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Physics Lab

Spring Constant
Divyanshu Jog
Abstract: To find the spring constant of a given spring, using Hooke’s
law and simple harmonic motion.
Divyanshu Jog
IB-Physics HL

Physics Lab-4: Spring Constant

Aim: To find the spring constant of a given spring, using Hooke’s law and simple
harmonic motion.

1. Spring
2. Standard masses
3. Stopwatch
4. Meter rule
5. String
6. Clamp stand

1. Independent: Standard Masses
2. Dependant: extension of spring, time for 10 oscillations
3. Controlled: spring used, apparatus, environmental conditions

Raw data:

Hooke’s Law:
Table 1: Showing the values recorded during Trial 1
Mass (kg) Initial Length (cm)±0.05 Final Length (cm)±0.05
0.1 19.8 24.6
0.1 19.8 24.7
0.1 19.8 24.7
0.1 19.8 24.8
0.1 19.8 24.8

Table 2: Showing the values recorded during Trial 2

Mass (kg) Initial Length (cm)±0.05 Final Length (cm)±0.05
0.15 19.8 27.8
0.15 19.8 27.8
0.15 19.8 27.8
0.15 19.8 27.9
0.15 19.8 27.9

Table 3: Showing the values recorded during Trial 3

Mass (kg) Initial Length (cm)±0.05 Final Length (cm)±0.05
0.2 19.9 31.6
0.2 19.9 31.6
0.2 19.9 31.6
0.2 19.9 31.7
0.2 19.9 31.8

Divyanshu Jog
IB-Physics HL

Table 4: Showing the values recorded during Trial 4

Mass (kg) Initial Length (cm)±0.05 Final Length (cm)±0.05
0.25 19.9 34.3
0.25 19.9 34.4
0.25 19.9 34.4
0.25 19.9 34.4
0.25 19.9 34.5

Table 5: Showing the values recorded during Trial 5

Mass (kg) Initial Length (cm)±0.05 Final Length (cm)±0.05
0.3 20.1 38.1
0.3 20.1 38.1
0.3 20.1 38.1
0.3 20.1 38.2
0.3 20.1 38.2

Simple Harmonic Motion:

Table 6: Showing the values recorded during Trial 6

Mass (kg) Time taken for 10 Oscillations (s) ±0.01
0.1 5.62
0.1 6.06
0.1 5.72
0.1 5.94
0.1 5.91

Table 7: Showing the values recorded during Trial 7

Mass (kg) Time taken for 10 Oscillations (s) ±0.01
0.15 6.94
0.15 6.84
0.15 6.84
0.15 6.85
0.15 6.92

Table 8: Showing the values recorded during Trial 8

Mass (kg) Time taken for 10 Oscillations (s) ±0.01
0.2 7.62
0.2 7.82
0.2 7.72
0.2 7.72
0.2 7.87

Table 9: Showing the values recorded during Trial 9

Mass (kg) Time taken for 10 Oscillations (s) ±0.01
0.25 8.50
0.25 8.53
0.25 8.68
0.25 8.54
0.25 8.50

Divyanshu Jog
IB-Physics HL

Table 10: Showing the values recorded during Trial 10

Mass (kg) Time taken for 10 Oscillations (s) ±0.01
0.3 9.34
0.3 9.23
0.3 9.28
0.3 9.38
0.3 9.44

Processed Data and Graphical Analysis:

Method 1 (Hooke’s law):
Force=mass × acceleration due to gravity
(As the masses move freely under the action of gravity, the value of acceleration
acting on the mass can be taken as equal to the value of acceleration due to gravity)
Assumed value of acceleration due to gravity=9.8ms-2

Table 11: Showing the mass, the average extension of the string and the force
Mass (kg ±0.01) Average Extension Force (N ±0.01)
0.00 0 0

0.1 4.92 0.98

0.15 8.04 1.47

0.2 11.76 1.96

0.25 14.50 2.45

0.3 18.04 2.94

Extension Vs Force Graph


3 2.94
FORCE (mass ×
2.5 2.45 acceleration due to
gravity) (N ±0.01)
2 1.96 Linear (FORCE (mass
× acceleration due to
1.5 1.47 gravity) (N ±0.01))
1 0.98


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Graph 1: Graph showing the relation between Extension and Force

Divyanshu Jog
IB-Physics HL

(Though the error bars have been put, they are too small as compared to the tabulated in
value to be viewed on the graph)

Hooke’s law states that:

k=spring constant
x=extension of spring

As the graph is an extension versus force graph, the slope of the graph gives the value
of k i.e. the spring constant.
From the graph, the slope is found to be

Method 2-A (simple Harmonic Motion):

Table 12: Showing the mass, average time for 10 and the 1 oscillation.
Mass (kg) Average Time for 10 Average Time for 1
Oscillations (s ±0.01) Oscillation (s±0.01)
0.1 5.85 0.59

0.15 6.88 0.69

0.2 7.75 0.78

0.25 8.55 0.86

0.3 9.33 0.93

We know that:
T =2 p
√ k
Thus we have:
4 p2 m
k= 2

Table 13: Showing the mass, time period and calculated spring constant.
Mass (kg) Time Period (s) ±0.01 Spring Constant (N/cm)
0.1 0.59 11.34
0.15 0.69 12.43
0.2 0.78 12.97
0.25 0.86 13.34
0.3 0.93 13.69

Average value of spring constant=12.8

We see a discrepancy in the values of the spring constants in both the described cases.
But, this should not occur, thus another method may be applied.

Divyanshu Jog
IB-Physics HL

Method 2-B (simple Harmonic Motion):

We know that:
T =2 p
√ k
4p m
k= 2
T 2= m

It is hence possible to find the value of the spring constant (k) by plotting a graph of

T2 versus mass and calculating the slope and making use of this value in further


(this is more accurate as mass which is an independent variable is being used for


Time period Vs Mass Graph

0.9 0.93
0.8 0.78
0.7 0.69 TIME PERIOD (s)
0.6 0.59 ±0.01
Linear (TIME
0.4 PERIOD (s)
0.3 ±0.01)
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

Graph 2: Showing the relation between square of time period and mass of the spring.

(Though the error bars have been put, they are too small as compared to the tabulated in
value to be viewed on the graph)

From the graph, the slope is found to be

Thus 4 . 67 = 8.45N/cm
The average of the values for the spring constant calculated using all three methods is
found to be

1. The final value of the spring constant was found to be

Divyanshu Jog
IB-Physics HL

2. Since the values obtained were not exactly the same in all three cases, it is safe to
say that there was some sort of error.
3. Uncertainties in the values could have been present but it is not feasible to
calculate all the errors as the masses given were standard masses and hence cannot
be wrong.
4. We see that the force versus extension graph is not in proportion, i.e., does not
pass through the origin of the graph and as it theoretically should be a linear graph
passing through the origin, we see that some error is present.

Sources of error:
1. There could have been random human error in terms of noting and recording te
2. There would have been a certain amount of parallax error as well while measuring
the extension of the spring.
3. The stop clock may not have been stopped at the exact moment at which the tenth
oscillation was completed.
4. While using the simple harmonic motion method, the mass of the spring was
ignored while calculating the total mass, this could have given a different value to
the slope.
5. While calculating the force generated in the hookes law method, the value for
friction at the point of attachment of the spring was neglected.
6. It is also possible that the spring did not move exactly vertically downward while
performing the oscillations and this change in the angle may have lead to some
changes in recorded values.
7. Also, the permanent extension of the spring itself could not have been measured
after each trial, as the least count of the meter rule was not small enough to do so.
8. It is not possible to isolate the spring from all forces other than the weight of the
standard masses and these unknown forces could also have been a source of error.

1. A larger number of trials could have been conducted in order to mitigate human
error and obtain a larger set of values to calculate the mean from and hence obtain
more accurate values.
2. A larger number of significant figures could have been taken into consideration in
order to calculate the values and hence obtain more accurate results.
3. The experiment could have been carried out in pairs with one person holding the
stop clock in order to record a more exact time period.
4. The value for friction at the point of contact and the mass of the spring itself could
have been taken into account while collecting and processing the data.
5. Different numbers of oscillations could have been used in order to reduce errors.
6. The exact value of the spring constant could have been found out and the error
7. Different springs of the same mass and material could have been used to check
whether this has any impact on the value of the spring constant.


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