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➢ Alicia mistake was going to the beach instead of studying for the math test.

➢ Keinichi thought he needed a lot of trendy clothes when he started college, and now he’s
➢ Melanie knew she wasn’t supposed to cook in her dorm room, but she used a microwave
anyway, and it was taken away from her

B Pair work What should each person do differently in the future? Compare ideas.
• I think Alicia should have studied on time so she could have gone to the beach for a while
I agree. She should've stayed at home and prepared for the test.

• I consider that Kenichi should have investigate if he would wear uniform or not before buying
Yeah, I agree. He shouldn't have wasted money on trendy outfits. He wouldn't be broke

A Listen to Frank talk about a bad decision he made. What was his decision? Why was it a bad one?
Frank´s bad decision was agreeing to take care of his neighbor´s cat. It was a bad decision because
he didn’t know his neighbor well, he was too busy at work to take care of the cat, and he´s allergic to

B Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Choose the correct answer.

True False
1. Frank and his neighbor were good friends.
2. Frank knew he was allergic to cats.
3. Frank marked his calendar to remember to feed the cat.
4. Frank forgot what time his train was going to leave.
5. Frank remembered to feed the cat on Saturday.
A Look at the Starting Point on page 10 again. Can you find other examples of past modals and
phrasal modals of obligation? What does each one mean?
Kenichi: But I really shouldn't have done it. (It was a bad idea to spend the money, but he did
it anyway.)
Melanie: We weren't supposed to cook in our dorm rooms (There was a rule against doing it,
but she did it anyway.)
Melanie: so I really didn't need to have it. (It wasn't necessary for her to have a microwave.)

B Choose the answer that is true for each sentence. Then compare answers with a partner
1. I shouldn't have invited them. 3. We didn't have to study for the test.
a. I didn't invite them. a. We forgot to study.
b. I invited them. b. We were prepared for the test.
2. That was a secret! You weren't supposed 4. I know Jane didn't like my cooking, but
to tell anyone! she didn't need to be so rude about it.
a. You didn't tell anyone. a. Jane was rude to me.
b. You told someone. b. Jane wasn't rude to me.

C Complete the sentences with information about yourself. Then compare answers with a partner.
1. After I started high school, I had to ...
study a lot harder.
2. I made someone angry once because I wasn't supposed to . . .
be working in their area.
3. I wasted a lot of money once because I thought I needed to . . .
get everyone a large present
4. When I had the opportunity, I should have ...
invested in bitcoin

B Pair work Discuss your answers. Ask follow-up questions.

"Have you ever enjoyed doing something you weren't supposed to do?"
"Sure. At my old job, I wasn't supposed to take a long lunch, but I took long lunches
at the park, anyway. How about you?"
1. My friend never does anything about his problems.
My friend always ignores his problems.
2. Maria can look at a broken bicycle and find the problem right away.
Maria can look at a broken bicycle and identify the problem right away.
3. My sister is never afraid to try to take care of a difficult problem.
My sister is never afraid to deal with a difficult problem.
4. Dan always makes his problems worse.
Dan always aggravates his problems.
5. Ruby always follows the recipe closely to prevent problems when she cooks.
Ruby always follows the recipe closely to avoid problems when she cooks.
6. Michael always unexpectedly encounters problems when he tries to fix things.
Michael always runs into problems when he tries to fix things.
7. Carla is great at completely fixing any kind of problem at work.
Carla is great at solving any kind of problem at work.
8. Al is the kind of student who always makes problems for teachers.
Al is the kind of student who always causes problems for teachers.

B Pair work Tell your partner about people you know who are similar to the
people in the sentences in part A.
I have a friend that does not help herself get better at her job. I have a friend that can fix
anything or come up with a solution to any problem. One of my friends is always causing
bigger issues when trying to fix things

A Listen to Ray (R), Felipe (F), and Jennifer (J) talk about a problem that they
each had. What did each person finally do about the problem? Write the
correct letter.
J ignored it F dealt with it R aggravated it

B Listen again. Briefly describe each person's problem.

Ray: He started jogging too soon after he twisted his ankle.
Felipe: His neighbor leaves old cars in the front yard and makes a lot noise when he´s fixing them
Jennifer: She didn’t do the work she was supposed to do on a school project with a friend. Then she
avoided her friend.
B Group work Brainstorm dos and don'ts for one of these topics. Write your ideas.

• getting over a bad cold • staying safe in a big city • preparing for entrance exams

Living in a small town can be hard. One reason it is hard is that some small towns do not have many
essential stores. This means that you sometimes have to drive further away to get what you need.
Another thing that can be hard is that there is sometimes not a lot of recreational things to do. Some
small towns don’t have movie theaters and you have to go somewhere else to have fun. This is why
it can be hard to live in a small town
I agree with cafelife. It’s true it’s a wasted of time to try to find out who Banksy is.

B Pair work Compare your reactions to the article.

Banksy's artwork is characterized by striking images, often combined with slogans. His work often
engages political themes, satirically critiquing war, capitalism, hypocrisy and greed. Common subjects include
rats, apes, policemen, members of the royal family, and children.

A Look at the Starting Point on page 14 again. What does each modal express?
Which one is used in the passive?

Expressing degrees of certainty:

Readers hoping to finally see his face must have been pretty disappointed ...
People thought he could have been trying to get publicity for the movie.
It may have been Banksy documenting his own work, ...
I'm certain Banksy must have wanted to win that Oscar.
… so it might have been him taking the pictures.
That website hoax might have been planned ... (passive)
Expressing obligation:
Banksy shouldn't have painted on other people's property.
Expressing advice or opinions:
People should stop trying to find out who Banksy is.
The magazine readers shouldn't have expected...
He should be more careful.

B Use modals to write reactions to these situations. Then compare answers with a partner.

1. You and your friend planned to meet, but your friend never arrived.
He might have been busy at work, but he should have called to tell me.

2. You loaned your classmate a lot of money last-week, but she still hasn't repaid you.
She should have been more responsible
3. You feel sick after a big fish dinner.
I might be allergic to fish
4. You receive flowers from a secret admirer.
I could not think who my secret admirer could be
5. You haven't received any phone calls or text messages in a week.
My family and friend might have been busy
6. Your boss promised to promote you, but it still hasn't happened.
He may have forgotten it.

B Group work Discuss your explanations. Do you agree?

"Airplanes flying overhead could have caused the noise in that village."
"I'm not so sure. I think someone may have been making the sound
on purpose as a prank."
Certain Not certain
Be certain Assume
Be positive Bet
Be sure Figure
Know for a fact Guess
Have a hunch

B Group work Use the verbs of belief to discuss these questions.

1. Why do giraffes have long necks?
I'm not sure, but I assume they have long necks to eat the leaves at the tops of trees."
"Yeah, I bet that's the reason why."
2. Why do some buildings not have a thirteenth floor?
I bet it’s because the floor doesn't exist. It all comes down to triskaidekaphobia, or the fear of the number 13.
3. Is there life on other planets?
I´m sure there’s intelligent life probably exists on distant planets even if we can’t make contact
4. Why doesn't a haircut hurt?
I know for a fact it doesn’t hair because its not alive.
5. Why do some people fall in love at first sight?
I assume that some people fall in love at first sight because they are seeking love
6. What color is an insect's blood?
I´m sure insect blood does not have hemoglobin and is not red. In general, insect blood is either colorless,
pale yellow or green.

1. Using a cell phone can cause a fire at a gas station.

2. Talking to plants for a short time will help them grow better.
3. A person can break a glass using just his or her voice.
4. Yawning is contagious.

B Listen again. What ideas did Sheila and Adam originally have? Answer the questions.
1. How did Sheila think that cell phones could cause fires?
She thought the energy a cell phone produces could ignite gasoline
2. Why did Adam doubt that talking to plants could help them grow?
Because he thought plants couldn’t understand what we say to them
3. Why did Sheila have trouble believing voices could break a glass?
Because she thought our voices didn’t have enough power
4. Why didn't Adam believe that yawning could be contagious?
Because he thought yawing only expresses one person’s own tiredness or boredom. If others
weren’t tired or bored, they wouldn’t yawn.

A Group work What does amnesia mean? What are some things that might cause amnesia?
Discuss with your group.
Amnesia is a general term that describes memory loss. The loss can be temporary or permanent,
but 'amnesia' usually refers to the temporary variety. Causes include head and brain injuries, certain
drugs, alcohol, traumatic events, or conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

B Read the article. Are these statements true or false? Choose the correct answer.
True False
1. Sean's amnesia began after he was in a car accident.
2. Sean and Amy didn't know each other well before they got married.
3. Sean shoved cake in Amy's face when he remembered who she was.
4. The amnesia might have been caused by stress.

C Group work Discuss these questions. Then share your answers with the class.

1. What would you have done if you had been in Amy's position?
Well, I would be with that person helping to get the memory back.
2. What would be some of the problems you'd face if you ever forgot everything?
Well, im not really sure but it wouldn’t be nice to forget everything.

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