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Modern Time

Close Encounters
& Alien Contacts
from Turkey

My native Turkish land has always been very shape object decending from the sky in a drawn with the help of Extra Terrestrials. At the
rich with UFO sightings. Our mythology and vertical fashion. The object had a metallic look beginning military and scientists were
historical records show numerous close and it was almost 30 feet long. Behçet Öcal was somewhat interested in him. But as far as we
encounters with mysterious beings who come scared but at the same time he says that he know Behçet Öcal didn’t get enough much
from stars or other dimensions. was in another state of mind. from them. So his case was forgetten with time.
The original name of my Turkish ancestors A door on the object was opened and 3 He wasn’t interested in being a celebrity
was “GokTurks” which means “Sky People.” visitors came out, two men and one woman. because of his experience. He didn’t try to sell
Ancient Turks believed that their leader was According to Behçet’s description they were his story. In a way he gave it away to the press
visited by a woman who came from a star. And humanoids and they had very big eyes. Both of of 1970s.
this mysterious woman who descended in a the men had completely shaved heads, and the Behçet never wrote a book nor did he make
ball of light got pregnant from the Turkish woman had long hair. The three had the same any TV appearances. He kept living in his
tribe’s leader. She gave birth to 3 sons who size and height as if they were made from the remote town in the central part of Turkey. He
were called Moon, Star and Sun. They became same pattern. Their clothing was very foreign to wasn’t a sect leader and didn’t try to have fans
the founders of new Turkish generations. a young village boy of 1948. They wore a kind or followers. But he believed in his experience
Symbolic or historical, all these narratives of fitted jump suit. For Behçet one of the most and for some reason he prefered to put a limit
gave an identity to my nation. Turkish people interesting things was what he called their between himself and the media. Maybe he saw
are very spiritual and open minded to the idea “illuminated tool” hanging on their necks. The and knew more than he was telling, but all his
of Extraterrestrial Intelligent life. As you know, tool also contacted their waist and there were secrets or his realities will be a part of the
also the Turkish press is extremely open minded buttons or keys over the panel of the tool and legends in the next generations.
to UFO sightings. When there is a UFO sighting Behçet remembers lights on the panel.
in any big city or a small town of the country He was in panic. Behçet had no idea about SHAPE SHIFTING MEN IN
you can see the coverage on the front pages of space, space ships or Extra Terrestrials. All he BLACK VISITED TURKEY
important daily newspapers. I guess the could think was that the strange looking Contactee: Burhan Y›lmaz.
knowledge is in our genes, who knows? people were coming from the United States or Date: May, 1979
In this article I want to introduce you 3 from Russia. In that moment telepathic Place: Yal›hoyuk town, Konya, Turkey.
Turkish contactees. Don’t worry they are not communication started. They told him not to
historical or mythological characters from the be scared and that they were not going to This modern case is from 1979. The person who
past. They are from the present time and they harm him. After these first words he felt much had the experience was an elementary school
had very normal, simple lives—until they more relaxed and as he says, he never felt so teacher, a young man.
encountered the Aliens. peaceful. The visitors didn’t name their home On the first night of the encounter Burhan
planet but they told him that they came from Y›lmaz stayed outside watching the sky until
A FAMOUS CONTACTEE FROM “another world.” All communication was 2:00 am. Suddenly he noticed in the sky a very
TURKEY and THE MAP OF THE telephatic. One of the ETs extended his hand to bright flying object that came closer to the
UNIVERSE Behçet. The visitors’s palm was round and deep ground. The object was in the shape of a half
Contactee: Behçet Öcal like a small size bowl. When he was touched by dome and slowly landed on the field without
Date: 1948-1990s the ET the shepherd had a kind of shock, fell any sound. It was the size of a minivan. A kind
Place : Nevflehir, Cappadocia down and fainted. When his family found him of energy field was surronding the UFO. The
later the visitors had gone and Behçet was still UFO stayed there for a while. Burhan Y›lmaz
Behçet Öcal lived in a small village near unconscious. He was taken to
Nevflehir / Cappadocia in central Turkey. This the hospital with skin
area is famous for underground cities and irritation and burns.
multiple UFO flaps. He is known as the most Behçet was a quiet and shy
famous UFO contactee from our country. When man, and he kept his secret
he started to have his first close encounters in to himself until 1977. But
1948 he was a 15-year-old shepherd living with between all those years he
his family. In his very simple life style he didn’t was in contact with his Extra
have the chance to get any education. And Terrestrial friends. Only that
there was no power, no radio or movies etc. in first visit was face to face; after
the village where he was living. that they never got together
That day when he was taking care of the in person. Instead Behçet saw
animals outside of the village he heard a them in a kind of big screen
strange sound from the sky. The first thing he which used to open in front
saw was a bright ball of light. In his own words, of him, usually at night.
it was stronger than the sun light. In that When Behçet had his first
moment he felt a weird sense of palpitation all media-newspaper interviews
over his body. When the ball of light changed in 1977, he showed a
its shape he was clearly able to see a rocket Universe Map that he had

another town 8 km away. At this of the visitor. Whenever he came, Nejdet
point Burhan Y›lmaz went to the found himself in a paralytic condition with a
kitchen of his very small home to strange humming sound filling his ears. And
prepare tea for his guests. And he when the visitor left, the young graphic designer
came back to the living room only felt as if he was stuck in some kind of vortex. In
after 2 minutes. Now he was very all those years Nejdet couldn’t speak about his
surprised because his visitors were visitor. He wasn’t allowed to speak about his
gone. experiences.
Burhan searched his tiny home Nejdet got married, and after the marriage
and they weren’t anywhere. It was the encounters increased. In 1996 he decided to
impossible for them to go outside give an interview about the experience. But this
from the main and the only door, would be the first and the last interview.
because to do that they had to Because after he spoke with the reporters he
walk by the kitchen where Burhan had a strange accident in the shower. According
Y›lmaz was, and he would have to him the alien got very angry and tried to
seen them. They could not have drown him. After this incident Nejdet never
left through the windows either granted any more interviews about what
because there were iron bars on all happened to him.
of them. On the street there was Nejdet wasn’t very interested in Alien
only a little girl playing by herself. abduction phenomena. He believed that the
He asked her if she saw the 3 men. being which contacted him was a kind of
She said ‘Yes’and pointed to the negative demonic entity. But it was obvious that
corner of the street. But there were he was totally under the control of his visitor. The
only three black dogs growling in visitor was scaring him great deal and Nejdet
observed it until it lift off and fly away in the dark the corner. Suddenly a neighbour woman came never dared to talk about him to his family since
sky. But he could not remember how long he running screaming in panic. She said that she his childhood. This wasn’t a spiritually
stayed there watching the UFO. After the object had just seen three men flying to the sky. enlightening contact. This was fear, mental and
left he immediately did some research on the This case is interesting as it starts with a UFO physical control during all his life. There were no
landing spot but didn’t find any trace or any sighting the night before the visit of the three promises of being lifted to the 4th dimension or
burning grass. Everything seemed normal. men. Also, Burhan Y›lmaz cannot estimate time saved by the Extra Terrestrials. As Nejdet was very
The following night Burhan was reading at his surrounding the sighting and how long he scared of sharing his experience we haven’t
home where he lived alone. At 9:30 pm he heard stayed there watching the UFO. There might be heard from him since he gave this interview.
knocking on the door. It was three young men a missing time factor there. Does missing time In Turkey the strong belief on the
around their 30’s whom he had never seen or mean an abduction? We don’t know. He didn’t interdimensional beings or jinns sometimes
met before. They were wearing black suits and know either. But the three men in black were causes confusion. Abductees can a mistakenly
black ties. As Burhan lived and worked in a very seen by three witnesses. confuse Alien abductions with demonic jinn
small town the fact that his visitors were attacks. As the general aspects of the contact
complete strangers to him was not normal. A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP are very similar both in jinn and Alien attacks it
Because in these small towns everybody knows WITH AN ALIEN can be hard to see the difference. Both jinns
everybody. But even though Burhan Y›lmaz Contactee: Nejdet Boyanay. and aliens leave physical traces such as bruises
never saw them before he invited them inside as Date: 1975-1996 or cuts. Both of them can communicate with
is the Turkish tradition and they sat in the living Place: Istanbul, Turkey the humans using telepathy. But this is a very
room. The visitors explained that they came from long detailed story and will be the subject of
Nejdet Boyanay started to experience his first another article.

encounters with a mysterious entity when he Reference for Nejdet Boyanay case: SINIR OTESI PUBLISHING

Behçet had no idea was 10 years old. He still remembers what


happened that night with interesting details.

about space, space ships According to his report he was lying down in his
or Extra Terrestrials. All bed and starting to fall asleep. But suddenly he
noticed that he wasn’t able to move. All his body
he could think was that was in a complete paralysis. He tried to yell and
the strange looking call his mother but he couldn’t.
After that night he had at least two
people were coming encounters in a week with a strange visitor. He
from the United States was touched by him and he says that the hands
of the visitor were extremely soft and the touch

or from Russia was sticky like a jellyfish. Later he drew a picture


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