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characteriza/on and
applica/ons of some quantum dots

Dr. Ashutosh Pandey

Chemistry Department
MNNIT Allahabad

II-VI Nanopar/cles
•  A. Henglein (Ber. Bunsenges,. Phys. Chem, 1982,86,301) was the very first work
revealing the absorp/on spectrum of a colloidal solu/on of size quan/zed CdS
nanocrystals. These were prepared by reac/on of cadmium chlorate and Na2S on
the surface of silica par/cles. The absorp/on onset is shiRed considerably to
higher energies with respect to the bulk band gap of CdS (515 nm). In addi/on the
sol emits light upon excita/on at 390 nm.
•  Another milestone is the work by Murray ( J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115,
8706) wherein the pyrolysis of organometallic reagents like dimethyl cadmium
and trioctyl phosphene selenide . Figure shows the evolu/on of the absorp/on
spectra of CdSe crystallites ranging from 1.2 to 11.5 nm.
•  RosseZ et al reported quantum size effects in the redox poten/als and electronic
spectra of CdS nanocrystals. [J. Chem. Phy. 1983, 79, 1086]. Henglien and
coworkers enlarged the field [Ber. Bunsenges,. Phys. Chem, 1982,86,301]by
prepara/on of ZnS and ZnS/CdS co-colloids.
•  Ramsden et al prepared CdS nanocrystals by reac/ng cadmium nitrate and sodium
sulphide[J. Chem.Soc. Farady Trans. 1984, 80,819].
Sol gel condensa/on with metal alkoxides

—  --- M---OR + HOH-----> M---OH +ROH

—  --- M---OR + HOH-----> M--O--M +ROH

—  M---O--M--O--M

31/01/18 7
Synthesis of colloidal



P=O Cd


precursors Highly crystalline

Explosive nucleation structure
Narrow size
Followed by temp. drop and slow growth
Of pre formed nuclei distribution
Heating mantle 350 set
348 cur
Mixture of
Surfactants/stabilizing agents
Polymer Coa+ng: Surface Chemistry
thickness of shell: approx. 2 - 3 nm

poly(maleic anhydride alt-1-tetradecene)

•  Carboxyl groups

•  Nega/ve charge ⇒ Coulomb

•  EDC chemistry for binding of
primary amines
•  Limita/ons:
–  stable to ~ 150 mM NaCl
–  not good at acidic pH
Polymer Coa+ng
Transfer of hydrophobic nanocrystals into water

Comb-like polymer:
+ hydrophobic sidechaines,
hydrophilic backbone

+ Cross linker

Nanocrystal with Nanocrystal wrapped

hydrophobic surfactant in a
closed hydrophilic
Func+onaliza+on of the quantum
EDC activated hydrophilic nanocrystals now can subsequently react with free amine groups
from enzymes, antibodies, or ligands such as streptavidin and protein A.

EDC = 1-ethyl-3, 3’ (dimethyl amino propyl) carbodiimide

Coupling of amine-containing
PEG by means of EDC

homo- and heterobifunctional PEG COO- X

commercially available
⇒ modification of particles with
new functional groups
Principle of operation of the dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cell. Photoexcitation of
the sensitizer (S) is followed by electron injection into the conduction band of a
semiconductor oxide film. The dye molecule is regenerated by the redox system, which
itself is regenerated at the counterelectrode by electrons passed through the load.
1.sensitizer(S) excitation by light;
2.radiative and nonradiative deactivation of the sensitizer;
3electron injection in the conduction band, followed by electron trapping and diffusion to the particle surface;
4recapture of the conduction band electron by the oxidized sensitizer (S+);
5recapture of the conduction band electrons by the oxidized form of the redox couple regenerating the sensitizer and transporting the positive charge to the
counter electrode.
Grayspheres: titania nanoparticles. Red dots: sensitizer. Green and blue dots: oxidized and reduced forms of the redox couple.

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