Unit Assignment: Polynomial Functions: Mhf4U Eshum Mateen

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Unit Assignment: Polynomial Functions

Eshum Mateen
Question 1:

Without graphing, answer the following questions for each of the functions below:

1. What are the end behaviours of this type of function (what quadrant does it begin and end in?)
2. What is the maximum and minimum number of x-intercepts for this type of function?
3. What is the maximum and minimum number of turns for this type of function?
4. State if there are any restrictions on the domain and range on this type of function.

Function End Behaviours Max # Min # Max # Min # Restrictions

of x-int of x-int of turns of turns
3 2
f ( x )=3 x −k x −6 x +8 Starts in the 3rd 3 1 2 0 No restrictions
quadrant and
ends in the 1st
4 3
f ( x )=−x −6 x −kx−24 Starts in the 2nd 4 0 3 1 No restrictions
quadrant and
ends in the 4th
5 4 3
f ( x )=x −k x −21 x +72 Starts in the 3rd 5 1 4 0 No restrictions
quadrant and
ends in the 1st

Question 2:

Using the graphs provided, determine the equation for the polynomial function being represented.
Show all of your work.

b. f ( x )=a ( x +3 )2 ( x−2 )2 a. f ( x )=a ( x + 4 )2 ( x−1 )3

2 2 2 3
36=a ( 0+3 ) ( 0−2 ) −2=a ( 0+4 ) ( 0−1 )

36=a( 9)( 4) −2=a ( 16 ) (−1 )

36=36 a −2=−16 a
a=1 1
f ( x)= ( x +3 )2 ( x−2 )2
1 2 3
f ( x )= ( x + 4 ) ( x−1 )
Question 3:

x f(x) 1st Difference 2nd Difference 3rd Difference

1 36 -36 4 6
2 0 -32 10 6
3 -32 -22 16 6
4 -54 -6 22
5 -60 16
6 -44
3 2
f ( x )=a x +b x +cx +d

1. a+ b+c +d=36
2. 8 a+ 4 b+ 2 c+ d=0
3. 27 a+ 9 b+3 c +d=−32
4. 64 a+16 b+ 4 c +d=−54

8 a+ 4 b+ 2 c+ d=0 - a+ b+c +d=36

=7 a+3 b +c=−36
27 a+ 9 b+3 c +d=−32 - a+ b+c +d=36
=26 a+ 8 b+2 c=−68
64 a+16 b+ 4 c +d=−5 4 - 8 a+ 4 b+ 2 c+ d=0
=56 a+12 b+2 c=−54

56 a+12 b+2 c=−5 4 - 26 a+ 8 b+2 c=−68

=30 a+ 4 b=14 /2 =15 a+2 b=7
26 a+8 b+2 c=−6 8 – 2 (7 a+3 b +c=−36 )
26 a+8 b+2 c=−6 8 – 14a+ 6 b+2 c=−72
=12 a+2 b=4

15 a+2 b=7 - 12 a+2 b=4

12(1)+ 2b=4
3 2
The formula of the function is f ( x )=x −4 x −31 x+70
Question 4:

Determine if the following polynomial functions have even or odd symmetry, or neither. Justify your

b. f ( x )=−x 3 +8 x +12 a. f ( x )=3 x 4 −7 x 8

f (−x )=−(−x ) + 8(−x)+12 f (−x )=3¿
f ( x )=x −8 x +12 f ( x )=3 x 4 −7 x 8
f ( x ) ≠ f (−x ) f ( x )=f (−x )
f (−x ) ≠−f ( x )
The function has neither even nor odd The function has even symmetry.

4 x3 + x 1 5 1 3
c. f ( x )= d. f ( x )= x + x
2 2 3
f (−x )=4 ¿ ¿ 1 5 1
f (−x )= (−x) + ¿
−4 x 3−x 2 3
f −x = ) −1 5 1 3
2 f (−x )= x− x
f (−x )=−¿) 2 3
1 1
f (−x )=−f ( x ) f (−x )=−( x 5+ x3 )
2 3
The function has odd symmetry.
f (−x )=−f ( x )

Question 5:

Factor each of these polynomial functions completely. Show all of your work.

f ( x )=x 3−4 x 2 +5 x −2 f ( x )=−5 x 3−3 x 2 +12 x−4

f ( 1 ) =(1)3−4 (1)2+5 (1)−2 f ( x )=−5(1)3 −3(1)2+12(1)−4
f ( 1 ) =0 f ( 1 ) =0
(x-1) x 3−4 x 2+5 x−2
÷ (x-1) ÷ −5 x 3−3 x 2+12 x−4
= x 2−3 x+ 2 = −5 x 2−8 x+ 4
f(x)=(x-1)(x-2)(x-1) f(x)=(x-1)(-5x+2)(x+2)

f ( x )=5 x 4 −27 x3 +50 x 2−3 6 x +8

4 3 2
f ( x )=5 (1) −27( 1) +50(1) −36(1)+8
f ( 1 ) =0
(x-1) ÷ 5 x −27 x 3 +50 x 2−36 x+ 8

= 5 x 3−22 x 2 +28 x−8

Question 6:

V= π r2h 6 ± √ −6 −4 ( 1 ) (−7 ) h=(r-6)2


h=(r-6)2 r=
2 (1) h=(7-6)2
49 π = π r2(r-6)2
49= r2(r-6)2 6±8 h=1
49= (r(r-6))2 2
sqrt49= sqrt(r2-6r)2 =-1 (not a real number) Therefore, the radius is 7cm
7= r2-6r =7 and the height is 1cm.
0= r2-6r-7

Question 7:

Due to the situation, there should be no negative

numbers. Also, the question asks for the thickness of ice
during the span of 7 days. Therefore, I have set the
domain to {d | 0 ≤ d ≤ 7, dϵ R}, and range to
{T | 8.5 ≤ T ≤ 14.8, Tϵ R }.

The warmest day of the week occurred on the 7 th day.

The coordinates of this point are (7, 8.5). With the y axis
indicating the ice's thickness, the ice was 8.5 cm thick on
this day, smaller than the previous days.

The average rate of change can be determined using two

points, (7,8.5) and (6,10).

m=−1.5 cm per day
The instantaneous rate of change can be
calculated using two points that are close together, (7, 8.5) and (6.999, 8.5023).

6 .999−7
m=−2.3 cm per day

The rates are different since both rates were calculated using a different second point. The average rate
was taken from a further point, whereas the instantaneous rate was taken from a point very close. We
can see a big difference in the numbers, -1.5 cm from the average and -2.3 cm from the instantaneous.
The instantaneous rate of change is more accurate than the average.

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