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Boil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic Knacks
Posted on March 16, 2017 by Christopher R. Rice | No Comments
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Those with ritual path magic have an infinitely flexible magic system at their One Yard Hex
fingertips. So how to make a one-spell johnny? Or those who have an Pseudoboo
innate ability to do one particular thing. To create such abilities use the
RPG Jutsu
following method:
Sean "Dr. Kromm"
• Determine the ritual normally using the standard rules for ritual path Punch's Livejournal
Shooting Dice
• Purchase Magery 0 (Limited Scope, One Spell only, -80%) [1], Discreet
Ritual (Pyramid #3/66: The Laws of Magic, p. 11), the Path skill at IQ+0, Steve Jackson Games –
and Ritual Mastery. Buy enough levels of Ritual Mastery (which, for this one
purpose has unlimited levels with each +1 translating to another level) to Steve Jackson Games –
cast it so that your effective skill equals or exceeds the Safe Threshold GURPS
(GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic, p. 26) to cast the spell plus 4. Steve Jackson Games –
. Treat the Path skill as if it were IQ/Average for this purpose instead of w23
IQ/Very Hard (you’re effectively double specializing in a Path, see Pyramid
The Blind Mapmaker
#3/66: The Laws of Magic, p. 20).
• Ignore the usual restriction on Thaumatology. Those with knacks just do The Checkerboard of the
things with the smallest act of will! This comes at a price however – they
cannot create conditional spells with their ability and can only alter normally Worlds Beyond Earth
alterable effects (e.g., Range or Subject Weight). Optionally, they can
create a single form of conditional ability (e.g., an elixir), but cannot cast it
normally. Archives
• Optionally, purchase Magery (Limited Scope, One Spell only, -80%)
[2/level], Ritual Mastery [1], or Ritual Adept (Limited Scope, One Spell only, Select Month
-80%) [8].
• Those without adept still suffer the rules for connection, consecrated
space, etc. Meta
• Determine casting time as follows: if the character is a non-adept then it
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takes a minute to cast. If he’s an adept it takes a single second to cast. If
Entries feed
you’re an adept you can opt perform an action instantly by buying
Compartmentalized Mind 1 (Limited, One Spell only, -30%) [35].” You may Comments feed
do this once per turn as a free action.
• Add up the final cost and treat the whole thing as advantage.

Mercado can cast a spell with the ability to drown a nearby target. The
player decides that the Nixie’s Curse spell (GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual
Path Magic,p. 47) is what her character wants as a knack. Theia’s player
then buys Magery 0 (Limited Scope, Nixie’s Curse only, -80%) [1], Discreet
Ritual (Nixie’s Curse) [1], Path of Matter (Create Water) (A) IQ+0 [2], Ritual
Mastery (Nixie’s Curse) [1], and Ritual Adept (Limited Scope, Nixie’s Curse
only, -80%) [8]. Since Nixie’s Curse takes 90 energy to cast he must have a
minimum skill of 23 (to cast the spell) + 4. Since she has a IQ of 14 that
means she needs to buy nine more levels of Ritual Mastery so that it equals
IQ+11. This is written down on Theia’s character sheet as “Ritual Path
Magic Knack (Nixie’s Curse) [22]” and allows Theia to cast Nixie’s Curse at
IQ+13 in one second with merely an act of will. If she wanted to drown
someone as a free action it would cost another 35 points.

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Posted in Boil and Bubble and tagged magic, magic systems, Ritual Path Magic.

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