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English –Technical Report Writing

Instructor : Eppie May F. Frial

Phone : 09610231536 (SMART)/09179709459 (GLOBE)
Email Address :
Class meeting time : as per schedule
Room Number (for F2F) : TBA
Online Days/ Hours : as per schedule
Office Location : JBLFMU Arevalo
Course Credits : 3 Units
Course Materials : Online Modules, Printed Copy, e-Course Material to be downloaded to
Android Phone /Tablet or in Flash Drive
Term and Year : Second Semester SY 2020-2021
Prerequisite Course(s) : None
References and Online
Resources : Nature and Role of Technical Writing

Technical Report Writing deals with using effective written communication strategies to
facilitate understanding of documentation processes. Teaching and learning activities emphasize
developing the student’s ability to write clearly, concisely, and accurately. The student studies and
writes business letters, a resume, short technical reports and a formal research report.


At the end of the course, you should be able to:
• Define Technical Writing;
• discuss the importance of Technical Writing;
• Describe the principles of Technical Writing;
• Identify the characteristics of Technical Writing;
• Apply the mechanics and style of Technical Writing;
• Utilize the basic techniques in Technical Writing;
• Characterize the nature of business writing;
• Describe the forms of business writing;
• Identify the parts and types of business letters;
• Write an application letter;
• Accomplish maritime forms and correspondence;

This course will be delivered in a Flexible Learning Mode, mainly through Asynchronous (Self-Paced)
Learning and Synchronous Physical (Face to Face) and/or Online Instructions. The JBLFMU Learning
Management System (LMS) will principally be anchored on MOODLE and on ZOOM for virtual (online)

For online instructions, you will use your JBLFMU Student Account Username and Password to login to
the course from the Page. If you have not activated your JBLFMU
Student account, please visit the to do so.

Learning activities will consist of chat, blogs, discussion forums, email, web posting. You will need access
to the Internet to download course materials, access linked video, power points and other instructional
materials on YouTube and other designated internet channels. While an android phone or tablet is
adequate, a personal computer or laptop is recommended but not necessary.

The Course is divided into three (3) modules – prelim, midterm and finals. Eighteen weeks (usually
composed of 3hr/week, for a total of 54 hours) is dedicated for a 3-unit course per semester.
Self-paced approach will be employed, with scheduled/on demand teleconferencing meetings/consultation
with the instructor.

Quizzes 30%
Exams 60%
Activities 10%

TOTAL 100% (Note: Passing Grade is 75%)


Classroom and Virtual Class Attendance and Participation:
This Course is on Flexible Learning Mode with self-paced learning and synchronous virtual/online classes;
as well as physical classes if and when feasible; and therefore is not dependent on counted attendance.
Nevertheless, all students must participate actively in the virtual or physical classes and submit all
required outputs on or before the due dates.

The student shall comply with the rules, regulations and instructions set by the school authorities

Academic Honesty and Authentication:

Students must practice academic integrity by keeping their files personal, doing independent work and
avoiding plagiarism by paraphrasing and acknowledging sources through citations.

Gadget Policy:
The use of cell phones, tablets or other similar electronic/communication gadgets are basic requirements
for the study of this Course. It is highly advised that these phones and tablets are kept free from other
apps which may distract the student’s attention and which may slow down the gadget’s performance.

Course Work:
Students’ outputs shall be accomplished as specified by the assigned Instructor, and must be submitted
on time and in the formats specified.

Academic Consultation:
Students needing academic assistance can avail of the academic counselling and other mentoring
programs. Referral system is either through student’s request or through the Instructor’s referral through
the Student Affairs Services (SAS) office.

6. Technical Assistance
If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem with the JBLFMU
LMS, or with ZOOM, or with any appurtenant technology for the study of this Course, you can:
• Chat with a JBLFMU e learning Technical Support Staff
• Seek assistance from the e learning HELP Desk of JBLFMU-Arevalo.

JBLFMU would appreciate if you let us know whatever difficulties you encounter in your study and in your
use of the Course materials; as well as on anything that could improve the Course and its delivery; so that
changes could be made for continual improvement.

Important Note:
This syllabus, along with course assignments and due dates, are subject to change. It is the student’s
responsibility to check the JBLFMU LMS and/ or his JBLFMU registered email for revisions/ corrections or
updates to the syllabus.

MODULE 1 Synchronous (F2F/Telecon)

(PRELIM) Week 1-6
Asynchronous (Self-Paced)
Intended Contact Hours: 18 hours
Learner’s Activity Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Definition and Reading of articles At the end of the lesson, Synchronous
Importance you shall be able to: Identification/true or false quiz
of Technical Writing Answering of self- 1. define Technical Writing
assessment 2. explain the importance of
questions/activities Technical Writing;
3. discuss the need of Asynchronous
Technical Writing to the Essay on the nature,
maritime profession; and contribution/importance of
1. ExplainWriting
Technical the nature and role of research in
in the
maritime industry

Send as a word file attachment to

the OMS, email address/FB
Messenger of your instructor or
leave printed/handwritten copies
on your instructors’ table or at the
dean’s office.

2. Types of Read articles/resources At the end of the lesson,

Technical Writing on Types of Technical you shall be able to: Identification quiz
Writing 1. identify the different
types of Technical Technical Writing Samples
Writing and
Presentation of technical *Submission instructions for
write-up types 2. present samples of Lesson activities will be given on
Technical Writing the OMS/ group

Send as a word file attachment to

the OMS, email address/FB
Messenger of your instructor or
leave printed/handwritten copies
on your instructors’ table or at the
dean’s office.
3. Basic Principles Reading of At the end of the lesson you Identification /true or false quiz
of Technical Writing article/resources shall be able to:
Self-assessment 1. discuss the five basic
activities principles of technical Send as a word file attachment to
writing; and the email address/FB Messenger
Analysis/Critique of 2. state the importance of of your instructor or leave
learning them. printed/handwritten copies on
your instructors’ table or at the
dean’s office
4. Characteristics of Reading of At the end of the lesson you Identification /true or false quiz
Technical Writing articles/resources shall be able to:
1. describe the
Self-assessment characteristics of Submission for Unit IV activities
activities Technical Writing; will be on ______.
2. explain how to achieve
Analysis/Critique the characteristics of Send as a word file attachment to
Technical Writing in the OMS, email address/FB
writing; and Messenger of your instructor or
3. analyze the leave printed/handwritten copies
characteristics of written on your instructors’ table or at the
documents. dean’s office.
5. Mechanics and Reading of At the end of the lesson you Identification /true or false quiz
Style in Technical articles/resources shall be able to:
Writing 1. identify the rules which
Self-assessment govern the mechanics Submission for Unit IV activities
activities and style in technical will be on ______.
Analysis/Critique 2. explain the ways to Send as a word file attachment to
achieve precision in the the email address/FB Messenger
use of words; of your instructor or leave
3. revise printed/handwritten copies on
phrases/sentences your instructors’ table or at the
observing precision of dean’s office.
expressions; and
4. Apply proper mechanics
and style (precision of
words) in writing.
6. Basic Techniques Reading of At the end of the lesson you Identification /true or false quiz
in Technical Writing articles/resources shall be able to:
1. discuss when the need
Self-assessment for definition occurs in Submission for Unit IV activities
activities writing; will be on ______.
2. draw out the difference
Analysis/Critique between the formal Send as a word file attachment to
and informal definition the email address/FB Messenger
by defining the terms in of your instructor or leave
both forms; printed/handwritten copies on
3. identify the three parts your instructors’ table or at the
of formal definition and dean’s office.
distinguish their
function from each
4. expand a formal
definition by using
different types of
5. explain the need to
learn the ways to
describe a
6. explain the outline in
describing a
7. describe a mechanism
/object (deck/engine
device, tool,
equipment, etc.) in an
organized manner;
8. discuss the need to
learn the ways to
describe a process or
9. cite some helpful tips in
organizing series of
10. describe the process or
procedure of
performing certain
(maritime related)
tasks or operations;
11. illustrate series of
actions or procedure
through a diagram (the
use of arrows to show
flow or direction of
12. explain the rules of
classifying ideas or
objects; and
13. group ideas or objects
observing the rules of
Prelim Examination

MODULE 2 Synchronous (F2F/Telecon)

Asynchronous (Self-Paced) Asynchronous (Self-Paced)
Learner’s Activity Learning Outcomes Assessment
7. Nature of Reading of At the end of the lesson you
Business English articles/resources shall be able to:
1. differentiate business Modified true or false
Self-assessment from literary English;
activities and
2. identify the sources of Submission for Unit V activities
Analysis/Critique words in business will be on ______.
English and provide
example(s) for each. Send as a word file attachment to
the email address/FB Messenger
of your instructor or leave
printed/handwritten copies on
your instructors’ table or at the
dean’s office.
8. Forms of a Reading of At the end of the lesson you
Business Letter articles/resources shall be able to: Essay
1. discuss the forms of a
Self-assessment activities business letter; and Submission for Unit VI activities
2. illustrate the forms of a will be on ______.
Analysis/Critique business letter.
Send as a word file attachment to
the email address/FB Messenger
of your instructor or leave
printed/handwritten copies on
your instructors’ table or at the
dean’s office.

9. Parts of a Reading of At the end of the lesson you

Business Letter articles/resources shall be able to:
1. identify the essential Identification quiz
Self-assessment activities parts of a business letter
and the elements that Submission for Unit VII activities
Analysis/Critique compose them; will be on ______.
2. arrange the parts
correctly in their proper Send as a word file attachment to
position; the email address/FB Messenger
3. differentiate modern from of your instructor or leave
conventional heading and printed/handwritten copies on
explain their application; your instructors’ table or at the
4. use appropriate dean’s office.
(courtesy)titles in
connection with the name
of the person;
5. use salutation and
complimentary close
6. explain the composition
and importance of the
signature block;
7. cite the commonly used
miscellaneous parts of
the letter and give their
purpose; and
8. distinguish essential from
miscellaneous parts of a
business letter.
10. Types of Reading of At the end of the lesson you
Business Letters articles/resources shall be able to: True or false/identification quiz
1. identify the different
Self-assessment activities types of business letters
and company application Submission for Unit VIII activities
Analysis/Critique forms; will be on ______.
2. state the paragraph
contents of application Send as a word file attachment to
letters and the purpose the email address/FB Messenger
of preparing them; of your instructor or leave
3. differentiate solicited printed/handwritten copies on
from unsolicited type of your instructors’ table or at the
application letter; dean’s office.
4. fill out (company-ready)
application forms
5. write an application
letter; and
6. write a customized

Midterm Examination

MODULE 3 Synchronous (F2F/Telecon)

Asynchronous (Self-Paced) Asynchronous (Self-Paced)
Learner’s Activity Learning Outcomes Assessment
11. Writing a Reading of At the end of the lesson you
Technical Report articles/resources shall be able to:
Identification/ true or false quiz
Self-assessment activities

Submission for Unit IX activities

will be on ______.

Send as a word file attachment to

the email address/FB Messenger
of your instructor or leave
printed/handwritten copies on
your instructors’ table or at the
dean’s office.
12. Maritime Forms, Reading of At the end of the lesson you
Documents, and articles/resources shall be able to: Essay
Reports 1. identify and get familiar
Self-assessment with the physical make- Submission for Unit X activities
activities up of the different will be on ______.
forms/documents on
Analysis/Critique board ships which they Send as a word file attachment to
may use in the future; the email address/FB Messenger
and of your instructor or leave
2. fill out forms correctly printed/handwritten copies on
and neatly. your instructors’ table or at the
3. write basic maritime dean’s office.
reports onboard (e.g.
incident report, near miss
report, damage report,
13. Global Met Reading of At the end of the lesson you Submission for Unit X
Training Record articles/resources shall be able to: activities will be on ______.
Book 1. identify the contents of a
Self-assessment training record book; and Send as a word file
activities 2. accomplish selected attachment to the email
activities for address/FB Messenger of your
Analysis/Critique watchkeeping. instructor or leave
printed/handwritten copies on
your instructors’ table or at
the dean’s office.
Final Examination

We shall be among the global leaders in innovation, responsive to the needs of the changing times, in providing
quality education and training by 2030.

JBLFMU Mission
We shall provide quality education and training through innovative and optimum use of resources in instruction,
research and extension.
We aim to improve the quality of life through our thrusts in quality, health, safety and environment.

General Objectives
JBLF System shall develop individuals who are effective communicators, analytical and critical thinkers, ethical and
socially responsible, technically competent and lifelong learners.






Integrity Education






We look back to the humble beginning
Of John B. Lacson Maritime University
Whose Founder's dream that of providing
Brave sailors and leaders of the nation.
Oh John B. of our hearts
Our hope is in your sound philosophy
Time - tested values, let the youth uphold
To serve, and honor God and country.
Our ships may sail over the ocean
The tide may sweep us, to shores and seas
Around the globe to lands and nations
Your flag unfurl, Oh JBLFMU
Around the globe to lands and nations
Your flag unfurl, Oh JBLFMU.

Lyrics by: Susan Ramos

Music by: Romulo Pangan
Year Adopted: 1987


Jonh B. Lacson Colleges
Our Alma Mater
You who provide us educaion
To serve Lord God and Country.
Oh! Dear Alma Mater
We salute you for the values
Learned discipline, progress
That made us the best of men.
College of the Nation be proud
We are now great sailors
And good leaders of the nation.
(Repeat Chorus)
Lyrics & Music by: Mr. Gilberto C. Pirante
Year Adopted: 1988

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