applications of
tary forces, arms and battleships. the Allies and the Axis. ■ During WWII, hamburg- sodium carbonate are in the
■ Countries wanted to regain lost terri- WHAT CAUSED WORLD WAR II ers in the US were called manufacture of glass and the
tories from previous conflicts and build It was caused by the Treaty of ‘Liberty Steaks’ production of chemicals. It is
empires. Versailles. Adolf Hitler was able to con- also used in processing wood
■ The Moroccan Crisis where Germans vince German people to give him the
to avoid the pulp to make paper, in making
were protesting in 1911 against the power to improve conditions in German soaps and detergents, in
French possession of Morocco. Germany and restore the country’s name refining aluminum, in water
In 1919, The Treaty of Versailles strength and dignity. HE VOWED TO softening, and in removing
officially ended the WWI. The Treaty TEAR UP THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES. grease stains from clothes.

It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
The young PICO PRIDE effec-

Get Up, Get Fit, Get Moving Young Pico Pride tively used constructing tools to
their knowledge and visualizing
one’s understanding. It was an
amazing opportunity for them to

he students of Primary The students enjoyed utiliz- gain confidence through expo-

iamond Jubilee High School section of N.L Dalmia ing the technology tools, in- sure. Everyone was delighted af-
for Girls, Mumbai (DJG) High School unleashed formative tools, constructive ter catching a glimpse of work
has recently ranked in the their creativity by par- tools, and communicative tools. that young learners created.
top 10 Best Girls School in ticipating in Young Pico
Mumbai and also the best State Pride, ICT Competition
Board School in Greater Mumbai to express their ideas,
from over 2500 schools, students of expand their imagina-
DJG focused on demonstrating their tion, skills and explore
prowess on the sports field during the digital platform to
the week-long Virtual Sports Meet their best creativity.
between 29th August and 3rd Sep- The competition in-
tember 2021. spired the young learn-
The consequences of COVID-19 ers to create their Mas-
on sport and active living were dis- terpiece in Comix strip.
astrous. Considering all of this, DJG, The students created
managed by Aga Khan Education their own Interactive
Service, India (AKESI), which ranks Stories and Games with
amongst the country’s most re- Animation.
spected education and early child-
hood education brands, held a week-
long celebration to encourage its stu-
dents to be fit and healthy.
This was done on National
Sports Day, which is the birth an-
niversary of Major Dhyan Chand,
widely regarded as the greatest
hockey player of all time.
To commemorate and celebrate
this special day, students were en-
gaged in fitness activities, including
indoor and outdoor games, while ad-
hering to the COVID-19 social dis-
tancing and safety protocols.
The idea of a Virtual Sports Meet
was conceived by the teachers, and
realistic games were devised to en-
gage students. Each class was assigned
fun, age-appropriate games that could
be played over a suitable online plat-
This also resulted in families spend-
ing quality time together.
Mrs. Shahana Khan [a parent],
ing way, while also contributing to our
mental and physical health.”
Dr. Mohd Iqbal Shaikh, a former
form. Students were provided with in- stated, “While our kids celebrated Na- athlete and Western India’s boxing avion Babu, grade 8, student of Euro
formative videos for each event. tional Sports Day virtually, we (par- gold medallist in 1984, was very ap- School North Campus- Yelahanka, has
The students then chose their ents) were also equally involved in fun preciative saying, “My daughter, Saifa, once again brought laurels to the school
events and registered themselves on- exercises like skipping and jogging. I participated in the virtual activities by winning the silver medal in the Na-
line. Next, the teachers scheduled and was overjoyed that the school taught for her school, and as much fun as it tional MTB Cycling Championship. The cham-
facilitated online sessions for classes children the value of sports and the was to engage in various activities pionship was organised at Pune on 30 and 31st
1 to 10 during the Sports Meet. importance of living a healthy with my daughter, I also found it very October, where Savion represented Karnataka
The virtual activities included lifestyle.” helpful for her in terms of physical State. He stood second among 40 participants
yoga, a sports quiz, an online chess Saifa Shaikh from Class 9 student health and interaction. As someone who cycled for 10 km to win this race.
competition and a discussion on ca- added, “We all had a good time par- who has spent the majority of my life Savion Babu won the silver medal by grab-
reers in sport. The students also par- ticipating in various activities, such dedicated to sports such as boxing, vol- bing 5th place at the National MTB Cycling
ticipated in their favourite physical as poster-making, cycling, rope-skip- leyball, and various martial arts, I find Championship held recently. After winning mul-
activities with their families, such as ping, running, and playing sports, and it heartening to learn that the impor- tiple events under the International Time Trial
skipping, skating, gymming, cycling, in sharing our experiences. We had tance of sports is being promoted in followed by the under-14 category, Savion got
and freehand exercises. The students the opportunity to spend quality time the lives of children in school, even qualified for the upcoming National Champi-
created posters to raise awareness. with our families in a fun and engag- while in distance learning mode.” onship held in Pune on 30th and 31st October,
where he represented the Karnataka State.
Elated on receiving the silver medal, Savion,

Parisian roller-coasters
said, “The pressure to perform well at the na-
tional championship was there. I practised hard
to win this championship. I am grateful for all
the support I received from my coach, parents

and my school. Without their encouragement,
y family and I visited experienced. They started by it was not that easy for me to bring this medal
Disneyland Paris about Maitreyee leading us through a dusty, cob- home.”
two summers ago. It with her webbed corridor. We then made Delighted with Savion’s achievement, Van- State MTB Cycling Championship is organ-
parents and dana Gupta, principal EuroSchool, North Cam- ised by the Cycling Federation of India (CFI), an
was so exciting! We had reached our way to the elevator, the
brother at pus- Yelahanka, said, “We are delighted to an- organization that is a pioneer in the promotion
the hotel late in the evening, but Paris,
actual ride. We sat in seats, nounce that our student Savion Babu has made of cycling sports in India affiliated to the Indian
I was up at the crack of dawn. I Disneyland buckled in our seatbelts and all of us proud through his achievement. I am Olympic Association (IOA), Asian Cycling Con-
was so raring to go that I got held on to our bags (a helpful tip sure he will be an inspiration to other students federation (ACC) and Union Cycliste Interna-
everyone to reach before the from the teens!). And then we who will follow in his footsteps. Students like tional (UCI). This is the sole body recognised by
Savion are a manifestation of our mission at Eu- the Ministry of youth affairs and sports, Govt.
park even opened. We started fell. Imagine being trapped in an roSchool -we nurture our children and help them of India for the promotion of the sport of cycling
off on the 'Hyperspace moun- elevator and then just falling. discover their true passion.” in India.
tain' ride. Well, it was just a start The elevator lurches to a stop.
for my brother and I, while my This continued and at one point,
parents decided to call it a day
after just the first roller-coaster.
we got the top (and most
breath-taking) view of Is Cinderella a tale for the 21st century?
They went to the parade and we Disneyland. The ride ended

ll of us have grown up reading the story of
made our way to 'Big Thunder immediately after.
Cinderella. And chances are, we have also
Mountain'. This roller-coaster My brother and I now got
romanticised certain elements of the story.
was based in the 'Old West' left them there to go on the Terror'. My brother joined me as back to our parents, and we
But I want to ask you - is Cinderella a suitable bed-
theme, complete with cacti and 'Indiana Jones: Temple of Peril'. my parents explored more food ended the day with the 'It's a
time story in this day and age? The seemingly
canyons. At this point my broth- It was exactly like it sounded. stalls. I tried, but they absolute- small world' boat ride. I
harmless tale of ‘Cinderella’ seduces us with its
er and I decid- Torches burnt with fire as we ly refused to get on another tossed my coin in the well, I
magical elements (fairy godmother, pumpkin car-
ed to check on beheld half-broken rollercoaster. So the two of us wished for the day to never
riages et al.) while transmitting sexist values to
my parents. tracks. waited in line for over two end! I'll always cherish these
young impressionable children - an act that has
We found them And then hours, where we met some very memories and look forward to
wider sociological ramifications.
at a café, eating came the best nice teenagers and chatted the day we return.
The story ‘Cinderella’ presents a parochial view
candy floss and part. The away till it was time. The ride
MAITREYEE GANGAL, class IX, of women. It perpetuates the notion that women’s
cheese fries. We 'Tower of was unlike anything I have ever
Vidya Valley, Pune rescue from miserable suffering is contingent on
fate, a prince and wedlock. Cinderella is an arche-
type of virtuous suffering- a docile woman who
accepts the abuse and mistreatment meted out to
Climate change: Greatest threat in history her without a question.
The love at first sight narrative reflects that the

limate change is not a disaster in waiting, unfortu- prince is attracted to Cinderella only because of
he biggest threat to humans will always be humans them-
nately it’s a phenomenon already alive and kicking. her physical beauty. He doesn’t even know her
selves. We cause all the pollution, which causes climate
The point of no return has already been crossed and name; hence he resorts to finding her using the
change, and global warming. We could’ve prevented this
if the global population can mindfully react to this situation, glass slipper. This detail symbolises that she is not
dreadful situation if we hadn’t been too careless and selfish.
it could buy us more time to sustain mankind, rather an individual to him; only a beautiful, petite woman
According to research, the three deadliest threats to
than accelerate the freefall to Armageddon. with her dazzling dress and sparkly glass slippers.
human civilisation are: ecological, technological,
Increased greenhouse emissions have Young girls are taught to tend to their bodies to
and extraterrestrial. Ecological threat refers to
resulted in global warming thereby precip- become attractive and hence, easily marketable to
the adverse effects of climate change. As
itating in increased sea levels, unsea- land their prince. It is quite disturbing how the rary literature and evaluate whether these stories
mentioned earlier, these are due to humans’
sonal cyclones, storms and weather prince chooses Cinderella from a swarm of girls and keep up with the times. Women are no longer vic-
irresponsibility. Technological threat means
disruption. women. This is a reflection of the time when women tims of their circumstances. We don’t have to cling
extreme advancement of
We are knee deep into were actually considered a property of men and to men for survival and success. As Pei-Ti Feng
FOR this problem, the only way
Artificial Intelligence.
This is also due to the
AGAINST were treated like chattel. wrote in their essay, ‘Cinderella: A Tale that
forward is up. All countries need to The reasons why the rags-to-riches story of Promotes Sexist Values’ : ‘Today we need not be
upgrades humans provide for these sys-
commit to the clauses in UN Climate Cinderella gained currency in the past is twofold. In Cinderella - we can be the Prince!’
tems. Lastly, extraterrestrial threat is the
Change policy & Paris accord to start 1697, when the Frenchman Perrault first wrote Although, it should be noted that Disney is mov-
aftermath of poor relations with beings out-
with. Cutting down on pollutants from fos- Cinderella (originally ‘Cendrillon’), there wasn’t an ing away from stereotypes and has made many
side the earth’s surface. This may directly, or
sil fuels, air pollution from vehicles and equal distribution of wealth in the society. The situ- movies with strong role models that girls look up to.
indirectly, be caused by humans as well.
switching to natural renewable sources could be ation was further exacerbated as women were con- Moana, Mulan, Merida from ‘Brave’, Elsa and Belle
To conclude, all these major issues start with a
a way forward. sidered inferior to men and were debarred from are a few examples of fearless and ambitious char-
similar pattern; that being humans are at the core of these
Every individual must do his bit to being independent. Holy matrimony into a rich acters who didn’t need men to achieve their dreams.
problems. We cause our own doom. Climate
alienate this problem by saving energy at household was their only escape from the shackles We must stop reading patriarchal tales
change could’ve been prevented — or at
home, vehicle pooling, focusing more on of poverty. This troupe is largely irrelevant in to children and instead narrate stories
least accelerated slower — if we hadn’t
recycling and reuse and preserving nature today’s world where women can get educated, be with inspirational and determined pro-
been so reckless.
financially independent and live life on their own tagonists.
ISHIKA RAHUL, class IX, Pawar ISHA KULKARNI, class IX, Vidya terms. Tejashree Sonawane, St. Xavier’s
Public School - Amanora, Pune Valley School, Pune We need to scrutinise traditional and contempo- College, Mumbai
My philosophy is to not be scared of anyone. If I play well, great;
if I don’t, I learn from the match and move.
Saina Nehwal, Indian badminton player WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2021


Team will rely on X-factor players to upstage NZ in likely

high-scoring first semifinal
itle favourites but injury- Adil Rashid will be massive as they will

hit England will bank on
their X-Factor players to
QUICK FACTS aim to provide the wickets in the power-
play and middle overs.
upstage a remarkably con- ❖ England and New Zealand will lock
sistent New Zealand in the
first semifinal of the T20
horns for the first time in an ICC NZ LOOK SET FOR
knockout game since the 2019 ODI
World Cup in Abu Dhabi,
on Wednesday. England were the pre-tour- World Cup final. FINALS
nament favourites and played like one for Players will also have the 2019 ODI World
the majority of the Super 12 stage. How-
❖ England eye a third final of the ICC Cup final at the back of their minds where
ever, their loss in the final group game to men’s T20 World Cup, both teams could only be separated by a
South Africa showed that they were not ❖ New Zealand will be aiming for the boundary countback rule. Since then, New
an invincible outfit. The absence of Jason Zealand have displayed that they are not
Roy, who suffered a calf injury against the
finals slot of the T20 World for the just a very consistent team in ICC events,
Proteas, is a big blow to the team heading first time since the inception of the they can also go all the way with their tri-
into the semifinals. Roy and Jos Buttler event in 2007. umph in the World Test Championship fi-
made arguably the most destructive open- nal. The “nice guys” of world cricket look
❖ In case semi-final games are tied, a
ing pairing of the tournament. good to finish first in this competition too.
Ish Sodhi With Roy ruled out of World Cup, Super Over will be played and if that New Zealand have been arguably the
there is a strong possibility that Jonny also doesn’t help in deciding the win- best bowling unit in the tournament, re-
Bairstow will be promoted to bat along- ner then another Super Over shall be stricting India to 110. Even a dangerous side
side Buttler, who will be expected to play staged until there is a clear winner. like Afghanistan could only muster 125
another match-winning knock on Wednes- against them. The seasoned new ball duo of
day. Sam Billings is likely to come into ❖ As per ICC, after a tie, if weather Trent Boult and Tim Southee has been very
the team and bat in the middle order. A conditions prevent the Super Over hard to put away as they both have been im-
big positive is that most of the batters maculate with their line and lengths. Lock- Jos Buttler
from being completed, or if the match
have spent valuable time in the middle ie Ferguson’s unavailability could have eas-
going into the knockout game. is abandoned or it is a no result, then ily disturbed their plans but Adam Milne
the side that finished first in its Super has proved to an able replacement. Both the
12s Group will progress to play the spinners, Ish Sodhi and Mitchell Santner,
BOWLING CONCERNS summit clash. too have been impressive. Sodhi has pro-
FOR ENG ❖ The 2019 ODI World Cup final wit-
vided wickets in the middle overs which has
not allowed the opposition to break free.
However, concerns have emerged in the nessed a first-ever Super Over in New Zealand’s batters have also made
bowling department after Tymal Mills was which England defeated New Zealand an impact during the course of the tour-
ruled out of the tournament with a thigh nament. Opener Martin Guptill has been
to lift their maiden title on the basis
injury. Mills was doing a brilliant job in their leading run getter with his partner
the death overs but now, it will be one area of boundary countback rule at the Daryl Mitchell also in decent form. Skip-
that the opponents would look to exploit. Lord’s Cricket Ground. per Kane Williamson got runs in the last
Mark Wood, who has the pace but not ❖ In the Super Over, both teams man- game and will be itching to make anoth-
the variations of Mills, was the most ex- er memorable contribution in the all im-
pensive bowler against South Africa. Eng- aged to score 15 runs each but portant semifinal.
land would be hoping it was just one bad England was announced as the winner Abu Dhabi has had the best batting
day in the office for their pacers as all of as they had hit more boundaries in the surface across the three venues of the
them leaked runs. allotted overs. showpiece, so one can expect a high scor- Photo: GETTY IMAGES

The role of spinners Moeen Ali and ing affair. PTI



ndia’s Rahi Sarnobat and
Manu Bhaker qualified
for the finals in the
women’s 25m pistol event on
He is ready and waiting in wings, says outgoing coach Ravi Shastri competition day five of the
ongoing International Shoot-

avi Shastri, who completed He, in fact, welcomed the idea of Rohit a bad thing because of the bubble and so ing Sport Federation (ISSF)
his highly eventful tenure as leading in shorter formats and Kohli cap- much cricket being played, the players President’s Cup in Wroclaw,
India’s head coach, feels that taining in Tests. need to be rotated around and given the Poland..
Rohit Sharma is “ready and “I think multiple captains is not such space they need to spend some time with Both the Olympians shot
capable” to take over the T20 their families and see their parents. identical scores of 583 in qual-
captaincy from Virat Kohli and sharing EMOTIONAL, BUT LEAVING “When a guy doesn’t go home for six ification, but Rahi took fourth
the leadership burden isn’t such a bad months he might have his family with place ahead of Manu’s fifth
idea in a post COVID-19 world. Rohit, who TEAM IN A BETTER STATE him but you have parents and other fam- on higher inner 10s. The
will be taking over T20 captain- ily and if you don’t get a chance to see eight-shooter final is sched-
Ravi Shastri did admit that he
cy from the New Zealand se- them, it’s not easy at all, so I think it’s uled on Wednesday.
ries, is also being tipped to was indeed feeling “very not such a bad thing,” he opined. It was triple delight for
lead India in the 2023 ODI emotional” having been Shastri is convinced that despite their Bhaker as she also qualified Manu Bhaker
World Cup and the formal part of this set-up for indifferent performance in this edition for the gold medal match in
announcement in that re- of T20 World Cup, India will continue to the 25m rapid fire mixed team of Xiao Jiaruixuan and
gard may happen sooner
close to six and half be a very strong T20 team in near future. Pistol event, assuring her of Peeter Olesk to make the gold
than later. years. Asked if he feel “...and as far as T20 team goes, we at least a silver to add to the medal round. That final will
“I think in Rohit, you that there’s anything miss- will always have a strong team. We might gold she won with Iran’s also take place on Wednesday.
have got a very capable guy. ing? the straight-talking not have won this T20 World Cup but go- Javad Foroughi in the 10m air The inaugural ISSF Pres-
He has won so many IPLs, he ing forward, we will have a very strong pistol mixed team event. ident’s Cup is a rechristened
is the vice-captain of the team,
outgoing head coach said, “I team, because IPL throws a lot of young Bhaker partnered version of the ISSF World
he is ready in the wings to take don’t look at missing parts. When players into the mix and Rahul (Dravid) Turkey’s Ozgur Varlik to first Cup Finals, where the year’s
that job,” Shastri said, making it clear I took over there were 10 missing will have his own ideas on how to take make the second qualifica- top 12 shooters by world rank-
that at this point, no other candidate parts. Now there are only two.” this team forward. I see this still to be a tion stage of eight pairs and ing are invited to determine
is being looked as a potential leader. very good team.” PTI then finished second to the the best individual athletes
Chinese/Estonian combine of the year. PTI
Photo: PTI

Q U IZ T IM E ! Q3: Who holds the current

record for most wickets in
all the Cricket World Cup
Q6: What nickname was Rahul
Dravid given in the
cricket world?
Which country houses the
“International Tennis Hall of
c) Joe Frazier
d) James Toney

a) Canada

Q1: Who was adjudged the

“Player Of The Match” in the
a) Mitchell Starc
a) The Brick b) Master Blaster
c) Captain Cool d) The Wall
b) England
c) United States of America
Q10: Who was the first
wrestler from
independent India to win an
T20I played between India and b) Glenn McGrath
d) Australia
Afghanistan recently? c) Mohammed Shami
individual medal in wrestling in
a) Virat Kohli the Olympics?
d) Zaheer Khan
b) Hardik Pandya
c) Rashid Khan
Q8: Which professional boxer
is nicknamed the
“Hurricane Hank”?
a) K.D. Jadhav
b) Sushil Kumar
d) Rohit Sharma
Q4: Which Summer Olympics
was the only one to have
featured cricket?
Dravid a) George Foreman
b) Jack Jackson
c) Dara Singh
d) Vijender Singh

Q2: Which is the highest

partnership in all the
Cricket World Cup tournaments?
a) 1900 b) 1908 c) 1912 d) 1896
c) Henry Armstrong
d) Jack Dempsey
ANSWERS: 1. d. Rohit Sharma
2. c. Chris Gayle and Marlon Samuels
3. b. Glenn McGrath 4. a. 1900
a) Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli
b) Gautam Gambhir and Virendar Sehwag
c) Chris Gayle and Marlon Samuels
Q5: How many times has Brazil
won the FIFA Football
World Cup?
Q9: Who is the youngest boxer
to win a heavyweight title?
a) Muhammad Ali
5. b. 5 6. d. The Wall
7. c. The United States of America
8. c. Henry Armstrong 9. b. Mike Tyson
a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) 11 b) Mike Tyson 10. a. K.D. Jadhav
d) Martin Guptill and Lance Klusener

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