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WEEK 5 / 2022

‘How do you stay motivated?’

This is one of the most frequently This is an at-home workout schedule,

asked questions I get. A lot of people and the only things you need to be
associate motivation with getting able to follow along are: yourself, this
results. Does someone have the guide, access to the internet and a
physique you want? Or the career? The place to follow the workouts.
relationship? The car or house? They
must be motivated all the time to get If you are looking for a gym (or another
them to where they are. But guess home) workout that is built upon the
what.. that is not the case. You can’t principle of progressive overload over a
solely rely on motivation to get you the longer period of time (6, 12 or 15 weeks)
results you want. and that you can do on your own and
without internet access, feel free to
This guide is all about motivation as check out all my workout programs
it is deemed important in so many here.
areas of our life (be it motivation in
fitness, in school and university, or in Keep an eye out for the weekly guides
our jobs). Thus, it is helpful to have following this one - because we are in
an understanding of what the term for a (long) ride! We’ll be training
means, the difficulty that comes with multiple days per week, and will do
it, and action steps you can take. different workouts each day. But don’t
worry, you’re not alone! We’re training
This guide also contains different partners now & we’ll be doing the
sweaty and challenging workout workouts together!
schedules based on the follow along
workouts that are uploaded on my Don’t forget to tag me
YouTube channel. And we got 2 fun (@gainsbybrains) on your stories on
recipes: Pizza Snacks (because who Instagram so I can see how you are
doesn’t love Pizza?) and a Valentine’s keeping up with the workouts.
healthy truffle treat for all chocolate
and lovebirds out there! Hope this will
inspire you to make some delicious
meals for yourself.



Equipment Needed 5
Motivation 6


30 Min Schedule 8
Full Body Schedule 9


Recipes 11


FAQs 16
Support 19

Before Starting

The goal of this guide, and the ones

to come, is to provide you with at-
home workout schedules based on the
workouts I upload on my YouTube

Most of these workouts consist of If you don’t have dumbbells, you can
bodyweight exercises that don’t also use something else that’s easy to
require additional equipment to be hold and has the right weight. Make
effective. But some workouts might sure to listen to your body and evaluate
include dumbbells or other equipment. your form before adding weight.


WHAT IT MEANS Some days, you might feel fired up and

ready to put in the work to reach your
mo·ti·va·tion goals, while on other days you might
/ˌmōdəˈvāSH(ə)n/ feel too tired to put your head down
noun and grind, or you are hesitant of what
The reason or reasons one has for you want or how to achieve it in the
acting or behaving in a particular way. first place.
"escape can be a strong motivation for
travel" TIPS

However, even if you're feeling low on

Motivation stems from the inside. It motivation or you don’t have any at all,
derives from an urge inside of us that there are still actions that you can take
longs for change. It may be a drive that will keep you moving forward. A
or a wish to change ourselves or our few things that you could do are the
environment. following:

In its essence, motivation is a process • Make sure to set goals that matter to
that activates goal-directed behavior. you, figure out your ‘why’.
When we feel motivated, we take • If you're trying to tackle a goal that
action. In our everyday life, the term seems too big or overwhelming,
‘motivation’ is often used to describe break it up into smaller steps or
why we do something. short-term goals.

• Celebrate the little wins, and learn

from setbacks and mistakes.
If you ever had a goal such as wanting
• If there are things you’re not
to lose or gain weight, you probably
confident about, try working
know that simply having the desire to
on making improvements in
accomplish it is not enough. Achieving
those areas so that you feel more
your goal(s) requires you to have the
capability to push through obstacles
and to keep going when you face • It’s all about repetition - don’t

difficulties. be discouraged if you ‘suck’ at

something at first, keep trying.

It is normal that you experience shifts • Don’t solely rely on motivation, build
in your motivation and willpower. discipline.

The Workout
WEEK 5 Remember, you can click the thumbnails of the videos to be redirected to them.
The new uploads will be uploaded that week on my channel.
30 min Daily

MON New Upload


WED New Upload


FRI New Upload


SUN Rest Day

WEEK 5 Remember, you can click the thumbnails of the videos to be redirected to them.
The new uploads will be uploaded that week on my channel.
Full Body

MON New Upload

TUE Rest Day

WED New Upload

THU Rest Day

FRI New Upload


SUN Rest Day


Recipe on next page 11

Pictured on previous page

Pizza Snacks 2 Servings 20 min Vegetarian

M A C R O S (per serving*) CAL: 250 FAT: 14 g CARBS: 20g PROTEIN: 11g


• 2 pieces 10 x 10 cm pastry 1. Spread tomato ketchup on your puff pastry

dough piece.

• 1 tbsp tomato ketchup

2. Sprinkle on your cheese and Italian herbs.
• 100 g grated cheese
3. Roll puff pastry.
• Italian herbs
4. Cut each roll into 5 smaller pieces.

5. Brush with water.

6. Bake slightly below the center of the oven for

about 15 min, until golden brown.

7. Leave to cool for approx. 5 min.

8. Serve and enjoy.


Recipe on next page 13

Pictured on previous page

Valentine’s Day Healthy Truffles 3 Servings 40 min Vegan

M A C R O S (per serving*) CAL: 271 FAT: 15g CARBS: 24g PROTEIN: 10g


• 9 dates 1. Cover the dates in water and soak for 20-30

• 90 g nut butter minutes to soften.

• ¼ cup cocoa powder 2. Drain. Remove the pit from the dates.
• ½ tbsp melted coconut oi
3. Put the dates, nut butter, cocoa powder,
• 1 tsp vanilla extract vanilla extract and melted coconut oil in a
food processor.

4. Mix until smooth.

5. Roll the mixture into 12 even bites.

6. Dip in the sprinkles as desired.

7. Serve and enjoy.

Extra Info

1. Do I need a workout program?

Training with a workout program R E A S O N N U M B E R T W O is that

comes with many advantages, let’s it allows for adequately tracking
cover my top 3 here. your progress. Following a program
indicates that you’ll be doing the
R E A S O N N U M B E R O N E is that a same exercises over a set period of
workout program provides you with time, which means it is easy for you
structure. Having a plan that includes to retrace whether you are making
improvements regarding your
• a schedule with a workout split that strength, endurance, form or time
tells you when and how often to under tension. This is important as
target certain muscle groups, we need to progressive overload to

• which exercises to execute in order build muscle and/or strength. While

to effectively train those muscles following your workout plan, you might

and notice that it will get easier to follow

through with your sets and reps, and
• how many sets and reps to do for
thus that you will be able to increase
each of them takes the guessing out
your weight. Or maybe you struggled
of the equation.
with doing the full amount of the sets
This means that you can prepare
and reps in your program at first, and
mentally for your next workout session.
over time you are able to work your
Don't forget that you need to train your
way up, thus increasing your volume.
mind just like you train your muscles.
Or you find that your form improves
When your mind is not ready, you most
the more familiar you get with your
likely won’t reach your full potential
program and the movements in it. No
during your workout. Following a
matter how the progress in the gym
program will leave you prepared as
may look like for you, a program makes
you will enter the gym with a set plan,
it simple to keep track of it and take
which ultimately helps you save time
note of your wins.
and energy in figuring out how to go
about your workout that given day.

R E A S O N N U M B E R T H R E E is that specific muscle groups, but it peaks
a workout program helps to prevent at 24 hours post-exercise. That is why
over- or undertraining. As we learned it is recommended to have at least
in our previous guide, recovery is 48 hours of rest between training the
important - and so is progressive same muscle group(s).
overload as one of the main factors
that contributes to muscle growth. A workout program will (or should)
So, in order to be able to hit the gym ensure that you train each muscle
multiple times a week to increase your group often enough, while giving your
training frequency, your body needs to body (and mind) enough time to reset
be able to recover. and recharge.

This implies that training smart is key. Shameless plug: Feel free to check out
Muscle protein synthesis (MPS), which my gym- and home workout guides
is stimulated by resistance training, is here.
present for over 72 hours after training

2. How long should my workout last?

Your workout doesn’t necessarily several factors that will affect the
have to take hours of your time to optimal duration for your training.
get you the results you’re thriving for. Some of these factors are your fitness
As we learned above, over-exercising level (beginner, intermediate or
can come with drawbacks as it does advanced), your goal(s), the type of
not give your body sufficient time to workout that you are doing, prior and
recover. This can i.a. lead to soreness following workouts, the number of
or stiffness which will adversely affect your workouts, the amount of your
your ability to train. However, we also rest time and stimulation your muscle
know that in order to build muscle and/ needs to grow, and of course other
or strength, we need to progressive commitments such as family, work,
overload, and one of the main factors is school etc. that you have.
training frequency and volume.
In short, there’s no such thing as the
You might already notice that this is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ workout duration as
not a clear answer (as so often when there are so many factors that play into
it comes to training), as there are it. But one thing is for sure: Consistency

is key when getting and staying in the it can be to be effective - you’d be
habit of exercising, so it’s important surprised how much you can get out of
that you find the length that works for a 10 or 15-minute intense workout.
you and your daily schedule, so you can
That being said, let me know how you
feel your best and stay on top of your
are finding the follow along workouts
from my Train with Gainsbybrains
A good rule of thumb to consider: the YouTube channel - feel free to share in
more intense your workout, the shorter the comment section of your fav video!

3. I don’t have time to work out - what can I do?

You’re never going to randomly find Not having time to workout basically
the time to workout, you’re going is an excuse and simply indicates you
to have to create it. Working out is a are prioritizing other things over your
matter of priority, just like everything health and well-being. There’s nothing
else in life - if it’s important to you and wrong with this, just don’t use time as
your physical and mental health, you a justification.
will find a way, and you will make time
Look at the workout schedule above,
for it.
or at my channel for further videos -
First, take a look at your life and your you can find all kinds of workouts from
habits: Which habits are serving abs, legs and booty, HITT and full body
you and which ones do not support to upper body, stretching and more,
you and your goals? Do you spend a ranging from anywhere between 5-20
significant amount per day scrolling minutes.
mindlessly through social media? Do
So, you’re telling me you still, don’t
you spend time watching TV or doing
have time? Start small - just 10 minutes
other activities that do not necessarily
a couple times per week and then go
get you further in life? That’s great -
from there. Just keep this up until you
ditch those and exchange them for
are able to create more time or get into
(extra) workout time! Take a look at
the habit of working out.
your schedule and decide what days
you have the least commitments I know what you’re thinking. Are 10

and are thus most likely to be able minutes per day a couple times per

to schedule a workout in. Then, set week going to do anything? YES! It

reminders – these are now dates with gets you started. Now go!

yourself which you can’t cancel.


The contents of this document should not be taken as medical advice.

It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health
problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.
Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any
matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this program
is strictly at your own risk.

To avoid any injuries or harm, make sure you check your health with
your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises
without supervision, you are performing them at your own risk. See a
fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Sophie
van Oostenbrugge will not be responsible or liable for any injury or
harm you sustain as a result of the videos.

Sophie van Oostenbrugge and GAINSBYBRAINS B.V. will not assume

any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result
including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death.


For support, please email I love to connect

on social media, but unfortunately I cannot keep up with DM’s or
explain things in detail in the comments. So for any questions or
remarks, please email and we’ll get back to
you as soon as possible!


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