Item # SCP-: SCP-SCP - SCP - SCP - SCP - SCP

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Item # SCP-████
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-████ is to be kept

in a standard humanoid cell. If SCP-████ attempts to
breach, 3 security agents must report with full kevlar
body armor, and must sedate SCP-████ . No additional
procedures as of now. A remote gas valve will release
a sedative in SCP-████’s cell.

Description: SCP-████ appears to be a blond,

long-haired male, from ███████ descent. SCP-████
appears to be in it’s early 30's, usually sporting
stereotypical western cowboy attire.

SCP-████ itself is completely human, but appears to

have some anomalous abilities. SCP-████ tends to call
himself a “Stand User” If attacked, SCP-████ will
start doing hand motions indicating if he was holding
a revolver type firearm, and will “fire” at the
target. All subjects of SCP-████’s effects all have
gunshot wounds, but no bullet, or bullet fragments in
the wound. SCP-████ also seems to be able to control
his “bullets” with an unknown method as of now.

Addendum ████.1: Discovery.

SCP-████ was discovered in █████, Egypt. Local law

enforcement of the area were investigating a number of
unknown incidents in the area, such as a steamroller
randomly exploding on the streets, a young male adult
presumably being thrown into a water tower and dying,
the local senator committing vehicular manslaughter
and was later found dead in a car accident, and
several piles of rubble found all over the city. All
of these incidents were covered up by the ██████████
Foundation, which we do not have any information

Addendum ████.2

The following below was taken from an interview with

Dr.████████ from ██/21/██.


Dr. ████████: So, umm… SCP-████, I’ve been assigned to

ask some questions for you to answer.

SCP-████: Sure thing bud, ask away.

Dr. ████████: First of all, could you explain what you

mean by “stand user” as it says in your file, you tend
to call yourself this.

SCP-████: Well, it’s kinda hard to explain, partner, I

can’t really explain what a “Stand User” is. It's like
you have this weird “fighting spirit” right beside ya,
and it stands beside you.

Dr.████████: So, the anomalous effect you have, is

your “stand”?

SCP-████: Well, yeah.


Addendum ████.3

The events that occured in █████, Egypt, during the

discovery of SCP-████ have been found to be linked to
SCP-████. During an interview with Dr.████, SCP-████
confesses there are many more of these so-called
“Stand Users” around the world.


Dr.████: Good morning, SCP-████, just a daily

protocall, but I have been assigned to interview you.

SCP-████: Sure thing, go ahead. Also don’t call me

SCP-██- whatever, the name’s Hol █████.

Side note: It’s currently unknown if Hol █████ is

SCP-████’s real name, as we have checked multiple
national databases for the name, and we have come up
empty in every attempt.

Dr.████: Well then, Hol █████, our research shows that

you are linked to the unknown occurrences in █████,

Dr.████ passes a document of a list of the unknown

events in █████, Egypt.

SCP-████ reads the document, and stays silent after.

Dr.████: Well, is that a yes, or a no?

SCP-████: Well, yes I was in █████, Egypt when all
those things happened.

Dr.████: Well then, were you the cause of these


SCP-████: No.

Before the interview, CCTV footage from the area where

these events happened was sent to Dr.████.

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