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Read Between The Lines!

(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

01. He fidgets with his pen again. The line-up
is taking forever. He touches the note in his
pocket, checking that it is still there. “Is it hot
in here?” he wonders. The empty canvas bag
clenched in his left hand rubs against his leg.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

02. She sat across from him, scarf pulled over
her hair. "They all want the same thing," she
thought. Her hands passed in front of the
cards. She turned over another one. "I see
fortune and fame," she announced. He leaned
forward to hear her words over the sound of
the music.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

03. Greeting them, she hands each man a
folded list and then shows them both to their
place. "Are they smokers?" she wonders.
"Are they generous?" She turns towards
them in the dimly lit room. "The shrimp is
good tonight."
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

04. The pieces were everywhere. The
moment she opened the box, they had spilled
out all over the floor. She stood holding the
sheet of paper trying to make sense of it all.
Part A into Part B? Tab C into Slot D? She
sighed as the midnight snow fell outside her
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

05. He hated the whole routine. Who has time
to get carnations? And a card? All he could
ever find were sappy ones with too many
words. And he really hated standing in line
with all the other men to make his purchases!
Did she really care? Whose idea was this day
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

06. He knew that when the bell went, it
would start all over again. They could be so
mean. He held his breath tightly. "Here we go
again!" he thought.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

07. The field of stone shapes stretched out in
every direction.The box was lowered slowly
into the hole as the people gathered close,
umbrellas raised. A few words from a book
hang in the air.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

08. She ran quickly, her briefcase banging
against her leg. The others watched her from
the window as they slowly pulled away.
"Why do I always do this?" she muttered to
herself as the exhaust blew in her face.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

09. All the instruments were laid out on the
table. He looked at me and smiled a tight,
cruel smile. He adjusted the bright light and it
glinted off the sharp tool he held in his hand.
I couldn't move. I didn't dare move. His
glasses reflected the light and his hand moved
closer with the sharp object. "Now, this won't
hurt a bit," he said.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

10. A wedge of honey-coloured light beckons
from across the room. Slowly she stretches
and slips towards the call. Once in the golden
glow, she seems to melt and sink to the carpet
in complete relaxation. Audible contentment
radiates from her every pore.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

11. Golden harmony, honey butterfly, canary
yellow: which will it be? Each little card
holds the promise of happiness and
perfection. So many choices, and too much
commitment. Wait a minute. How about sky
breeze, or azure mist, or sunrise blue?
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

12. The door opened. He stepped inside. The
others were crowded together, unwilling to
meet his eyes. He shouldered his way in and
faced away. They all looked in the same
direction. The door closed and he felt
smothered and trapped. A coloured light
blinked from number to number. In a few
moments he could escape.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

13. She stood, tense and frightened. The
flimsy weapon seemed to tremble in her
hand. She caught glimpses of their yellow
and black stripes through the window blinds.
Could she make it to the car? She took a deep
breath to blot out the sound of their humming
and lifted the latch on the door.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

14. The candles flickered in the gloom. She
came here often. The clink of a coin in the
metal box echoed loudly. The plaster faces
looked at her with compassion as she sat on
the hard wooden bench.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

15. How long does it take? It's freezing out
here. He wanted to go, so I opened the door
for him. All he does is sniff and circle. If I
whistle, he just ignores me.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

16. Too many choices. The sound of hissing
steam distracted him. How was he going to
decide? Dark, medium, Columbian, Chilean.
And what does skinny, lo-fat mean? The line
moved forward.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

17. Her tiles clicked on the formica tabletop.
She pulled her chair closer and studied the
others. It was her turn next. Snippets of
conversation from the room reached her ears.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

18. The screen flickered and danced in front
of his tired eyes. Just another few hours and
he could rest. In the streaky, bright circle,
specks of white light from Paris and Rome
swam in a complicated dance before him.
"Roger and out."
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

19. They ripped the coloured paper off as fast
as they could. Even before the song was
finished, and the wish made, their hands
grabbed at the box. "It's my turn." "No, it's
MY turn." they shouted. It was the same
every year.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

20. Its black and white teeth seemed to mock
her. She was afraid to touch them with her
fingers, afraid they might bite her for losing
her touch. Sitting up in front, she could see
the others waiting their turn. Why couldn't
she remember how to start? The hot Sunday
afternoon seemed to hum a tune of its own.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

21. There was only room for one. The
accordion door closed tightly behind him.
Now, if he only had enough change. Muffled
street sounds pressed in from all sides.
Through the walls he could see others
waiting. He fumbled with the black plastic
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

22. They pulled and strained to walk ahead of
her. She struggled to keep them in line.
Under a cloudless summer sky, all she could
hear was the sound of their wheezing and
panting. Was she being paid enough for this?
It was hard to tell who was in control: her or
them. She was barely in charge: as long as
they didn't see the squirrel.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

23. Into the gaping maw they went, pulled
into a whirling maelstrom of water and noise.
They had paid for this, but now the moment
was upon them. Lashing gouts of spray
hammered away, inches from their faces.
How long would this last? Slowly they inched
towards the light and freedom. Oh, to be
clean at last!
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

24. It happened every time. Didn't she know
how he felt? He tried to ask before but
couldn't. She walked by without seeing. All
he could see was her. He cleared his throat
and raised his eyes. Maybe this time.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

25. She saw the fat, hairy body first. She was
just about to run the tap when she noticed it,
sitting, waiting. Her scream woke the
neighbour, who came running. "Too many
legs, too many legs!" she sobbed over and
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

26. Their animal roar rises and falls, as they
follow his movements. Across the field,
others watch and roar back. Eyes shine, teeth
flash, feet stomp, heads turn. The victor will
dance tonight.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

27. They swept the frozen surface again and
again. Shouts rang out across the white
expanse. It slid towards them with
unstoppable force: a rock thrown with a
feather touch.
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

28. The box stood tall and silent against the
brick wall. Its shiny face promised to satisfy
and quench. She pushed and prodded, hoping
to be rewarded. "It's the real thing," she
thought. "Why won't it deliver?"
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

29. He flipped open the clamshell top with
eager hands. Steam rose in the chill evening
air. Soothe, stretch, sigh: his relief was
Read Between The Lines!
(Inferencing Practice)

Some key words can help us

infer lots of hidden information.
Circle the words that you think
help enrich the story. Explain
your thinking.

30. Racing 100 miles an hour on a frozen
track, her chin skimming inches above the
blurry slope, she excels. Rigid as iron, she
steals nanoseconds from her adversaries.

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