Copyreading (Sample Worksheet) Girl Scouts

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Girl Scouts
         the countys Girl Scout Council no loonger will acept any checks during its annual cookie sale-a-thon. 
            During its last sale-a-thon, the council lost $4,284 due to  worthlesschecks.  
         “That may not sound like a lot, but its a serious loss for us,” said Linda Goree, the Girl Scoust county executive. “It
cuts into our profits, but al so wastes too many hours of our timme.”
         Next year, Goree said, thecountys Girl Scouts will accept only cash
         Two factors agravated the prov problem during the scouts last sale-a-thon, Goree continued.  first, more pepople
paid by check.  Second, a larger percentage of the checks teh Girl Scouts received bounced.   
         “Some people pay by check beause they don’t have the cash, ” Goree said. “Or, they want to place a large order. 
We have people who place orders for $100 or more, and thosse poeple are especially likely to pay by check.   we also
receive checks for a little as one or two dollars.”
Scout leaders call people who signed the checks that bounce and, in most cases,ask them to mail neW checks to the cty.
office.  The scout leadesr are unable to reach everyone, however.  Smoe People have moved.  Other s do not have
telephones—or do not seem to answer their tele phones.
         “usually its an honest mistake, ad andpeople are embarrassed when we call them,” Goree said. “THey want to take
care of the problem right away.   Other people say they want to pay but dont have the money, and we can usually work
something out with them.  Unfortunately, there are other people who get mad at us, like its our fault or something, and
refuse to pay.  Or, they write new checks that also bounce.  It puts our leadess in a terrible situaton.  A Girl Scout
leadershouldn’t have to deal with  problems like that.  Also, its not a good situation or example for our girls, and that’s the
reason for our ne w policy, why we’ll no longer accept any checks.”
Men’s Longevity          Being a middle-aged man and single can be deadly, too sociologists at your college warned today
         The sociologists, Margo Matos and LeeAnne verkler, found that middle-aged men who remain single double their
chances of dying.
         For 10 years, Matos and verkler tracked one thoussand men in the state.   All of the men were 40 old years at the
start of the study, and half were married.  Matos and Verkler fuond that 11.7 percent of the men who remained unmarried
died before their 50th birthday, compared to only 5.9 percent of themen who remained married.  
            Some of the maried men were divorced or widowed during the study, and 7.1 percnt of those who remainedd alone
for at least half the period also died.
         “We arent sure of all the reasons,” verkler said. “That’s what we’ll look at next.  WE think poor diet plays a role. 
Also the use of alcohol, smoking, a lack of exercise and low incomes. Men who live by themselves seem to do more
drinking and smoking, and many don’t PREprepare good meals for themselves.  Plus there’s the absence of social
support.  It ehlps to have someone to talk with, someone who shpares your li fe and is there to provide help when you
need it.”
         Matos and Verkler found that men also live longer if they have a roommate. “It doesn’t matter who the persn is, a
parent, child orfreind,” Verkler said. “We’ve found, however,that none of the alternatives are as conducive to a long life
as a stable marriage.  those are the man who live the longest, the men who are happily marrried.”

Outstanding Teacher
         Wilma DeCastro is an English teacher at Kennedy High Schol and, six months ago, was named the city’s “Teacher
ofthe Year.”  Today she resigned.
         “All my life I wanted to be a teachher,” DeCastro said. “Ive really enjoyed it, but I have two little girls and Can’t
afford it any longer.  I want a good live for may family, and now wecan’t afford to buy a decent house in a good
neighborhood, a newcar, nice clothes, or so many of the other things we want.  wee skimp on everything, even food.”  
         There years ago, DeCastro began to sell real estate during her sumer vacations.  For th e last year, she has continued

to sell real estate part-time, primarily weakends

“I can’t do it any longer,” she said. ”I can’t wrok two jobs, do a good job at both of the jobbs, and a.lso have time for my
daughters,  so I’ve decided to go into real estate full time.  I can triple salary my salary.  INN a few years, if I work hard, I
should be able to do even better than that.   eventually, I’d like togo into businss for myself.”
         Greg Hubbard, superintendent of the city’s school system, said: “Of coures we’re sorry to see her leave.   We’d like
to keep her, to be able to pay all our teachers mr more, espec ially our best teachers.   But there’s no moneey for higher
salaries.  NO one wants to pay higher taxes.”
         DeCastro is 28 and started teaching at the high schoo0l six years ago.   she aws named “Teacher OF The Year”
because of her popularity, but also because she inspired several studentsto start a literary maga zine that has won

Heroic Girl
         while walking to school this moningmorning, an 11-year-old girl noticed a gunman robbuing two clerkS in a
convenence store on Colonial Drive
         The girl, Kathryn Kunze of94 Jamestown Drive, raran to a nearby telepone, dialed 911, then returned to the store
and noticed an empty car par ked naearby withits motor running.   she reachedd inside, shut off the cars motor and took
the keys.
         “Imagine what the rober thought when he ran out of the storee, jumped into HIS car and realized the keys
weregone,” said Sgt. Tammy Dow. “she was one smart girl, and Brave, too.”
         The Gunman went bavck into the stoer and asked the clerks there for the keys to there cars.   Bothclerks, however,
said that they had walked to work and did not own a car.  
         The gunman then walked to a near,by park, and the police Aarrested him there five minutse later. 
         William j. Chuey, 27, of 57l0 michigan Ave was charrged with armed robbery.
         Polic e officers later questioned the girl at school. “I saw this man with a gun, just like on telivision” she said. “Then
I saw thecar.  It was running, and I just figured it was the robbers, so I took his keys and ran here.” 
         Kathryn’s mother, said she was p””proud—and frightened—by her daughters actions. “I’Mm proud she thought so
quickly,” Mrs. Lauren Kunze said. “But I don’t wnat her to trfy anything like that ever again.” 

Repossessing Cars
         Police Chief Tony sullivan Wants to ebgin seizing t he cars driven by drunken drivers.
         While testifyingbefore a legislative commmittee in the state capital this morning, Sullivan said police oficers in the
state need the authority to to seize the vehicles used by motorists convicted three or more times of drunken driving.  
Sullivans pproposal would al so apply to motorists convicted of driving with a license suspended or revoked because of
drunken drving—and to motorists convicted of driving undre the Influence of drugs.
         “Were runninng across too many repeat offjenders,” sullivan said. “They ignore the laws now in eff ect, and its time
to do something about it.  It doesn’t do any good to just take away their lcenses.  They’ll drivewithout one.”
Sullivan said some motorists in the statehave been convicted of drunken driving more than a dozentimes . “Weve gott
peopel who’ve served a year in jail, some who’ve served five years,” Sullivan said. “It doesn’t seemtodo any good.  
weather they have a liense or not, they star”t to drink and drive again as soon as they get out.  If wetake away their cars,
they’ll havetostop.   U nless they’re ultra-rich, there’s a limit to howmany cars they can afford to buy.”

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