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Lets Review

Baldelomar, Chyryz Jewel D.
Cabugsa, Rona Mae
Campillanes, Erianne Louis
Canabuan, Rosemarie
The Four Cs of the 21st Century Skills
1. Critical thinking is learning how to solve problems. It teaches students not to
accept immediately claims without seeking the truth. It is the ability of
differentiate facts from opinions and not only just learn a set of facts or figures
but also discover these for sake of knowing what ought to be.

2. Creativity requires students to think out of the box and to take pride in what is
uniquely theirs. It means that they will be able to look at a problem from multiple
perspectives-including can propose multiple possibilities and alternatives to
address a problem and they need to take calculated risks.

3. Communication makes students express their ideas in the clearest and

organized manner. Through varied modes- face-to-face, technologically
mediated or a blended medium, they need to know how to efficiently and clearly
convey ideas.

4. Collaboration happens when students know how to work well with others to
accomplish a given task or solve a problem at hand. This is a 21st essential.

- The Assure Model is a systematic plan for instructors to use when planning Classroom use of
media and Technology.

A- Analyze Learners
S- State Objectives
S- Select Instructional Methods, Media, and Materials
U- Utilize Media and Materials
R- Require Learner Participation
E- Evaluate And Revise
As far as I can recall from the topic/s that we’ve tackled last semester, I remember

the topic instructional materials and how to use it. It is very applicable for us

students because through it we can imagine and visualize things clearly by

looking at it. It also benefits both teachers and students, as for the teachers it

helps them to expand or enhance their teaching and communication skills while

for the students it also helps to understand more and show interest on what is

being discussed. Through the use of instructional materials, we students are able

to understand further because we are not just looking the texts but we also see

pictures that’s why it is more interesting to learn and it is easy to understand on

what’s being shown to us.

I learned in TTL (TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING) is that my learning

in terms of technology become more efficient and advanced. Some lessons that we

tackled in our TTL subject is how the technology help us as future educators to give

knowledge to our students. Some lessons are instructional materials using

technology it can help the student for them to fully understand the lesson. Proper

etiquette in using internet, for us to be safe and to avoid danger.

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