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The sport of skydiving was born in the 1930s soon after the military began using
parachutes as a means of deploying troops. Today, skydiving is a popular sport
around the world.
With as little as 8 hours of ground instruction, first-time jumpers can be ready
to make a solo jump. Without the assistance of oxygen, skydivers can jump from
as high as 14,000 feet and reach speeds of more than 100 miles per hour as they
fall toward the earth. Jumpers usually open their parachutes between 2000 and
3000 feet and then gradually glide down to their landing area. If the jump and the
parachute are handled correctly, the landing can be as gentle as jumping off two
Making a jump and floating to earth are only part of the sport of skydiving. For
Factoring Out Common example, in an activity called “relative work skydiving,” a team of as many as 920
Factors free-falling skydivers join together to make geometrically shaped formations. In a
related exercise called “canopy relative work,” the team members form geometric
5.2 Special Products and patterns after their parachutes or canopies have opened. This kind of skydiving
takes skill and practice, and teams are not always successful in their attempts.
Factoring the Trinomial The amount of time a skydiver has for a free fall depends on the height of the
ax2  bx  c with a  1 jump and how much the skydiver uses the air to slow the fall.

5.4 Factoring the Trinomial

ax2  bx  c with a  1

5.5 Difference and Sum of

Cubes and a Strategy

5.6 Solving Quadratic

Equations by Factoring

In Exercises 85 and 86 of
Section 5.6 we find the amount
of time that it takes a skydiver
to fall from a given height.
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322 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-2

5.1 Factoring Out Common Factors

In This Section In Chapter 4, you learned how to multiply a monomial and a polynomial. In this
section, you will learn how to reverse that multiplication by finding the greatest
U1V Prime Factorization of common factor for the terms of a polynomial and then factoring the polynomial.
U V Greatest Common Factor
U3V Greatest Common Factor for
U V Factoring Out the Greatest
4 U1V Prime Factorization of Integers
Common Factor To factor an expression means to write the expression as a product. For example, if we
U5V Factoring Out the Opposite start with 12 and write 12  4  3, we have factored 12. Both 4 and 3 are factors or
of the GCF divisors of 12. There are other factorizations of 12:
U V Applications
12  2  6 12  1  12 12  2  2  3  22  3
The one that is most useful to us is 12  22  3, because it expresses 12 as a product of
prime numbers.

Prime Number
A positive integer larger than 1 that has no positive integral factors other than
itself and 1 is called a prime number.

The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23 are the first nine prime numbers. A
positive integer larger than 1 that is not a prime is a composite number. The numbers
4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 are the first six composite numbers. Every composite number is
a product of prime numbers. The prime factorization for 12 is 22  3.

E X A M P L E 1 Prime factorization
Find the prime factorization for 36.

We start by writing 36 as a product of two integers:
U Helpful Hint V
The prime factorization of 36 can be 36  2  18 Write 36 as 2  18.
found also with a factoring tree: 229 Replace 18 by 2  9.
 2  2  3  3 Replace 9 by 3  3.
2 18  22  32 Use exponential notation.

2 9 The prime factorization for 36 is 22  32.

Now do Exercises 1–6
3 3
So 36  2  2  3  3.
For larger integers, it is better to use the method shown in Example 2 and to recall
some divisibility rules. Even numbers are divisible by 2. If the sum of the digits of
a number is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3. Numbers that end in
0 or 5 are divisible by 5. Two-digit numbers with repeated digits (11, 22, 33, . . .) are
divisible by 11.
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5-3 5.1 Factoring Out Common Factors 323

E X A M P L E 2 Factoring a large number

Find the prime factorization for 420.

Start by dividing 420 by the smallest prime number that will divide into it evenly (without
U Helpful Hint V remainder). The smallest prime divisor of 420 is 2.
The fact that every composite
number has a unique prime factori- 210
zation is known as the fundamental 20
theorem of arithmetic.
Now find the smallest prime that will divide evenly into the quotient, 210. The smallest
prime divisor of 210 is 2. Continue this procedure, as follows, until the quotient is a prime
U Helpful Hint V
Note that the division in Example 2 
can be done also as follows: 2 ___

 7 210 420  2  210
2 ___
5 35 
3 105 105 210  2  105
3 ___

2 210 5 __35 105  3  35
2 420
The product of all of the prime numbers in this procedure is 420:
420  2  2  3  5  7
So the prime factorization of 420 is 22  3  5  7. Note that it is not necessary to divide by
the smallest prime divisor at each step. We get the same factorization if we divide by any
prime divisor.
Now do Exercises 7–12

U2V Greatest Common Factor

The largest integer that is a factor of two or more integers is called the greatest com-
mon factor (GCF) of the integers. For example, 1, 2, 3, and 6 are common factors of 18
and 24. Because 6 is the largest, 6 is the GCF of 18 and 24. We can use prime factoriza-
tions to find the GCF. For example, to find the GCF of 8 and 12, we first factor 8 and 12:

8  2  2  2  23 12  2  2  3  22  3

We see that the factor 2 appears twice in both 8 and 12. So 22, or 4, is the GCF of
8 and 12. Notice that 2 is a factor in both 23 and 22  3 and that 22 is the smallest
power of 2 in these factorizations. In general, we can use the following strategy to find
the GCF.

Strategy for Finding the GCF for Positive Integers

1. Find the prime factorization for each integer.
2. The GCF is the product of the common prime factors using the smallest
exponent that appears on each of them.

If two integers have no common prime factors, then their greatest common factor is 1,
because 1 is a factor of every integer. For example, 6 and 35 have no common prime
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324 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-4

factors because 6  2  3 and 35  5  7. However, because 6  1  6 and 35  1  35,

the GCF for 6 and 35 is 1.

E X A M P L E 3 Greatest common factor

Find the GCF for each group of numbers.
a) 150, 225 b) 216, 360, 504 c) 55, 168

a) First find the prime factorization for each number:
2 150 3 225
3 75 3 75
5 25 5 25
5 5
150  2  3  5 2
225  32  52

Because 2 is not a factor of 225, it is not a common factor of 150 and 225. Only
3 and 5 appear in both factorizations. Looking at both 2  3  52 and 32  52, we see
that the smallest power of 5 is 2 and the smallest power of 3 is 1. So the GCF for
150 and 225 is 3  52, or 75.
b) First find the prime factorization for each number:

216  23  33 360  23  32  5 504  23  32  7

The only common prime factors are 2 and 3. The smallest power of 2 in
the factorizations is 3, and the smallest power of 3 is 2. So the GCF is
23  32, or 72.
c) First find the prime factorization for each number:

55  5  11 168  23  3  7

Because there are no common factors other than 1, the GCF is 1.

Now do Exercises 13–22

U3V Greatest Common Factor for Monomials

To find the GCF for a group of monomials, we use the same procedure as that used for

Strategy for Finding the GCF for Monomials

1. Find the GCF for the coefficients of the monomials.
2. Form the product of the GCF for the coefficients and each variable that is
common to all of the monomials, where the exponent on each variable is the
smallest power of that variable in any of the monomials.
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5-5 5.1 Factoring Out Common Factors 325

E X A M P L E 4 Greatest common factor for monomials

Find the greatest common factor for each group of monomials.
a) 15x 2, 9x 3 b) 12x 2y 2, 30x 2yz, 42x 3y

a) Since 15  3  5 and 9  32, the GCF for 15 and 9 is 3. Since the smallest power
of x in 15x2 and 9x3 is 2, the GCF is 3x2. If we write these monomials as
15x 2  5  3  x  x and 9x3  3  3  x  x  x,
we can see that 3x2 is the GCF.
b) Since 12  22  3, 30  2  3  5, and 42  2  3  7, the GCF for 12, 30, and 42
is 2  3 or 6. For the common variables x and y, 2 is the smallest power of x and 1 is
the smallest power of y. So the GCF for the three monomials is 6x2y. Note that z
is not in the GCF because it is not in all three monomials.
Now do Exercises 23–34

U4V Factoring Out the Greatest Common Factor

In Chapter 4, we used the distributive property to multiply monomials and polynomials.
For example,
6(5x  3)  30x  18.
If we start with 30x  18 and write
30x  18  6(5x  3),
we have factored 30x  18. Because multiplication is the last operation to be
performed in 6(5x  3), the expression 6(5x  3) is a product. Because 6 is the GCF
for 30 and 18, we have factored out the GCF.

E X A M P L E 5 Factoring out the greatest common factor

Factor the following polynomials by factoring out the GCF.
a) 25a2  40a b) 6x 4  12x 3  3x 2 c) x2y5  x6y3

a) The GCF for the coefficients 25 and 40 is 5. Because the smallest power of the
common factor a is 1, we can factor 5a out of each term:
25a2  40a  5a  5a  5a  8
 5a(5a  8)
b) The GCF for 6, 12, and 3 is 3. We can factor x2 out of each term, since the smallest
power of x in the three terms is 2. So factor 3x2 out of each term as follows:
6x4  12x3  3x2  3x2  2x 2  3x2  4x  3x2  1
 3x2(2x 2  4x  1)
Check by multiplying: 3x 2(2x2  4x  1)  6x4  12x3  3x2.
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326 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-6

c) The GCF for the numerical coefficients is 1. Both x and y are common to each
term. Using the lowest powers of x and y, we get
x 2y5  x6y3  x 2y3  y2  x 2y3  x 4
 x 2y3(y2  x4).
Check by multiplying.
Now do Exercises 35-62

Because of the commutative property of multiplication, the common factor can be

placed on either side of the other factor. So in Example 5, the answers could be written
as (5a  8)5a, (2x2  4x  1)3x2, and (y2  x4)x2y3.

CAUTION If the GCF is one of the terms of the polynomial, then you must remem-
ber to leave a 1 in place of that term when the GCF is factored out. For
ab  b  a  b  1  b  b(a  1).
You should always check your answer by multiplying the factors.

In Example 6, the greatest common factor is a binomial. This type of factoring

will be used in factoring trinomials by grouping in Section 5.2.

E X A M P L E 6 A binomial factor
Factor out the greatest common factor.
a) (a  b)w  (a  b)6 b) x(x  2)  3(x  2)
c) y(y  3)  (y  3)

a) The greatest common factor is a  b:
(a  b)w  (a  b)6  (a  b)(w  6)
b) The greatest common factor is x  2:
x(x  2)  3(x  2)  (x  3)(x  2)
c) The greatest common factor is y  3:
y(y  3)  (y  3)  y(y  3)  1(y  3)
 (y  1)( y  3)
Now do Exercises 63–70

U5V Factoring Out the Opposite of the GCF

The greatest common factor for 4x  2xy is 2x. Note that you can factor out the
GCF (2x) or the opposite of the GCF (2x):
4x  2xy  2x(2  y) 4x  2xy  2x(2  y)
It is useful to know both of these factorizations. Factoring out the opposite of the
GCF will be used in factoring by grouping in Section 5.2 and in factoring trinomials
with negative leading coefficients in Section 5.4. Remember to check all factoring by
multiplying the factors to see if you get the original polynomial.
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5-7 5.1 Factoring Out Common Factors 327

E X A M P L E 7 Factoring out the opposite of the GCF

Factor each polynomial twice. First factor out the greatest common factor, and then factor
out the opposite of the GCF.
a) 3x  3y b) a  b
c) x  2x  8x
3 2

a) 3x  3y  3(x  y) Factor out 3.
 3(x  y) Factor out 3.

Note that the signs of the terms in parentheses change when 3 is factored out.
Check the answers by multiplying.
b) a  b  1(a  b) Factor out 1, the GCF of a and b.
 1(a  b) Factor out 1, the opposite of the GCF.
We can also write a  b  1(b  a).
c) x 3  2x 2  8x  x (x 2  2x  8) Factor out x.
 x (x 2  2x  8) Factor out x.
Now do Exercises 71–86

CAUTION Be sure to change the sign of each term in parentheses when you factor
out the opposite of the greatest common factor.

U6V Applications

E X A M P L E 8 Area of a rectangular garden

The area of a rectangular garden is x2  8x  15 square feet. If the length is x  5 feet,
then what binomial represents the width?

Note that the area of a rectangle is the product of the length and width. Since x2  8x 
15  (x  5)(x  3) and the length is x  5 feet, the width must be x  3 feet.
Now do Exercises 87–90

Warm-Ups ▼
Fill in the blank. True or false?
1. To means to write as a product. 5. There are only nine prime numbers.
2. A number is an integer greater than 1 that has no 6. The prime factorization of 32 is 23  3.
factors besides itself and 1. 7. The integer 51 is a prime number.
3. The of two numbers is the 8. The GCF for 12 and 16 is 4.
largest number that is a factor of both. 9. The GCF for x5y3  x4y7 is x4y3.
4. All factoring can be checked by the factors. 10. We can factor out 2xy or 2xy from 2x2y  6xy2.
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5.1 Exercises
U Study Tips V
• To get the big picture, survey the chapter that you are studying. Read the headings to get the general idea of the chapter content.
• Read the chapter summary several times while you are working in a chapter to see what’s important in the chapter.

U1V Prime Factorization of Integers 39. 36y5  4y2( )

Find the prime factorization of each integer. See Examples 1 40. 42z4  3z2( )
and 2. 41. u4v3  uv( )
1. 18 2. 20 42. x5y3  x2y( )
3. 52 4. 76 43. 14m4n3  2m4( )
5. 98 6. 100 44. 8y z  4z (
3 4 3
7. 216 8. 248 45. 33x4y3z2  3x3yz( )
46. 96a3b4c5  12ab3c3( )
9. 460 10. 345
11. 924 12. 585
Factor out the GCF in each expression. See Example 5.
47. 2w  4t
U2V Greatest Common Factor 48. 6y  3
Find the greatest common factor for each group of integers. See
Example 3. See the Strategy for Finding the GCF for Positive 49. 12x  18y
Integers box on page 323. 50. 24a  36b
13. 8, 20 14. 18, 42 51. x 3  6x
15. 36, 60 16. 42, 70 52. 10y4  30y2
17. 40, 48, 88 18. 15, 35, 45 53. 5ax  5ay
19. 76, 84, 100 20. 66, 72, 120 54. 6wz  15wa
55. h5  h3
21. 39, 68, 77 22. 81, 200, 539
56. y6  y5
57. 2k7m4  4k 3m6
U3V Greatest Common Factor for Monomials 58. 6h5t2  3h3t 6
Find the greatest common factor for each group of monomials. 59. 2x 3  6x 2  8x
See Example 4. See the Strategy for Finding the GCF for
Monomials box on page 324. 60. 6x3  18x2  24x
61. 12x 4t  30x 3t  24x 2t 2
23. 6x, 8x 3 24. 12x 2, 4x 3
62. 15x 2y2  9xy2  6x2y
25. 12x 3, 4x 2, 6x 26. 3y5, 9y4, 15y 3
27. 3x 2y, 2xy2 28. 7a2x 3, 5a3x
Factor out the GCF in each expression. See Example 6.
29. 24a2bc, 60ab2 30. 30x2yz3, 75x 3yz6
63. (x  3)a  (x  3)b
31. 12u3v2, 25s2t4 32. 45m2n5, 56a4b8
64. (y  4)3  (y  4)z
33. 18a3b, 30a2b2, 54ab3 34. 16x2z, 40xz2, 72z3
65. x(x  1)  5(x  1)
66. a(a  1)  3(a  1)
U4V Factoring Out the Greatest Common Factor 67. m(m  9)  (m  9)
Complete the factoring of each monomial. 68. (x  2)x  (x  2)
35. 27x  9( ) 36. 51y  3y( ) 69. a(y  1)2  b(y  1)2
37. 24t  8t( )
38. 18u  3u(
) 70. w(w  2)2  8(w  2)2
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5-9 5.1 Factoring Out Common Factors 329

U5V Factoring Out the Opposite of the GCF 89. Tomato soup. The amount of metal S (in square inches)
that it takes to make a can for tomato soup depends on the
First factor out the GCF, and then factor out the opposite of the
radius r and height h:
GCF. See Example 7.
71. 8x  8y S  2r 2  2rh
72. 2a  6b
a) Rewrite this formula by factoring out the greatest
73. 4x  8x2 common factor on the right-hand side.
74. 5x2  10x
75. x5 b) Let h  5 in. and write a formula that expresses S in
76. a6 terms of r.
77. 4  7a
78. 7  5b c) The accompanying graph shows S for r between 1 in.
and 3 in. (with h  5 in.). Which of these r-values gives
79. 24a3  16a 2
the maximum surface area?
80. 30b 4  75b 3
81. 12x 2  18x
82. 20b 2  8b
83. 2x3  6x2  14x 200
8x 4  6x 3  2x 2

Surface area (in.2)


85. 4a3b  6a2b 2  4ab3 100

86. 12u5v6  18u2v3  15u4v5

1 2 3
Radius (inches)
U6V Applications
Solve each problem by factoring. See Example 8.
Figure for Exercise 89
87. Uniform motion. Helen traveled a distance of 20x  40
miles at 20 miles per hour on the Yellowhead Highway.
90. Amount of an investment. The amount of an investment
Find a binomial that represents the time that she traveled.
of P dollars for t years at simple interest rate r is given by
A  P  Prt.
88. Area of a painting. A rectangular painting with a width of
a) Rewrite this formula by factoring out the greatest
x centimeters has an area of x2  50x square centimeters.
common factor on the right-hand side.
Find a binomial that represents the length. See the accom-
panying figure.
b) Find A if $8300 is invested for 3 years at a simple
? interest rate of 15%.

Getting More Involved

91. Discussion

x cm
Is the greatest common factor of 6x2  3x positive
or negative? Explain.

92. Writing
Explain in your own words why you use the smallest
Area  x 2  50x cm2 power of each common prime factor when finding the GCF
Figure for Exercise 88 of two or more integers.
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330 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-10

Math at Work Kayak Design

Kayaks have been built by the Aleut and Inuit peoples for the past 4000 years.
Today’s builders have access to materials and techniques unavailable to the orig-
inal kayak builders. Modern kayakers incorporate hydrodynamics and materials
technology to create designs that are efficient and stable. Builders measure how
well their designs work by calculating indicators such as prismatic coefficient,
block coefficient, and the midship area coefficient, to name a few.
Even the fitting of a kayak to the paddler is done scientifically. For example,
the formula

B2W 2  
SW 2
PL  2  BL  BS 0.38  EE  1.2 2

can be used to calculate the appropriate paddle length. BL is the length of the pad-
dle’s blade. BS is a boating style factor, which is 1.2 for touring, 1.0 for river run-
ning, and 0.95 for play boating. EE is the elbow to elbow distance with the paddler’s
arms straight out to the sides. BW is the boat width and SW is the shoulder width.
SL is the spine length, which is the distance measured in a sitting position from the
chair seat to the top of the paddler’s shoulder. All lengths are in centimeters.
The degree of control a kayaker exerts over the kayak depends largely on the body con-
tact with it. A kayaker wears the kayak. So the choice of a kayak should hinge first on the
right body fit and comfort and second on the skill level or intended paddling style. So design-
ing, building, and even fitting a kayak is a blend of art and science.

5.2 Special Products and Grouping

In This Section In Section 5.1 you learned how to factor out the greatest common factor from all
of the terms of a polynomial. In this section you will learn to factor a four-term
U1V Factoring by Grouping polynomial by factoring out a common factor from the first two terms and then a
U2V Factoring a Difference of Two common factor from the last two terms.
U V Factoring a Perfect Square
U V Factoring Completely
4 U1V Factoring by Grouping
The product of two binomials may have four terms. For example,

(x  a)(x  3)  (x  a)x  (x  a)3

 x2  ax  3x  3a.
To factor x  ax  3x  3a, we simply reverse the steps we used to find the product.

Factor out the common factor x from the first two terms and the common factor 3 from
the last two terms:
x2  ax  3x  3a  x(x  a)  3(x  a) Factor out x and 3.
 (x  3)(x  a) Factor out x  a.
It does not matter whether you take out the common factor to the right or left. So
(x  a)(x  3) is also correct and we could have factored as follows:
x2  ax  3x  3a  (x  a)x  (x  a)3
 (x  a)(x  3)
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5-11 5.2 Special Products and Grouping 331

This method of factoring is called factoring by grouping.

Strategy for Factoring a Four-Term Polynomial by Grouping

1. Factor out the GCF from the first group of two terms.
2. Factor out the GCF from the last group of two terms.
3. Factor out the common binomial.

E X A M P L E 1 Factoring by Grouping
Use grouping to factor each polynomial.
a) xy  2y  5x  10 b) x2  wx  x  w

a) The first two terms have a common factor of y, and the last two terms have a
common factor of 5:
xy  2y  5x  10  y(x  2)  5(x  2) Factor out y and 5.
 (y  5)(x  2) Factor out x  2.
Check by using FOIL.

b) The first two terms have a common factor of x, and the last two have a common
factor of 1:

x2  wx  x  w  x(x  w)  1(x  w) Factor out x and 1.

 (x  1)(x  w) Factor out x  w.

Check by using FOIL.

Now do Exercises 1–10

For some four-term polynomials it is necessary to rearrange the terms before fac-
toring out the common factors.

E X A M P L E 2 Factoring by Grouping with Rearranging

Use grouping to factor each polynomial.
a) mn  4m  m2  4n b) ax  b  bx  a

a) We can factor out m from the first two terms to get m(n  4), but we can’t get
another factor of n  4 from the last two terms. By rearranging the terms we can
factor by grouping:
mn  4m  m2  4n  m2  mn  4m  4n Rearrange terms.
 m(m  n)  4(m  n) Factor out m and 4.
 (m  4)(m  n) Factor out m  n.
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332 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-12

b) ax  b  bx  a  ax  bx  a  b Rearrange terms.
 x(a  b)  1(a  b) Factor out x and 1.
 (x  1)(a  b) Factor out a  b.
Now do Exercises 11–18

Note that there are several rearrangements that will allow us to factor the polynomi-
als in Example 2. For example, m2  4m  mn  4n would also work for Example 2(a).
We saw in Section 5.1 that you could factor out a common factor with a positive
sign or a negative sign. For example, we can factor 2x  10 as 2(x  5) or
2(x  5). We use this technique in Example 3.

E X A M P L E 3 Factoring by Grouping with Negative Signs

Use grouping to factor each polynomial.
a) 2x2  3x  2x  3 b) ax  3y  3x  ay

a) We can factor out x from the first two terms and 1 from the last two terms:
2x2  3x  2x  3  x(2x  3)  1(2 x  3)
However, we didn’t get a common binomial. We can get a common binomial if we
factor out 1 from the last two terms:
2x2  3x  2x  3  x(2x  3)  1(2 x  3) Factor out x and 1.
 (x  1)(2 x  3) Factor out 2x  3.
b) For this polynomial we have to rearrange the terms and factor out a common factor
with a negative sign:
ax  3y  3x  ay  ax  3x  ay  3y Rearrange the terms.
 x(a  3)  y(a  3) Factor out x and y.
 (x  y)(a  3) Factor out a  3.

Now do Exercises 19–28

U2V Factoring a Difference of Two Squares

In Section 4.7, you learned that the product of a sum and a difference is a difference
of two squares:
(a  b)(a  b)  a2  ab  ab  b2  a2  b2
So a difference of two squares can be factored as a product of a sum and a difference,
using the following rule.

Factoring a Difference of Two Squares

For any real numbers a and b,
a2  b2  (a  b)(a  b).
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5-13 5.2 Special Products and Grouping 333

Note that the square of an integer is a perfect square. For example, 64 is a perfect
square because 64  82. The square of a monomial in which the coefficient is an
integer is also called a perfect square or simply a square. For example, 9m2 is a
perfect square because 9m2  (3m)2.

E X A M P L E 4 Factoring a difference of two squares

Factor each polynomial.
a) y 2  81 b) 9m 2  16 c) 4x 2  9y 2

a) Because 81  92, the binomial y2  81 is a difference of two squares:

y2  81  y2  92 Rewrite as a difference of two squares.

 (y  9)( y  9) Factor.

Check by multiplying.
b) Because 9m2  (3m)2 and 16  42, the binomial 9m2  16 is a difference of two

9m2  16  (3m)2  42 Rewrite as a difference of two squares.

 (3m  4)(3m  4) Factor.

Check by multiplying.
c) Because 4x2  (2x)2 and 9y2  (3y)2, the binomial 4x2  9y2 is a difference of two

4x2  9y2  (2x  3y)(2x  3y)

Now do Exercises 29–42

CAUTION Don’t confuse a difference of two squares a2  b2 with a sum of two

squares a2  b2. The sum a2  b2 is not one of the special products and
it can’t be factored.

U3V Factoring a Perfect Square Trinomial

In Section 4.7 you learned how to square a binomial using the rule

(a  b)2  a 2  2ab  b2.

You can reverse this rule to factor a trinomial such as x 2  6x  9. Notice that

x 2  6x  9  x 2  2  x  3  32.
↑ ↑

a2 2ab b2

So if a  x and b  3, then x 2  6x  9 fits the form a 2  2ab  b2, and

x 2  6x  9  (x  3)2.
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334 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-14

A trinomial that is of the form a2  2ab  b2 or a2  2ab  b2 is called a perfect

square trinomial. A perfect square trinomial is the square of a binomial. Perfect square
trinomials will be used in solving quadratic equations by completing the square in
Chapter 10. Perfect square trinomials can be identified using the following strategy.

Strategy for Identifying a Perfect Square Trinomial

A trinomial is a perfect square trinomial if
1. the first and last terms are of the form a2 and b2 (perfect squares), and
2. the middle term is 2ab or 2ab.

E X A M P L E 5 Identifying the special products

Determine whether each binomial is a difference of two squares and whether each trinomial
is a perfect square trinomial.
a) x2  14x  49 b) 4x2  81
c) 4a  24a  25
d) 9y2  24y  16

a) The first term is x 2, and the last term is 72. The middle term, 14x, is
2  x  7. So this trinomial is a perfect square trinomial.
b) Both terms of 4x2  81 are perfect squares, (2x)2 and 9 2. So 4x 2  81 is a
difference of two squares.
c) The first term of 4a2  24a  25 is (2a)2 and the last term is 5 2. However,
2  2a  5 is 20a. Because the middle term is 24a, this trinomial is not a perfect
square trinomial.
d) The first and last terms in a perfect square trinomial are both positive. Because the
last term in 9y2  24y  16 is negative, the trinomial is not a perfect square
Now do Exercises 43–54

Note that the middle term in a perfect square trinomial may have a positive or a
negative coefficient, while the first and last terms must be positive. Any perfect square
trinomial can be factored as the square of a binomial by using the following rule.

Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials

For any real numbers a and b,
a2  2ab  b2  (a  b)2
a2  2ab  b2  (a  b)2.
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5-15 5.2 Special Products and Grouping 335

E X A M P L E 6 Factoring perfect square trinomials

a) x2  4x  4 b) a2  16a  64 c) 4x2  12x  9

a) The first term is x2, and the last term is 22. Because the middle term is 2  2  x,
or 4x, this polynomial is a perfect square trinomial:
x2  4x  4  (x  2)2
Check by expanding (x  2)2.
b) a2  16a  64  (a  8)2
Check by expanding (a  8)2.
c) The first term is (2x)2, and the last term is 32. Because 2  2x  3  12x, the
polynomial is a perfect square trinomial. So
4x 2  12x  9  (2x  3)2.
Check by expanding (2x  3)2.
Now do Exercises 55–72

U4V Factoring Completely

To factor a polynomial means to write it as a product of simpler polynomials. A
polynomial that can’t be factored using integers is called a prime or irreducible
polynomial. The polynomials 3x, w  1, and 4m  5 are prime polynomials. Note
that 4m  5  4m  5, but 4m  5 is a prime polynomial because it can’t be factored
using integers only.
A polynomial is factored completely when it is written as a product of prime
polynomials. So (y  8)( y  1) is a complete factorization. When factoring polyno-
mials, we usually do not factor integers that occur as common factors. So 6x(x  7) is
considered to be factored completely even though 6 could be factored.
Some polynomials have a factor common to all terms. To factor such polynomials
completely, it is simpler to factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) and then
factor the remaining polynomial. Example 7 illustrates factoring completely.

E X A M P L E 7 Factoring completely
Factor each polynomial completely.
a) 2x 3  50x b) 8x 2y  32xy  32y c) 2x 3  3x2  2x  3

a) The greatest common factor of 2x3 and 50x is 2x:
2x3  50x  2x(x2  25) Check this step by multiplying.
 2x(x  5)(x  5) Difference of two squares
b) 8x2y  32xy  32y  8y(x2  4x  4) Check this step by multiplying.
 8y(x  2)2 Perfect square trinomial
c) We can factor out x2 from the first two terms and 1 from the last two terms:
2x3  3x2  2x  3  x2(2x  3)  1(2x  3)
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336 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-16

However, we didn’t get a common binomial. We can get a common binomial if we

factor out 1 from the last two terms:
2x3  3x2  2x  3  x2(2x  3)  1(2x  3) Factor out x2 and 1.
 (x2  1)(2x  3) Factor out 2x  3.
 (x  1)(x  1)(2x  3) Difference of two squares
Now do Exercises 73–98

Remember that factoring reverses multiplication and every step of factoring can
be checked by multiplication.

Warm-Ups ▼
Fill in the blank. True or false?
1. A is the square of an integer or an 6. We always factor out the GCF first.
algebraic expression. 7. The polynomial x2  16 is a difference of two squares.
2. A is the product of a sum and
a difference. 8. The polynomial x2  8x  16 is a perfect square
3. A trinomial of the form a2  2ab  b2 is a trinomial.
trinomial. 9. The polynomial 9x2  21x  49 is a perfect square
4. A polynomial is one that can’t be factored. trinomial.
5. A polynomial is when it is written 10. The polynomial 16y  1 is a prime polynomial.
as a product of prime polynomials. 11. The polynomial 4x2  4 is factored completely as
4(x2  1).


U Study Tips V
• As you study a chapter, make a list of topics and questions that you would put on the test, if you were to write it.
• Write about what you read in the text. Sum things up in your own words.

U1V Factoring by Grouping 9. x2  3x  4x  12

Factor by grouping. See Example 1. 10. y2  2y  6y  12
1. bx  by  cx  cy
2. 3x  3z  ax  az Factor by grouping. See Example 2.
3. ab  b2  a  b 11. mn  n  n2  m
4. 2x2  x  2x  1 12. 2x3  y  x  2x2y
5. wm  3w  m  3 13. 10  wm  5m  2w
6. ay  y  3a  3 14. 2a  3b  6  ab
7. 6x2  10x  3xw  5w 15. xa  ay  3y  3x
8. 5ax  2ay  5xy  2y2 16. x3  ax  3a  3x2
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5-17 5.2 Special Products and Grouping 337

17. a3  w2  aw  a2w Factor each perfect square trinomial. See Example 6.

18. a4  y  ay  a3 55. x2  2x  1 56. y2  4y  4

Factor by grouping. See Example 3.

57. a2  6a  9 58. w2  10w  25
19. w  w  bw  b

20. x2  2x  mx  2m 59. x2  12x  36 60. y2  14y  49

21. w2  aw  w  a
22. ap  3a  p  3 61. a2  4a  4 62. b2  6b  9
23. m2  mx  x  m
24. 6n  6b  b2  bn
63. 4w2  4w  1 64. 9m2  6m  1
25. x2  7x  5x  35
26. y2  3y  8y  24
65. 16x2  8x  1 66. 25y2  10y  1
27. 2x2  14x  5x  35
28. 2y2  3y  16y  24
67. 4t2  20t  25 68. 9y2  12y  4

U2V Factoring a Difference of Two Squares 69. 9w2  42w  49 70. 144x2  24x  1
Factor each polynomial. See Example 4.
29. a2  4 71. n2  2nt  t2 72. x2  2xy  y2
30. h2  9
31. x 2  49
32. y2  36 U4V Factoring Completely
33. a2  121 Factor each polynomial completely. See Example 7.
34. w 2  81
73. 5x2  125 74. 3y2  27
35. y2  9x2
36. 16x 2  y2 75. 2x2  18 76. 5y2  20
37. 25a2  49b2
38. 9a2  64b2 77. a3  ab2 78. x2y  y
39. 121m2  1
40. 144n2  1 79. 3x2  6x  3 80. 12a2  36a  27
41. 9w2  25c2
42. 144w2  121a2 81. 5y2  50y  125 82. 2a2  16a  32

U3V Factoring a Perfect Square Trinomial 83. x3  2x2y  xy2 84. x3y  2x2y2  xy3
Determine whether each polynomial is a difference of two
squares, a perfect square trinomial, or neither of these. See 85. 3x2  3y2
Example 5. See the Strategy for Identifying Perfect Square 86. 8a2  8b2
Trinomials box on page 334. 87. 2ax2  98a
43. x2  20x  100 88. 32x2y  2y3
44. x 2  10x  25 89. w3  w  w2  1
45. y2  40 90. x3  x2  x  1
46. a2  49
91. x3  x2  4x  4
47. 4y2  12y  9
92. a2m  b2n  a2n  b2m
48. 9a2  30a  25
93. 3ab2  18ab  27a
49. x 2  8x  64
94. 2a2b  8ab  8b
50. x2  4x  4
51. 9y2  25c2 95. 4m3  24m2n  36mn2
52. 9x2  4 96. 10a3  20a2b  10ab2
53. 9a2  6ab  b2 97. x2a  b  bx2  a
54. 4x2  4xy  y2 98. wx2  75  25w  3x2
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338 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-18

Miscellaneous e) What is the approximate maximum revenue?

f) Use the accompanying graph to estimate the price at
Factor each polynomial completely. which the revenue is zero.
99. 6a3y  24a2y2  24ay3
100. 8b5c  8b4c2  2b3c3
101. 24a3y  6ay3 300
102. 27b3c  12bc3

Revenue (thousands
103. 2a3y2  6a2y

of dollars)
104. 9x3y  18x2y2
105. ab  2bw  4aw  8w2 100
106. 3am  6n  an  18m
107. (a  b)  b(a  b) 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
108. (a  b)w  (a  b) Price (dollars)
109. (4x2  1)2x  (4x2  1)
110. (a2  9)a  3(a2  9)
Figure for Exercise 112
Use factoring to solve each problem. 113. Volume of a tank. The volume in cubic inches for a fish
tank with a square base and height x is given by the
111. Skydiving. The height in feet above the earth for a formula
skydiver t seconds after jumping from an airplane at 6400 ft
is approximated by the formula h(t)  16t2  6400, V(x)  x3  6x2  9x.
provided t  5.
a) Rewrite the formula with the right-hand side factored a) Rewrite the formula with the right-hand side factored
completely. completely.
b) Use the result of part (a) to find h(2). b) Find an expression for the length of a side of the
square base.

h(t)  16t 2  6400


Figure for Exercise 111

112. Demand for pools. Tropical Pools sells an aboveground

model for p dollars each. The monthly revenue for this Figure for Exercise 113
model is given by the formula
R(p)  0.08p2  300p. Getting More Involved
Revenue is the product of the price p and the demand 114. Discussion
(quantity sold). For what real number k does 3x2  k factor as
a) Factor out the price on the right-hand side of the 3(x  2)(x  2)?
b) Write a formula D(p) for the monthly demand. 115. Writing
Explain in your own words how to factor a four-term
c) Find D(3000). polynomial by grouping.
d) Use the accompanying graph to estimate the price at
which the revenue is maximized. Approximately how 116. Writing
many pools will be sold monthly at this price? Explain how you know that x2  1 is a prime
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5-19 5.3 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1 339

5.3 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1

In This Section In this section, we will factor the type of trinomials that result from multiplying two
different binomials. We will do this only for trinomials in which the coefficient of x 2,
U1V Factoring ax2  bx  c with the leading coefficient, is 1. Factoring trinomials with a leading coefficient not equal
to 1 will be done in Section 5.4.
UV Factoring with Two Variables
UV Factoring Completely

U1V Factoring ax2  bx  c with a  1

To find the product of the binomials x  m and x  n, where x is the variable and m
and n are constants, we use the distributive property as follows:

(x  m)(x  n)  (x  m)x  (x  m)n Distributive property

 x 2  mx  nx  mn Distributive property
 x 2  (m  n)x  mn Combine like terms.

Notice that in the trinomial the coefficient of x is the sum m  n and the constant term
is the product mn. This observation is the key to factoring the trinomial ax 2  bx  c
with a  1. We first find two numbers that have a product of c (the constant term) and
a sum of b (the coefficient of x). Then reverse the steps that we used in finding the
product (x  m)(x  n). We summarize these ideas with the following strategy.

Strategy for Factoring x 2  bx  c by Grouping

To factor x2  bx  c:
1. Find two integers that have a product of c and a sum equal to b.
2. Replace bx by the sum of two terms whose coefficients are the two numbers
found in (1).
3. Factor the resulting four-term polynomial by grouping.

E X A M P L E 1 Factoring trinomials
a) x 2  5x  6 b) x 2  8x  12 c) a2  9a  20

a) To factor x2  5x  6, we need two integers that have a product of 6 and a sum
of 5. If the product is positive and the sum is positive, then both integers must be
positive. We can list all of the possibilities:

Product Sum
616 167
623 235
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340 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-20

The only integers that have a product of 6 and a sum of 5 are 2 and 3. Now replace
5x with 2x  3x and factor by grouping:

x 2  5x  6  x 2  2x  3x  6 Replace 5x by 2x  3x.
 x(x  2)  3(x  2) Factor out x and 3.
 (x  3)(x  2) Factor out x  2.

Check by FOIL: (x  3)(x  2)  x2  5x  6.

b) To factor x 2  8x  12, we need two integers that have a product of 12 and a sum
of 8. Since the product and sum are both positive, both integers are positive.

Product Sum
12  1  12 1  12  13
12  2  6 268
12  3  4 347
The only integers that have a product of 12 and a sum of 8 are 2 and 6. Now
replace 8x by 2x  6x and factor by grouping:

x 2  8x  12  x 2  2x  6x  12 Replace 8x by 2x  6x.
 x(x  2)  6(x  2) Factor out x and 6.
 (x  6)(x  2) Factor out x  2.

Check by FOIL: (x  6)(x  2)  x 2  8x  12.

c) To factor a2  9a  20, we need two integers that have a product of 20 and a sum
of 9. Since the product is positive and the sum is negative, both integers must be

Product Sum
20  (1)(20) 1  (20)  21
20  (2)(10) 2  (10)  12
20  (4)(5) 4  (5)  9

Only 4 and 5 have a product of 20 and a sum of 9. Now replace 9a by
4a  (5a) or 4a  5a and factor by grouping:

a2  9a  20  a2  4a  5a  20 Replace 9a by 4a  5a.

 a(a  4)  5(a  4) Factor out a and 5.
 (a  5)(a  4) Factor out a  4.

Check by FOIL: (a  5)(a  4)  a2  9a  20.

Now do Exercises 1–14

We usually do not write out all of the steps shown in Example 1. We saw prior to
Example 1 that

x2  (m  n)x  mn  (x  m)(x  n).

So once you know m and n, you can simply write the factors, as shown in Example 2.
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5-21 5.3 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1 341

E X A M P L E 2 Factoring trinomials more efficiently

a) x 2  5x  4
b) y2  6y  16
c) w2  5w  24

a) To factor x2  5x  4 we need two integers with a product of 4 and a sum of 5.
The only possibilities for a product of 4 are

(1)(4), (1)(4), (2)(2), and (2)(2).

Only 1 and 4 have a sum of 5. So,

x 2  5x  4  (x  1)(x  4).

Check by using FOIL on (x  1)(x  4) to get x2  5x  4.

b) To factor y 2  6y  16 we need two integers with a product of 16 and a sum of 6.
The only possibilities for a product of 16 are

(1)(16), (1)(16), (2)(8), (2)(8), and (4)(4).

Only 2 and 8 have a sum of 6. So,

y 2  6y  16  (y  8)( y  2).

Check by using FOIL on ( y  8)( y  2) to get y 2  6y  16.

c) To factor w2  5w  24 we need two integers with a product of 24 and a sum
of 5. The only possibilities for a product of 24 are

(1)(24), (1)(24), (2)(12), (2)(12), (3)(8), (3)(8), (4)(6), and (4)(6).

Only 8 and 3 have a sum of 5. So,

w2  5w  24  (w  8)(w  3).

Check by using FOIL on (w  8)(w  3) to get w2  5w  24.

Now do Exercises 15–22

Polynomials are easiest to factor when they are in the form ax 2  bx  c. So if a

polynomial can be rewritten into that form, rewrite it before attempting to factor it. In
Example 3, we factor polynomials that need to be rewritten.

E X A M P L E 3 Factoring trinomials
a) 2x  8  x2
b) 36  t 2  9t
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342 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-22

a) Before factoring, write the trinomial as x 2  2x  8. Now, to get a product of 8
and a sum of 2, use 2 and 4:
2x  8  x 2  x 2  2x  8 Write in ax2  bx  c form.
 (x  4)(x  2) Factor and check by multiplying.
b) Before factoring, write the trinomial as t 2  9t  36. Now, to get a product of 36
and a sum of 9, use 12 and 3:
36  t 2  9t  t 2  9t  36 Write in ax2  bx  c form.
 (t  12)(t  3) Factor and check by multiplying.

Now do Exercises 23–24

To factor x 2  bx  c, we search through all pairs of integers that have a product

of c until we find a pair that has a sum of b. If there is no such pair of integers, then
the polynomial cannot be factored and it is a prime polynomial. Before you can con-
clude that a polynomial is prime, be sure that you have tried all possibilities.

E X A M P L E 4 Prime polynomials
a) x 2  7x  6
b) x 2  9
a) Because the last term is 6, we want a positive integer and a negative integer
that have a product of 6 and a sum of 7. Check all possible pairs of integers:
Product Sum
6  (1)(6) 1  6  5
6  (1)(6) 1  (6)  5
6  (2)(3) 2  (3)  1
6  (2)(3) 2  3  1

U Helpful Hint V None of these possible factors of 6 have a sum of 7, so we can be certain that
x2  7x  6 cannot be factored. It is a prime polynomial.
Don’t confuse a2  b2 with the differ-
ence of two squares a2  b2 which is b) Because the x-term is missing in x2  9, its coefficient is 0. That is, x2  9 
not a prime polynomial: x2  0x  9. So we seek two positive integers or two negative integers that have
a2  b2  (a  b)(a  b) a product of 9 and a sum of 0. Check all possibilities:
Product Sum
9  (1)(9) 1  9  10
9  (1)(9) 1  (9)  10
9  (3)(3) 336
9  (3)(3) 3  (3)  6
None of these pairs of integers have a sum of 0, so we can conclude that x 2  9 is
a prime polynomial. Note that x 2  9 does not factor as (x  3)2 because
(x  3)2 has a middle term: (x  3)2  x2  6x  9.
Now do Exercises 25–52
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5-23 5.3 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1 343

The prime polynomial x 2  9 in Example 4(b) is a sum of two squares. There are
many other sums of squares that are prime. For example,
x2  1, a2  4, b2  9, and 4y2  25
are prime. However, not every sum of two squares is prime. For example, 4x2  16 is
a sum of two squares that is not prime because 4x2  16  4(x2  4).

Sum of Two Squares

The sum of two squares a2  b2 is prime, but not every sum of two squares is prime.

U2V Factoring with Two Variables

In Example 5, we factor polynomials that have two variables using the same technique
that we used for one variable.

E X A M P L E 5 Polynomials with two variables

a) x 2  2xy  8y 2 b) a 2  7ab  10b2 c) 1  2xy  8x2y2

a) To factor x2  2xy  8y2 we need two integers with a product of 8 and a sum
of 2. The only possibilities for a product of 8 are
(1)(8), (1)(8), (2)(4), and (2)(4).
Only 2 and 4 have a sum of 2. Since (2y)(4y)  8y 2, we have
x 2  2xy  8y 2  (x  2y)(x  4y).
Check by using FOIL on (x  2y)(x  4y) to get x2  2xy  8y2.
b) To factor a2  7ab  10b2 we need two integers with a product of 10 and a sum
of 7. The only possibilities for a product of 10 are
(1)(10), (1)(10), (2)(5), and (2)(5).
Only 2 and 5 have a sum of 7. Since (2b)(5b)  10b2, we have
a2  7ab  10b2  (a  5b)(a  2b).
Check by using FOIL on (a  2b)(a  5b) to get a2  7ab  10b2.
c) As in part (a), we need two integers with a product of 8 and a sum of 2. The
integers are 4 and 2. Since 1 factors as 1  1 and 8x2y2  (4xy)(2xy), we have
1  2xy  8x2y2  (1  2xy)(1  4xy).
Check by using FOIL.
Now do Exercises 53–64

U3V Factoring Completely

In Section 5.2 you learned that binomials such as 3x  5 (with no common factor) are
prime polynomials. In Example 4 of this section we saw a trinomial that is a prime
polynomial. There are infinitely many prime trinomials. When factoring a polynomial
completely, we could have a factor that is a prime trinomial.
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344 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-24

E X A M P L E 6 Factoring completely
Factor each polynomial completely.
a) x3  6x2  16x b) 4x3  4x2  4x

a) x3  6x 2  16x  x (x 2  6x  16) Factor out the GCF.
 x(x  8)(x  2) Factor x2  6x  16.
b) First factor out 4x, the greatest common factor:
4x3  4x2  4x  4x (x2  x  1)
To factor x2  x  1, we would need two integers with a product of 1 and a sum
of 1. Because there are no such integers, x2  x  1 is prime, and the factorization
is complete.
Now do Exercises 65–106

Warm-Ups ▼
Fill in the blank. True or false?
1. If there are no two integers that have a of c and 5. x2  6x  9  (x  3)2
a of b, then x  bx  c is prime.
2 6. x2  6x  9  (x  3)2
2. We can check all factoring by the factors. 7. x2  10x  9  (x  9)(x  1)
3. The sum of two squares a2  b2 is . 8. x2  8x  9  (x  1)(x  9)
9. x2  10xy  9y2  (x  y)(x  9y)
4. Always factor out the first.
10. x2  1  (x  1)(x  1)
11. x2  x 1  (x  1)(x  1)


U Study Tips V
• Put important facts on note cards. Work on memorizing the note cards when you have a few spare minutes.
• Post some note cards on your refrigerator door. Make this course a part of your life.

U1V Factoring ax2  bx  c with a  1 3. x 2  9x  18 4. w 2  6w  8

Factor each trinomial. Write out all of the steps as shown in
Example 1. See the Strategy for Factoring x2  bx  c by 5. a2  7a  10 6. b2  7b  12
Grouping on page 339.
1. x 2  4x  3 2. y 2  6y  5 7. a2  7a  12 8. m 2  9m  14
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5-25 5.3 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1 345

9. b2  5b  6 10. a 2  5a  6 49. x2  5x  150

50. x2  25x  150
11. x2  3x  10 12. x2  x  12 51. 13y  30  y2
52. 18z  45  z2
13. x2  5x  24 14. a2  5a  50

U2V Factoring with Two Variables

Factor each polynomial. If the polynomial is prime, say so. Factor each polynomial. See Example 5.
See Examples 2– 4. 53. x2  5ax  6a2
15. y 2  7y  10 54. a2  7ab  10b2
16. x 2  8x  15 55. x2  4xy  12y 2
17. a 2  6a  8 56. y 2  yt  12t 2
18. b2  8b  15 57. x 2  13xy  12y2
19. m  10m  16
2 58. h2  9hs  9s 2
20. m 2  17m  16 59. x 2  4xz  33z2
21. w 2  9w  10 60. x 2  5xs  24s2
22. m  6m  16
61. 1  3ab  28a2b2
23. w  8  2w
62. 1  xy  20x2y2
24. 16  m 2  6m 63. 15a2b2  8ab  1
25. a 2  2a  12 64. 12m2n2  8mn  1
26. x  3x  3

27. 15m  16  m2 U3V Factoring Completely

28. 3y  y  10
Factor each polynomial completely. Use the methods discussed
29. a 2  4a  12 in Sections 5.1 through 5.3. If the polynomial is prime say so.
30. y 2  6y  8 See Example 6.
31. z 2  25 65. 5x3  5x
32. p2  1 66. b3  49b
33. h2  49 67. w2  8w
34. q2  4 68. x4  x3
35. m2  12m  20 69. 2w 2  162
36. m2  21m  20 70. 6w4  54w2
37. t2  3t  10 71. 2b2  98
38. x2  5x  3 72. a3  100a
39. m2  18  17m 73. x3  2x2  9x  18
40. h2  36  5h 74. x3  7x2  x  7
41. m2  23m  24 75. 4r2  9
42. m2  23m  24 76. t2  4z2
43. 5t  24  t 2 77. x 2w 2  9x2
44. t2  24  10t 78. a4b  a2b3
45. t2  2t  24 79. w2  18w  81
46. t2  14t  24 80. w2  30w  81
47. t2  10t  200 81. 6w2  12w  18
48. t2  30t  200 82. 9w  w3
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346 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-26

83. 3y2  75 108. Area of a sail. The area in square meters for a triangular
sail is given by A(x)  x2  5x  6.
84. 5x2  500
a) Find A(5).
85. ax  ay  cx  cy
b) If the height of the sail is x  3 meters, then what is
86. y3  y2  4y  4 the length of the base of the sail?
87. 2x2  10x  12
88. a3  2a2  a
89. 32x2  2x4
90. 20w 2  100w  40
91. 3w2  27w  54 x3m
92. w3  3w2  18w
93. 18w2  w3  36w
94. 18a2  3a3  36a Base
95. 9y2  1  6y Area  x 2  5x  6 m 2

96. 2a2  1  3a Figure for Exercise 108

97. 8vw2  32vw  32v
98. 3h2t  6ht  3t
109. Volume of a cube. Hector designed a cubic box with
99. 6x 3y  30x 2 y 2  36xy3 volume x 3 cubic feet. After increasing the dimensions
100. 3x 3y 2  3x 2y 2  3xy 2 of the bottom, the box has a volume of x 3  8x 2  15x
101. 5  8w  3w2 cubic feet. If each of the dimensions of the bottom
was increased by a whole number of feet, then how
102. 3  2y  21y2
much was each increase?
103. 3y3  6y2  3y
104. 4w3  16w2  20w
110. Volume of a container. A cubic shipping container
105. a3  ab  3b  3a2 had a volume of a3 cubic meters. The height was
106. ac  xc  aw2  xw2 decreased by a whole number of meters and the
width was increased by a whole number of meters so
Applications that the volume of the container is now a3  2a2  3a
Use factoring to solve each problem. cubic meters. By how many meters were the height
and width changed?
107. Area of a deck. The area in square feet for a rectangular
deck is given by A(x)  x 2  6x  8.
a) Find A(6). Getting More Involved
b) If the width of the deck is x  2 feet, then what is the
length? 111. Discussion
Which of the following products is not equivalent
to the others? Explain your answer.
a) (2x  4)(x  3) b) (x  2)(2x  6)
c) 2(x  2)(x  3) d) (2x  4)(2x  6)

112. Discussion
When asked to factor completely a certain polynomial,
four students gave the following answers. Only one
x  2 ft student gave the correct answer. Which one must it be?
Explain your answer.
Area  x 2  6x  8 ft 2 a) 3(x 2  2x  15) b) (3x  5)(5x  15)
Figure for Exercise 107 c) 3(x  5)(x  3) d) (3x  15)(x  3)
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5-27 5.4 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a 1 347

Mid-Chapter Quiz Sections 5.1 through 5.3 Chapter 5

Find the prime factorization of each integer. Factor completely.

1. 48 2. 140 10. 4y2  9w2

Find the greatest common factor for each group of integers. 11. 4h2  12h  9

3. 36, 45 4. 60, 144, 240 12. w2  16w  64

Factor each expression by factoring out the greatest common 13. 10x3  250x
factor. 14. 6x2  36x  54
5. 8w  6y 6. 12x  30x
3 2
15. aw  3w  6a  18
7. 15ab  25a b  35a b
3 2 2 3
16. bx  5b  6x  30
Factor each expression. 17. ax2  a  x2  1
8. (x  3)x  (x  3)5 18. x3  5x  4x2
9. m(m  9)  6(m  9) 19. 2x3  18x
20. a2  12as  32s2

5.4 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1

In This Section In Section 5.3, we used grouping to factor trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1.
In this section we will also use grouping to factor trinomials with a leading
U1V The ac Method coefficient that is not equal to 1.
U2V Trial and Error
U3V Factoring Completely

U1V The ac Method

The first step in factoring ax2  bx  c with a  1 is to find two numbers with a prod-
uct of c and a sum of b. If a 1, then the first step is to find two numbers with a
product of ac and a sum of b. This method is called the ac method. The strategy for
factoring by the ac method follows. Note that this strategy works whether or not the
leading coefficient is 1.

Strategy for Factoring ax 2  bx  c by the ac Method

To factor the trinomial ax2  bx  c:
1. Find two numbers that have a product equal to ac and a sum equal to b.
2. Replace bx by the sum of two terms whose coefficients are the two numbers
found in (1).
3. Factor the resulting four-term polynomial by grouping.
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348 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-28

E X A M P L E 1 The ac method
Factor each trinomial.
a) 2x2  7x  6
b) 2x2  x  6
c) 10x2  13x  3

a) In 2x2  7x  6 we have a  2, b  7, and c  6. So,
ac  2  6  12.
Now we need two integers with a product of 12 and a sum of 7. The pairs of
integers with a product of 12 are 1 and 12, 2 and 6, and 3 and 4. Only 3 and 4 have
a sum of 7. Replace 7x by 3x  4x and factor by grouping:
2x2  7x  6  2x2  3x  4x  6 Replace 7x by 3x  4x.
 (2x  3)x  (2x  3)2 Factor out the common factors.
 (2x  3)(x  2) Factor out 2x  3.

Check by FOIL.
b) In 2x2  x  6 we have a  2, b  1, and c  6. So,

ac  2(6)  12.
Now we need two integers with a product of 12 and a sum of 1. We can list the
possible pairs of integers with a product of 12 as follows:
1 and 12 2 and 6 3 and 4
1 and 12 2 and 6 3 and 4
Only 3 and 4 have a sum of 1. Replace x by 3x  4x and factor by grouping:

2x2  x  6  2x2  3x  4x  6 Replace x by 3x  4x.

 (2x  3)x  (2x  3)2 Factor out the common factors.
 (2x  3)(x  2) Factor out 2x  3.

Check by FOIL.
c) Because ac  10(3)  30, we need two integers with a product of 30 and a
sum of 13. The product is negative, so the integers must have opposite signs. We
can list all pairs of factors of 30 as follows:
1 and 30 2 and 15 3 and 10 5 and 6
1 and 30 2 and 15 3 and 10 5 and 6
The only pair that has a sum of 13 is 2 and 15:
10x2  13x  3  10x2  2x  15x  3 Replace 13x by 2x  15x.
 (5x  1)2x  (5x  1)3 Factor out the common factors.
 (5x  1)(2x  3) Factor out 5x  1.

Check by FOIL.
Now do Exercises 1–38
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5-29 5.4 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a 1 349

E X A M P L E 2 Factoring a trinomial in two variables by the ac method

Factor 8x2  14xy  3y2

Since a  8, b  14, and c  3, we have ac  24. Two numbers with a product of
24 and a sum of 14 must both be negative. The possible pairs with a product of 24

1 and 24 3 and 8

2 and 12 4 and 6

Only 2 and 12 have a sum of 14. Replace 14xy by 2xy  12xy and factor by

8x2  14xy  3y2  8x2  2xy  12xy  3y2

 (4x  y)2x  (4x  y)(3y)
 (4x  y)(2x  3y)

Check by FOIL.
Now do Exercises 39–44

U2V Trial and Error

After you have gained some experience at factoring by the ac method, you can often
find the factors without going through the steps of grouping. For example, consider
the polynomial
3x2  7x  6.
The factors of 3x2 can only be 3x and x. The factors of 6 could be 2 and 3 or 1 and 6.
We can list all of the possibilities that give the correct first and last terms, without
regard to the signs:
(3x 3)(x 2) (3x 2)(x 3) (3x 6)(x 1) (3x 1)(x 6)
Because the factors of 6 have unlike signs, one binomial factor is a sum and the
other binomial is a difference. Now we try some products to see if we get a middle
term of 7x:
(3x  3)(x  2)  3x2  3x  6 Incorrect
(3x  3)(x  2)  3x2  3x  6 Incorrect
Actually, there is no need to try (3x 3)(x 2) or (3x 6)(x 1) because each contains
U Helpful Hint V
a binomial with a common factor. A common factor in the binomial causes a common
If the trinomial has no common fac- factor in the product. But 3x2  7x  6 has no common factor. So the factors must
tor, then neither binomial factor can
come from either (3x 2)(x 3) or (3x 1)(x 6). So we try again:
have a common factor.
(3x  2)(x  3)  3x2  7x  6 Incorrect
(3x  2)(x  3)  3x2  7x  6 Correct
Even though there may be many possibilities in some factoring problems, it is
often possible to find the correct factors without writing down every possibility. We
can use a bit of guesswork in factoring trinomials. Try whichever possibility you think
might work. Check it by multiplying. If it is not right, then try again. That is why this
method is called trial and error.
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350 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-30

E X A M P L E 3 Trial and error

Factor each trinomial using trial and error.
a) 2x2  5x  3 b) 3x2  11x  6

a) Because 2x2 factors only as 2x  x and 3 factors only as 1  3, there are only two
possible ways to get the correct first and last terms, without regard to the signs:

(2x 1)(x 3) and (2x 3)(x 1)

U Helpful Hint V
The ac method is more systematic Because the last term of the trinomial is negative, one of the missing signs must
than trial and error. However, trial be , and the other must be . The trinomial is factored correctly as
U Helpful Hint
and error can beVfaster and easier,
The if your isfirst
ac method or second
more trial
systematic 2x2  5x  3  (2x  1)(x  3).
is correct.
than trial and error. However, trial
and error can be faster and easier, Check by using FOIL.
especially if your first or second trial b) There are four possible ways to factor 3x2  11x  6:
is correct.
(3x 1)(x 6) (3x 2)(x 3)
(3x 6)(x 1) (3x 3)(x 2)

The first binomials of (3x 6)(x 1) and (3x 3)(x 2) have a common factor of 3.
Since there is no common factor in 3x2 11x  6, we can rule out both of these pos-
sibilities. Since the last term in 3x2  11x  6 is positive and the middle term is neg-
ative, both signs in the factors must be negative. So the correct factorization is either
(3x  1)(x  6) or (3x  2)(x  3). By using FOIL we can verify that (3x  2)(x  3) 
3x2  11x  6. So the polynomial is factored correctly as

3x2  11x  6  (3x  2)(x  3).

Now do Exercises 45–64

Factoring by trial and error is not just guessing. In fact, if the trinomial has a positive
leading coefficient, we can determine in advance whether its factors are sums or

Using Signs in Trial and Error

1. If the signs of the terms of a trinomial are   , then both factors are
sums: x2  5x  6  (x  2)(x  3).
2. If the signs are   , then both factors are differences: x2  5x  6 
(x  2)(x  3).
3. If the signs are    or   , then one factor is a sum and the
other is a difference: x2  x  6  (x  3)(x  2) and x2  x  6 
(x  3)(x  2).

In Example 4 we factor a trinomial that has two variables.

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5-31 5.4 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a 1 351

E X A M P L E 4 Factoring a trinomial with two variables by trial and error

Factor 6x2  7xy  2y2.

We list the possible ways to factor the trinomial:

(3x 2y)(2x y) (3x y)(2x 2y) (6x 2y)(x y) (6x y)(x 2y)

Note that there is a common factor 2 in (2x 2y) and in (6x 2y). Since there is no com-
mon factor of 2 in the original trinomial, the second and third possibilities will not work.
Because the last term of the trinomial is positive and the middle term is negative, both fac-
tors must contain subtraction symbols. Only the first possibility will give a middle term of
7xy when subtraction symbols are used in both factors. So,

6x2  7xy  2y2  (3x  2y)(2x  y).

Now do Exercises 65–74

U3V Factoring Completely

You can use the latest factoring technique along with the techniques that you learned
earlier to factor polynomials completely. Remember always to first factor out the
greatest common factor (if it is not 1).

E X A M P L E 5 Factoring completely
Factor each polynomial completely.
a) 4x3  14x2  6x
b) 12x2y  6xy  6y

a) 4x3  14x2  6x  2x(2x2  7x  3) Factor out the GCF, 2x.
 2x(2x  1)(x  3) Factor 2x2  7x  3.

Check by multiplying.

b) 12x 2y  6xy  6y  6y(2x2  x  1) Factor out the GCF, 6y.

To factor 2x 2  x  1 by the ac method, we need two numbers with a product of 2
and a sum of 1. Because there are no such numbers, 2x2  x  1 is prime and the
factorization is complete.
Now do Exercises 75–84

Our first step in factoring is to factor out the greatest common factor (if it is not 1).
If the first term of a polynomial has a negative coefficient, then it is better to factor out
the opposite of the GCF so that the resulting polynomial will have a positive leading
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352 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-32

E X A M P L E 6 Factoring out the opposite of the GCF

Factor each polynomial completely.
a) 18x3  51x2  15x
b) 3a2  2a  21

a) The GCF is 3x. Because the first term has a negative coefficient, we factor
out 3x:
18x3  51x2  15x  3x(6x2  17x  5) Factor out 3x.
 3x(3x  1)(2x  5) Factor 6x2  17x  5.
b) The GCF for 3a2  2a  21 is 1. Because the first term has a negative coeffi-
cient, factor out 1:
3a2  2a  21  1(3a2  2a  21) Factor out 1.
 1(3a  7)(a  3) Factor 3a2  2a  21.
Now do Exercises 85–100

Warm-Ups ▼
Fill in the blank. True or false?
1. If there are no two integers that have a of ac 3. 2x2  3x  1  (2x  1)(x  1)
and a of b, then ax2  bx  c is prime. 4. 2x2  5x  3  (2x  1)(x  3)
2. In the method we make educated 5. 3x2  10x  3  (3x  1)(x  3)
guesses at the factors and then check by FOIL. 6. 2x2  7x  9  (2x  9)(x  1)
7. 2x2  16x  9  (2x  9)(2x  1)
8. 12x2  13x  3  (3x  1)(4x  3)


U Study Tips V
• Pay particular attention to the examples that your instructor works in class or presents to you online.
• The examples and homework assignments should give you a good idea of what your instructor expects from you.

U1V The ac Method 3. Two integers that have a product of 30 and a sum of 17
Find the following. See Example 1.
4. Two integers that have a product of 36 and a sum of 20
1. Two integers that have a product of 12 and a sum of 7
5. Two integers that have a product of 12 and a sum of 4
2. Two integers that have a product of 20 and a sum of 12
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5-33 5.4 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a 1 353

6. Two integers that have a product of 8 and a sum 47. 6x2  5x  1 48. 15y2  8y  1
of 7
Each of the following trinomials is in the form ax2  bx  c. 49. 5a2  11a  2 50. 3y2  10y  7
For each trinomial, find two integers that have a product of ac
and a sum of b. Do not factor the trinomials. See Example 1. 51. 4w2  8w  3 52. 6z2  13z  5
7. 6x2  7x  2 8. 5x2  17x  6 53. 15x2  x  2 54. 15x2  13x  2
9. 6y2  11y  3 10. 6z2  19z  10 55. 8x2  6x  1 56. 8x2  22x  5
11. 12w2  w  1 12. 15t2  17t  4 57. 15x2  31x  2 58. 15x2  31x  2

59. 4x2  4x  3 60. 4x2  12x  5

Factor each trinomial using the ac method. See Example 1.
See the Strategy for Factoring ax2  bx  c by the ac Method 61. 2x2  18x  90 62. 3x2  11x  10
box on page 347.
13. 2x2  3x  1 14. 2x2  11x  5 63. 3x2  x  10 64. 3x2  17x  10

15. 2x2  9x  4 16. 2h2  7h  3 65. 10x2  3xy  y2 66. 8x2  2xy  y2

17. 3t 2  7t  2 18. 3t2  8t  5 67. 42a2  13ab  b2 68. 10a2  27ab  5b2

19. 2x2  5x  3 20. 3x2  x  2

Complete the factoring.
21. 6x2  7x  3 22. 21x2  2x  3 69. 3x2  7x  2  (x  2)( )
70. 2x2  x  15  (x  3)( )
23. 3x2  5x  4 24. 6x2  5x  3 71. 5x2  11x  2  (5x  1)( )
25. 2x2  7x  6 26. 3a2  14a  15
72. 4x2  19x  5  (4x  1)( )
73. 6a2  17a  5  (3a  1)( )
27. 5b2  13b  6 28. 7y2  16y  15
74. 4b2  16b  15  (2b  5)( )
29. 4y2  11y  3 30. 35x2  2x  1
U3V Factoring Completely
31. 3x  2x  1
32. 6x  4x  5
2 Factor each polynomial completely. See Examples 5 and 6.
33. 8x2  2x  1 34. 8x2  10x  3 75. 81w3  w 76. 81w3  w2

35. 9t2  9t  2 36. 9t2  5t  4 77. 4w2  2w  30 78. 2x2  28x  98

37. 15x2  13x  2 38. 15x2  7x  2 79. 27  12x2  36x 80. 24y  12y2  12

81. 6w2  11w  35 82. 8y2  14y  15

Use the ac method to factor each trinomial. See Example 2.
39. 4a2  16ab  15b2 40. 10x2  17xy  3y2 83. 3x2z  3zx  18z 84. a2b  2ab  15b

41. 6m2  7mn  5n2 42. 3a2  2ab  21b2 85. 9x3  21x2  18x 86. 8x3  4x2  2x

43. 3x2  8xy  5y2 44. 3m2  13mn  12n2 87. a2  2ab  15b2 88. a2b2  2a2b  15a2

89. 2x2y2  xy2  3y2 90. 18x2  6x  6

U2V Trial and Error 91. 6t3  t2  2t 92. 36t2  6t  12
Factor each trinomial using trial and error. See Examples 3 and 4.
45. 5a2  6a  1 46. 7b2  8b  1 93. 12t4  2t3  4t 2 94. 12t3  14t2  4t
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354 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-34

95. 4x2y  8xy2  3y3 a) Rewrite the formula by factoring the right-hand side
96. 9x2  24xy  9y2 completely.
97. 4w2  7w  3 b) Use the factored version of the formula to find N(3).
98. 30w2  w  1
99. 12a3  22a 2b  6ab2 c) Use the accompanying graph to estimate the time at
100. 36a2b  21ab2  3b3 which the workers are most efficient.
d) Use the accompanying graph to estimate the
Applications maximum number of components assembled per
Solve each problem. hour during an 8-hour shift.
101. Height of a ball. If a ball is thrown straight upward at
40 feet per second from a rooftop 24 feet above the Getting More Involved
ground, then its height in feet above the ground t seconds 103. Exploration
after it is thrown is given by
Find all positive and negative integers b for which
h(t)  16t2  40t  24. each polynomial can be factored.
a) Find h(0), h(1), h(2), and h(3).
a) x2  bx  3 b) 3x2  bx  5
b) Rewrite the formula with the polynomial factored
c) 2x2  bx  15
c) Find h(3) using the result of part (b). 104. Exploration
40 ft/sec Find two integers c (positive or negative) for which
each polynomial can be factored. Many answers are
a) x 2  x  c
h(t)  16 t 2  40t  24
b) x2  2x  c
c) 2x 2  3x  c

105. Cooperative learning

Working in groups, cut two large squares, three
Figure for Exercise 101
rectangles, and one small square out of paper that are
102. Worker efficiency. In a study of worker efficiency at Wong exactly the same size as shown in the accompanying
Laboratories it was found that the number of components figure. Then try to place the six figures next to one
assembled per hour by the average worker t hours after another so that they form a large rectangle. Do not
starting work could be modeled by the formula overlap the pieces or leave any gaps. Explain how
N(t)  3t3  23t2  8t. factoring 2x2  3x  1 can help you solve this puzzle.

x x 1 1 1 1
Number of components

x x x x x

Figure for Exercise 105

106. Cooperative learning
Working in groups, cut four squares and eight
0 rectangles out of paper as in Exercise 105 to illustrate the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hours)
trinomial 4x2  7x  3. Select one group to demonstrate
how to arrange the 12 pieces to form a large rectangle.
Have another group explain how factoring the trinomial
Figure for Exercise 102 can help you solve this puzzle.
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5-35 5.5 Difference and Sum of Cubes and a Strategy 355

5.5 Difference and Sum of Cubes and a Strategy

In This Section In Sections 5.1 to 5.4, we established the general idea of factoring and some special
cases. In this section we will see two more special cases. We will then summarize all
U1V Factoring a Difference or Sum of the factoring that we have done with a factoring strategy.
of Two Cubes
U V Factoring a Difference of Two
Fourth Powers
U V The Factoring Strategy
3 U1V Factoring a Difference or Sum of Two Cubes
We can use division to discover that a  b is a factor of a3  b3 (a difference of two
cubes) and a  b is a factor of a3  b3 (a sum of two cubes):
a2  ab  b2 a2  ab  b2
a  ba
b3 a  b a3
2 2
b  0ab  b3
a  ab
3 2
a  ab
3 2

a2b  0ab2 a2b  0ab2

a2b  ab2 a2b  ab2
ab2  b3 ab2  b3
ab2  b3 ab2  b3
0 0
In each division the remainder is 0. So in each case the dividend is equal to the divi-
sor times the quotient. These results give us two new factoring rules.

Factoring a Difference or Sum of Two Cubes

a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)
a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)

Use the following strategy to factor a difference or sum of two cubes.

Strategy for Factoring a3  b3 or a3  b3

1. The first factor is the original polynomial without the exponents, and the
middle term in the second factor has the opposite sign from the first factor:
a3 – b3  (a – b)(a2  ab  b2) a3  b3  (a  b)(a2 – ab  b2)
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
opposite signs opposite signs

2. Recall the two perfect square trinomials a  2ab  b2 and a2 – 2ab  b2.

The second factor is almost a perfect square trinomial. Just delete the 2.

It is helpful also to compare the differences and sums of squares and cubes:
a2  b2  (a  b)(a  b) a2  b2 Prime
a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2) a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)
The factors a2  ab  b2 and a2  ab  b2 are prime. They can’t be factored. The
perfect square trinomials a2  2ab  b2 and a2  2ab  b2, which are almost the
same, are not prime. They can be factored:
a2  2ab  b2  (a  b)2 and a2  2ab  b2  (a  b)2.
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356 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-36

E X A M P L E 1 Factoring a difference or sum of two cubes

Factor each polynomial.
a) w3  8 b) x3  1 c) 8y3  27

a) Because 8  23, w3  8 is a difference of two cubes. To factor w3  8, let
a  w and b  2 in the formula a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2):

w3  8  (w  2)(w2  2w  4)
b) Because 1  13, the binomial x3  1 is a sum of two cubes. Let a  x and b  1 in
the formula a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2):

x3  1  (x  1)(x2  x  1)
c) 8y3  27  (2y)3  33 This is a difference of two cubes.
 (2y  3)(4y  6y  9) Let a  2y and b  3 in the formula.

Now do Exercises 1–16

In Example 1, we used the first three perfect cubes, 1, 8, and 27. You should verify
that 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, and 1000 are the first 10 perfect cubes.

CAUTION The polynomial (a  b)3 is not equivalent to a3  b3 because if a  2

and b  1, then
(a  b)3  (2  1)3  13  1
a3  b3  23  13  8  1  7.
Likewise, (a  b)3 is not equivalent to a3  b3.

U2V Factoring a Difference of Two Fourth Powers

A difference of two fourth powers of the form a4  b4 is also a difference of two
squares, (a2)2  (b2)2. It can be factored by the rule for factoring a difference of two
a4  b4  (a2)2  (b2)2 Write as a difference of two squares.
 (a  b )(a  b )
2 2 2 2
Difference of two squares
 (a  b)(a  b)(a2  b2) Factor completely.
Note that the sum of two squares a2  b2 is prime and cannot be factored.

E X A M P L E 2 Factoring a difference of two fourth powers

Factor each polynomial completely.
a) x4  16 b) 81m4  n4
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5-37 5.5 Difference and Sum of Cubes and a Strategy 357

a) x4  16  (x2)2  42 Write as a difference of two squares.
 (x  4)(x  4)
2 2
Difference of two squares
 (x  2)(x  2)(x  4)2
Factor completely.

b) 81m4  n4  (9m2)2  (n2)2 Write as a difference of two squares.

 (9m  n
2 2
)(9m 2
) Factor.
 (3m  n)(3m  n)(9m2  n2) Factor completely.
Now do Exercises 17–24

CAUTION A difference of two squares or cubes can be factored, and a sum of two
cubes can be factored. But the sums of two squares x2  4 and 9m2  n2
in Example 2 are prime.

U3V The Factoring Strategy

The following is a summary of the ideas that we use to factor a polynomial completely.

Strategy for Factoring Polynomials Completely

1. Factor out the GCF (with a negative coefficient if necessary).
2. When factoring a binomial, check to see whether it is a difference of two
squares, a difference of two cubes, or a sum of two cubes. A sum of two
squares does not factor.
3. When factoring a trinomial, check to see whether it is a perfect square trinomial.
4. If the polynomial has four terms, try factoring by grouping.
5. When factoring a trinomial that is not a perfect square, use the ac method or
the trial-and-error method.
6. Check to see whether any of the factors can be factored again.

We will use the factoring strategy in Example 3.

E X A M P L E 3 Factoring polynomials
Factor each polynomial completely.
a) 2a2b  24ab  72b b) 3x3  6x2  75x  150
c) 3x4  15x3  72x2 d) 60y3  85y2  25y

a) 2a2b  24ab  72b  2b(a2  12a  36) First factor out the GCF, 2b.
 2b(a  6)2 Factor the perfect square
b) 3x3  6x2  75x  150  3[x3  2x 2  25x  50] Factor out the GCF, 3.
 3[x 2(x  2)  25(x  2)] Factor out common factors.
 3(x 2  25)(x  2) Factor by grouping.
 3(x  5)(x  5)(x  2) Factor the difference
of two squares.
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358 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-38

c) Factor out 3x2 to get 3x4  15x3  72x2  3x2(x2  5x  24). To factor the
trinomial, find two numbers with a product of 24 and a sum of 5. For a product
of 24 we have 1  24, 2  12, 3  8, and 4  6. To get a sum of 5 and a product of
24 choose 8 and 3:
3x4  15x3  72x2  3x2(x2  5x  24)
 3x2(x  3)(x  8)
d) Factor out 5y to get 60y3  85y2  25y  5y(12y2  17y  5). By the ac method
we need two numbers that have a product of 60 (ac) and a sum of 17. The
numbers are 20 and 3. Now factor by grouping:
60y3  85y2  25y  5y(12y2  17y  5) Factor out 5y.
 5y(12y2  20y  3y  5) 17y  20y  3y
 5y[4y(3y  5)  1(3y  5)] Factor by grouping.
 5y(3y  5)(4y  1) Factor out 3y  5.

Now do Exercises 25–92

Warm-Ups ▼
Fill in the blank. True or false?
1. If there is no , then the dividend is the divisor 5. For any real number x, x2  4  (x  2)2.
times the quotient. 6. The trinomial 4x2  6x  9 is a perfect square
2. The binomial a3  b3 is a of two cubes. trinomial.
3. The binomial a  b is a
3 3
of two cubes. 7. The binomial 4y2  25 is prime.
8. If the GCF is not 1, then you should factor it out
4. If a3  b3 is divided by a  b, then the remainder
is .
9. You can factor y2  5y  my  5m by grouping.
10. You can factor x2  ax  3x  3a by grouping.


U Study Tips V
• If you have a choice, sit at the front of the class. It is easier to stay alert when you are at the front.
• If you miss what is going on in class, you miss what your instructor feels is important and most likely to appear on tests and quizzes.

U1V Factoring a Difference or Sum of Two Cubes 3. x3  8

Factor each difference or sum of cubes. See Example 1. 4. y3  27
1. m3  1 5. a3  125
2. z3  27 6. b3  216
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5-39 5.5 Difference and Sum of Cubes and a Strategy 359

7. c3  343 37. 9x 2  6x  1
8. d3  1000 38. 9x 2  6x  3
9. 8w3  1 39. 9m2  1
10. 125m3  1 40. 4b2  25
11. 8t3  27 41. w4  z4
12. 125n3  8 42. y4  1
13. x3  y3 43. 6x 2y  xy  2y
14. m3  n3 44. 5x 2y 2  xy2  6y2
15. 8t3  y3 45. y 2  10y  25
16. u3  125v3 46. x2  20x  25
47. 48a2  24a  3
48. 8b 2  24b  18
U2V Factoring a Difference of Two Fourth Powers
49. 16m 2  4m  2
Factor each polynomial completely. See Example 2.
17. x 4  y4 50. 32a 2  4a  6

18. m4  n4 51. s4  16t 4

19. x4  1 52. 81  q4

20. a4  81 53. 9a2  24a  16

54. 3x 2  18x  48
21. 16b4  1
55. 24x 2  26x  6
22. 625b4  1
56. 4x 2  6x  12
23. a4  81b4
57. 3m2  27
24. 16a4  m4
58. 5a2  20b2
59. 3a2  27a
U3V The Factoring Strategy 60. a2  25a
Factor each polynomial completely. If a polynomial is prime,
say so. See Example 3. See the Strategy for Factoring 61. 8  2x 2
Polynomials Completely box on page 357. 62. x 3  6x 2  9x
25. 2x  182
63. w2  4t2
26. 3x  12x
64. 9x 2  4y2
27. a  4
65. 6x 3  5x 2  12x
28. x2  y2 66. x3  2x 2  x  2
29. 4x2  8x  60 67. a 3b  4ab
30. 3x2  18x  27 68. 2m2  1800
31. x3  4x2  4x 69. x 3  2x 2  4x  8
32. a3  5a2  6a 70. 2x 3  50x
33. 5max 2  20ma 71. 7m3n  28mn3
34. 3bmw2  12bm 72. x3  x2  x  1
35. 2x 2  3x  1 73. 2x3  16
36. 3x 2  8x  5 74. m2a  2ma2  a3
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360 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-40

75. 2w4  16w Extra Factoring Exercises

76. m4n  mn4 Factor each polynomial completely.
77. 3a2w  18aw  27w 97. 3w 2  30w  75
78. 8a3  4a 98. 4z2  16z  16
79. 5x 2  500 99. 81  b2
80. 25x 2  16y 2 100. 9  4p2
81. 2m  2n  wm  wn 101. w2  8w
82. aw  5b  bw  5a 102. 6z2  12z
83. 3x4  3x 103. 3x 2  6x  105

84. 3a5  81a2 104. 6m2  36m  96

85. 4w 2  4w  4 105. ax  5a  4x  20
106. w2  3w  3c  cw
86. 4w 2  8w  5
107. 12x2  7x  12
87. a 4  7a 3  30a 2
108. 8x2  6x  27
88. 2y 5  3y 4  20y 3
109. 9x2  15x  6
89. 4aw3  12aw2  9aw
110. 8x2  4x  40
90. 9bn 3  15bn2  14bn
111. w3  27
91. t 2  6t  9
112. y3  1
92. t 3  12t 2  36t
113. y3  y2  y  1
114. a3  2a2  4a  8
Getting More Involved
115. m4  81
93. Discussion
116. t 4  256
Are there any values for a and b for which
117. a2  2ab  8b2
(a  b)3  a3  b3? Find a pair of values for a and
b for which (a  b)3  a3  b3. Is (a  b)3 equivalent 118. x2  xy  12y2
to a3  b3? Explain your answers. 119. m3y  6m2y2  9my3
120. w4a  10w 3a2  25w2a3
94. Writing 121. x4  2x 3  4x2
Explain why a2  ab  b2 and a2  ab  b2 are 122. y 5  6y4  9y3
prime polynomials. 123. y 7  y3
95. Discussion 124. a6  16a 2
The polynomial a6  1 is a sum of two squares and a 125. x 2  18x  72
sum of two cubes. You can’t factor it as a sum of two 126. m 2  17m  72
squares, but you can factor any sum of two cubes. 127. 6a3  5a2  4a
Factor a6  1.
128. 12x2  15x  18
129. x4  8x
96. Discussion
130. a4  ab3
Factor a6  b6 and a6  b6 completely.
131. 16t 2  24tx  9x2
132. 9y2  30yz  25z2
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5-41 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 361

5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

In This Section The techniques of factoring can be used to solve equations involving polynomials.
These equations cannot be solved by the other methods that you have learned.
U1V The Zero Factor Property After you learn to solve equations by factoring, you will use this technique to solve
U2V Fractions and Decimals some new types of problems.
U3V Applications

U1V The Zero Factor Property

In this chapter you learned to factor polynomials such as x 2  x  6. The equation
x 2  x  6  0 is called a quadratic equation.

Quadratic Equation
If a, b, and c are real numbers with a  0, then
ax 2  bx  c  0
is called a quadratic equation.

A quadratic equation always has a second-degree term because it is specified in the

definition that a is not zero. The main idea used to solve quadratic equations, the zero
factor property, is simply a fact about multiplication by zero.

The Zero Factor Property

The equation a  b  0 is equivalent to
a0 or b  0.

We will use the zero factor property most often to solve quadratic equations that
have two factors, as shown in Example 1. However, this property holds for more than
two factors as well. If a product of any number of factors is zero, then at least one of
the factors is zero.
The following strategy gives the steps to follow when solving a quadratic equation
by factoring. Of course, this method applies only to quadratic equations in which the
quadratic polynomial can be factored. Methods that can be used for solving all quadratic
equations are presented in Chapter 10.

Strategy for Solving an Equation by Factoring

1. Rewrite the equation with 0 on one side.
2. Factor the other side completely.
3. Use the zero factor property to get simple linear equations.
4. Solve the linear equations.
5. Check the answer in the original equation.
6. State the solution(s) to the original equation.
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362 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-42

E X A M P L E 1 Using the zero factor property

Solve x 2  x  6  0.

First factor the polynomial on the left-hand side:
U Helpful Hint V x2  x  6  0
Some students grow up believing (x  3)(x  2)  0 Factor the left-hand side.
that the only way to solve an equa- x30 or x  2  0 Zero factor property
tion is to “do the same thing to each
x  3 or x  2 Solve each equation.
side.” Then along come quadratic
equations and the zero factor prop- We now check that 3 and 2 satisfy the original equation.
erty. For a quadratic equation, we
write an equivalent compound equa-
For x  3: For x  2:
tion that is not obtained by “doing x 2  x  6  (3)2  (3)  6 x2  x  6  (2)2  (2)  6
the same thing to each side.” 936 426
0 0
The solutions to x 2  x  6  0 are 3 and 2. Checking 3 and 2 in the factored form of
the equation (x  3)(x  2)  0 will help you understand the zero factor property:
(3  3)(3  2)  (0)(5)  0
(2  3)(2  2)  (5)(0)  0
For each solution to the equation, one of the factors is zero and the other is not zero. All it
takes to get a product of zero is one of the factors being zero.
Now do Exercises 1–12

A sentence such as x  3 or x  2, which is made up of two or more equations con-

nected with the word “or,” is called a compound equation. In Example 2, we again solve
a quadratic equation by using the zero factor property to write a compound equation.

E X A M P L E 2 Using the zero factor property

Solve the equation 3x 2  3x.

First rewrite the equation with 0 on the right-hand side:
3x 2  3x
3x 2  3x  0 Add 3x to each side.
3x(x  1)  0 Factor the left-hand side.
3x  0 or x10 Zero factor property
x0 or x  1 Solve each equation.
Check 0 and 1 in the original equation 3x  3x.

For x  0: For x  1:

3(0)2  3(0) 3(1)2  3(1)
00 33
There are two solutions to the original equation, 0 and 1.
Now do Exercises 13–20
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5-43 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 363

CAUTION If in Example 2 you divide each side of 3x 2  3x by 3x, you would
get x  1 but not the solution x  0. For this reason we usually do not
divide each side of an equation by a variable.

E X A M P L E 3 Using the zero factor property

Solve (2x  1)(x  1)  14.

To write the equation with 0 on the right-hand side, multiply the binomials on the left and
then subtract 14 from each side:

(2x  1)(x  1)  14 Original equation

2x 2  x  1  14 Multiply the binomials.
2x 2  x  15  0 Subtract 14 from each side.
(2x  5)(x  3)  0 Factor.
2x  5  0 or x30 Zero factor property
2x  5 or x3
x   or x3

Check 5 and 3 in the original equation:


2  52  152  1  (5  1)52  22

(2  3  1)(3  1)  (7)(2)

So the solutions are 5 and 3.


Now do Exercises 21–26

CAUTION In Example 3, we started with a product equal to 14. Because 1  14  14,

1 1
2  7  14,   28  14, 3  42  14, and so on, we cannot make any
conclusion about the factors that have a product of 14. If the product
of two factors is zero, then we can conclude that one or the other factor
is zero.

If a perfect square trinomial occurs in a quadratic equation with 0 on one side,

then there are two identical factors of the trinomial. In this case it is not necessary to
set both factors equal to zero. The solution can be found from one factor.
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364 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-44

E X A M P L E 4 An equation with a repeated factor

Solve 5x2  30x  45  0.

Notice that the trinomial on the left-hand side has a common factor:
5x 2  30x  45  0
5(x 2  6x  9)  0 Factor out the GCF.
5(x  3)2  0 Factor the perfect square trinomial.
(x  3)2  0 Divide each side by 5.
x30 Zero factor property
Even though x  3 occurs twice as a factor, it is not necessary to write x  3  0 or
x  3  0. If x  3 in 5x2  30x  45  0, we get
5  32  30  3  45  0,
which is correct. So the only solution to the equation is 3.
Now do Exercises 27–30

CAUTION Do not include 5 in the solution to Example 4. Dividing by 5 eliminates it.

Instead of dividing by 5 we could have applied the zero factor property to
5(x  3)2  0. Since 5 is not 0, we must have (x  3)2  0 or x  3  0.
If the left-hand side of the equation has more than two factors, we can write an
equivalent equation by setting each factor equal to zero.

E X A M P L E 5 An equation with three solutions

Solve 2x 3  x 2  8x  4  0.

We can factor the four-term polynomial by grouping:
U Helpful Hint V 2x 3  x 2  8x  4  0
Compare the number of solutions in x 2(2x  1)  4(2x  1)  0 Factor out the common factors.
Examples 1 through 5 to the degree
of the polynomial. The number of real
(x 2  4)(2x  1)  0 Factor out 2x  1.
solutions to any polynomial equation (x  2)(x  2)(2x  1)  0 Difference of two squares
is less than or equal to the degree of x  2  0 or x  2  0 or 2x  1  0 Zero factor property
the polynomial. This fact is known as 1
the fundamental theorem of algebra. x  2 or x  2 or x   Solve each equation.
To check let x  2, , and 2 in 2x  x  8x  4  0:
3 2
2(2)3  (2)2  8(2)  4  0

   12  812  4  0
3 2
2(2)3  22  8(2)  4  0

Since all of these equations are correct, the solutions are 2, 1, and 2.

Now do Exercises 31–38

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5-45 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 365

U2V Fractions and Decimals

If the coefficients in an equation are not integers, we might be able to convert them
into integers. Fractions can be eliminated by multiplying each side of the equation by
the least common denominator (LCD). To eliminate decimals multiply each side by
the smallest power of 10 that will eliminate all of the decimals.

E X A M P L E 6 Converting to Integers
1 1
a)  x 2  x  2  0 b) 0.02x2  0.19x  0.1
12 6
a) The LCD for 6 and 12 is 12. So multiply each side of the equation by 12:
1 1
 x 2   x  2  0 Original equation
12 6

1 2 1
12  x   x  2  12(0) Multiply each side by 12.
12 6
x  2x  24  0
(x  6)(x  4)  0 Factor.
x60 or x  4  0 Zero factor property
x  6 or x4
1 1
 (6)2  (6)  2  3  1  2  0
12 6
1 1 4 2
 (4)2  (4)  2      2  0
12 6 3 3
The solutions are 6 and 4.
b) Multiply each side by 100 to eliminate the decimals:
0.02x 2  0.19x  0.1 Original equation
100(0.02x 2  0.19x)  100(0.1) Multiply each side by 100.
2x2  19x  10 Simplify.
2x 2  19x  10  0 Get 0 on one side.
(2x  1)(x  10)  0 Factor.
2x  1  0 or x  10  0 Zero factor property
x   or x  10
The solutions are 2 and 10. You might want to use a calculator to check.

Now do Exercises 39-46

CAUTION You can multiply each side of the equation in Example 6(a) by 12 to clear the
fractions and get an equivalent equation, but multiplying the polynomial
1 1
 x2   x  2 by 12 to clear the fractions is not allowed. It would result
12 6
in an expression that is not equivalent to the original.
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366 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-46

Note that all of the equations in this section can be solved by factoring. However,
we can have equations involving prime polynomials. Such equations cannot be solved
by factoring but can be solved by the methods in Chapter 10.

U3V Applications
There are many problems that can be solved by equations like those we have just

E X A M P L E 7 Area of a garden
Merida’s garden has a rectangular shape with a length that is 1 foot longer than twice the
width. If the area of the garden is 55 square feet, then what are the dimensions of the garden?

If x represents the width of the garden, then 2x  1 represents the length. See Fig. 5.1.
Because the area of a rectangle is the length times the width, we can write the equation
x(2x  1)  55.

x ft We must have zero on the right-hand side of the equation to use the zero factor property.
2x 1 ft So we rewrite the equation and then factor:

Figure 5.1 2x 2  x  55  0
(2x  11)(x  5)  0 Factor.
U Helpful Hint V 2x  11  0 or x  5  0 Zero factor property
To prove the Pythagorean theorem x   or x5
start with two identical squares with 2
sides of length a  b, and partition
them as shown. The width is certainly not 11. So we use x  5 to get the length:
b a 2x  1  2(5)  1  11
We check by multiplying 11 feet and 5 feet to get the area of 55 square feet. So the width
c is 5 ft, and the length is 11 ft.
b b2 b
Now do Exercises 65–66

c a2 a
a The Pythagorean theorem was one of the earliest theorems known to ancient
b a civilizations. It is named for the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras.
Builders from ancient to modern times have used the theorem to guarantee they had
b a
right angles when laying out foundations. The Pythagorean theorem says that in any
a c b right triangle the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs is equal to the square of
the length of the hypotenuse.
c The Pythagorean Theorem
b c a
The triangle shown in Fig. 5.2 is a right triangle
a b if and only if
There are eight identical triangles in a2  b2  c2. b
the diagram. Erasing four of them
from each original square will leave
smaller squares with areas a2, b2, a Legs
and c2. Since the original squares had
equal areas, the remaining areas Figure 5.2
must be equal. So a2  b2  c2.
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5-47 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 367

If you do an Internet search, you can find sites that have many different proofs to this
theorem. One proof is shown in the Helpful Hint in the margin.

E X A M P L E 8 Using the Pythagorean theorem

The length of a rectangle is 1 meter longer than the width, and the diagonal measures
5 meters. What are the length and width?

If x represents the width of the rectangle, then x  1 represents the length. Because the two
sides are the legs of a right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to get a relation-
ship between the length, width, and diagonal. See Fig. 5.3.

x 2  (x  1) 2  5 2 Pythagorean theorem

x  x  2x  1  25
2 2
2x  2x  24  0

x 2  x  12  0 Divide each side by 2.

x1 (x  3)(x  4)  0
Figure 5.3 x  3  0 or x40 Zero factor property
x3 or x  4 The length cannot be negative.

To check this answer, we compute 32  42  52, or 9  16  25. So the rectangle is

3 meters by 4 meters.
Now do Exercises 67–68

CAUTION The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. So if the lengths
of the sides of a right triangle are 5 meters, 12 meters, and 13 meters,
then the length of the hypotenuse is 13 meters, and 52  122  132.

Warm-Ups ▼
Fill in the blank. True or false?
1. A equation has the form ax2  bx  c  0 7. The equation x(x  2)  3 is equivalent to x  3
where a  0. or x  2  3.
2. A equation is two equations connected with 8. Equations solved by factoring always have two different
the word “or.” solutions.
3. The property says that if ab  0, then a  0 9. The equation ad  0 is equivalent to a  0 or d  0.
or b  0.
4. Some quadratic equations can be solved by . 10. The solution set to (x  1)(x  4)  0 is {1, 4}.
5. We do not usually each side of an equation by
a variable. 11. If a, b, and c are the sides of any triangle, then
6. The theorem says that a triangle is a right a2  b2  c2.
triangle if and only if the sum of the squares of the legs 12. The solution set to 3(x  4)(x  5)  0 is {3, 4, 5}.
is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.
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5.6 Exercises
U Study Tips V
• Avoid cramming. When you have limited time to study for a test, start with class notes and homework assignments. Work one or two
problems of each type.
• Don’t get discouraged if you cannot work the hardest problems. Instructors often ask some relatively easy questions to see if you
understand the basics.

U1V The Zero Factor Property 24. (b  3)(3b  4)  10

Solve by factoring. See Example 1. See the Strategy for Solving
an Equation by Factoring box on page 361. 25. 2(4  5h)  3h2
1. (x  5)(x  4)  0
2. (a  6)(a  5)  0 26. 2w(4w  1)  1

3. (2x  5)(3x  4)  0 Solve each equation. See Examples 4 and 5.

27. 2x 2  50  20x
4. (3k  8)(4k  3)  0 28. 3x 2  48  24x

5. x2  3x  2  0 29. 4m2  12m  9  0

6. x2  7x  12  0
30. 25y2  20y  4  0
7. w 2  9w  14  0
8. t 2  6t  27  0 31. x 3  9x  0
9. y 2  2y  24  0 32. 25x  x 3  0
10. q 2  3q  18  0 33. w3  4w2  4w  16
34. a3  2a2  a  2
11. 2m 2  m  1  0 35. n3  3n2  3  n
36. w3  w2  25w  25
12. 2h 2  h  3  0 37. 6y 3  y 2  2y  0

38. 12m 3  13m 2  3m  0

Solve each equation. See Examples 2 and 3.
13. x2  x
14. w2  2w U2V Fractions and Decimals
15. m2  7m Solve each equation. See Example 6.
16. h2  5h 1 5
39.  x 2  x  1  0
17. a2  a  20 6 6
1 2 3
18. p2  p  42 40.  x   x  1  0
10 10
19. 2x2  5x  3 1 2
41.  x2  x  3  0
9 3
1 2 3
20. 3x2  10x  7 42.   x  x  5  0
10 2
43. 0.01x 2  0.08x  0.2
21. (x  2)(x  6)  12
22. (x  2)(x  6)  20 44. 0.01x 2  0.07x  0.1
45. 0.3x 2  0.7x  2  0
23. (a  3)(2a  1)  15
46. 0.1x 2  0.7x  1  0
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5-49 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 369

Miscellaneous 67. Violla’s bathroom. The length of Violla’s bathroom is 2 feet

longer than twice the width. If the diagonal measures 13 feet,
Solve each equation.
then what are the length and width?
47. x 2  16  0 68. Rectangular stage. One side of a rectangular stage is
48. x 2  36  0 2 meters longer than the other. If the diagonal is 10 meters,
49. 4x 2  9 then what are the lengths of the sides?

50. 25x 2  1
51. a 3  a
52. x 3  4x
10 m
53. 3x 2  15x  18  0 x2m
54. 2x 2  2x  24  0
11 xm
55. z2   z  6
56. m   m  1
2 Figure for Exercise 68
57. (t  3)(t  5)  9 69. Consecutive integers. The sum of the squares of two
58. 3x(2x  1)  18 consecutive integers is 13. Find the integers.

59. (x  2)2  x2  10 70. Consecutive integers. The sum of the squares of two
60. (x  3)  (x  2)  17
2 2 consecutive even integers is 52. Find the integers.
1 1 1
61. x2   x   71. Two numbers. The sum of two numbers is 11, and their
16 8 2
product is 30. Find the numbers.
1 1
62. h2   h  1  0 72. Missing ages. Molly’s age is twice Anita’s. If the sum of
18 2
the squares of their ages is 80, then what are their ages?
63. a  3a  25a  75
3 2

64. m4  m3  100m2  100m 73. Three even integers. The sum of the squares of three
consecutive even integers is 116. Find the integers.
U3V Applications
74. Two odd integers. The product of two consecutive odd
Solve each problem. See Examples 7 and 8.
integers is 63. Find the integers.
65. Dimensions of a rectangle. The perimeter of a rectangle
is 34 feet, and the diagonal is 13 feet long. What are the 75. Consecutive integers. The product of two consecutive
length and width of the rectangle? integers is 5 more than their sum. Find the integers.
66. Address book. The perimeter of the cover of an address book
is 14 inches, and the diagonal measures 5 inches. What are 76. Consecutive even integers. If the product of two
the length and width of the cover? consecutive even integers is 34 larger than their sum,
then what are the integers?

ADDRESS 77. Two integers. Two integers differ by 5. If the sum of their
BOOK squares is 53, then what are the integers?
5 in.
78. Two negative integers. Two negative integers have a sum
of 10. If the sum of their squares is 68, then what are the
79. Lucy’s kids. The sum of the squares of the ages of Lucy’s
two kids is 100. If the boy is two years older than the girl,
Figure for Exercise 66 then what are their ages?
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370 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-50

80. Sheri’s kids. The sum of the squares of the ages of Sheri’s 87. Throwing a sandbag. A balloonist throws a sandbag
three kids is 114. If the twin girls are three years younger downward at 24 feet per second from an altitude of 720 feet.
than the boy, then what are their ages? Its height (in feet) above the ground after t seconds is given
81. Area of a rectangle. The area of a rectangle is 72 square by S(t)  16t2  24t  720.
feet. If the length is 6 feet longer than the width, then what a) Find S(1).
are the length and the width? b) What is the height of the sandbag 2 seconds after it is
82. Area of a triangle. The base of a triangle is 4 inches thrown?
longer than the height. If its area is 70 square inches, c) How long does it take for the sandbag to reach the
then what are the base and the height? ground? [On the ground, S(t)  0.]
88. Throwing a wrench. An angry construction worker throws
83. Legs of a right triangle. The hypotenuse of a right his wrench downward from a height of 128 feet with an
triangle is 15 meters. If one leg is 3 meters longer than initial velocity of 32 feet per second. The height of the
the other, then what are the lengths of the legs? wrench above the ground after t seconds is given
by S(t)  16t2  32t  128.
84. Legs of a right triangle. If the longer leg of a right triangle is a) What is the height of the wrench after 1 second?
1 cm longer than the shorter leg and the hypotenuse is 5 cm, b) How long does it take for the wrench to reach the
then what are the lengths of the legs? ground?
85. Skydiving. If there were no air resistance, then the height 89. Glass prism. One end of a glass prism is in the shape of a
(in feet) above the earth for a skydiver t seconds after triangle with a height that is 1 inch longer than twice the
jumping from an airplane at 10,000 feet would be given by base. If the area of the triangle is 39 square inches, then how
h(t)  16t2  10,000. long are the base and height?

a) Find the time that it would take to fall to earth with no

air resistance; that is, find t for which h(t)  0. A
skydiver actually gets about twice as much free fall
time due to air resistance.
b) Use the accompanying graph to determine whether the
skydiver (with no air resistance) falls farther in the first
5 seconds or the last 5 seconds of the fall.
c) Is the skydiver’s velocity increasing or decreasing as 2x  1 in.
she falls?

Height (thousands of feet)

9 x in.
7 Figure for Exercise 89
90. Areas of two circles. The radius of a circle is 1 meter
3 longer than the radius of another circle. If their areas differ
2 by 5 square meters, then what is the radius of each?
0 5 10 15 20 25 91. Changing area. Last year Otto’s garden was square. This
Time (seconds)
year he plans to make it smaller by shortening one side
5 feet and the other 8 feet. If the area of the smaller garden
Figure for Exercise 85 will be 180 square feet, then what was the size of Otto’s
garden last year?
86. Skydiving. If a skydiver jumps from an airplane at a 92. Dimensions of a box. Rosita’s Christmas present from
height of 8256 feet, then for the first five seconds, her Carlos is in a box that has a width that is 3 inches shorter
height above the earth is approximated by the formula than the height. The length of the base is 5 inches longer
h(t)  16t2  8256. How many seconds does it take than the height. If the area of the base is 84 square
her to reach 8000 feet? inches, then what is the height of the package?
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5-51 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 371

x in. MIAMI B

x  3 in.
13 mi

x  5 in.
Figure for Exercise 92 N
93. Flying a kite. Imelda and Gordon have designed a new
kite. While Imelda is flying the kite, Gordon is standing Figure for Exercise 97
directly below it. The kite is designed so that its altitude is
always 20 feet larger than the distance between Imelda and the north, and then walk 2x  4 paces to the east. If they
Gordon. What is the altitude of the kite when it is 100 feet share their information, then they can find x and save a
from Imelda? lot of digging. What is x?
94. Avoiding a collision. A car is traveling on a road that 99. Broken Bamboo I. A 10 chi high bamboo stalk is broken
is perpendicular to a railroad track. When the car is by the wind. The top touches the ground 3 chi from its
30 meters from the crossing, the car’s new collision base as shown in the accompanying figure. At what
detector warns the driver that there is a train 50 meters height did the stalk break? This problem appeared in a
from the car and heading toward the same crossing. How book by Chinese mathematician Yang Hui in 1261.
far is the train from the crossing?
95. Carpeting two rooms. Virginia is buying carpet for
two square rooms. One room is 3 yards wider than
the other. If she needs 45 square yards of carpet,
then what are the dimensions of each room?

96. Winter wheat. While finding the amount of seed needed

to plant his three square wheat fields, Hank observed that
the side of one field was 1 kilometer longer than the side
of the smallest field and that the side of the largest field 3 chi
was 3 kilometers longer than the side of the smallest field.
If the total area of the three fields is 38 square kilometers, Figure for Exercise 99
then what is the area of each field?
100. Broken Bamboo II. A section of bamboo that is 5 chi in
97. Sailing to Miami. At point A the captain of a ship length is broken from a stalk of bamboo of unknown
determined that the distance to Miami was 13 miles. height. If the broken section touches the ground 3 chi
If she sailed north to point B and then west to Miami, from the base as in Exercise 99, then what was the origi-
the distance would be 17 miles. If the distance from nal height of the bamboo stalk?
point A to point B is greater than the distance from 101. Emerging markets. Catarina’s investment of $16,000 in
point B to Miami, then how far is it from point A an emerging market fund grew to $25,000 in two years.
to point B? Find the average annual rate of return by solving the
equation 16,000(1  r)2  25,000.
98. Buried treasure. Ahmed has half of a treasure map, 102. Venture capital. Henry invested $12,000 in a new
which indicates that the treasure is buried in the restaurant. When the restaurant was sold two years
desert 2x  6 paces from Castle Rock. Vanessa has the later, he received $27,000. Find his average annual
other half of the map. Her half indicates that to find return by solving the equation 12,000(1  r) 2 
the treasure, one must get to Castle Rock, walk x paces to 27,000.
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372 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-52




Factoring Examples
Prime number A positive integer larger than 1 that has no 2, 3, 5, 7, 11
integral factors other than 1 and itself

Prime polynomial A polynomial that cannot be factored is prime. x 2  3 and x 2  x  5 are prime.

Strategy for finding 1. Find the GCF for the coefficients of the 12x 3yz, 8x 2y3
the GCF for monomials. GCF  4x 2y
monomials 2. Form the product of the GCF of the
coefficients and each variable that is common
to all of the monomials, where the exponent
on each variable equals the smallest power of
that variable in any of the monomials.

Factoring out the Use the distributive property to factor out the 2x 3  4x  2x(x 2  2)
GCF GCF from all terms of a polynomial.

Special Cases Examples

Difference of a2  b2  (a  b)(a  b) m2  9  (m  3)(m  3)
two squares

Perfect square a2  2ab  b2  (a  b)2 x 2  6x  9  (x  3)2

trinomial a2  2ab  b2  (a  b)2 4h2  12h  9  (2h  3)2

Difference or a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2) t 3  8  (t  2)(t 2  2t  4)

sum of two cubes a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2) p 3  1  (p  1)( p2  p  1)

Factoring Polynomials Examples

Factoring by grouping Factor out common factors from groups of terms. 6x  6w  ax  aw
 6(x  w)  a(x  w)
 (6  a)(x  w)

Strategy for factoring 1. Find two numbers that have a product equal 6x 2  17x  12
ax 2  bx  c by to ac and a sum equal to b.  6x 2  9x  8x  12
the ac method 2. Replace bx by two terms using the two new  (2x  3)3x  (2x  3)4
numbers as coefficients.  (2x  3)(3x  4)
3. Factor the resulting four-term polynomial
by grouping.
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5-53 Chapter 5 Enriching Your Mathematical Word Power 373

Factoring by Try possible factors of the trinomial and 2x 2  5x  12  (2x  3)(x  4)

trial and error check by using FOIL. If incorrect, try again.

Strategy for factoring 1. First factor out the greatest common factor. x 4  4x 2  x 2(x 2  4)
polynomials 2. When factoring a binomial, check to see x 2  4  (x  2)(x  2)
completely whether it is a difference of two squares, x 3  8  (x  2)(x 2  2x  4)
a difference of two cubes, or a sum of two x 3  8  (x  2)(x 2  2x  4)
cubes. The sum of two squares (with no x 2  4 is prime.
common factor) is prime.
3. When factoring a trinomial, check to see x 2  6x  9  (x  3)2
whether it is a perfect square trinomial. x 2  6x  9  (x  3)2
4. If the polynomial has four terms, try x 2  bx  2x  2b  x(x  b)  2(x  b)
factoring by grouping.  (x  2)(x  b)
5. When factoring a trinomial that is not a x 2  7x  12  (x  3)(x  4)
perfect square, use the ac method or trial
and error.
6. Check to see whether any factors can be x 4  4x2  x2(x2  4)
factored again.  x2(x  2)(x  2)

Solving Equations Examples

Zero factor property The equation a  b  0 is equivalent to x(x  1)  0
a0 or b  0. x  0 or x  1  0

Strategy for solving 1. Rewrite the equation with 0 on the right- x 2  3x  18

an equation by hand side. x 2  3x  18  0
factoring 2. Factor the left-hand side completely. (x  6)(x  3)  0
3. Set each factor equal to zero to get linear x  6  0 or x  3  0
equations. x  6 or x3
4. Solve the linear equations.
5. Check the answers in the original equation. (6)2  3(6)  18, 32  3(3)  18
6. State the solution(s) to the original equation. The solutions are 6 and 3.

Enriching Your Mathematical Word Power

Fill in the blank. 8. The trinomial a2  2ab  b2 is a perfect
1. A number is an integer greater than 1 that has no trinomial.
integral factors other than itself and 1. 9. The polynomial a3  b3 is a of two cubes.
2. An integer larger than 1 that is not prime is . 10. The polynomial a  b is a
3 3
of two cubes.
3. A polynomial that has no factors is a polynomial. 11. A equation is an equation of the form
4. Writing a polynomial as a product is . ax2  bx  c  0.
5. Writing a polynomial as a product of primes is 12. According to the factor property, if ab  0 then
factoring . a  0 or b  0.
6. The largest integer that is a factor of two or more integers 13. The theorem indicates that a triangle is a
is the common factor. right triangle if and only if the sum of the squares of the
7. The square of a monomial in which the coefficient is an legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.
integer is a square.
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374 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-54

Review Exercises
5.1 Factoring Out Common Factors 43. r 2  4r  60 44. x 2  13x  40
Find the prime factorization for each integer.
1. 144 2. 121 45. y2  6y  55 46. a2  6a  40
3. 58 4. 76
47. u2  26u  120 48. v2  22v  75
5. 150 6. 200

Find the greatest common factor for each group. Factor completely.
7. 36, 90 8. 30, 42, 78 49. 3t 3  12t 2 50. 4m4  36m2
9. 8x, 12x 2 10. 6a 2b, 9ab 2, 15a 2b 2
51. 5w 3  25w2  25w 52. 3t 3  3t 2  6t
Complete the factorization of each binomial.
11. 3x  6  3( ) 12. 7x 2  x  x( ) 53. 2a3b  3a2b2  ab3 54. 6x2y2  xy3  y4
13. 2a  20  2( ) 14. a2  a  a( )
55. 9x 3  xy2 56. h4  100h2
Factor each polynomial by factoring out the GCF.
15. 2a  a 2 16. 9  3b 5.4 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1
17. 6x 2y 2  9x 5y 18. a 3b 5  a 3b 2 Factor each polynomial completely.
57. 14t 2  t  3 58. 15x2  22x  5
19. 3x 2y  12xy  9y2 20. 2a2  4ab2  ab
59. 6x 2  19x  7 60. 2x2  x  10
5.2 Special Products and Grouping
Factor each polynomial completely. 61. 6p2  5p  4 62. 3p2  2p  5
21. y2  y  by  b
22. ac  mc  aw2  mw2 63. 30p3  8p2  8p 64. 6q2  40q  50
23. w2  2a  2w  aw
24. a2  3x  ax  3a 65. 6x 2  29xy  5y2 66. 10a2  ab  2b2
25. abc  3  c  3ab
26. mnx  5  5nx  m 67. 32x 2  16xy  2y2 68. 8a2  40ab  50b2
27. y2  400 28. 4m2  9
5.5 Difference and Sum of Cubes and a Strategy
29. w2  8w  16 30. t 2  20t  100 Factor completely.
69. 5x 3  40x 70. w2  6w  9
31. 4y2  20y  25 32. 2a2  4a  2
71. 9x 2  3x  2 72. ax 3  ax
33. r 2  4r  4 34. 3m2  75
73. n2  64 74. 4t2  h2
35. 8t 3  24t 2  18t 36. t 2  9w 2
75. x 3  2x 2  x  2 76. 16x2  2x  3
37. x 2  12xy  36y 2 38. 9y 2  12xy  4x 2
77. x 2y  16xy 2 78. 3x 2  27
39. x 2  5x  xy  5y 40. x 2  xy  ax  ay
79. w2  4w  5 80. 2n2  3n  1

5.3 Factoring the Trinomial ax2  bx  c with a  1 81. a2  2a  1 82. 2w2  12w  18
Factor each polynomial.
41. b2  5b  24 42. a2  2a  35 83. x 3  x 2  x  1 84. 9x 2y 2  9y 2
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5-55 Chapter 5 Review Exercises 375

85. a2  ab  2a  2b 86. 4m2  20m  25 114. Racquetball. The volume of rubber (in cubic centimeters)
in a hollow rubber ball used in racquetball is given by
4 4
87. 2x 2  16x  24 88. 6x 2  21x  45 V   R3  r 3,
3 3
where the inside radius is r centimeters and the outside
89. m3  1000 90. 8p3  1
radius is R centimeters.
a) Rewrite the formula by factoring the right-hand side
91. p4  q4 92. z4  81 completely.

93. a3  3a2  a  3 94. y3  5y2  8y  40 b) The accompanying graph shows the relationship
between r and V when R  3. Use the graph to
estimate the value of r for which V  100 cm3.
5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Solve each equation.
95. x 3  5x 2 96. 2m2  10m  12
97. (a  2)(a  3)  6 98. (w  2)(w  3)  50

Volume (cm3)
99. 2m  9m  5  0
100. 12x  5x  3  0

101. m3  4m2  9m  36 102. w3  5w2  w  5 0 1 2 3
Inside radius
103. (x  3)2  x 2  5 104. (h  2)2  (h  1)2  9

1 1 13 Figure for Exercise 114

105. p2   p    0 106. t 2  1   t
4 8 6
115. Leaning ladder. A 10-foot ladder is placed against
a building so that the distance from the bottom of
107. 0.1x2  0.01  0.07x 108. 0.2y2  0.03y  0.02 the ladder to the building is 2 feet less than the
distance from the top of the ladder to the ground.
What is the distance from the bottom of the ladder to
Applications the building?
Solve each problem.
109. Positive numbers. Two positive numbers differ by 6, and
their squares differ by 96. Find the numbers.
110. Consecutive integers. Find three consecutive integers
such that the sum of their squares is 77.
10 ft
111. Dimensions of a notebook. The perimeter of a notebook x
is 28 inches, and the diagonal measures 10 inches. What
are the length and width of the notebook?
112. Two numbers. The sum of two numbers is 8.5, and their x2
product is 18. Find the numbers. Figure for Exercise 115
113. Poiseuille’s law. According to the nineteenth-century
physician Poiseuille, the velocity (in centimeters 116. Towering antenna. A guy wire of length 50 feet is
per second) of blood r centimeters from the center attached to the ground and to the top of an antenna. The
of an artery of radius R centimeters is given by height of the antenna is 10 feet larger than the distance
v  kR2  kr2, where k is a constant. Rewrite the from the base of the antenna to the point where the guy
formula by factoring the right-hand side completely. wire is attached to the ground. What is the height of the
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376 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-56

Chapter 5 Test
Give the prime factorization for each integer. Solve each equation.
1. 66 2. 336 21. x 2  6x  9  0 22. 2x2  5x  12  0

Find the greatest common factor (GCF) for each group.

3. 48, 80 4. 42, 66, 78 23. 3x3  12x 24. (2x  1)(3x  5)  5
5. 6y2, 15y3 6. 12a2b, 18ab2, 24a3b3
1 3
25.  x2   x  1  0 26. 0.3x 2  1.7x  1  0
Factor each polynomial completely. 8 4
7. 5x 2  10x 8. 6x 2y 2  12xy 2  12y 2
Write a complete solution to each problem.
9. 3a3b  3ab3 10. a2  2a  24
27. If the length of a rectangle is 3 feet longer than the width and
11. 4b  28b  49
12. 3m  27m
3 the diagonal is 15 feet, then what are the length and width?

13. ax  ay  bx  by 14. ax  2a  5x  10 28. The sum of two numbers is 4, and their product is 32. Find
the numbers.
15. 6b2  7b  5 16. m2  4mn  4n2 29. A ball is dropped from a height of 64 feet. Its height above the
earth in feet is given by h(t)  16t2  64, where t is the
17. 2a2  13a  15 18. z3  9z2  18z number of seconds after it is dropped.
a) Find h (1).
19. x3  125 20. a4  ab3
b) How long does it take the ball to fall to the earth?
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5-57 Chapter 5 Making Connections 377

MakingConnections A Review of Chapters 1–5

Simplify each expression. Simplify each expression. Write answers without negative
91  17 exponents. All variables represent nonzero real numbers.
1.  33. t 8  t 2 34. t 8  t 2
17  91
4  18 35. t 2  t 8 36. (t 8)2
6  1
8t 8 3y5
3. 5  2(7  3) 37.  2 38. 
2t 9y2
4. 32  4(6)(2)
5. 25  24 39. 
15x8 24w6
6. 0.07(37)  0.07(63)
2 2

Perform the indicated operations.

41. (2x3y2)3 42.  x

7. x  2x 8. x  2x 2 3

6  2x
6  2x
43. 32  
2   1
44. 40   
2 2
11. 2  3y  4z 12. 2(3y  4z) Solve each inequality. State the solution set in interval notation
13. 2  (3  4z) 14. (x  3)  2(5  x) and sketch its graph.
15. 2(3x  4) 16. 5x  2(3x  4) 45. 2x  5 3x  4
17. (5x  2)(3x  4) 18. (5x  2)(3x2  4x  1)

9x2  6x 9x  6 7x  14 46. 4  5x 11

19.  20.   
3x 3 7

Find the solution set to each equation. 2

47. x  3 5
21. 2x  3  0 3

22. 2x  1  0
23. (x  3)(x  5)  0 48. 0.05(x  120)  24 0

24. (2x  3)(2x  1)  0

25. 3x(x  3)  0
26. x2  x Factor each expression completely.
49. 4p3  12p2  32p
27. 3x  3x  0
50. 3m4  12m3  9m2
28. 3x  3x  1
51. 12a2  12a  3
29. 0.01x  x  14.9  0.5x
52. 2b2  8
30. 0.05x  0.04(x  40)  2
53. ab  qb  a  q
31. 2x  18
54. 2am  2bm  3an  3bn
55. 7x3  7
32. 2x2  7x  15  0
56. 2a3  54
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378 Chapter 5 Factoring 5-58

Solve each problem.

57. The area of a rectangular garden is 750 square yards and
the length is 30 yards. What is the width?
58. The perimeter of a rectangular canvas is 66 inches and its
length is 19 inches. Find the width.
59. The area of a rectangular balcony is 66 square feet. If the
length is 5 feet more than the width, then what is the
60. A craft shop charges five cents per square inch for a rectan-
gular piece of copper. If the width is 3 inches less than the
length and the charge is $5.40, then what is the width?

61. The diagonal measure of a small television screen is 1 inch

greater than the length and 2 inches greater than the width.
Find the length and width.

62. Another ace. Professional tennis players can serve a tennis

ball at speeds over 120 mph into a rectangular region that
has a perimeter of 69 feet and an area of 283.5 square feet.
Find the length and width of the service region.
Photo for Exercise 62
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5-59 Chapter 5 Critical Thinking 379

Critical Thinking For Individual or Group Work Chapter 5

These exercises can be solved by a variety of techniques, which may or may not require algebra. So be creative and think critically.
Explain all answers. Answers are in the Instructor’s Edition of this text.

1. Counting cubes. What is the total number of cubes that 4. Chess board. There are 64 squares on a square chess
are in each of the following diagrams? board. How many squares are neither diagonal squares nor
edge squares?
a) b)

c) d)

2. More cubes. Imagine a large cube that is made up of

125 small cubes like those in Exercise 1. What is the
total number of cubes that could be found in this

3. Timely coincidence. Starting at 8 A.M. determine the

number of times in the next 24 hours for which the hour
and minute hands on a clock coincide.

Photo for Exercise 4

5. Last digit. Find the last digit in 39999.

6. Reconciling remainders. Find a positive integer smaller
than 500 that has a remainder of 3 when divided by 5, a
remainder of 6 when divided by 9, and a remainder of 8
when divided by 11.
7. Exact sum. Find this sum exactly:
1 1 1 1 1
  2  3  4      19

2 2 2 2 2
8. Ten-digit number. Find a 10-digit number whose first digit
is the number of 1’s in the 10-digit number, whose second
digit is the number of 2’s in the 10-digit number, whose
third digit is the number of 3’s in the 10-digit number, and
so on. The ninth digit must be the number of nines in the
10-digit number and the tenth digit must be the number of
Photo for Exercise 3 zeros in the 10-digit number.

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