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Lightning Thief and Blabberize

Assignment Overview and Rubric

You have:
 Read your assigned block of chapters in the Lightning Thief
 Completed your comparison chart based upon your reading
 Conducted research on the Greek myths and mythological creatures contained in your block of chapters

Your next task will be to use a Web 2.0 tool called Blabberize . A Blabber is a picture that talks.

You will be required to:

1. Learn how to use Blabberize to create and embed a Blabber

2. Select and upload an appropriate image for your Blabber
3. Add and accurately size a mouth on your image.
4. Create a script for your Blabber based upon your research and reading of the book. The script will be a first person narrative.
5. Record your voice reading your script clearly and with expression
6. Learn how to log into and create your own wikipage and use the Lightning Thief Wikispace
7. Place your rough draft into our wikipage as a file
8. Embed your completed Blabber into your page of the Lightning Thief Wikispace

Your script must include the following: Information about the birth, family tree, physical characteristics, character traits, strengths,
weaknesses, symbol, sphere of control for your god/goddess. What part does your god/goddess play in the book The Lightning Thief? An
attention grabber or hook. How would you spell the name of your god/goddess using the greek alphabet?

To access Blabberize: URL: User name: Centennial Password: Chase565

Your Blabber will be graded based upon the following rubric:

Rough draft completed and handed in: 25 Points

Rough draft requirements—

 Final script—at least 250 words

 Image selected including statement explaining choice
 Works cited for image and sources for your research

Skill 15 10 5 2 Rate Rossi’s

Yourself Rating
 Log-in
One on one assistance
 Upload image and Worked on Blabber
Worked on Blabber Seldom worked on blabber necessary. Did not work
accurately place and size independently most of the
independently. Mastered independently. Numerous on Blabber independently
mouth time. Occasional prompts
Blabberizing skills. prompts needed. and numerous prompts
 Record script with needed.
 Embed Blabber
 Login
 Create and edit
One on one assistance
individual page Worked on Wikispace Seldom worked on
Worked on Wikispace necessary. Did not work
 Place rough draft as a independently most of the Wikispace independently.
independently. Mastered on Wikispace
file time. Occasional prompts Numerous prompts
Wikispace skills. independently and
 Embed Blabber needed. needed.
numerous prompts needed
 Comment appropriately
on 4 fellow students
 Originality
 Evidence of research
All of the script
 Attention grabber
requirements llsted to the Two elements missing or Three elements missing or Four elements missing or
 Name using Greek
left are included and incomplete. incomplete. incomplete.
 Includes elements listed
 250 Words

There are 1-2 minor There are 3-4 mistakes in There are 5-6 mistakes in There are more than 6
mistakes in spelling, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, mistakes in spelling,
Grammar and Mechanics
grammar, punctuation, and punctuation, and sentence punctuation, and sentence grammar, punctuation, and
sentence structure. structure. structure. sentence structure.

Used some of the time

Used time in class well.
Used time in class well. well. Partially focused on
Focused on getting the Did not use class time well.
Usually focused on getting getting project done and
Use 0f Time project done. Never Generally unfocused or
project done and never occasionally distracted
distracted others. often distracted others.
distracted others.

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