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Engineering Geology


Suraj Kumar Bhagat

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University,
Summary of course content
(The course includes the following main contents)
Part 3:
6. The rules of movement of underground water
6.1 Permeability laws.
6.2 Movement of underground water in a homogeneous soil
6.3 Stable movement of groundwater in heterogeneous soil
6.4 Stable movement of groundwater to a water pumping
6.5 Stable movement of underground water to water
pumping holes simultaneously
6.6 Methods for determining permeability coefficient

"Water, Water, Everywhere..."

Assess groundwater
construction techniques

1. Investigations
Data from a field reconnaissance should contain general descriptions and
locations of the surface features and conditions, including the following
• general geology of the project site
• geologic conditions that influence groundwater movement and recharge
• surface features resulting from groundwater movement, such as seeps,
springs, and landslides
• general character of streams and valleys including volumes of flow,
streambanks and bed, steepness of valley grades, and side slopes
• groundwater development, yields, quality, and use
• water well logs
• groundwater quality reports and data
Preliminary investigation
A preliminary investigation is
made to determine the geologic
and hydrologic characteristics of
the subsurface material.

(1) Maps
the map showing Examples
productive aquifers
and withdrawals
from wells.

Aquifer System in HCMC, Vietnam.

Location and Ground Surface Elevation of The main parameters of the aquifer system in Ho
Chi Minh City
HCMC in Vietnam


(2) Imagery
Aerial photos and GIS data sets can be used to make initial interpretations
• geologic structure,
• landforms,
• potential recharge areas,
• springs,
• land use
• vegetation patterns.

(3) Field study
• In areas where stratified sedimentary rocks are exposed, the details of local structure and
its relationship to possible aquifers in the geologic section must be determined.

• This is done by measuring and plotting the attitude (strike and dip) and elevation of the
exposed strata on the map of the area.

• Aerial photo contact prints are very helpful and should be used wherever possible.

• Geologic features of importance to groundwater occurrence in areas underlain by

crystalline or metamorphic rocks include the depth of the weathered zone and the
existence of fractures, joints, and fault zones, especially near the surface.

• Joint systems, faults, and the location and elevation of springs may be mapped.

• In areas of extrusive igneous rocks, the thickness of flow or series of flows and the elevation
of the water table should be observed in addition to the characteristics of jointing and the
presence of faults and springs.
Geophysical methods: Magnetic, Gravity and Radiometric Surveys measure natural forces and are susceptible to
such features as buried pipelines, old mine shafts. industrial waste and the like. In built-up areas these can everely
interfere with a survey.


(4) Mapping
A geologic map should always be prepared on the best available base map
• areal and surficial geology
• structure of bedrock, stratification, folding, schistosity, faults, or fractures
• surface groundwater features including springs, seeps, swamps, and marshes
• sinkholes and disappearing or reappearing streams (in karst topography)

• Legend listing all formations shown on map.

• This includes a brief description of characteristics of aquifers, aquicludes, and
other pertinent information
• locations of wells. Well record data and logs will be included in reports
(5) Geologic sections
To complete and interpret the information on a geologic map, one or more geologic sections (fig. a)
and fence diagrams (fig. b)

(a) Generalized geologic section and water well information (b) Fence diagram
(6) Report of preliminary investigation
• The report should include a concise discussion of groundwater
conditions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations for
solving any problems.

• The preliminary report should also include recommendations for

methods to be used in making a detailed groundwater investigation,
where needed.

• Well records, log of borings, and other supporting data should be

reviewed, interpreted, and included where applicable with the
preliminary investigation report. Geologic maps and sections should
be included
Data collection
1. Geophysical survey—seismic or various types of electrical resistivity
equipment can be used to determine depths to bedrock and depths
to a water table, as well as fracture zones.
2. Test drilling—detailed plans should be prepared showing locations
and depths of wells desired to obtain sufficient information on the
position, depth, gradient, and nature of the aquifer or underground
cavernous or water storage area.

When drilling is done during the detailed investigation, samples should
be collected to:
• determine gradation, storage capacity, chemical composition, and
permeability rates of unconsolidated materials and rock formations
• assist in the correlation of horizons or rock formations
• determine the nature and extent of faulting, jointing, and cavernous
• determine the possibility of surface subsidence or collapse of certain
• determine the nature of an aquifer, its storage potential, productive
capacity, and transmissibility of groundwater

Detailed investigations
In brief, detailed groundwater investigations consist of:
• drilling, sampling, logging, describing, and classifying all strata that will influence
groundwater hydrology
• pressure testing for in-place permeability and seepage through fractured rock
and voids in soluble strata where control of seepage is important
• ascertaining the influence of structural geology, faulting, folding, and fracturing
on transmissibility of groundwater
• installing piezometers or observation wells in hydrologically significant strata

Investigations Report
A detailed investigation contains collected data on observations made and
other information assembled during the investigation.
The report also includes
1. interpretations,
2. conclusions, and
3. recommendations made from these factual data.

Laminar flow Vs Turbulent Flow
• Darcy’s law holds when groundwater velocities are
small enough that flow is laminar and not

• Laminar flow is like flowing molasses — viscous

forces are large, velocities and momentum are
small, and no swirls or eddies develop.

• Turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic eddies,

like in the atmosphere or a flowing stream.
Laminar flow Vs Turbulent Flow
• The flow will obey Darcy’s law if it is laminar, not turbulent.
• We will calculate the Reynolds number to assess whether or not it is
• Using the definition of average linear velocity (Eqs. 3.4 and 3.5) for v
in Eq. 3.10, we have
• If Re is less than some value between 1 and 10,
flow in granular media is laminar, and Darcy’s law

where ρ is the fluid density, v is its

velocity, μ is the dynamic viscosity of
the fluid, and d is a characteristic
length such as mean pore diameter or
11/22/2021 mean grain size.
Q4. Is Darcy’s law valid in a gravel where the average pore
diameter is 0.2 cm, K = 0.5 cm/sec, n = 0.32, and the hydraulic
gradient is 0.02?
• The flow will obey Darcy’s law if it is laminar, not turbulent.
• We will calculate the Reynolds number to assess whether or not it
is laminar.
• Using the definition of average linear velocity (Eqs. 3.4 and 3.5)
for v in Eq. 3.10, we have

• This is below the 1–10 range that is the threshold between laminar and
turbulent flow,
• So this flow is laminar, but near the transition to turbulent flow.
• Therefore, Darcy’s law applies.
General Term
• Aquifer
• Confined aquifer / Unconfined aquifer
• Fully Penetrating well

Well Discharge (Steady Flow)

Transmissivity is the ability of an

entire aquifer to transmit water.

T = K. H

T = aquifer transmissivity (m2/day)
H = saturated aquifer thickness (m)

Uniform Flow

Q5.Problem of Steady flow
Steady flow through a fully penetrating well in an unconfined aquifer :
well dia. (2rw) = 45 cm;
Saturated thickness of unconfined aquifer(H) = 25m;
Steady discharge (Q) = 2100 lpm (litres per minutes)
Observation well radial distances (r1, r2) = 30m, 90m
Drawdowns in observation wells (S1, S2) = 5m, 4m
To estimate:
1. Coeff. Of permeability (k) &
2. Transmissivity (T)
Q5. continue…
Formula used:


Unsteady Flow (GW)

Unsteady Flow (GW)
• Gravity drainage is not
immediate and ground
water flow towards a well
in an unconfined aquifer
shows a slow drainage
through intersets

• Initially there is
compaction of aquifer &
expansion of water as
there is a reduction in
pressure due to pumping
Unsteady Flow (GW)
• In seg2 there is a gradual expansion of
the cone of depression & hence slow
gravity drainage.

• In segment 3, time-drawdown curve

almost resembles non-equilibrium
type cumsec (i.e., unsteady GW flow

• The relationship between drawdown

‘S’ and discharge ‘Q’ was developed for
a fully penetrating well in an
aquifer by Newman (1975)
Multiple well system (GW)

Example 1

Example 2

11/22/2021 Thank you

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