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Tarea # 1 Termodinámica.

Capítulo 1

1.3 Sketch possible system boundaries for studying each of the following:
a) A bicycle tire inflating
b) A kettle of water boiling
c) A household refrigerator in operation
d) A jet engine in flight
e) A hot steel billet quenching in an oil bath
f) A residential gas furnace in operation
g) A rocket launching.
1.7 A system consists of liquid water in equilibrium with a gaseous mixture of air and
water vapor. How many phases are present? Does the system consist of a pure
substance? Explain.
1.13 An object whose mass is 10 kg weighs 90 N. Determine
a) The local acceleration of gravity, in m/s²
b) The mass, in kg, and the weight, in N, of the object at a location where
1.20 Acceleration is sometimes measured in g’s, or multiples of the standard
acceleration of gravity. Determine the net upward force, in newtons, that an astronaut
whose mass is 68kg experiences if the acceleration on lift-off is 10 g’s.

1.27 A tank contains 0.3 kmol of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. The volume occupied by the
gas is 2.5 m³. Determine the mass of CO2, in kg, and specific volume on a molar basis,
in m³/kmol.
1.30 A closed system consisting of 2 kg of a gas undergoes a process during which the
relationship between pressure and specific volume is 𝑝𝑣1.3= constant. The process
begins with 𝑝1 = 1 bar, 𝑣1 =0.5 m³/kg and ends with 𝑝2 =0.25 bar. Determine the final
volume, in m³, and plot the process on a graph of pressure versus specific volume.
1.34 A manometer is attached to a tank of gas in which the pressure is greater than that
of the surroundings. The manometer liquid is mercury, with a density of 13.59 g/cm³.
The difference in mercury levels in the manometer is 2 cm. The acceleration of gravity is
g=9.81 m/s². The atmospheric pressure is 93.0 kPa. Calculate in kPa
a) the gage pressure of the gas
b) the absolute pressure of the gas
Tarea # 1 Termodinámica.
Capítulo 1

1.40 Fig. P1.40 shows a tank within a tank, each containing air. Pressure gage A is
located inside tank B and reads 1.4 bar. The U-tube manometer connected to tank B
contains mercury. Using data on the diagram, determine the absolute pressures inside
tank A and tank B, each in bars. The atmospheric pressure surrounding tank B is 101
kPa. The acceleration of gravity is g = 9.81 m/s².
Tarea # 1 Termodinámica.
Capítulo 1

1.50 Write a computer program that converts input values from English to SI units or
from SI to English units, at the discretion of the user. Include all the conversions in the
table of conversion factors located inside the front cover of this book.

1.52 Convert the following temperatures from °C to °F:

A) 21 °C, B) 0 °C, C) -50 °C, D) 300 °C, E) 100 °C, F) -273.15 °C. Convert each
temperature to the Rankine scale.

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