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CSS Grade 12 2nd Quarter Periodical Exam

Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________ Score: _____________

TEST I. Multiple Choice. Write your answer on the blank space provided before the number.

_____1. Is the person who has the highest security access to the server which monitor, update, and maintain the
a. Admin Account b. Admin Password c. Administration d. Administrator
_____2. The account that is used by the administrator to access, modify and update the roles and services in the
server computer or in any Remote Desktop enabled workstations.
a. Admin Account b. Admin Password c. Administration d. Administrator
_____3. These are individual client computers in the network.
a. Clients b. Clients c. Laptop d. Workstations
_____4. A computer application which automatically detect devices and install drivers to devices accordingly.
a. DCP b. DHCP c. DCHR d. DHPR
_____5. What is the meaning of the acronym ADDS?
a. Active Directory Domain Services
b. Active Directory Driver Services
c. Active Domain Direct Services
d. Active Domain Directory Services
_____6. What is the meaning of the acronym DHCP?
a. Dramatic Host Control Protocol
b. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
c. Dynamic Host Control PC
d. Dynamic Hybrid Control Protocol
_____7. The purpose of this server role is to promote the server computer as the domain controller in a network.
a. ADDS b. DHCP c. DNS d. DRPS
_____8. A function of the Windows Server which leases a pool of IP addresses for workstations.
a. ADDS b. DHCP c. DNS d. DRPS
_____9. How can an administrator control the server computer using any of the available workstations?
a. Use a user acct b. Use power user acct c. Use team viewer d. Use the admin acct
_____10. If you are going to add ADDS and DNS role to the server, what is the shortcut to install both at the same
a. dcpromo.exe b. set to real-time c. Restart the PC d. Run Task Manager
_____11. After installing Windows Server 2008 R2, what keys must be pressed to create an Admin account?
a. Ctrl + Alt + Del b. Ctrl + Alt + Enter c. Ctrl +Alt + Ins d Ctrl + Alt + PgUp
_____12. The function of this role means that all workstation-made files will be stored in the Windows Server
a. DHCP b. File Server c. Printer Server d. Remote Desktop
_____13. The feature of the Windows Server which enables the administrator to control the Windows Server
computer using a workstation.
a. Admin Privilege b. Remote Client c. Remote Desktop d. Printer Services
_____14. Functionality of the server which enables workstations to print using the printer which is physical
connected to the Server computer.
a. Admin Print Services b. Print Services c. Remote Print Services d. Server Print Services
_____15. How can I use a computer workstation that is connected to a server?
a. Use the admin acct b. Use user account c. Use workstation Acct d. User power shell acct
_____16. If I am the administrator and I will connect a computer in a domain in the server, what account will I use?
a. Admin Account b. Power User account c. Remote Desktop Acct d. Workstation user acct
_____17. I am going to connect two separate networks in the computer room, and to do this I must connect both
network switch respectively. What cable configuration will I create?
a. Coaxial Cable b. Crossover c. Straight & Crossover d. Straight Through
_____18. If Windows 10 is an operating system, how are we going to classify Windows Server 2008 R2?
a. Client-Server OS b. Network OS c. Peer-to-Peer OS d. Server OS
_____19. When a server role is added to the system, what is necessary to be done after?
a. Create restore point b. Restart c. Save Settings d. Shutdown
_____20. What task is first needed to be done before connecting a workstation to the server provided that the
necessary cables are already connected?
a. Change PC description b. Change PC IP address c. Change the PC name d. Change the Domain
_____21. When you connect a workstation to a server domain what account is needed to do so?
a. Administrator Acct b. Power User Account c. Server Account d. Workstation Account
_____22. What is the most qualified domain name that can be used among the choices below?
a. Server_CSS b. c. d.
_____23. How may I be able to login to a workstation PC that is connected to a server?
a. Use local account b. Use admin account c. Use any account d. Restart the PC
_____24. If I want to use the server print service and I’m currently login to a workstation, how can I print using the s
printer that is connected physical to the server?
a. Call the administrator and ask the password?
b. Login to a domain and print the document
c. Login using the account in the server and print
d. Login to a domain which has the server print service
_____25. What does the acronym DNS stand for?
a. Domain Name Soft. b. Domain Name System c. Direct Net System d. Direct Network Sup
_____26. When connecting a workstation to a domain in the server what should be the immediate step that must
be done to ensure that the workstation will be functional?
a. Create a user account in the server’s domain
b. Create a user account in the workstation
c. Restart the server
d. Restart the workstation
_____27. What is the best reason why should a printer service must be installed and enabled in a server?
a. So that printing is centralized
b. So that the server can control the schedule of printing
c. So that the server can limit the number of prints
d. To provide printing services for all workstations
_____28. How many roles a server can perform?
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
_____29. Which among the password below is the most acceptable administrator password?
a. @ANHSnetwork301K b. Administrator1234 c. ADMINADAMS d. 1234
_____30. This network operating system was created and developed by Microsoft Corporation for client-server
network connection.
a. Server 2012 R2 b. Server 2003 c. Server 2008 R2 d. Server 2008
_____31. After the installation of Windows Server what roles should be installed right away?
a. DNS & ADDS b. DNS & File Server c. DNS & Remote PC d. DNS & File Sharing
_____32. If you will use the dcpromo.exe you will save time by installing two roles at the same time. What are those
two roles?
a. ADDS & DNS b. ADDS & File Server c. DNS & File Server d. DNS & Remote PC
_____33. What is the very reason why installing DRPS is necessary?
a. To be able to use the Network Interface Card
b. For ease of installation
c. To install the basic drivers
d. To install the network drivers
_____34. What technique do we use to hasten the installation of Windows Server?
a. Install only the core files
b. Use the task manager
c. Upgrade the memory of the computer
d. Reboot the computer
_____35. What files in the task manager do we set to high priority / real time to make the installation faster?
a. svchost.exe b. svhost.exe c. setup.exe d.
_____36. What is the shortcut key to immediately open the task manager?
a. Ctrl + Alt + Delete b. Shift + F10 c. Shift + F11 d. Shift + F12
_____37. After installing the Windows Server and DRPS what is the next task to do?
a. Connect workstations b. Create a restore point c. Install the ADDS d. Install the DNS
_____38. If the hard disk drive of the server computer has 500 GB of storage space, how many bytes is the
recommended space that you should allocate for the Drive C: partition?
a. 250 GB b. 300 GB c. 150 GB d. 500 GB
_____39. Right after the Windows Server was installed in the computer, the computer will automatically restart to
apply the changes. What is the necessary thing to do before the computer restarts?
a. Click the restart button
b. Just let the computer restart on its own
c. Remove the flash disk drive to avoid automatic reinstallation
d. Shutdown the computer
_____40. What IP configuration are we going to use after installing the Windows Server?
a. DNS b. Dynamic c. Server d. Static
_____41. What first must be set in the control panel to avoid problems when installing remote desktop feature?
a. Advance feature b. Exceptions c. firewall d. sharing and option
_____42. What exceptions in the firewall windows should be checked to enable the remote desktop feature?
a. All domain b. All NFS client c. All Secure Socket d. All Server features
_____43. How to enable the remote desktop in the sever manager window?
a. Click remote desktop b. Restart the server c. Refresh the window d. Update group policy
_____44. What account on the remote desktop window to allow to use the feature?
a. Administrator b. Everyone c. Group accounts d. Selected users
_____45. After selecting the user to use the remote desktop feature, what should be the next step?
a. Click enable the remote desktop feature in the server manager
b. Configure updates
c. Open the server manager
d. Restart the Server
_____46. What feature to enable in the add role window that will configure the remote desktop?
a. Administrator roles b. Network c. Network & Policy d. Policy
_____47. Whose account should be allowed through the firewall settings?
a. Administrator acct b. accounts c. Server account d. User account Domain
_____48. What app should be opened to see if the remote desktop feature is already enabled?
a. Diagnostic Tools b. Server apps c. Server manager d. Server tools
_____49. What is the feature of Windows server allowing Administrators to view the screen of any workstation?
a. File transfer b. View desktop c. Remote desktop d. View workstation
_____50. What to look for in the server manager window when remote desktop feature is disabled?
a. Change system properties
b. Configure remote desktop
c. View network connections
d. Run security configuration

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