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FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173


What drives bacteria to produce a biofilm?

Kimberly K. Jefferson *

The Channing Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 181 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Received 26 March 2004; received in revised form 1 June 2004; accepted 3 June 2004

First published online 15 June 2004


Nearly 40 years ago, Dr. R.J. Gibbons made the first reports of the clinical relevance of what we now know as bacterial biofilms
when he published his observations of the role of polysaccharide glycocalyx formation on teeth by Streptococcus mutans [Sci. Am.
238 (1978) 86]. As the clinical relevance of bacterial biofilm formation became increasingly apparent, interest in the phenomenon
exploded. Studies are rapidly shedding light on the biomolecular pathways leading to this sessile mode of growth but many fun-
damental questions remain. The intent of this review is to consider the reasons why bacteria switch from a free-floating to a biofilm
mode of growth. The currently available wealth of data pertaining to the molecular genetics of biofilm formation in commonly
studied, clinically relevant, single-species biofilms will be discussed in an effort to decipher the motivation behind the transition from
planktonic to sessile growth in the human body. Four potential incentives behind the formation of biofilms by bacteria during
infection are considered: (1) protection from harmful conditions in the host (defense), (2) sequestration to a nutrient-rich area
(colonization), (3) utilization of cooperative benefits (community), (4) biofilms normally grow as biofilms and planktonic cultures
are an in vitro artifact (biofilms as the default mode of growth).
Ó 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biofilm; Genetics; Microbial communities

1. Introduction ticularly important and clinically relevant example of

bacterial adaptation through systematized gene expres-
Genetic adaptation is the cornerstone of fitness and sion is the ability to grow as part of a sessile, exopoly-
survival and can ensue from mutations and recombi- mer-enshrouded community referred to as a biofilm.
nation within genes, acquisition of new genetic material, Scientific interest in the process of bacterial biofilm
or from the regulated expression of existing genetic formation has erupted in recent years and studies of the
material. Flexibility in bacterial gene expression permits molecular genetics of biofilm formation have begun to
survival in environments with rapidly changing condi- shed light on the driving forces behind the transition to
tions, and bacteria, being particularly adaptable, have the biofilm mode of existence.
flourished in nearly every environmental niche on our It is now recognized that biofilm formation is an
planet. Bacterial species that are able to colonize hu- important aspect of many, if not most bacterial diseases,
mans are especially creative in their regulatory pro- including native valve endocarditis, osteomyelitis, dental
cesses. Many pathogenic and commensal bacteria are caries, middle ear infections, medical device-related in-
capable of transitioning between life in the environment fections, ocular implant infections, and chronic lung
and in the human host, and all must be able to adapt to infections in cystic fibrosis patients [2]. Established
sudden shifts in nutrient availability as well as to pri- biofilms can tolerate antimicrobial agents at concentra-
mary and secondary host immune defenses. One par- tions of 10–1000-times that needed to kill genetically
equivalent planktonic bacteria, and are also extraordi-
Tel.: +1-617-525-2680; fax: +1-617-731-1541. narily resistant to phagocytosis, making biofilms
E-mail address: extremely difficult to eradicate from living hosts [3].

0378-1097/$22.00 Ó 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
164 K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173

Consequently, biofilm-related infections that appear to quired for biofilm formation. The formation of a biofilm
respond to a therapeutic course of antibiotics may re- in turn alters the microenvironment of its own inhabit-
lapse weeks or even months later, making surgical re- ants which then leads to additional alterations in gene
moval and replacement of the infected tissue or medical expression and further maturation of the biofilm, and so
device a frequent and unfortunate necessity. on. Complicating the study of gene expression in bio-
The serious and pervasive clinical impact of bacterial films even further, biofilm inhabitants are heteroge-
biofilms has inspired many researchers to investigate the neous. Disease-related biofilms can be multi-species or
regulatory mechanisms behind their formation and dis- even multi-kingdom, such as the biofilms involved in
solution, with the ultimate goal of pinpointing specific tooth decay, or single-species such as those involved in
targets for chemotherapeutic agents. A number of target endocarditis, but even bacteria within single-species
gene-directed as well as global proteomics- and ge- biofilms are heterogeneous with respect to gene expres-
nomics-based studies have lead to the identification of a sion. This is due to diffusion limitations imparted by the
plethora of genes associated with biofilm development. biofilm, which result in local variations in pH, nutrient
Sorting out the roles of all of these genes is however, an and oxygen availability, and concentrations of bacterial
exceedingly complex task. For one thing, the regulatory metabolites. On top of all of these complications, bio-
processes of biofilm elaboration are cyclical and dy- film studies are confounded by the intrinsic limitations
namic. In other words, external conditions trigger of the in vitro biofilm models and the techniques avail-
alterations in the expression of a subset of genes re- able to study the roles of these genes.

Table 1
Genes required for biofilm formation
Gene Protein/function Species References
abpA Amylase binding S. gordonii [7]
sspA/B Human salivary protein and collagen binding S. gordonii [7]
gbpA Polysaccharide formation S. mutans [7]
tarC Regulator of glucosyltransferase S and glucan binding protein S. mutans [50]
icaADBC Intercellular adhesin synthesis S. aureus, S. epidermidis [8]
hla Hemolytic toxin S. aureus [51]
clfA Clumping factor A, fibrinogen binding protein S. aureus [52]
dltA D -alanine esterification of teichoic acids S. aureus [53]
atlE Autolysin/adhesin S. epidermidis [8]
aap Accumulation associated protein S. epidermidis [54]
bopABCD Biofilm on plastic surfaces operon Enterococcus faecalis [55]
esp Enterococcal surface protein E. faecalis [56]
agn43 Antigen protein involved aggregation E. coli [57]
Quorum sensing
comX Competence S. gordonii [58]
comABCDE Competence S. mutans [12]
luxS? Quorum sensing S. mutans [33]
lasI Synthesis of 3OC12-HSL quorum-sensing signal P. aeruginosa [35]
Cell wall
PBP2B Peptidoglycan synthesis S. gordonii [7]
PBP5 Peptidoglycan synthesis S. gordonii [7]
glmM Peptidoglycan synthesis S. gordonii [7]
bacA Peptidoglycan synthesis S. gordonii [7]
brpA Possible regulator of autolysis S. mutans [34]
ccpA Carbon catabolite control protein S. mutans [34]
crc Global carbon metabolism regulator P. aeruginosa [59]

Stress response
dgk Stress response regulator, lantibiotic regulator S. mutans [12]
rB ? Alternate sigma factor-stress response S. aureus, S. epidermidis [13,14]
purR Regulator of purine synthesis, metabolism S. epidermidis [60]
rpoS? Regulator involved in slow growth E. coli [15,18]
mutT DNA mismatch repair S. gordonii [7]
tra Conjugative pilus of F plasmid E. coli [41]
K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173 165

Despite the complications associated with the study truths become unveiled. Tables 1 and 2 present a com-
of biofilms, comparative and comprehensive analysis of pilation of genes from various clinically relevant bacte-
all of the existing data can enable one to elucidate ria that have been implicated in the biofilm mode of
congruencies and subsequently, globally significant growth. Table 1 lists genes that appear to be required for

Table 2
Gene expression UP or DOWN in biofilms with respect to planktonic cells
Gene Protein/function Regulation Species References
algC Alginate synthesis UP P. aeruginosa [6]
wcaB Colanic acid synthesis UP E. coli [5]
csgA Curli UP E. coli [61]
clfA Clumping factor/fibrinogen binding DOWN S. aureus [62]
scaA Co-aggregation DOWN S. gordonii [63]
abpA Amylase binding DOWN S. gordonii [63]
rggD Glucosyltransferase inducer UP S. gordonii [63]
int/CoA Intrageneric co-aggregation-relevant adhesin DOWN S. gordonii [63]
flpA Fibronectin-binding DOWN S. gordonii [63]
has Streptococcal hemagglutinin DOWN S. gordonii [63]
Quorum sensing
pA4296 Probable two-component response regulator DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
comD,E Competence factors UP S. mutans [64]
Cell wall
mreC Cell morphology UP P. aeruginosa [19]
dltA D -Alanine-D -Alanyl carrier DOWN S. gordonii [63]
ddl D -Alanine: D -Alanine ligase DOWN S. gordonii [63]
Stress response
rpoH Stress/stationary phase s factor UP P. aeruginosa [19]
rpoS Heat shock s factor DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
proU Transport-osmotic adaptation UP E. coli [5]
DnaK: Protein folding(heat shock) UP S. mutans [65]
Grpe: folding(heat shock) UP S. mutans [65]
60 kDa chaperonin: heat shock DOWN S. mutans [65]
htgX Putative heat shock protein DOWN S. gordonii [63]

Carbohydrate metabolism
Fructose bisphosphate aldolase DOWN S. mutans [65]
Pyruvate kinase DOWN S. mutans [65]
6-Phospho-B-galactosidase DOWN S. mutans [65]
pbg Phospho-b-glucosidase UP S. gordonii [63]
P02925 D -ribose-binding periplasmic protein UP E. coli [66]
P02927 D -galactose-binding protein UP E. coli [66]
Q6150 Malate dehydrogenase UP E. coli [66]
minicell associated protein Div IVA: cell division UP S. mutans [65]
FTSZ: septum formation UP S. mutans [65]
ATP-dependent DNA helicase RECG: DNA DOWN S. mutans [65]
H-NS: DNA binding UP E. coli [66]

PA2128 Probable fimbrial protein DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
pilA Pilin protein DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
flgD Flagellar basal-body rod modification protein DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
PA1092 Flagellin type B DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
fliD Flagellar capping protein DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
flgE Flagellar hook protein DOWN P. aeruginosa [19]
fliC Flagellar synthesis DOWN E. coli [5]
Coat protein of bacteriophage Pf1 UP P. aeruginosa [19]
Helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage Pf1 UP P. aeruginosa [19]
Probable coat protein of bacteriophage Pf1 UP P. aeruginosa [19]
166 K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173

biofilm formation (the cause genes) and Table 2 lists the

genes that are differentially regulated in an established
biofilm (the effect genes). Answers from many questions
can be extricated from trends apparent in these tables.
For example, the conspicuous presence of surface ad-
hesions in Table 1 addresses the question ‘‘How do
biofilms adhere to solid surfaces?’’. Answering such
mechanistic questions is, inarguably, critical to our un-
derstanding of the biofilm mode of growth. However,
excellent reviews dedicated to understanding the
‘‘How?’’ of biofilm formation have already been pub-
lished [2,4], and I would like to venture instead, to
address the fundamental, albeit somewhat philosophical
question ‘‘Why do bacteria form biofilms in the human

2. Why do bacteria form biofilms?

According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, the only

true driving force behind the course of action of any Fig. 1. Dr. Sean D. Taverna’s artistic interpretation of the four driving
organism is reproductive fitness. Any action that in- forces behind bacterial biofilm formation that are discussed in this
creases proliferation will endure within a species.
Therefore, when we talk about the driving force behind
biofilm formation we are asking the question ‘‘How does number of biofilm-specific characteristics including slow
the biofilm mode of growth promote survival and growth and physiologic heterogeneity of the inhabitants.
propagation of the cell?’’ It almost seems counter-intu- Another important trait that fortifies biofilm resistance
itive that the biofilm mode of growth could confer a is the sticky matrix which may contain DNA and other
reproductive fitness advantage when one considers that polymers but in general, is predominantly composed of
biofilm bacteria have a reduced rate of growth relative exopolysaccharides.
to bacteria growing planktonically in broth culture. The important role of exopolysaccharide (EPS) in
Outside of the laboratory, however, bacteria rarely, if both the early and late stages of biofilm formation is
ever, find themselves in an environment as nutrient rich exemplified by the conspicuous presence of genes in-
as culture media, and in these less-than-ideal conditions, volved in polysaccharide synthesis in Tables 1 and 2. In
there are a number of fitness advantages imparted by the Escherichia coli, csgA, which encodes a protein involved
biofilm mode of growth. This review proposes four ad- in the synthesis of colanic acid, is involved in aggrega-
vantages which are illustrated in Fig. 1. The more we tion and algC, the gene required for alginate synthesis
learn about the genetic regulation of biofilm formation, plays a role in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms [4–6].
the more we understand about the relative roles of these EPS synthesis is important in the development of gram-
benefits and about the forces that drive the switch to the positive biofilms as well. Glucan binding protein GbpA
biofilm mode of growth. is a glucosyltransferase that has been implicated in su-
crose-dependent polysaccharide production and biofilm
2.1. Defense: biofilm formation as a stress response formation in S. mutans [7]. In addition, the intercellular
adhesin locus (icaADBC) in Staphylococcus aureus and
Biofilms are resistant to physical forces such as the Staphylococcus epidermidis encodes the gene products
shear forces produced by blood flow and the washing responsible for the synthesis of a b-1-6-linked poly-N-
action of saliva. Organisms within biofilms can with- acetylglucosamine polymer called PNAG or PIA
stand nutrient deprivation, pH changes, oxygen radicals, (polysaccharide intercellular adhesin) [8]. Fig. 2 illus-
disinfectants, and antibiotics better than planktonic or- trates the important role for the exopolysaccharide
ganisms. Biofilms are also resistant to phagocytosis, and PNAG in the morphology of S. aureus biofilms. A weak
the phagocytes that attempt an assault on the biofilm PNAG-producing strain retains the simple morphology
may actually do more harm to surrounding tissues than of a young biofilm whereas a strong PNAG-producing
to the biofilm itself. The chronic nature of certain in- strain forms tight mushroom-like microcolonies sepa-
fections is inarguably due to the development of a re- rated by wide channels. In addition to its roles in ag-
silient biofilm. The invulnerability of biofilms is not gregation and biofilm structure, EPS plays a part in
completely understood but is likely dependent upon a defense, enabling biofilms to resist shear forces and
K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173 167

Fig. 2. Confocal microscopic imaging demonstrates the influence of exopolysaccharide elaboration on the structure of S. aureus biofilms. S. aureus
clinical isolate strain MN8, and the isogenic, constitutive PNAG over-producing derivative strain MN8m were allowed to form biofilms on collagen-
coated glass coverslips for 48 h under flow conditions. The biofilms were stained using the BacLight Live/Dead kit which stains live bacteria green
and dead bacteria red. These confocal images demonstrate that the level of PNAG synthesis plays a critical role in biofilm structure. MN8 formed a
somewhat unstructured biofilm, whereas the PNAG-overproducing strain MN8m formed a highly structured biofilm with dense mushroom-shaped
microcolonies separated by large channels.

phagocytosis by inflammatory cells [2]. Some evidence films are inarguably resilient, but if defense is the major
suggests that EPS may also be involved in tolerance of driving force behind the bacterial mode of growth in the
biofilms to antimicrobial agents but this is still a matter human body, then why would the bacteria form a sessile
of debate [3]. However, if the sole force driving EPS community in such an inhospitable place? In sum, it is
production and biofilm formation is resistance to dan- apparent that the stress is not the only trigger for this
gers encountered in the body, then what are the envi- mode of growth.
ronmental cues that warn bacteria that they need to
bolster their defenses? Certain bacterial species may 2.2. Colonization: biofilm formation as a mechanism to
have evolved to switch on transcription of genes re- remain in a favorable niche
quired for EPS synthesis in response to certain envi-
ronmental stimuli that are encountered upon host entry, Humans and other animals have developed intricate
before the immune system mounts a specific attack [9]. immune systems for one critical reason: microorgan-
For example, certain stimuli that mirror the physiology isms are continually trying to inhabit their bodies. The
of the human body, such as iron deprivation and body, or at least parts of it, is nutrient rich and rela-
osmotic stress, induce the expression of genes encoding tively stable with respect to water content, oxygen
proteins that synthesize EPS in staphylococci and availability, and temperature. Consequently, there is a
enterococci [10,11]. never-ending race between the development of the host
The involvement of stress response regulators in immune system and the progression of bacterial strat-
biofilm formation would support the hypothesis that the egies to evade it. In some cases, a compromise has been
motivation behind biofilm formation is defense, but the made, and as such, the body is inhabited by a large
contribution of these regulators is somewhat unclear. As number of commensals, many of which exist as bio-
indicated in Table 1, studies have implicated the stress films. As the body is obviously an appealing place for
response regulators Dgk, rB , and RpoS, of S. mutans, bacteria to live, it may be that the primary motivation
S. aureus, and E. coli (respectively) in biofilm formation for switching to the biofilm mode of growth is to re-
[12–15]. Other studies however, dispute the roles of rB main fixed.
and RpoS in biofilm formation [16–18]. In P. aeruginosa Bacteria have a number of strategies to ensure that
RpoS expression is down in biofilms but expression of they remain fixed in the human body. Bacterial surface
RpoH, a sigma factor that has been linked to the sta- proteins that bind to host extracellular matrix proteins
tionary phase and stress, is elevated [19]. The role of the such as fibronectin, fibrinogen, vitronectin, and elastin
stress response regulators may depend upon the condi- are referred to as MSCRAMMs (microbial surface
tions under which biofilm formation is triggered or upon component recognizing adhesive matrix molecules) and
the genetic background of the bacterial cell, again sug- often play a key role in initial adherence of bacteria to
gesting that what we categorize as a biofilm actually solid surfaces within the host [20]. S. aureus is partic-
represents a collection of different growth states. Bio- ularly notable for the abundance of MSCRAMMs that
168 K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173

it can produce, including clumping factors A and B phase so that when the organism finds itself in an en-
(ClfA/B), fibronectin binding factors A and B (FnBA/ vironment rich in nutrients it can occupy that niche.
B), and a collagen binding protein (Cna). S. epidermidis With all of the complex mechanisms that pathogenic
produces at least two autolysin–adhesins that bind to and commensal bacteria have evolved to survive in the
fibronectin and the fibrinogen binding protein Fbe [8]. human body, it is clear that the benefits that we afford
Streptococcus pyogenes contains genes for fibronectin them outweigh the hurdles imparted by our immune
(prtF) and fibrinogen (emm) binding proteins [20]. The systems.
oral streptococci have evolved to bind to the pellicle or
conditioning film on tooth surfaces which is composed
of salivary glycoproteins and lipids. The salivary ag- 3. Community: biofilms and communal behavior
glutinin glycoprotein binding proteins (SspA and SspB
in Streptococcus gordonii and SpaP in S. mutans), and 3.1. Are biofilms multicellular organisms?
salivary amylase binding proteins of various oral
streptococci aid in binding to the pellicle on the surface The idea that bacteria often exist within nature as
of teeth [7,21]. Flagella, pili, and fimbriae have also biofilms rather than individual, free-floating cells was
been implicated in adherence of Vibrio cholerae, E. coli, brought into wide acceptance by the ideas and intuition
P. aeruginosa, and Salmonella enterica [22]. Interest- of Dr. J. William Costerton [1]. Following the excite-
ingly, Table 2 indicates that once the biofilm is estab- ment generated by his trailblazing revolution of long-
lished, expression of a number of the adhesins and standing scientific dogma, other revolutionary
motility factors is suppressed. This suggests that the hypotheses about the nature of bacterial behavior be-
main role of adhesins, pili, and flagella is in initial gan to emerge. One such hypothesis is that biofilms
attachment, and that once the development of the should be regarded as multicellular organisms and that
biofilm has passed this stage, the proteins are no longer biofilm bacteria exhibit cooperative, unselfish behavior
needed and their expression is inhibited. Overall, bac- [26]. The behavior of bacteria within biofilms has even
teria produce an impressive array of adhesins that sparked skepticism about the Darwinian theories of
appear to have evolved as a means to inhabit the hu- evolution [27]. Hypothetical challenges to well-accepted
man body. theories are entertaining but without scientific evidence
Also in support of the hypothesis that biofilm for- to back them up they remain purely philosophical, and
mation is a mechanism for organisms to stay put in the there has not yet been an effort to scientifically validate
favorable environment of the human host, is the finding the challenge to our current ideas about evolution.
that carbon catabolite induced gene regulation plays a Recently however, mathematical modeling of biofilm
critical role in biofilm formation (Table 1). Exopoly- systems and scientific experiments are being designed to
saccharide expression and biofilm elaboration are test whether cooperative, altruistic behavior in bacteria
markedly enhanced in certain bacteria, including the is compatible with the mainstream theory of evolution
pseudomonads, V. cholerae, and E. coli, the staphylo- [28].
cocci and the streptococci, when glucose or another There are indeed similarities between biofilm bacteria
readily utilizable carbon source is abundant [4,23–25]. and multicellular organisms. For instance, bacteria (in-
When nutrient sources are depleted, the bacteria detach cluding planktonic bacteria) can sense their surround-
and become planktonic, suggesting that nutrient de- ings, and this enables them to adjust their metabolic
privation is a trigger to move on, in search of a better processes to maximize the use of available substrates
habitat. Glucose-induced exopolysaccharide production and to protect themselves from detrimental conditions.
may be multi-functional. It is possible that glucose When bacteria are growing within a biofilm, these
simply serves as a substrate in the EPS synthesis changes in gene expression result in phenotypic hetero-
pathway but studies with S. aureus in our laboratory geneity within the biofilm which can be interpreted as
suggest that, at least for this organism, this is not the specialization or division of labor similar to cellular
case. Glucose appears to augment EPS elaboration at differentiation seen in multicellular organisms. In addi-
the level of transcriptional regulation rather than at the tion, bacteria secrete substances referred to as autoin-
level of EPS synthesis [25]. A second possibility, which ducing signals, which influence gene expression and may
supports the biofilm as a mode of defense is that bac- be a means by which cells communicate with one an-
teria may have evolved to interpret elevated glucose other. There is even a growing body of evidence that
levels as a cue that it is in the bloodstream, and that it bacteria exhibit altruistic behavior and can undergo a
needs to form a biofilm to remove itself from circula- process similar to programmed cell death, again sug-
tion and protect itself from the immune system. Alter- gestive of multicellularity [29]. However, there are fun-
natively, polysaccharide production may function as a damental distinctions between bacteria and multicellular
mechanism of glucose storage during times of plenty, organisms. For example, while bacterial cells can react
and/or as a mechanism to augment the accumulation and adapt to their environmental surroundings, they do
K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173 169

not permanently differentiate. For instance, one can attractive idea that this phenomenon occurs in other
isolate colonic epithelial cells from a human and grow bacteria as well [26]. Although it has not been defini-
them in tissue culture medium, and even though the cells tively proven, the heterogeneity within biofilms may
are suddenly faced with radical changes in their sur- indeed result in a ‘‘division of labor’’ of sorts and cer-
rounding milieu, they continue to grow as colonic epi- tainly increases the metabolic efficiency of the popula-
thelial cells and can even form a polarized monolayer tion as a whole.
similar to colonic epithelium. Scientists have devoted A popular notion is that such division of labor is
much effort to developing methods to ‘‘undifferentiate’’ coordinately regulated within biofilms through inter-
differentiated cells, but the process of cellular differen- cellular communication. Autoinducing signals are small
tiation, even in simple multicellular organisms, is not molecules, generally homoserine lactones in gram-neg-
easily reversed by any natural means. This is because atives and peptides in gram-positives, that are consti-
their genetic regulatory patterns have been permanently tutively released by bacteria and which, when present at
altered. If however, you remove bacterial cells from a a critical concentration, will induce the expression of
biofilm and radically change their environmental con- certain genes. Autoinducing signals are frequently re-
ditions then they will quickly adapt to their new envi- ferred to as quorum-sensing signals because when a
ronmental surroundings and exhibit phenotypic bacterial population reaches a high enough density, the
changes. Depending on the conditions in which they are local concentrations reach threshold levels and alter
grown, they will even convert back to the planktonic gene expression. However, it has not been shown con-
mode of growth. Bacterial cells do not differentiate, ra- clusively that bacteria actually respond to the accumu-
ther they respond to their environmental surroundings lation of a quorum, and it has been suggested that the
by adapting their gene expression to suit their own needs more biologically significant role of the autoinducing
for survival. For this reason, it is more accurate to refer signals is to relay information to the bacterial cell about
to biofilms as interactive communities rather than local diffusion rates [31]. In her provocative review,
comparing them to multicellular organisms. Nonethe- Dr. Rosemary Redfield suggests that expression of se-
less, the community lifestyle is likely an important mo- creted proteins are induced in the presence of elevated
tivation for biofilm formation and provides its members levels of autoinducing signals not because the bacteria
with a number of benefits. In addition to the advantage have evolved to work cooperatively, but because the
of resistance to environmental changes, which is dis- benefits of secreted proteins are realized by an individual
cussed in the defense section, the biofilm may benefit bacterial cell when local conditions limit diffusion and
from a number of properties of a communal existence mixing [31]. One example used is the secretion of a
including division of the metabolic burden, gene trans- protease which is required to degrade exogenous pro-
fer, and selfless behavior. teins so that the bacteria can assimilate amino acids.
Under conditions of reduced diffusion or mixing, se-
3.1.1. Division of the metabolic burden creted proteases and the proteins degraded by them
Diffusion limitations imparted by the biofilm struc- would remain in the vicinity of, and benefit the cell. It is
ture result in local variations in nutrient availability, pH, therefore logical that bacteria would restrict expression
and oxygen tension. Therefore, the bacteria within bio- of secreted proteins under conditions of high mixing and
films are inevitably heterogeneous with respect to gene diffusion. There are also examples of autoinducer effects
expression. Many biofilms are made up of a variety of that do not readily fit this model. The diffusion sensing
bacterial species and some even contain mixtures of model suggests that a bacterial cell responds to it’s own
bacteria and fungi. The members of these mixed biofilms secreted signals, but recognition of and response to
have different requirements and perform different met- signals secreted by heterologous species has been well-
abolic functions making commensalism a widespread documented [32]. It is likely that both diffusion-sensing
phenomenon in biofilms [26]. For example, whereas and quorum-sensing are aspects of autoinducing signals
early colonizers of the oral cavity are aerobic or facul- but a more precise answer incorporating roles for both
tatively anaerobic, limited oxygen diffusion through the of these phenomena awaits further investigation.
biofilm provides an environmental niche allowing for While the primary function of autoinducing signals
later colonization by obligate anaerobes [7]. A study in remains unclear, their role in biofilm development is
which promoter activity was monitored as a function of even more ambiguous. As is indicated in Table 1, one
the expression of a fluorophore indicated that hetero- study found a role for the LuxS system in S. mutans but
geneity in the gene expression profiles of the individual two additional studies indicated that LuxS was not re-
cells exists even within single-species biofilms [30]. It is quired for biofilm formation [12,33,34]. Equally con-
likely that this heterogeneity translates into specialized founding results were obtained when different
functions of cells within a biofilm [30]. Fruiting body investigators studied the role of the lasRlasI quorum-
formation by Myxobacteria is frequently cited as an sensing system in P. aeruginosa [35]. Furthermore, there
example of cell specialization in bacteria and it is an is evidence that the accessory gene regulator (Agr) which
170 K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173

is involved in quorum-sensing in the staphylococci ac- of labile antitoxin rapidly declines whereas the toxin
tually inhibits biofilm formation [36]. A more recent lingers and destroys the plasmid-free daughter cell.
study suggests that the Agr effect is dependent upon the These cunning maintenance methods ensure vertical
flow strength over the biofilm and that under static transfer of phages and plasmids but in order to be suc-
conditions, Agr reduces biofilm formation, under low to cessful, a phage or infectious plasmid must also utilize
moderate flow it does not affect biofilm formation, and horizontal transfer. A biofilm is the ideal environment
under very strong flow it increases biofilm formation for horizontal exchange of genetic material [39]. The
[30]. These results may support the diffusion-sensing close proximity fosters rapid spread of phage as well as
theory if one considers that under rapid flow, the auto- conjugation and uptake of plasmid DNA by competent
inducing signals may rapidly diffuse out of the biofilm. bacteria. Plasmids and phage have consequently devel-
Overall, a biofilm represents both a quorum and oped methods to induce the transition to the biofilm
imparts restrictions on diffusion, so regardless of whe- mode of growth in their host so that they can spread to
ther one accepts the diffusion-sensing or the quorum- uninfected bacteria and sometimes even to cross the
sensing hypothesis, it would seem, at least superficially, species barrier [40]. Dr. Jean-Marc Ghigo found that the
that auto-inducing signals influence its development. In pili encoded in a number of conjugative plasmids adhere
parts of the human body however, especially in places nonspecifically to solid surfaces and to other bacteria
such as heart valves and teeth, biofilms are subjected to leading to a dramatic increase in biofilm formation of E.
strong shear forces which may keep autoinducing signal coli and other Gram-negative bacteria [41]. By inducing
levels low. A recent report indicates that in the human the transition to the biofilm mode of growth, the plas-
lung, the acyl-homoserine lactone quorum-sensing sig- mid is likely increasing its chances for horizontal
nal of P. aeruginosa is inactivated by some unidentified transmission. In addition, a number of phage genes,
host cell-associated factor [37]. Does this indicate the including phage coat protein genes, are activated in
dispensability of quorum-sensing and mean that P. aeruginosa biofilms, supporting the idea that an ef-
P. aeruginosa can establish a biofilm in the lung despite fective strategy for horizontal phage transmission is to
immune-mediated inhibition of quorum-sensing, or is re-enter the infectious cycle during the biofilm mode of
the finding that the immune system targets this signal growth [19]. In effect, we may need to consider that
suggestive of its importance in biofilm formation? The biofilm formation benefits not only bacterial fitness but
answer is unclear and the role of quorum-sensing in the proliferative potential of bacteriophage and plas-
biofilm formation remains elusive. mids as well.
Horizontal gene transfer within biofilms may also
3.1.2. Gene transfer directly benefit the bacteria through the exchange of
Nucleic acid is the basis for evolution and conse- antibiotic resistance determinants. In S. gordonii, the
quently its one true purpose is to replicate and perpet- expression of competence factors has been implicated as
uate its own specific code. A reproductive fitness both a cause and an effect of biofilm formation sup-
advantage will perpetuate the genetic material of an porting a role for exchange of genetic material in bio-
individual. The same rules apply to obligate infectious films [39,42]. Whether the primary function of
agents such as viruses and plasmids, and as these agents competence factors is to assimilate external DNA as a
can not replicate their own genetic material, they would means to increase their genetic diversity or simply to use
cease to exist without a means to spread from one or- it as a nutrient source is controversial, but the end result
ganism to another. Bacteriophage and plasmids have is that the biofilm is an ideal environment for the ex-
therefore both evolved mechanisms to promote their change of genetic material. The motivation of bacteria
maintenance within a bacterium and their spread to themselves as well as plasmids and bacteriophage to
other bacteria. For example, bacteriophage slow down exchange genetic material may all play an important
their replicative machinery and integrate into the bac- role in the process of biofilm development.
terial chromosome so that their genome is replicated as
the cell divides. Plasmid replication is an expensive 3.1.3. Selfless behavior
process for a bacterial cell and plasmids are quickly lost Overall, bacteria enjoy a number of benefits due to
unless there are required or beneficial. Plasmids have their community mode of growth but are bacteria truly
therefore evolved a rather elaborate method for survival. cooperative and capable of exhibiting unselfish or even
They carry toxin–antitoxin gene pairs which make their altruistic behavior? Indeed, experimental evidence from
maintenance necessary for bacterial survival [38]. The mathematical modeling supports the concept that bac-
plasmid-encoded toxin is a stable protein and the anti- teria can exhibit altruistic behavior [28]. While this may
toxin is a labile protein. When a bacterial cell divides the initially appear to defy the rules of survival of the fittest,
daughter cell inherits both toxin and antitoxin. If the cell the models indicate that unselfish behavior in biofilm
fails to replicate the plasmid as it divides or if the inhabitants can increase the overall growth yield.
daughter cell fails to inherit the plasmid, then the supply Therefore, altruistic bacteria, despite a sacrifice in
K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173 171

growth rate are, under certain conditions, actually more a biofilm. And yet they are often grown planktonically
fit. Results from these studies also suggest that altruism in the laboratory.
is more efficient when the bacteria exist in small, clonal It is possible that the presence of a suitable substrate
clusters, perhaps explaining the microcolony formation for attachment is all that is required to trigger biofilm
characteristic of biofilms. Fitness need not entail ag- formation. There is mounting evidence that immediately
gression, beneficial symbiotic relationships can increase subsequent to the initial adherence of bacterial to a solid
yield, and Darwin’s theories about evolution through surface, changes in gene regulation begin to occur [4,44].
competition and fitness can be aptly applied to unselfish This suggests that cells actually sense the solid surface to
behavior. which they are attached and that this sensing system
There is mounting evidence that a process similar to triggers a signaling cascade that may lead to some of the
apoptosis may actually occur in bacteria. Homologues early gene expression patterns necessary for biofilm
of pro-apoptotic genes such as caspases are widespread formation. For example, in P. aeruginosa, expression of
among bacteria [43]. Additionally, several examples of algC, a gene required for alginate synthesis, is increased
toxin–antitoxin cassettes, similar to those that ensure within minutes of attachment, and when S. epidermidis
plasmid maintenance, have been found within the makes contact with a solid surface, the normally
chromosomes of gram-negative and gram-positive bac- spherical cell forms a leg-like appendage [45,46]. These
teria, and it has been suggested that programmed cell findings suggest that, similar to eukaryotic cells, bacte-
death may occur within the biofilm community [38]. One rial cells possess surface-sensing systems that induce
rationalization for altruistic behavior in bacteria is that intracellular signals powerful enough to result in tran-
it reduces the metabolic load and increases nutrient scriptional and morphologic changes.
availability to the survivors. This sort of unselfish be- The sensing mechanisms utilized by bacteria to detect
havior could be explained in a clonal population of adherence are not well understood. Changes in the
bacteria where death of some still results in perpetuation perceived osmolarity caused by charges on solid surfaces
of the genetic code. This type of phenomenon is ratio- may be an important cue for bacteria to recognize sur-
nalized by the kin selection model [43]. However, bac- faces [22]. The EnvZ–OmpR two-component system
terial biofilms are rarely clonal, and surviving bacteria which is involved in sensing environmental osmolarity,
would quickly out-compete sacrificial bacteria. A more has also been shown to regulate expression of curli and
plausible hypothesis regarding the chromosomal toxin– colanic acid [47,48]. The fibrillar surface structure curli
antitoxin cassettes, has recently been proposed by plays a role in adherence and colanic acid is an exo-
Dr. Kim Lewis. He suggests that the cassettes induce, in polysaccharide involved in aggregation. The role of os-
a fraction of the bacterial population, not death, but a molarity in biofilm regulation has also been noted in
quiescent, persister state which enables survival in the staphylococci [13] and Pseudomonas fluorescens [49].
event of a sudden unfavorable environmental change Overall, the biofilm mode of growth may be the default
[3]. Overall, the idea that bacterial cells can undergo mode of growth for at least some bacterial species sug-
programmed cell death, while appealing, does not gesting that we should be questioning what triggers the
make immediate sense with respect to the laws of evo- planktonic mode of growth rather than what motivates
lution, but only further experimentation will resolve this the biofilm mode of growth.

5. Conclusions
4. The biofilm as the default mode of growth
Scientific interest in biofilms has exploded in the past
In the laboratory, bacteria are generally grown decade. This fascination with biofilms is due in large
planktonically, but the utopian microcosms created in part to their presumed clinical relevance. But it is also,
culture vessels are designed to maximize bacterial undeniably, due to the appeal of projecting traits of
growth rates, not to replicate natural growth conditions higher organisms on these life forms that were once
of the bacteria. In fact, some bacterial species appear to thought to be so simple and autonomous. The ability of
constitutively utilize the biofilm mode outside of the lab. prokaryotes to adapt to their surroundings is indeed
The oral streptococci are very highly adapted to sessile remarkable, but whether they actually communicate,
growth on the surface of teeth. Most of the oral bacterial coordinate, and specialize within biofilms for the benefit
species lack an environmental niche and are found al- of the community, as opposed to simply reacting to their
most exclusively within the mouth [24]. For these bac- environments in order to selfishly promote their own
teria, planktonic growth would cause them to be quickly survival, has not yet been sufficiently established. Un-
washed away by saliva, swallowed and destroyed within fortunately, we often make the erroneous conclusion
the acidic juices of the stomach. These bacteria likely that certain questions are purely philosophical and can
spend the majority of their natural existence growing as not be tested scientifically. In fact, such questions can
172 K.K. Jefferson / FEMS Microbiology Letters 236 (2004) 163–173

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