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We will begin shortly

Mari Dagnall 7.9.2021

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Application period
for Japan for
autumn term 2022,
spring term 2023 or
for (Finnish) academic
year 2022-23

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1. Basics
2. Destinations
3. Application
• At the time of applying (latest on the deadline
• Bachelor students: 30 ECTS + Note!
present at Aalto for one term
• exchange can take place at the earliest in the 2nd Changes in

year of study at Aalto
applicant must always check separately from host principles!
university whether it is possible to study at the
destination in the 2nd year and what number of
credits the host university may expect from the
• Master students, bachelor degree from Aalto: no
specific ECTS requirement. Bachelor credits
counted into Study Index.
• Master students, bachelor outside Aalto: no specific
ECTS requirement, BUT some studies must have These are
been completed to get Study Index for the according
selections. Present one term at Aalto.
• No more minimum Study Index requirement for to the new
long distance destinations principles
*Calculation of Study Index: credits / number of
semesters attended x weighted Grade Point

Photo credit:

1. Basics
Aalto’s partner universities
in Japan

• Highly respected universities

• Strict with undergraduate/graduate levels!
• Normally not possble to choose master level courses without bachelor’s degree
• Requirement: GPA over 3,00, preferably over 3.50 (except Shibaura) and to
Hokkaido atleat 3,75
• Studying in Japanese = JLPT N1 . Most studies still only in Japanese.
• Always check the possible specific conditions per destination!
• Accommodation in the dormitories
• You will be in good hands in Japan!
Photo credit:
Quick Key facts
Three different ways to study in Japan:
1. Students who have (N1-level) knowledge of Japanese
can apply for the normal courses instructed in
2. Exchange programmes in English for exchange
students: Japanese language and culture courses
and depending on the university, also some courses in
the own subject field. Limited number of courses in
engineering and technology.
3. Research-studies in a laboratory: working in the
laboratory under the guidance of a professor. The
possibility of attending the courses depends on the
university. Japanese language courses has been
possible to participate. Bachelor degree required.
Japanese skills recommended.

• The academic year begins in April.

• The semesters in Japan begin in April and late
• One-year programmes in English begin in October.

Photo credit:

Research studies • Independent working

in Japanese
– freedom & responsibility
• You need to find the professor by yourself
• All depends on the professor and his/her

university •
One full year project / several smaller
projects each for couple of months /
autumn for familiarizing and spring term
for research…
• seminars, conference participations
• Final research topic can be far from the
original plan
• Usually no Transcript of Records,
remember to request an hour report at the
beginning of exchange + save course
• An excellent insight for Japanese working

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Number of places
Partner University Location Aalto school
for 2022-23
Hokkaido University Sapporo CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI

Kanazawa University Kanazawa CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI

Kyoto Institute of Technology Kyoto SCI

Kyoto University Kyoto

Shibaura Institute of Technology Tokyo CHEM, ELEC, ENG

The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo Contact if CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI
Graduate School of Engineering
interested in applying
The University of Tokyo,
Contact if
Graduate School of Information Science Tokyo CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI
interested in applying
and Technology
Tohoku University Sendai CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI
Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI

More information on destinations available at Destination Database:
Hokkaido University

Tohoku University

Shibaura Institute of Technology

University of Tokyo
Tokyo Institute of Technology
School specific partners
Number of places for
Partner University Location Aalto school
Kyushu University Fukuoka ENG

Muroran Institute of Technology

Muroran ELEC
only research
National Institute of Informatics (NII) Tokyo ELEC, SCI

More information: from the schools in concern

2. Destinations
• Language skills? In which language you are able to study 30 / 24 ECTS
per term?
• What do you want to study? From which university you find suitable
courses? (> Destination Database)
• For one term or for two terms?
• Expenses?
• Do you fill in the applicant requirements set by the host university?
• Tips from professors, staff?
• Personal points of interest: What do you want to do on your free
time? What kind of experience would benefit best your future
working life?
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Please always check/confirm the following information
also from the www-pages of the host university!

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Hokkaido University
• national university located in Sapporo, Hokkaido
• one of the former Japanese imperial universities and considered a top university in Japan
(one of the 7 most respected universities in Japan)
• Hokkaido University has about 20,000 students and 2,000 international students. Hokkaido
University was founded in 1876.
• TOELF/IELTS required!
• one semester at Hokkaido University is divided further into quarters: pay extra attention to
these definitions, when choosing courses
• Japanese courses can be regarded very intensive and require a lot of studying in comparison
to regular HUSTEP course
• “Hokkaido is a paradise for an outdoor lover and skier”, good connections to other parts of
Hokkaido University 1/2

For Bachelor level students, must have studied

Courses in Japanese (SAS)

For Bachelor level students, must have

Research studies (SAS, SRS)

For students enrolled in the

two years prior the exchange. studied two years prior the exchange. Master Programmes.

One term programs, a dedicated course list, One term or full year programs. One term or full year
where to choose courses from. All courses in
English, only exchange students. - students are assigned to a particular No courses, independent work in
Two main study areas: faculty a laboratory with local students.
1) Culture and Society - take classes in Japanese related to
2) Science, Technology, and Environment. their specialized area together with local
full-time students.
- study also Japanese language
- do independent research
- participate Japanese cultural activities.

Minimum GPA for applying to Hokkaido University English or Japanese fluency

is 3,75 in the scale of 5. depending on academic

TOEFL iBT 79 or IELTS 6.5. JLPT level N2 or higher JLPT level N2 or higher

• Note: Exchange Programs in Japanese (JLCSP) not open for Aalto students


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Kanazawa University
• national university located in Kanazawa, a traditional city near “Japanese Alps”
• about 11,000 students, 350 international students, established in 1949
• campus situated a few kilometers from the city center on the foot of a mountain,
completely surrounded by forests from all sides. Mountain paths for strolling and
relaxing, a small bamboo forest close by and cherry trees. “Kampukselta yhteen
suuntaan avautuu oikeastaan vuoristoinen metsämaa ja alueella liikkuvista karhuista
varoitetaankin säännöllisesti.”
• Kanazawa is not a giant metropole (size of Helsinki), nightlife may not as vibrant as in
Tokyo, but there are plenty of things to do, e.g. going to karaoke, eating at various
restaurants or visiting the numerous arcades in the main city.
• climate in Kanazawa was very humid and hot in contrast to Finland, snow is very
common during the winter. If you wish to have proper four seasons, Kanazawa
University is a good choice
NOT CONFIRMED: Kanazawa University Student Exchange
Kanazawa University Exchange Programme (KUEP) Program for Science and Technology (KUEST)

Applicants must be enrolled in their 3. or 4. year of Bachelor studies or in a Master For Master level students (= must have graduated as Bachelor)
Programme at the time of enrollment to Kanazawa University.

1) Special Auditor (Bachelor level students and Master level students who take courses that - learn Japanese language, culture and society
are offered by Kanazawa University) - research in the fields of science and engineering.
2) Special Research Student (Master students who conduct research and do not obtain
One term or full year. 1 year from April or October (6 months is also available)

Science and Engineering Sciences / Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

Host college / school for Aalto students:

- Bachelor level students: College of Science and Engineering
- Master level students: Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology

Students conduct research while taking also classes on major subjects given in Japanese or English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course
English = you need to choose both courses and present a short research plan in Aalto’s completed

Students can also take courses on the Japanese language and on Japanese culture and
society that are provided by the School of International Education.
Courses in Japanese: N2
Courses in English: English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course
Photo credit:
Kyoto Institute of Technology
• a national university, its primary focuses are design and technology
• Kyoto Institute of Technology has only a single school, the School of Science and Technology.
- three academic fields: Materials and Life Science, Engineering Design, and Architecture
and Design
- which are divided into nine programs: from biosciences, materials, electronics,
information, mechanics, and environment, to architecture and design
• about 4000 students and 220 international students, founded in 1949
• courses mainly in Japanese, course assignments and exams may be received in English (not
to be taken for granted)
• a strong recommendation, that master students conduct research
• all the bachelor classes only in Japanese.
• strong Japanese skills are essential!
• English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course completed /
Japanese N1

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Kyoto University
• Kyoto University is the the second oldest national university in Japan, one of the 7
most respected universities in Japan: 10 Nobel laureates from Kyoto University.
• founded in 1897, about 23 000 students
• most courses in Japanese. English-taught courses are available in limited numbers
and not in all fields necessary.
• newest agreement, no Aalto students been at KU yet (due to Covid-19)
Kyoto University General Exchange (GE) Program
Kyoto University International Education Program (KUINEP)
Bachelor students (must remain on bachelor level during the exchange) For both Bachelor and Master level students

One term or full year One term or full year

All KUINEP students will be affiliated with the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Either courses or research without attending classroom lectures.
as Special Auditors
General Exchange Special Auditors (GEAs)
Courses available in English to KUINEP students: broad range of disciplines, - Courses mostly in Japanese
including environmental studies, physics, economics, politics, and social studies. - Students with low Japanese-language proficiency may enroll as GEAs if they can
take a sufficient number of English-taught courses to satisfy the minimum
All KUINEP courses are taught in English. registration requirement

General Exchange Special Research Students (GESRs)

- Independent research studies
Students are required to register for at least seven courses per semester. Most of the courses in Japanese, requiring a certain level of language proficiency. A
- may include up to two Japanese language classes, mostly from the Sciences limited number of English-taught courses with no Japanese-language requirement.
- of the required six courses, up to two may be taken from other faculties

Japanese language proficiency is not required (note: strongly recommended!) General Exchange Special Auditors (GEAs)
- language certificate according to study language: N1 or English language
English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course completed certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course completed

General Exchange Special Research Students (GESRs)

- language certificate according to student's academic advisor: N1 or English
language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course completed
Photo credit:
Shibaura Institute of Technology
• the only private university selected for the Japanese Top Global University
Project, initiative started in 2014 in order to internationalize higher education in
• main campus in Tokyo and other campuses in Saitama and Minato
• Pay attention when choosing courses! (long distances! From Omiya
campus to Toyosu and Shibaura campus 1.5h)
• Tip: any interesting club activities should be taken into account when
planning courses (on different campuses)
• founded in 1949, about 8 400 students
• over 100 English-based courses but mostly early level courses
Sandwich programme Research programme

For both Bachelor and Master level students 3rd year Bachelor students + Master students
(*when the applicant is a third-year university student at the start of the program,
One term or full year he/she is eligible to apply for the program.)

One term or full year

Bachelor level students can take Master level courses and Master level students Independent research studies
can take Bachelor level courses.
Only graduate students can take courses (in addition to the research).
Possible to take the courses from both Bachelor and Master level if you meet the
prerequisites of each course.
Over 100 English-based courses but mostly early level courses Over 250 laboratory choices from the science and engineering fields.

Courses are grouped for module packages:

- Computer Science (Computer Science, Information Communication
- Electrical engineering
- Chemistry
- Construction (Architecture, Civil, Urban Design, Environmental studies)
- Life Science
English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English course
completed completed

No requirement for GPA 3,00 No requirement for GPA 3,00


Photo credit:
Tohoku University
• a national university located in Sendai
• considered one of the 7 most prestigious universities in Japan and is one of
the nine former Imperial universities.
• In Times Higher Education's annual Japan University Rankings, Tohoku
University remains at number one for the second year in a row (2021)
• 18,000 students, 3400 international students, founded in 1907.
• Four campuses, Katahira,Kawauchi, Aobayama and Seiryou
• Sendai is famous of its many onsens, open air baths near the mountains.
JYPE (Junior Year Program) DEEP COLABS (special resarch student)

For Bachelor students = applicants must be For Bachelor students = applicants must be For Master level students (= must have
enrolled in their 3. or 4. year of Bachelor studies enrolled in their 3. or 4. year of Bachelor studies graduated as Bachelor)
at the time of enrollment to Kanazawa at the time of enrollment to Kanazawa
University. University. One term or full year

One term or full year, full year recommended as One term or full year
some courses last for one year

Individual Research Training course + Courses Students join the regular courses offered in Independent research work in English in the
in English in science and engineering courses each department, where the lectures are mostly following fields: natural science course (science,
given in Japanese medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences,
All lectures are given in English. engineering, agricultural science, information
Aalto students can apply for the following sciences, life sciences, environmental studies
Courses on Japanese language, culture, and Schools/Faculties: and biomedical engineering)
society aimed at promotion of understanding of - Faculty of Science
Japanese language and social customs. - School of Engineering Elective courses in English.
Cultural and intellectual exchange with
Japanese students is an integral part of the

English language certificate from English Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 English language certificate from English
teacher or Aalto English course completed. or equivalent certification issued by the teacher or Aalto English course completed.
student's home university.
No Japanese knowledge is necessary.

• Note: IPLA (International Program in Liberal Arts) not open for Aalto students
Tokyo Institute of Technology
• a national research university located in Tokyo, Japan. It is considered one of the most prestigious
universities in Japan, and top Japanese university in science and technology.
• In Times Higher Education's annual Japan University Rankings 2021, Tokyo Institute of Technology and the
University ranked number two
• 10,500 students, founded in 1881
• the largest institution for higher education in Japan dedicated to science and technology,
• Tokyo Tech has three campuses:
• Ookayama Campus, located in the heart of Tokyo, home to most of the Institute's undergraduate
• Suzukakedai Campus is located on the border of Tokyo and Yokohama. It houses many of the
Institute's Research Centers, Laboratories, and Units.
• Tamachi Campus is located in Minato City in the center of Tokyo, being home to the Tokyo Tech
High School of Science and Technology, the Graduate School of Innovation Management, the
Career Advancement Professional School, and the Tokyo Tech Campus Innovation Center,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
YSEP (Young Scientist Exchange Program) ACAP (Academic Cooperation Agreement Program)

a) have completed at least two and a half years of study in a four-year Bachelor’s ACAP: Research-oriented program
degree program, - At the time of participation, be enrolled in the final year of a Bachelor’s program or in a
b) have completed at least two years of a three-year Bachelor’s degree program, or Master’s program
c) be in a Master’s degree program
ACAP: Course-oriented program
One term (full year not possible) - At the time of participation, be enrolled on 3rd year of Bachelor program or in Master

All courses in English + small research ACAP: Research-oriented program

- study and research under the guidance of an academic supervisor.
Lectures on Japanese culture and society, study cultural fieldwork skills, visit factories of - may be possible to take courses with the permission of the course instructor and the
leading manufacturers. academic supervisor.

Completed English language course at Aalto University or an English language certificate ACAP: Course-oriented program
from Aalto University language center. - taking only undergraduate courses is permitted for undergraduate students except for
the final year.
Providing TOEFL or IELTS test result is recommended (but not obligatory) and may act - final year of undergraduate students and graduate students may take the graduate
as a positive factor at Tokyo Tech when they are making the selections. courses.

Official test result of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or equivalent document
is required for Bachelor program students except for the final year

Completed English language course at Aalto University or an English language certificate

from Aalto University language center.

Providing TOEFL or IELTS test result is recommended (but not obligatory) and may act
as a positive factor at Tokyo Tech when they are making the selections.
University of Tokyo
• a national university and a former imperial university.
• considered one of the top universities in Asia and is often ranked as the number 1 Asian
university. Todai’s notable alumni include 17 Prime Ministers, 7 Nobel Prize laureates and 3
astronauts among others.
• In Times Higher Education's annual Japan University Rankings 2021, University of Tokyo
ranked number three
• 28,000 students, established in 1877.
• agreements with
• Graduate School of Engineering NOT CONFIRMED!
• Graduate School of Information Science and Technology NOT CONFIRMED!
• Mainly research on Master level
• You can apply if interested. It will be decided latest after Aalto’s deadline 30th November, if
possible to send applicants or not. Please choose also 2nd and 3rd destination options.
Graduate School of Information Science
Graduate School of Engineering
and Technology
Special Auditor For Master level students (= must have graduated as Bachelor)

For both Bachelor and Master students. One term or full year

Applicants must have completed the specified years of education by the time of enrollment
- Bachelor level: At least 14 years of education (incl. first 2 years of undergraduate studies
- Master level: At least 16 years of education (incl. completion of a Bachelor's degree)

Bachelor level students are required to have fluent Japanese (JLPT N1 or equivalent).

One term or full year

Master level students: courses offered by School/Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School Independent research work
of Information Science and Technology.

Bachelor level students: courses only offered by Faculty of Engineering

Bachelor level students are NOT allowed to take any Garaduate level courses. NO

NOT allowed to take any classes outside of School/Faculty of Engineering except from - language certificate according to student's academic advisor: N1
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, if you are a master level applicant. or English language certificate from English teacher or Aalto English
course completed.

- language certificate according to study language: N1 or English language certificate from

English teacher or Aalto English course completed.

- Graduate level: No Japanese knowledge is necessary.

In a nutshell… (always double-check from the host university www-pages!)

University Exchange programme Course studies in Research studies in Research studies in Other
in English Japanese English Japanese options?

Hokkaido University HUSTEP, Undergraduate Special Graduate Special Research Graduate Special Audit
bachelor students Audit Student (SAS), Student (SRS), master Student (SAS), master
bachelor students students students,
- English or Japanese fluency Graduate Special Research
depending on academic Student (SRS), master
supervisor students
Kanazawa University KUEP, bachelor or master KUEP KUEP, Master students KUEP, Master students
(3rd, 4th, master)
Kyoto Institute of Technology - yes yes yes Short-Term
Courses in
Kyoto University KUINEP, bachelor General Exchange (GE) General Exchange (GE) General Exchange (GE)
students Program Program Program
Shibaura Institute of Technology Sandwich - yes -
Tohoku University JYPE, bachelor students DEEP, bachelor students COLABS, master students
Tokyo Institute of Technology YSEP ACAP ACAP ACAP
University of Tokyo, ENG - yes
University of Tokyo, IST - yes
Which language test?
• Please note: Language test results have to be ready for the application deadline
30 November! (exception: JLPT, see guidelines on following slide)
• These are general guidelines, some programmes may have their own requirements. Always check!

Hokkaido University TOEFL/IELTS

Kanazawa University Aalto University language certificate

Kyoto Institute of Technology Aalto University language certificate

Kyoto University Aalto University language certificate

Shibura Institute of Technology Aalto University language certificate

Tohoku University Aalto University language certificate

Tokyo Institute of Technology ACAP: Aalto University language certificate

YSEP: TOEFL/IELTS strongly recommended

University of Tokyo, School of Engineering Aalto University language certificate

University of Tokyo, Aalto University language certificate

Gradutate School of Information and Science and Technology
• Global, official language tests with fees
• TOEFL: American English, IELTS: British English
• Test center (IELTS British Council, Helsinki) or at home (TOEFL, Covid-19 times)

TOEFL iBT Home Edition

• identical in content, format and on-screen experience to a test taken at a test center
• taken on your own computer at home and monitored by a human proctor online
• available 24 hours a day, 4 days a week, with appointments as early as 24 hours after you
• Result in 6-10 days after the test
About JLPT-test Registration
• You can take the JLPT-test in December (5.12.) and still be considered in 14.9.2021.
the Aalto’s internal selections in the application round closing 30 November.
• 1) Mark in your Aalto-application (in “Remarks”), that you are participating in the test on
December test day and 2) commit to inform the result to as soon as they are
• If you get selected as an applicant to Japan, the selection decision is conditional until you prove
the required test result.
• The test result must be ready latest before your application package will be sent to the host
destination. Please note, that different universities have different application deadlines, no one
certain time schedule applies with all destinations.
• If you do not reach the required test result, your exchange place will be cancelled.
• Those applicants, who readily fulfill the host university applicant criteria by the Aalto’s deadline
30 November will be prioritized in the selections, regardless of the Study Index.
• If questions, please contact
• study the language as much as possible. It
really opens doors and makes the whole
experience a lot more enjoyable.
• Be on time if TOEFL/IELTS required!
• AYY Nippoli and other organizations on
Japanese culture. E.g. friendship societies
• Get to know Aalto’s Japanese exchange
• When in Japan, be active! Join hobby groups

Photo credit:

3. Application
For the application you’ll need
1. Study plan Changes DL
Bachelors: 30 ECTS / semester in 30.11.2021!
Masters: 24 ECTS / semester IF all principles!

the courses transferred to master’s

1. Course list OR short research plan,
signed by planning officer and
2. Language certificate
3. Transcript of records

* if even one course transferred to bachelor’s

degree, requirement is 30 ECTS.

Fill in the online

application form
Study plan
• Own study / research plan for each destination
= courses /research to be completed while abroad, 30/24 ECTS/ semester

• Research plan:
 max. number of credits granted for the planned research,
 the method to show the research results (article, project, final thesis),
 in which part the research will be included in your degree (update HOPS accordingly).
 In your study plan, please name the Japanese professors at each applied destination, with whom you would like to do your
research with. But DO NOT contact the professor yet at this point.
 More detailed guidelines in Destination Database!

• Discuss about course/research plan with your degree programme’s

planning officer and professor, get their approval and signatures by
Aalto’s deadline
Special notes about applying to
• Best option for studies from Japan: electives!
• most likely not possible to complete e.g. full minor in
engineering/technology in Japanese destinations in English
• master level studies = mostly research studies
• After Aalto’s selections you may need:
• recommendation letter from 1-3 professor/s
• you may need to contact your supervising professor at the host
university by yourself – or not. Depends on the university.
• some application deadlines in January, some in June, and for the
spring term in autumn…
• health certificate: not from YTHS but from private doctor
Final words
Exchanges and COVID-19
• You are allowed to cancel your student exchange due to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
• Cancelling your exchange due to the COVID-19 pandemic does
not affect your possibilities of getting selected in future
application periods.
• To be eligible for another student exchange after COVID-19
cancellation, the student must still have room for an exchange
period in his or her degree.

Photo credit:

Aalto University's guidelines for exchanges
Full in Finnish
Into – Opinnot- Vaihto-opinnot - Vaihdon hakuehdot ja säännöt

Full in English
Into – Studies – Exchange studies - Selection criteria and terms of exchange

Photo credit:

More information?
• INTO-webpages
Aalto Exchange Coordinators
• Destination database
• CHEM: Heidi Flinkman and Kaisa
• Professors, planning officers, students who
Pulliainen international- have already been on exchange
• ENG: Melina Nummi and Vilma
• Instagram:
• ELEC: Helena Hietanen outgoing-
• SCI and JAPAN: Mari Dagnall

Photo credit:

“ If I were to do something differently, I would
1) extend my exchange to last for one whole year, and
2) study more japanese before going to the exchange.

The half year that I spent in Japan flew by faster than I imagined,
so a one year exchange would let me experience japan a bit more
in my opinion. Also, I would study more Japanese before the
exchange. While the quality of Japanese classes was absolutely
amazing in Kanazawa University, I feel that I would have gotten a
bit more out of the exchange if I had had a better grasp of the
language before arriving in Japan. “
“The decision to join the club ended up being one of the
best choices I made during the exchange. Japanese
people tend to be quite reserved but performing some
club activities together can bridge the communication
gap quite effortlessly.
Joining a club was in my experience amongst the easiest
methods of experiencing Japanese social culture and
gaining Japanese friends.“

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