Fracture Control: D. Broek, The Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics © Kluwer Academic Publishers 1989

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Fracture control

11.1. Scope
Chapters 2 through 5 provided the concepts of damage tolerance analysis, while
Chapter 6 through 10 were concerned with input and analysis practice. This
chapter considers the use of the analysis for fracture control. Crack growth and
fracture analysis is not an end by itself. Its sole purpose is to provide a basis for
fracture control.
Fracture control can be exercised in many different ways. Apart from a review
of fracture control options, this chapter provides procedures for the use of
analysis results in scheduling inspections, repair and replacements, proof tests
and so on. In view of the nature of the problem, the discussions do not provide
clear-cut recipes. Even more so than the analysis, fracture control measures
require engineering judgement and pragmatism. The considerations upon which
such judgement may be based are reviewed. Some damage tolerance require-
ments already specify the fracture control procedure, as discussed in Chapter 12.
These can be understood in the light of the possible fracture control measures
presented here.
After a summary of fracture control options, the selection of inspection
intervals on the basis of analysis results is disussed. Fracture control by
inspection is probably the most universal; safety depends upon the timely
detection and repair of cracks. The sole purpose of the damage tolerance
analysis is then to establish the inspection procedure and the inspection interval.
In view of the cost of analysis, it is important that this be done rationally. The
analysis efforts are futile if the inspection interval is still determined haphaz-
ardly. The chapter is concluded with a survey of itemized fracture control plans,
and a discussion of the cost offracture and fracture control.

11.2. Fracture control options

Structural strength is affected by cracks. The residual strength as a function of
crack size can be calculated, using fracture mechanics concepts. A condition has


D. Broek, The Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 1989


j .. safety factor





a;b::======-__4--____!--__ TIME

Figure 11.1. Time available for fracture control. (a) Residual strength diagram providing ap; (b)
Crack growth curve providing H.

to be set (generally by offical rules, regulations or requirements) as to the lowest

acceptable strength in the case of cracks, i.e. the minimum permissible residual
strength, up. When the residual strength diagram has been calculated (Figure the maximum permissible crack size, ap ' follows from the minimum
permissible residual strength.
The other information from analysis is the crack propagation curve. It shows
how a crack develops by fatigue or stress corrosion as a function of time. The
maximum permissible crack, ap ' following from the residual strength analysis of
Figure II. la, can be plotted on the calculated crack growth curve as in Figure
11.1 b.
There are several ways in which this information can be used to exercise
fracture control. In all cases, the time period, H, to reach ap (Figure 11.1 b) is the
essential information needed. As no crack is allowed to grow beyond ap ' repair
or replacement is dictated by H. The following options are available for the
implementation of fracture control.
(a) Periodic inspection; repair upon crack detection.
(b) Fail safe design; repair upon occurrence of partial failure.
(c) Durability desig':l; replacement or retirement after time H.
(d) Periodic proof testing; repair after failure in proof test.
(e) Stripping; periodic removal of crack.
Damage tolerance requirements sometimes prescribe the fracture control
procedure. For example military airplane requirements prescribe methods (a)
and (c), commercial airplane requirements prescribe methods (a) and by their
intent promote (b). Requirements will be discussed in Chapter 12.
The above fracture control options are discussed below.

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