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PatientName GANESH KUMAR JAISWAL Age 28 Gender M

UHID APD1.0011222896853 LRN/Lab No 3291619
W/BNo/RefNo Specimen Swab

3 Collected On Received On 01/02/22 06:59 PM

Reported On 02/02/22 10:25 AM PatSerNo DEL1OPP305697

COVID-19 (SARSCoV-2 genomic) RTPCR Assay.

Target RdRp gene (SARS-CoV-2 specific RNA) NOT

Target N gene NOT


Kit used For COVID-19 : Argene SARS CoV-2 R-gene, Biomerieux, FranceNote:This Test is based
on real-time reverse transcriptase PCR technology for the qualitative detection of severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) specific RNAInterpretation:Detected (Positive)
Result for Target N gene and Target RdRp gene indicates presence of detectable levels of SARS-
CoV-2 specific RNA in patient's sample.Not Detected (Negative) Result for Target N gene and
Target RdRp gene indicates absence of detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 specific RNA in patient's
sample or levels of RNA below detection levels of the assay in patient's sample.If either of the genes
cannot be determined or will give indeterminate results, further testing maybe required using another
kit with a different primer and probe.A Not Detected (Negative) Result does not exclude the possibility
with the Infection. As per the manufacturer, the claimed limit of detection is 0.43 TCID 50/mL,
equivalent to 380 copies/mL. Lower respiratory tract specimens are more representative and are
preferred. If at a later date, suspicion of COVID-19 is strong, a fresh sample for Real Time PCR after
a gap of 2-4 days after collection of first sample maybe considered.Please contact your Physician for
necessary action to be taken and to limit the spread of infection.Clinical Correlationand Correlation
with the history of the patient is required before arriving at any conclusion. Presence of Non-Specific
interfering substances during this assay to be kept in mind. Please correlate clinically before arriving
at any conclusion.

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Pleasenotethatsamplewasreceivedasoropharyngealswabandnasopharyngealswabinviraltransportmedium. Please note
thatthereportingofthetestresultisbasedonprocessing,analysisandinterpretationonthesamplewhich hasbeenreceivedin
Microbiology laboratory.
Printed on : 02/02/22 10:25 AM
****End Of Result****

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