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Đề STT Câu hỏi Đáp án

The feature that allows a user to perform more than 1 computer task(such as operation
1 C. multi-tasking
of an application program) at a time is called
D. (All of the above): what has happened in the past; what is happening now;
2 Information provided by MIS describes a firm or one of list major system....
what is likely to happen in the future.
3 What is the order of managerial levels from highest to lowest? C. strategic planning level -> Management control level -> Operational control level
4 Among three management levels influencing on information form, who focus mostly on detail? C. Operational control level
5 In five main management functions, the strategic planning level focuses on... D. plan
6 Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator are the features of ... roles. A. interpersonal
7 Future computing will be ... D. all of the above
8 Physical resource flow includes A. personnel, material, machines and money
C. suppliers, customers, labor unions, finiancial community, stockholders or owners,
9 The eight elements of a firm's environment are ...
competitors, global community and governments
10 The activity that transports the goods to customers is C. outbound logistics
11 Which advantage that provides a fundamental effect in shaping the firm's operations? D. strategic
12 Advantages of coordination in a multinational corporation include ... D. all of the above
13 What are the four dimensions of information A. relevancy, accuracy, timeliness and completeness
14 The manager who plays the key role of the top information services is ... B. COO, còn nếu có CIO thì chọn CIO because CIO plays the role of the top info services
2020 15 Transactions between a business and the final consumer of the product refers to ... D. Business to consumers B2C
16 Bargaining power is derived from ... D. all of the above
17 When the services that operate and manage the communications line (circuit) are provided in addition to the line itself, that is called A. Value added network VAN
18 Mobile commerce (M-commerce) is the use of ... to engage in wireless e-commerce. B. smart devices
19 The transmission of multimedia consisting of text, graphics, audio, and video over the www is ... D. hypermedia
20 The basic business areas of the firm are ... A. finances, sales, information services, operating, marketing
The persons who work with systems analysis and users in establishing the data communications network that tie together widespread
21 C. database administrators
computing resources; combine expertise from the fields of computing and telecommunications are ...
22 Major knowledge requirements for general management are ... A. computer literacy, business fundamentals, system theory
23 Three I Economy are ... B. information, ideas and intelligence
24 Large computers used for centralized information systems are ... C. mainframes
25 Software that performs certain tasks that all computers require is ... A. system software
26 Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Reference Model include ... layers. B. 7
27 System is subdivided into major modules ... A. report writer, information servers and networks
28 The smallest unit of data is ... A. data field
29 Relationship between entities include ... D. all of the above
30 The advantages of DBMS are ... B. retrieve data and information rapidly
C. low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and
1 The four major competitive strategies are
supplier intimacy.
2 What service converts IP addresses into more recognizable alphanumeric names? D. DNS
3 A VPN A. is an encryped private network configured with in a public network.
4 The interaction between information systems and organizations is influenced D. by many factors, including
5 Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage? E. 1, 2 and 3
The method of slicing digital messages into parcels, transmitting them along different communication paths, and reassembling them at
6 E. packet switching
their destinations is called
7 Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called B. processing
8 Which of the following is not one of the current changes taking place in information systems technology? A. growth in the PC platform
9 To monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment, managers need ... systems. D. management information
10 Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called B. e-commerce
11 Which of the following statements about RFID is not true? D. Microchips enbedded in RFIDs are used to store data
12 The phenomenon of employees using their own devices in the workplace is known as C. BYOD (Bring your own device)
13 All of the following are cloud computing services except C. Virtualization as a service
14 Which of the following would not be used as an input for an information system? E. RFID reading
The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; customer and
15 A. Improved decision making
supplier intimacy; survival; competitive advantage; operational excellence; and
2018 16 All of the following are current hardware platform trends except D. Unix
17 What is the most important function of an enterprise application? C. Enabling business function and departments to share information
D. uses a knowledge graph of what similar people searched on to predict your search uses
18 "Predictive search" in Google's search engine
sematic approach to predict what you are looking for
19 Which type of systems integrates supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and customer logistics processes? E. supply-chain management system
A. successful collaboration can be achieved through technology regardless of the
20 Which of the following statements about collaboration is not true?
organization's culture or structure.
21 ... technologies radically change the business landscape and environment. C. Disruptive
A software tool with a graphical user interface for displaying Web pages and for accessing the Web and other Internet resources is
22 D. Browser
called a Web
Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with computer hardwares, software, data management technology, and the
23 C. Information system
people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization's
24 In a business hierarchy, the level that is responsible for monitoring the daily activities of the business is D. Operational management
25 Detailed, programmed instructions that control computer hardware components in an information system are known as computer ... Software
26 ... are created by combining and customizing components from different online software applications. A. Web services
27 Disciplines that contribute to the technical approach to information systems are A. Operation research, management science and computer science
28 A manufacturer of deep-sea oil rigs may be least concerned about this marketplace force D. new market entrants
29 Engineers, scientists, or architects, who design net products or services for a firm, belong to which level of a business hierarchy? C. production workers
30 Which of the following industries has a low barrier to entry? E. restaurants

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