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English for the Profession

2A Criminology
24 January 2022

Analytical Report Writing

Synchronous Discussion
Analytical Report’s rationale and objectives

Analytical reports consist of technical business

writing that typically communicates a solution to
a problem whereby contain well-documented
research; and synthesize a plethora of
information to draw objective conclusions.
Although technical, they are crafted to be easy
to access and understand, and often include
recommendations with action plans.
Analytical Report Writing Format

Formatting the Report

While analytical reports may vary based on need and
audience, they often share common elements: a title page, a
table of contents, an introduction, a methodology section,
body sections, conclusions and recommendations, a
bibliography, and an appendices section.
Each section is noted by a heading, and subheadings are
utilized when necessary. Page numbers are also attributed to
each page, either centered or right-side aligned on the bottom
of the page. Most analytical reports follow MLA style.
Gathering Information
Writing analytical reports goes beyond descriptive writing toward
synthesis and critique. To achieve this end, begin by collecting data
and gathering sources.
The research process should produce sufficient information that are
required with all aspects of concept: the pros and cons,
counter-arguments, and proposals.
Quality research will enable to analyze the information and collate
objective quality recommendations and solutions to problems.
Research must be compiled from high-quality, industry-relevant
Organizing, Analyzing, Synthesizing
After collecting the appropriate research, synthesize the
information. Synthesis involves critiquing a source’s argument,
validity or methodology based on research and findings to
present new information, draw conclusions, or present findings.
Report information accurately and in context. Synthesized
research must result in clear and logical findings, with
recommendations if called for.
Report information must also determine how to organize and
present the information: chronologically, geographically,
spatially, categorically, or by importance or comparison.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Once the data is collected, the information is processed, and
conclusions have been drawn, the composition process begins.
The bulk of the report presents and analyzes findings, most reports
focus on one of three elements: conclusions, an argument's logic,
and recommendations.
The audience determines the degree of formality in language and
tone. Technical jargon should be avoided when a report is issued
beyond technical support personnel.
The information ought to be presented using simple sentences with
clear, common language.
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