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Using PACADI approach

By Yogesh Sachdeva (BDA_02)

 PROBLEM – Although Mr. Mohan Dixit is in higher management of

EuroMotoCorpPvt. Ltd. but the problem statement in this case revolves
around his poor managerial skills which can be further can be divided into
below issues: -

 Unable to delegate work efficiently

 Poor work life Balance
 Taking too many responsibilities
 Lack of Emotional Quotient Skills
 Poor time management skills

 ALTERNATIVES – Below are the alternatives which can use used to

resolve the above stated problems: -

 Yoga and Meditation for better stress management

 Learn to say No to some of the allotted tasks
 Consulting a doctor
 Maintaining a Journal


 Cost and Budgeting - Cost is one of the most important factors which cannot be
neglected while evaluating alternatives. It includes costs of consulting a doctor, maintain
a journal.
 Time constraint - All the alternatives will be evaluated based on the time constraint
that is the time taken to implement each of the above-stated alternatives, this criterion is
important for evaluation as from the case we know that Mohan Dixit is already occupied
with so many responsibilities.

 EQ – Emotional Quotient can be further divided into two sub criteria which are as
follows: -
 Self-Management: This Criteria will determine how his self-management will
get improved after implementing those alternatives because as per the case He
lacks self-management skills like he is not able to spend time with his family, not
able to get some time for his hobbies and follow a routine for the workout.

 Relationship Management: This criterion will evaluate how alternatives will

impact his relationships which include the relationship with his wife as due to a
lot of work and stress, he hardly listens to his wife, also relationships with his
sub-ordinates as mentioned by Archana Sharma in her report that he is always
open to interact with his sub-ordinates, but he is worried about work and absent-
minded during those interactions.

 Career growth and performance - This Criteria will evaluate how his
performance can be impacted as to balance his professional and personal life, He might
need to say NO to some of the allotted work and reduce his responsibilities in the
organization, but this can impact his credits for performance appraisal cycle for

 Work Efficiency - If all the alternatives are implemented properly then Work
Efficiency will certainly get improved so Work Efficiency will also be criteria to evaluate

 Stress Management - One major factor that we saw in the case is that He is always
felt stressed about his work, so alternatives will also be evaluated for how his stress
management will get improved.

 Job Satisfaction - From the case, we can conclude that Mr. Dixit is a very intelligent
and hard-working person who is always ready to take up any role but he was not satisfied
with his job as even being occupied he never say no to any work only because to be in the
good books of top management and his credits for performance appraisal cycle also when
Mr. Vedant Gupta won the award, He felt that He might be in a very good space if he was
in the engineering field, so Job satisfaction is also a criteria to measure the impact of

Solution Type Cost Time EQ Career Work Stress Job

growth Efficiency Management Satisfaction
Yoga/Meditation Low Low Low Low Low High Low
to to
High High
Learn to say No Low Low Low High Low to Low to High Low to
to High High
Consulting a High Low Low Low Low Low to High Low
doctor to to
High High
Maintaining a Low High Low Low to High Low High
Journal to to High
High High

 DECISION - Based on the in-depth analysis, The best alternative to

tackle the key issue would be Mr. Mohan Dixit have to learn to say no to
some of the allotted tasks and responsibilities.

 Cost effective approach

 It can easily be implemented and doesn’t require much time to


 Less responsibilities and pressure on the shoulder means Mr. Dixit

will having ample of time to balance his personal and professional life
which will eventually improve his self-management and relationship

 Career growth can be impacted due to this decision but at least this
decision will make top management realize that the productivity of
Mr. Dixit is getting reduced due to overburden of work and a lot of
other responsibilities in the organization which will be increase after
implementing this decision.
 Work Efficiency will certainly improve in long term as Mr. Dixit will
be able to focus more on his core work and allotted tasks that is
heading the sales and marketing unit of the organization and will be
able to establish better communication with his sub-ordinates which
will improve the work delegation also.

 This decision will make Mr. Dixit to have some time to spend with his
family, on hobbies and follow a healthy fitness routine which will
make his mind much more relaxed and eventually lower down his
stress level.

 Due less stress of work and a better relationship with his sub-ordinates
Mr. Dixit will feel more satisfied with his job and will become more
enthusiast and passionate about his work.

 IMPLEMENTATION – To implement this solution Mr. Dixit must

follow the below approach: -

 Make a list of all the allotted tasks and responsibilities that he is

currently responsible for.

 Arrange all the tasks and responsibilities in a priority list, and then
filter out those tasks and responsibilities which are more centric
towards his core work and allotted tasks and which he will be able to
manage easily while simultaneously maintaining a better work life

 For the remaining of tasks and responsibilities, some of them he can

delegate to his sub-ordinates and for the other he can convince top
management by highlighting the fact that he is having overburden of
work, which is decreasing his productivity, so that some of that work
could be possibly allotted to other responsible and hardworking
people in the organization like Mr. Vedant Gupta.

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