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1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C


Activity 1.1

There was a time when my mother scolded me because she relayed to one of my
siblings that I should cook rice before she gets home. However, my brother forgot to relay the
message to me because he was too busy doing his assignment. So when my mom got home
she was furious to know that there was no rice cooked. In this case, the component of
communication process that I thought the problem originated is the Channel. Of course, I
explained that I honestly did not know my mom’s instruction, and I immediately cook rice. For
this kind of problem, it is important to be calm and think or look for solution immediately
instead of pointing the fingers to the reason why the problem happened.

Activity 1.2

1. Because it involves three (3) main entities: the sender of the communication, the
message or substance of communication, and the recipient of the message,
communication is a process. There is no communication without any of these three.
2. The communication process has eight important elements: source, message, channel,
receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference, and it entails understanding,
sharing, and meaning.
3. Looking to a few key criteria can typically result in effective communication: Establish
and maintain eye contact. The importance of eye contact in communicating cannot be
overstated. Make an effort to convey a clear message. Be open to what others have to
say. Wait for the other person to complete their sentence.

Activity 1.3

1. Inattention, interruptions, or a lack of importance to the receiver. For a variety of

reasons, interpersonal communications can fail. In some exchanges, the message (what
is stated) will not be received exactly as the sender intended. As a result, it's critical for
the communicator to solicit feedback to ensure that their message is well received.
2. Consider the individuals you grew up with and the languages and cultures they spoke,
as well as the role they played in your communication techniques.
Activity 1.4


Source Self Friend Class Politician News
President Organization
Content/ Recording a song Thank you Instruction Platform News
Message message for the
Medium/ Brain Letter Classroom Stage Television
Receiver Self Self Class Audience People at
Feedback Reaction to the Acknowledging the Shouting Shouting Ratings
recorded song letter
Interference Doubtful of self’s Delayed in Noises Noises Weak signal
ability receiving the mail

Activity 1.5

1. By observing and socializing with others, I can learn about everything and everything
around me.
2. By letters or conversation to a person face to face.
3. Also by letters of conversation with people personally.
4. Because we rely on the media for activities to do and items to buy, it has a significant
impact on our decision-making. Companies' social media posts have a significant impact
on or effect on our purchasing decisions. It would be tough for me to organize my
activities because I rely on my phone to remind me of what I need to do or where I
need to be on a given date because I forget things easily and can't just write it down on
a note. It would also be difficult to judge whether to believe a piece of information
because you wouldn't be able to check if it was true or not, and you might end up
distributing fake information.
5. It would be tough for me to change because I regard media to be a part of my life or
daily routine. However, it has both beneficial and negative consequences for me. On the
negative side, communicating with others, particularly those who live in different cities
would be tough. It will be difficult to learn new things and to have faith in the accuracy
of information. I won't be able to watch films or play games on the internet, which
keeps me entertained on a daily basis. On the plus side, I'll be able to spend more time
with my family and my mental health will improve because I won't be bothered by the
unpleasant things I see on social media.
6. I would probably miss utilizing gadgets. Simply browsing the internet or social media
accounts, you may engage with others, be entertained, and, most importantly, discover
and learn new things every day.
7. Because we rely on the media for information and updates, society will lose resources.
People's safety will be compromised or there will be a high risk of harm because people
will be unaware of what is going on around them, similar to the current pandemic.
Without the media, people all over the world would be unaware of the pandemic, which
would result in a great loss of life, and the government would be unable to establish a
budget for those who need assistance during this crisis.

Activity 1.6


The more you learn about the There are numerous types of This should be taken into
history and needs of the communications that require account while selecting the
people you're helping, the distinct types of medium in appropriate medium. Instead
better. The better you know order to be sent or to be well- of draining your wallet on a
your audience, the better you delivered For instance, in the TV commercial, think about
can prepare your message's case of news; television is the platforms your target
medium. For example, extremely useful in spreading demographic frequents. This
because radio is a one-way information to a large will provide you with long-
medium of communication, it audience quickly. These types term results. It is less
might turn your audience into of media instruments, like expensive to use radios,
a receiver. radio, have solely one-way newspapers, or social media
communication. As a result of than it is to use television.
the message's effect, there
will be no feedback.

Activity 1.7

Media Platform Newspaper Radio Television Internet /

Uses Social Media
Example: 2 – Because 3 – Slightly 2 – Because 5 – Because
For networking communication relevant because communication there is an active
through print some radio in TV is mostly exchange of
media is mostly programs are one-way, there is information and
one-way and effective in very least a wide
there is very growing a interaction connection of
least interaction network of people
For 2 – Although 5 – Because 5 - It is very 5 - Everything
entertainment newspapers have through telling relevant since it about
an entertainment stories and shows movies, entertainment,
section, they are playing music, music videos, including videos,
primarily radio brings joy and other forms music, games,
intended to to listeners. of entertainment and much more,
provide for us to enjoy. is available on
information the Internet or
about what is through social
going on in the media.
world around us.
For 5 - Because 5 - Because 5 - Because 5 - Very relevant
information newspapers news and news and because you can
provide reliable updates can be updates are search the
information broadcast on broadcast on internet for
about what is radios and reach several TV anything with
going on in the a large audience channels and can only one click.
world. reach a large
number of
For education 2 - Because print 2 – Not very 3 – Slightly 5 – Very relevant
media relevant because relevant because because you can
communication is teachers are there are shows have an active
mainly one-way unable to where you can dialogue with
with little communicate learn useful facts your lecturers
interaction, and directly with their for your and even look for
not all students students via the schooling. material that will
want to use radio, and there help you with
newspapers for is no active your studies.
their educational information
purposes. exchange.
For business 3 - Slightly 5 – Very relevant 5 - Because it 5 - You can
relevant since, at because radio can reach a large simply connect
present, people advertising number of with your
place a greater attracts a wider people, you can customers
emphasis on audience, demonstrate how because there is
advertising their particularly in the your product an active flow of
products online, mornings works so that communication,
where the target customers know and you can
market can hear what to search easily increase
or see what is for. your sales and
being given. receive feedback
from your
For advocacy 3 - Because 4 - Relevant, 5 – Very relevant 5 – Very relevant
there is very little especially for because it can because it can
engagement with politicians asking reach a large reach a large
the audience. people to vote audience and number of
for them in the inform them people and
next election, about who you knowledge can
and can reach a are and what circulate more
large number of you stand for, quickly
people, which is usually
particularly the broadcast on
elderly who listen television
to the radio
every day.

1. Communication is a complex process because in order to communicate effectively, it

must go through a series of processes. Starting with the sender, who generates an idea
and converts it into a message, the message is sent to the receiver, who responds in the
form of feedback. There are also a number of other factors to consider, such as the
communication style and any potential disruptions.
2. Media and information plays an important role in communication because media has
lowered communication barriers, making it easier to create and disseminate knowledge
around the world. Your message will also reach a larger audience through the media.
The message's conveyance is the media. Information is also crucial since without it,
there would be no way to communicate with others. The media we utilize determines
the type, quality, and quantity of information we can communicate. A misunderstanding
or misinterpretation will emerge from any change or fault among the aspects of
communication, particularly in how information is packed and transmitted.


Two people talking Group Meeting TV Program

1. Source My older brother Teacher Reporter
2. Message Describing his work Lecture Presidential debates
3. Channel Video call Zoom Television
4. Receiver Me Students People who watches
5. Feedback Responses in the call Responses to the Ratings
6. Environment Our home Students’ houses At home
7. Context Informal Formal Formal
communication communication communication
8. Interference Poor data connection Poor data connection Weak signal


1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B

1. Department of Health. I believe this is unquestionably reliable because the DOH account
is verified on Twitter, and DOH is responsible for the promotion, protection,
maintenance, or restoration of people's health.
2. Describes information on the COVID-19 updates in the Philippines, its new cases, death
recoveries, among others.
3. The information is useful because it keeps us informed about the pandemic and informs
us about the current situation.
4. The image is a sort of infographic which I think will catch attention.
5. Social media, through the Twitter application.
6. The advantages of this media format include its ability to reach a vast audience, its
ability to promote free speech and self-expression, and the ability to swiftly obtain the
most up-to-date news depending on importance. The information you submit, on the
other hand, could be used to disseminate misleading information, and there are a
number of phony accounts that could fool other users into trusting their messages.
Twitter also has restrictions on the number of words you may publish, which may make
it difficult to convey a more comprehensive message.
7. People who are active in social media platform such as Twitter.
8. Other individuals, I believe, will not take this information seriously and will be willing to
risk their lives just to have a good time.
9. To keep people updated.
10. The people who use Twitter will have control in the transmission of the messages
because they can re-tweet this message.

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