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PTNx May Assignment

20 questions on Purpose
1. What times do you feel must alive and joyful?
 When I help someone through a challenge successfully. 
2. What are your natural gifts?
 Intuition, hospitable, creative, imaginative, build relationships easily.
3. What are your skills and talents?
 Planning, organizing, creative ideas, administration, writing, content
4. What do you love to do the must?
 I like to make people around me happy. I like to be resourceful and to share
my experience. I love to plan.
5. What are you most passionate about?
 I am most passionate about coaching and mentoring teenagers and young
adults. Guiding them through life’s difficult paths, to make the right choices
and empowering them to have an opportunity to be successful.
6. What gives you joy in life?
 I am most joyful when people around me are happy because of what I gave
or did that put a smile on their faces or when I proffer solutions to difficult
questions or when I give guidance that made some difficult choices easy to
make for others.
7. When do you feel good about yourself?
 I feel good when I am resourceful within my community, team, or
professional body. Actively volunteering for a service that is towards a
common goal.
8. What are your personal strengths and characteristics?
 I am intuitive, creative, dedicated to a course, committed, have integrity,
exhibit excellent, administrative, planner, organized, team player, easily build
9. What do you enjoy the most when interacting with others?
 I enjoy personal stories and experiences others share. I listen for areas of
concern or where I can be of help, proffer solution or provide guidance.
10. What do other people say that you are good at?
 Others say that I have good administrative skills, organized, relational,
focused, strategic, good team player, excellent listener, effective stakeholder
management, speed in delivering task, collaboration, have the capacity to do
more,  willing to help, seek opportunity to eliminate waste/ reduce cost, pay
attention to details, good people skills, able to interact with others
effortlessly, easily ask for help/advise/support, negotiate priority, able to
keep positive attitude under stress, costumer focus (always asking what is
most important). 
11. What would you change in the world if you could?
 I would like to change the negative values that is modelled for teens and
young people. 
12. If you could, how would you use your strength/talent and passion to change the
 To change the world, I will start from the young generation, inculcating a
culture of excellence in their endeavour, helping them develop and navigate
life successful without indulging in low moral activities.
 By modelling and pointing them in the right direction.
 Seek to create programs – attractive to this “delicate” age group, that can be
used as an avenue to guide, develop, and navigate life successful without
indulging in low moral activities. It encompasses all aspects of teen-life that
addresses their emotional and psychological needs. The programs are also
beneficial to schools and parents or guardians, teaching them how to
interact, discipline and groom their teen-children into admirable and highly
successful adults as well as form partnerships with other establishments with
similar goals
13. What difference can you make in your community?
 Create a platform where activities, programs are designed to inspire high
moral excellence and develop skills required for all round success for
teenagers and young people 
14. What are the common characteristics of all the answers to the above questions?
 Willingness to help, resourceful, volunteer, impact, relationship skills, 
15. What would you want to accomplish the most before the end of your life? 
 I will like to set up an organisation that provides resources for teens and
young adult all over the world that will help them develop high moral
standards, become excellent in their endeavours, develop lifelong
skills/talent, make them positive change agents and great leaders.
16. Think of a situation when you did something that you really felt that you were born to
do. How would you describe it?
 I will describe it as fulfilling and rewarding. It had a long-lasting impact, left
pleasant memorize and made me look for ways to continue.
17. What is stopping you from pursuing your dream in life? And what can you do about it? 
 My major stopper in pursuing my God given purpose is procrastination and a
lack of proper time allocation to my activities. To tackle this issue; I have
delegated some aspects of the planning and initial execution to some
professional organisation and phase the execution.
18. What kind of work will make you get out of bed every morning with great excitement? 
 The work that puts smiles on the faces of people. Helps the world instil and
nurture high moral teens that will become highly responsible adults.
19. What have you experienced in your life that gave you a great sense of joy and
fulfilment that you will would want more of?
 When I am able to coach and mentor teens and young adults on several life
challenging circumstances, empowering them with lifelong skills and giving
them opportunity to able to pay it forward to other people in similar
20. From all of the above answers, could you describe how to use your talents to best
service your community and the world?
 I will like to set up an organisation that provides resources for teens and
young adult using technology, local schools and community events, that will
help them develop high moral standards, become excellent in their
endeavours, develop lifelong skills/talents, make them positive change
agents and great leaders. The programs are designed in a way that ensures
that each teen that is a beneficiary is able to reach at least two (2) other
teens and introduce them to the program. In that way, there is a ripple effect
of the positive impact across the world.
21. Having thought through questions 1-20, put a draft statement of your purpose. 
 To inspire teenagers globally to desire and achieve excellence in their chosen
endeavour while upholding high moral values that is sustained through

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