Forum Script - Virtual Recruitment & Selection PIC Point: ST RD TH

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Forum Script – Virtual Recruitment & Selection

PIC Point
Salam, welcome to our forum today. First of all, I would like to thank all the
audiences who join our forum today. As we know, due to the impact of Coronavirus
or well known as COVID-19 most organization began to realize some tactics &
methods to be improve in order to adapt with our new norm. So the highlight of our
forum is a topic that quite interesting to be discussed, which ‘Virtual Recruitment &
Selection’ is. Before we proceed, I would like to introduce our panels for today. Our
1st panel is Mr. Amar, a lecturer from UPSI. Next to him is Ms. Mia, a businesswoman.
Jiha (M) Move to our 3rd panel who is a recruiter from Sdn Bhd, Mrs. Baizura is a Human
Resources Manager. Our 4th panel is Mrs. Amira a CEO of company and lastly is Prof.
Aswadi from UiTM. Hope all of you are well.

Without wasting our time, I would like give my 1 st question to our 1st panel, Mr Amar.
Would you please explain more what is Virtual recruitment, and what is the
difference with the traditional ones?

Thank you, Ms. Moderator, and a warm welcome to everyone in the audience. Salam.

On the subject of our current discussion, the fundamental concepts of recruitment

and selection are how an organization identifies, evaluates, and selects candidates for
a specific job position or another purpose. Before the pandemic, this process was
usually done manually, with the candidate conducting an interview session face to
face with the recruiter before submitting his or her application. However, the
epidemic has affected and had a significant impact on how some industries recruit
potential talent, particularly in the manufacturing industry. Traditional recruitment
methods are no longer effective, and recruitment teams must perform highly
humanely in a wholly digital environment to succeed. From there, most organizations
began implementing virtual methods to improve current practices, which could
ultimately aid in the fight against the pandemic. Because of disruptive pandemic
Amar (P1)
factors to the global economy and our ability to travel and congregate, virtual
recruitment is a recruitment process that takes place remotely, with no face-to-face
interaction between recruiters and candidates, as opposed to traditional recruitment
methods. Because these virtual methods rely on technology to achieve their
objectives, we can say that these virtual methods impose unique requirements on
recruiters, including the ability to examine a candidate's character more critically
than a formal interview, as well as technical or web-based skills, as most of these
methods rely on technology to achieve their objectives. In general, the only
difference between a virtual recruitment process and a traditional recruitment
process is how it is implemented. The other criteria continue to function as they

That is all for now, thanks.

Thank you Mr. Amar for your explanation. From that point, we can see that the
emerge of virtual recruitment can give benefit for other company & country during
M the invasion of COVID-19 as we want to minimize social contact between each other.
Next, we move to our 2nd panel, Ms. Mia. What do you think about the positive value
of virtual recruitment?
Mia (P2) Thank you to our moderator for today’s forum. So, I would like to share some of the
positive value which similar to benefits and also, I wanted to share my experience
that I’ve been through to this new method of recruitment & selection.

First of all, the positive value or the benefit of the virtual recruitment was saved
money and time. Virtual recruitment brings a number of savings for both side
employer & employee. For example, recruitment events held online are less
expensive than hosting or attending physical job fairs. Virtual recruitment also has no
travel or accommodation cost.

Besides, it also reduces some cost such as paperwork cost. By having virtual
recruitment, all the candidate records such as application form or any test or exam
are hosted in a digital format. By using this method, we can reduce the amount of
using the paper and the employer can access the information easily. Employer
enables to screen the candidates in a shorter amount of time. Besides, it is more
flexible because employer can conduct interview’s online by having meeting through
google meet or zoom applications.

As a businesswoman, my product was perfume and 916 gold. As we facing this

pandemic where only essential service can operate during movement control order
phase 1. So, when I cannot open my shop and cannot operate as usual, I do switch
my business to online business. Online business works rapidly and actively. The
business doing so well by online through e-commerce platform such as Shopee,
Lazada and also Instagram.

My experience regarding to this virtual recruitment was, during the first phase for
movement control order, I received a huge number of orders every day. Since our
shop cannot operate as usual, I need a backup staff to help me packing and sorting
the orders. I cannot do it all by myself. Because it will affect the quality of the services
for example, if I do it alone, I cannot handle huge number of orders every day, I will
take some time to pack and post out the orders. I’ve decided to hire part-time staff
which live near me which did not more than 10km radius from my house. I advertised
the job vacancy online through my social media platform. I do state few requirements
to fit the position available, and those who interested can email me the resume so by
that I can review and do screening such as which candidates suits better for the
position available. Before I proceed to the interview session, the candidates must do
online test that I’ve prepared in a digital format. The purpose of online test was I
want that candidate understand what he or she needs to do once they’re selected to
work with me. Those who do well will be shortlisted for an interview session.

For the interview session also very flexible for both parties, since we are having
difficulty to travel because of MCO, so online meeting was the best choice we ever
had that time. Online platform I’ve used to do online interview was Google Meet.
Theres a lot of online platforms that can be use such as Google Meet, Zoom Meeting
and Microsoft Teams.

For me, there’s a pros and cons of virtual recruitment, but I will touch the pros’ part
only, for me it is much better and easier for me since step 1 where I can review
candidates resume online, anywhere, and anytime.

That’s all from me, thank you.

M Thank you, Ms. Mia. So we have listened to our first two panels about positive side of
virtual recruitment. As we all know, every good thing must be bad thing on it. Same
goes to virtual recruitment. Our next panel is a recruiter herself, Ms. Baizura. Based
on your experience, what is the negative impact of this method compared to
traditional ones?
Baizura Thank you, Ms. Moderator.
Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone,

As a Human Resources Department Manager, I had gathered a few

experiences while conducting interviews, I am keen to share a few
moments that I might think that it is interesting to share as a
lesson and might be used as our future references.

We are as an interviewers must always be careful because there is

always can be a possibility that there will be scam candidates.
There is one quote stated, why everybody’s hiring but nobody’s
getting hired indicating that there is a job competition out there.

Nowadays, With the increasing competition for employment

opportunities in the global job market, people are resorting to
fabricating fake resumes or certificates to gain admission to a
business organisation.

Here are some methods for detecting fake candidates in the

recruitment process.

The signs that could be happened is the candidate mention of too

many or unrealistic job skills. Fake candidates frequently include
too many in-demand skills in their resumes to appear as highly
qualified prospects. So, keep an eye on candidate resumes with an
excessive number of skills.

Other sign is that they are mentioning inadequate contact

information, when screening candidate resumes, make sure to
include all candidate information such as name, address, phone
number, and email address. Fake applicants are more likely to
provide limited contact information. Before proceeding, make sure
to double-check all the candidate's information.

Other than that is, fake candidates in their resumes tend to

exaggerate their skills and abilities. A resume that ends abruptly
without any personal information or a biodata is almost certainly a
forgery. Candidates with previous experience in tier 1 companies
may exaggerate their work experiences and skill sets. Once you
come across a resume that appears to be too good to be true, it
most likely is.

Other than that, we must be aware of the candidate’s restriction

who is interviewed through online platform. They are usually given
a set amount of time and a specific time slot during the session
which they will be interviewed. However, if there are any system
delays or technical difficulties, their time slot will not be extended.
Furthermore, if the login procedure is overly complicated, the
candidates may waste valuable time. Multiple options necessitate
quick thinking, and there is little room for error, which can make
the entire process stressful. The whole process may cause
interruption especially to the candidates because it may lead to
distractive communication.

Another major disadvantages of web conferencing are their

reliance on a stable network web browser. If the participant's local
internet access is unable to provide a sufficient level of service,
frequent disconnects and poor video or audio quality can
sometimes surely cause the recruitment team to continue moving
on to another job applicant, even if the first candidate had superior
skills, experience, and knowledge. Technical issues, for example,
would have no bearing on a person's ability to attract throughout a
face-to-face interview.

That’s what a few not so good experiences for online platform

interview. Although there are some negative parts of the virtual
interview, yet we cannot deny the convenience of today’s
technology and the method of online platform interview can be
upgraded in the future.
Thank you Mrs. Baizura.
M Next, we will proceed with our next panel Mrs. Amirah. What do you think about this
virtual recruitment and selection?
Amirah Assalamualaikum and thank you to Ms Jiha as a Moderator of this forum. Answer on
(P4) your question, in my opinion as a CEO in a private company, virtual recruitment and
selection is one of the good approach or method which in this situation on Covid 19
pandemic environment. As we know that since Malaysian government implement the
Movement Control Order (MCO) for almost two years, many company had to find the
alternative ways to continue or sustain their business activities. So one of the ways
that a company want to keep sustain their company by hiring a new employee using
virtual recruitment and selection.

Virtual recruitment describes the hiring process that takes place virtually without
meeting the candidates face to face. As we have already known, COVID-19 has
emphasized the need for remote hiring strategies. This point also I agree with Panel
number 2, Ms Mia which is if we do this virtual recruitment and selection, we can
reduce the amount of using the paper and the employer can access the information
easily and employer enables to screen the candidates in a shorter amount of time. As
long as you and your applicants have a stable internet connection, it is possible to
continue filtering prospects through your recruitment funnel.

For me, in fact the purpose of this virtual recruitment and selection of employees is
to find the best employees for a suitable position. Today, human resources
departments use many digital tools for recruitment and this made way for the term
“e-recruitment”. Just like career management or talent management, e-recruitment
is a key level for HR managers. Generally, for me as a CEO, one of the benefits that
use this virtual recruitment is improve the employer brand. By highlighting employer
brand, you attract candidates who are not only interested in the position but also
tempted to join the collective adventure offered by your company. Also, similar to
inbound marketing, inbound recruiting will allow you to attract more qualified job
candidates and make them come to you rather than go looking for them.

That’s all from me, thank you.

Aswadi TQ Ms. Moderator, Ms Jiha and thanks for invited me in this forum today.
(P5) The country have been faced with Covid-19 pandemic for almost 2years. Its changed
the ways of an organizations operate. From time to time, the organizations or
companies are now actively recruiting , hiring and onboarding without ever meeting
candidates in real life. Its all thanks to technology, and its actually not as hard as you
might think to make the shift to virtual rectruitment strategies.
If you want to keep your talent pipeline flowing and continue hiring, even during
pandemic, here some strategies you can do.

First, host virtual job fairs. If “meet and greets” are a part of your recruitment
strategy, you could nevertheless do them virtually. Hosting stay video conferencing
conferences wherein you invite potential applicants to “meet” your hiring managers,
digital workplace tours, and Q&As with diverse crew individuals are all first-rate
methods to interact with expertise and provide them a danger to study greater
approximately your company.

During pandemic, most of organizations or companies changed their way to online

meeting via zoom, webex or others platform. This offers a unique opportunity to
personalize the interview experience, as we are looking at people in our home
environment rather than in the meeting room. You can use the video to get to know
the person before you know the skill. For example, you may notice something on
your desk or have art hanging in the background, which can stimulate conversations
about your company's culture and values. For many companies, this is not a natural
type of research. Therefore, it helps to conduct video interviews and even train
executives to do a few exercises. A recording feature is also available for virtual
interviews so that other team members who are not in the meeting can see and
share their feedback.

Screening for candidates who have a promising resume or who are interested in your
company is an important step in finding good candidates. Recruiters usually learn as
much as they can about a person before deciding if he or she is the person he or she
wants to pursue. If so, it's so fast that you can set up a second call on the phone.

Onboarding in a virtual environment definitely works. Just ask the company that
employs and manages remote workers. If you haven't done so already, the idea of
meeting a team in person, starting without a new person in the office, may sound
strange. However, it is important to have a solid plan of what to do on the first, and
second weeks. Make sure new employees receive a detailed welcome email and
everything they need from HR. Set up virtual meetings with managers and team
members to make sure all technologies and tools are up and running on day one.

I thinks that’s all from me, thanks again to organizer and moderator for invited me

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