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Food is essential –it provides vital nuterients for survival ,and help the body function and stay
healthy “what is your opinion ?
At present, food hygiene is a headache in many countries, many people do not know they
are using unsafe food and still use it because they are very cheap and do not know where it
comes from. from where. And many food manufacturing businesses around the world are
slowly closing down and I will speak my opinion on the positive and negative side of food
Clean food can help us to have more energy every day without disease and provide
nutrition for the body, clean food is essential for the body of every person. Currently, nation-
wide is talking about supply. food for consumers, many universities or scientists point out
which foods are good for people to provide the minerals they need to bring about a disease-
free body without diseases balanced nutrition. {COMMENT: How do you know? Who’s
opinion is this? Citation} However, at present, there are still a lot of issues that cause pain,
namely dirty food, {COMMENT: We don’t called it dirty food we called it unhygenic
food}dirty food, which is very harmful to the health of consumers as well as causing many
types of diseases, for example: food poisoning, cancer. stomach cancer, kidney failure,
memory loss, nervous system disorders, digestive disorders and certain types of foods that
can bring about illnesses such as: grilled meat, very hot or very spicy foods, fried foods,
greasy foods, and unidentified foods, and leftovers that cook many times and have foods that
are impregnated with chemicals are very eye-catching and very delicious and so in many
countries now Now to minimize damage to dirty food and health and money: the health
department deals with places that consume unclean or unclean goods. rooting and
propagating to raise the awareness of the seller should not be for personal gain and do these
unethical things to harm people and consumers . Fast food is very popular and popular right
now, in terms of advantages: saving time saving the usable cooking on the go On the negative
side: causing many diseases that can cause health problems such as obesity, atherosclerosis,
hypertension, increased levels of fat in the blood. Besides, there are drinks that cause health
problems such as soft drinks, energy drinks, because there are many chemical sugars, makes
us obese and carries worrying pathogens such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, skin aging,
serious brain disorders so a lot of people still use fast food and they see amazingly cheap and
incredible food without thinking about where it came from and how it is made and now every
country is sprouting up fast-food restaurants or street eateries have not been provided safe
food paper and sold to consumers just to make a profit for themselves and sell toxic
substances to buyers and need to do so. Countries should take measures to inspect the food
there and reduce everywhere it sells dirty and fast food.
For centuries, food has been (is) important to humans and other animals, food has added
(have been giving) nutrients and we have needed (need) food to survive on this earth and
food. (Food play an) important role as providing necessary nutrients, ensuring the
development process; (.) Besides, food also helps to replenish energy for activities, meet
digestive needs when feeling hungry, and food can( help the body to) fight disease and heal
wounds for themselves. and so the (Furthermore,) food (intake) is divided into 3 meals for
the user (people) that is breakfast for lunch and dinner, so that we can (have a) balance a full
nutrition. For example breakfast helps us to have a full energy (so that) the body (can) gives
energy. (This energy will help us to ) that we can concentrate on work or study, can be more
effective than breakfast can help us to beautify the skin or it will not age the skin, we use a
breakfast right on time, and when we use up energy we can go back to recharge it is a light
lunch that gives people the energy to continue an unfinished work and so after a tiring day at
work then dinner will help us clear up our worries to help fill us up and have a good night and
food is important. Affective for every person's life. {COMMENT: Not important and does
not link with the topic} Food is the need on earth without food we will die and die other
animals will bite each other for food and the world will wither.
{COMMENT: Where is your citation ????? No citation no marks}

In my opinion again the food is of great importance not only(to) provides nutrition and
energy but also helps to fight disease but we must know how to check food hygiene and
avoid unknown foods Root and must have smart choice to have a food safe for home and user
{COMMENT: Your conclusion is weak and unfinished. You need to put an eloborated
opinion and you need to summarise your point with a bit of example ! }

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