Gather Information About A Position: Even Though

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Job analysis is a process of researching a job to decide what duties and tasks it entails, how
important it is in comparison to other jobs, the qualifications needed for job performance, and the
working conditions. Even though human resources (HR) may collect some job analysis data from
incumbents, an important concept in job analysis is that the job, not the person doing the job, is
assessed. Job analysis and job evaluation are frequently confused, but they are not the same thing.

The system of evaluating an activity to different jobs in an organization  to decide the proper pay
fee is referred to as activity evaluation. It is not covered in this toolkit. See also Conducting Job
Evaluations. How Perodua conducts job analysis?Here are steps that can be taken to complete a job

1. Gather information about a position

Observe and interview existing employees in the job role. Encourage employees to be as
specific as possible when defining their responsibilities by asking them to describe the tasks
they perform. Examine any manuals or written documents that are currently used to define the
position. Contrast current job descriptions with what employees actually say and do. Keep
track of your results by department or by individual position. Make a list of all the tasks and
skills required for the job.

2. Evaluate the importance of each task and competency

You can rank the difficulty of each task and skill set once you understand which
competencies are required to perform each job. Determine the high-level skills required for
each position. Take note of which skills are suitable for beginners and which need more
experience. You might have a different perspective on what you thought was the most
important aspect of a job.

3. Research industry standards

Gather information related to the positions on  job analysis to ensure that we are in line with
the current labour market. Check your results using government literature and information
from professional organisations. Get consultation from the experts who can explain the tasks
required to complete a job. Connect with other companies and compare data.

4. Revise job descriptions and standards

Create a list of every task and skill set after observing and determining the most important
competencies required to perform a job. Use this to update an existing job description or to
create a new one based on your findings. Create a set of job standards for each position based
on employee feedback and your own observations of the job. Include expectations that you
may not have noticed but that are based on professional guidelines gleaned from your

5. Use data to make changes

Take a look at the company as a whole. Based on the analysis, determine whether the
appropriate tasks are assigned to the appropriate jobs. If we discover that work from one
department would be better suited to a different team, transfer those responsibilities to another
job. Also need to discover that some departments handle a greater volume of work than
others. Using the job analysis data, you can find ways to shift job functions based on the
competencies of each position.

What methods can you use to conduct a job analysis?

Interviews: One method for creating an accurate job description is to ask an
employee for specifics about their job. Employers will inquire about specific tasks as
well as a breakdown of the duties performed by those in a specific position.

Observations: An employer could also choose to observe employees as they work,

recognising the tasks that are accomplished as well as the skills required for those
tasks. Physical processes and product outcomes stand to gain from observations.

Surveys: Companies will use a survey to determine how frequently a specific task is
completed or how frequently a skill set is used. These surveys can take the form of
highly structured forms in which employees use a scale to answer job-related
questions. Surveys can also be used more casually to ask employees open-ended

Work logs: Companies may ask for a written summary of daily work for a specific
time period. This enables an employee to provide a detailed description of their job's
regular duties as well as the timeframe required to complete each task.


We are looking for a Production Operator to be in charge of an assembly line
and machines that perform specific tasks. They make certain that their
employers meet product line targets. Handling raw materials such as metal
and plastic, as well as performing repetitive duties, requires high
concentration levels and physical stamina.To find the Production Operator, we
needed to conduct a job analysis, which is the process of gathering and
analysing information about the job's content and human requirements. We
created these job descriptions and job specifications because we want to hire
a capability Production Operator who can prioritise tasks while also motivating
others to work independently. Here are a few job descriptions and job
specifications for a Production Operator in our organisation:
Production Operator Job Duties and responsibility:
- Before executing the job orders, set up the production equipment and
- Operate production processing equipment in a safe and efficient
- Ensure that all equipment is in good and safe working order.
- Inspect the equipment for any replacements, malfunctions, or repairs.
- Maintain equipment on a regular basis to ensure production capacity
and quality.
- Assist junior operators with their assigned responsibilities.
- When necessary, repair and clean the equipment.
- Work under the supervision of the supervisor to perform and complete
the assigned duties on time.
- For equipment operation, adhere to safety procedures and company
- Identify and report unsafe operations to your supervisor as soon as
- Maintain a clean, safe, and well-organized work environment.
Production Operator skills and qualification:  

Operation and Control - Controlling the operation of machinery or systems.

Reading Comprehension - Comprehend written sentences and paragraphs in

work-related documents.

Operation Monitoring - Examining gauges, dials, or other indicators to ensure

that a machine is in good working order.

Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits
of potential actions to select the best one.

 Time Management - Managing one's own and other people's time.

Active Listening - Giving complete attention to what others are saying, taking
the time to examine the points being made, asking questions as needed, and
refraining from interrupting at inappropriate times

Speaking - Speaking with others to effectively convey a message.

Monitoring - Monitoring and evaluating your own, other people's, or

organisations' performance to improve or take corrective action.

Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to assess the advantages and
disadvantages of various solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.

Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing

relevant information in order to develop, evaluate, and implement solutions.

Online application job link:
Perodua has two recruitment processes which are internal and external candidates. The internal
process is when the company looks to fill a vacancy from its existing workforce. Internal recruitment
has another advantage in that it is a simpler, less expensive, and faster way to find employees.
The recruitment and selection process is one of the most critical aspects of running new and
established organisations alike. The right representatives can propel your company to new heights.
The wrong ones can harm a company's reputation by missing out on deals, alienating customers, and
creating a hazardous work environment. Follow the advice of experts at each stage of the enrolment
and selection process to build a team that complements and improves your company's culture, goals,
and objectives.
1) Recruitment process :
- Attracting internal applicant  
- Attracting external applicant 

Generally, It has seven processes involved in the recruitment process:

i. Identify vacancy 
ii. Prepare job description and person specification 
iii. Advertising the vacancy 
iv. Managing the response 
v. Short listing 
vi. Arrange interviews 
vii. Conducting interview and decision making 

2) The selection procedure has a variety of methods available, and it is necessary to consider which
are appropriate for a specific post.  The methods described here are: 
i. Application forms and CVs 
ii. Online screening and shortlisting 
iii. Interviews
iv. Psychometric testing 
v. Presentations 
vi. Group exercises 
vii. Assessment centres
This is some of the processes that the Perodua Company does: 

Announcing the Job

Typically, the worker selection process begins with an administrator or manager dispatching HR to
fill another or empty position. The director should first decide what qualities she seeks in a job
competitor. For example, should the individual have a higher education, or how much relevant
experience is required?
When the director develops the activity requirements, the HR department places advertisements in the
local paper and on the internet. Sometimes, HR will use a head-seeker to find competitors, someone
who frequently has practical experience in a specific field, such as sales.

Reviewing Applications 
Continue the survey and match each competitor's experience to the activity requirements.
Organizations occasionally receive a large number of resumes in response to an advertisement.
Nevertheless, HR may only consider six. During difficult economic times, various competitors may
have training and experience that exceeds the capabilities for the activity. Contrary to popular belief,
it may be more difficult to find qualified candidates during difficult economic times. In the end, HR
and the procurement current head must decide how many competitors they can reasonably get for a

Initial Screening 
To save time and money, a screening meeting may be held first, especially if a job candidate lives far
away. To help narrow the field of applicants, HR will usually lead the assessment meeting over the
phone. A phone meeting also allows an organisation to determine whether the competitor possesses
the necessary skills to allow him in for a meeting.

In-Person Interviewing 
Individuals who make the final cut after the evaluation meeting are approached to come in for more
in-depth interviews. Individual meetings are handled differently by different organisations. A few
organisations want to have sessions throughout the day where work competitors meet with a different
individual every hour. During this time, organisations may have the candidates meet with HR, the
contracting director, and other employees. Another option is to have competitors meet with key staff
one day before welcoming them back for a second meeting with a few officials.

Final Selection 
As a rule, the procuring director will request input from HR and other workers who met the activity
competitors. She could also go over her notes and decide which candidate would be best suited for the
open position. When it comes to filling a job opening, capabilities are just one factor to consider.
Regardless of the candidate's identity or hard-working attitude, the procuring administrator will
generally select someone with whom she can work.

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