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Almost alive (a half-breed's tale)

Chapter 05


Eve vaguely remembered being carried inside the cottage. She was half concious when Cian was
forcing Shreil down her throat. The heat of the liquid spreading through her body, when she regained
strength in her limbs she sat up on the bed, Cian was standing nearby.
For a moment he had travelled back in time, the images of his long forgotten past now running
painfully clear in his head. The destruction caused almost two thousand years ago troubling him as
history was about to repeat itself. But this time he knew what had to be done, the only thing that
bothered him was that would Eve be strong enough.
'How are you feeling child?' he asked.
Eve nodded, confused about what had happened earlier, it was as if she knew what was happening but
she could not control herself. She looked around the room, Alex was sitting by the window looking
straight at her as if he was waiting for an answer to his unasked question. His voice when he called her
name was still ringing in her head.
'What happened?' Eve asked, her voice frail.
'Something that is very common among our race, we call it initiation.' Cian answered.
'But how is it possible, she's not a werewolf.' Alex asked Cian.
'What is it?' Eve asked.
'A human bitten by a werewolf transitions within one cycle of moon, but a born werewolf starts
transitioning when he or she reaches adulthood.' Cian said.
'So I'm turning into a werewolf, so what is so surprising about that?'
'That would not be a surprise but you seem to be forgetting that your mother was a vampire.' Alex
'If you were a normal werewolf, you should have transformed into a wolf when you attacked Alex and
although for a short duration there you had strength of one you did not transform. Your situation is not
unique but the last time it happened, the result was catastrophic' Cian added.
'So what does that mean?' Eve asked confused.
'I am not certain, but one thing i do know is that you are transitioning.' Cian continued.
'And during a transition, be it a werewolf or a vampire, you are unstable. You cannot control yourself.'
'And if we are to gain any knowledge from what happened with the first person to go through this, then
you will be far more unstable and dangerous than you can imagine.' Cian said.
'Who was this previous person?' she asked.
'A vampire named Bartemius.' Cian replied, She had heard that name before but could not remember
where. Eve could sense a hint of sadness in Cian's voice, which was answered by what he said next.
'He was my adopted son, and my student, he was the most promising one i have ever trained, stronger
even than your father. He did not know that his mother was a werewolf. Because he never knew his
true parents. And in his case the transition was incomplete, he did something to himself that kept him
from transforming into a werewolf, instead he chose to be a vampire, the only vampire close to being as
strong as Haures The vampire lord. And then he swore fealty to him.'
'Where is he now?' she asked
'He is the commander of Haures's wretched army.' Alex replied.
'So you mean to say that if i do not complete my transition, i will become like him?'
'A vampire or a werewolf is most powerful when he is transitioning, but also uncontrollably vulnerable
to the basic need, they need to feed more than normal.'
'But master, if what you are saying is accurate then why is Bartemius not running wild drinking blood
wherever he can find it?' she asked.
'Bartemius has had almost two millennia to learn control and besides he is strong enough to keep
himself satisfied without running around wildly.' Cian responded
'How long does a transition last?' she asked worried.
'A month, but in your case, cant say.' Cian answered.
'So what now? What does this mean' she asked
'It means, you need to be watched, so that you do not harm others around you or yourself.' Alex said
raising from the chair.
Alex and Cian turned towards the door of the small cottage, moments later a slender girl entered, she
was dressed in a dark tan leather corset and a small skirt made of rags. A short sword hung in a dark
scabbard on her hip.
'Sire' she bowed to Cian. Her shoulder length bronze hair falling on her slightly broad face. Eve thought
she looked like a messy wild cat.
'Father has summoned you and Alexander for a clan meeting. Scouts came with news this morning
about a caravan of human prisoners heading for the stone castle.' the girl said in a soft voice. Then she
turned to look at Eve, and who do we have here? She took a step toward her and offered her hand.
'I am Nicolette.' she said smiling.
Eve shook her hand. 'My name is Eve.'
'Ooo pretty name, uncommon for a werewolf though.' she said still holding her hand.
'She's not one.' Alex told her.
Nicolette suddenly let go of Eve's hand.
'A leech?' she asked surprised.
'No, not that either.' Cian stood between the two girls.
'Nicolette meet Eve, daughter of Elhar Greymane and Nasyra Blackhand. And this is Nicolette,
daughter of the leader of the resistance Bane Whiteclaw and Penelope.'
'Hmm, that is strange Nicolette said and shrugged, i like strange, its refreshing.' she said and smiled at
her. Eve was out of words, but for some reason she wanted to laugh.
'We need to get going if we are to reach Silver lake by noon.' Cian said and walked toward his room.'
'What is Silver lake?' Eve asked.
'Its the resistance camp.' Nicolette answered.
'It is in the heart of Melorn cliff, protected by a vertical cliff on three sides and fangs and claws of
werewolves on the other side. The stronghold has never been breached.' Alex said.
'And it is a very nice place, except during the mating season, you see, no privacy.' Nicolette said
'Ha i once saw Alaric...'
'Ahem, we should leave now.' Cian stopped her mid-sentence.
Eve cleaned up while the rest of the three waited for her outside the cottage. Eve tied her makeshift
swords to a strap and slung it on her back.
She walked outside and joined the three of them.

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