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Key decisions and best practices

Service mapping is an aspirational tool for the modern IT
department of an enterprise. It discovers underlying IT applications
and their components and creates a map on how these connect
to business services. Service mapping delivers several benefits like
improved visibility, business continuity and compliance. However,
implementing service maps is a complex process that requires
several strategic decisions to be made based on the chosen
approach. This white paper takes a look at these key decisions
along the service mapping journey. It also discusses the advantages
and disadvantages of various approaches with the aim of helping
decision-makers make informed choices to ensure a smooth and
successful service mapping implementation.
Service mapping is a process that resolution of infrastructure issues based on and build a comprehensive map of
establishes how underlying applications business impact. It also plays an important all the components of an application
and IT infrastructure deliver business role in business continuity, data center service. However, due to its complexity,
services. Using service maps makes it migration planning and compliance. implementing service maps calls for
easier to identify the root cause of service Service mapping applications discover strategic decisions to be made at the right
outages and degradations and prioritize foundational application services time of the service mapping lifecycle.

Service mapping lifecycle

Mapping a specific service to its infrastructure consists of five key stages:

Start Map Fix Review Approve

Readiness assessment Service discovery Error handling Review and refine Activate the service
• MID server installation • Import CSV • Bulk error handling • Send to SME for review • Approval of service by
• Credentials identification Or • Single map refinement • Interact with SME application owner

• Entry point identification • Load balancer discovery • Receive feedback • Deploy to production

• Environment identification Or • Refine the map • Activation of service to

• Manual entry point
• Initiate service map

Before determining the right 2. Entry point identification during the The following sections look at each
implementation approach, some ‘Map’ stage stage-related decision and discuss several
customer-specific decisions must be taken 3. Refining the service map during the ‘Fix’ approaches along with their advantages
considering the different stages of the stage and disadvantages. The aim of this exercise
service mapping lifecycle. These decisions is to help organizations choose the optimal
4. Maintaining the map during the
and their relevant stages are: approach when implementing service
‘Approve’ stage
1. Environment identification during the mapping applications.
‘Start’ stage

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Decision 1: Environment ServiceNow instance. The key steps here • T he solution need not be migrated to a
identification are: different environment
Service mapping of an application can be  tep 1: Non-production instance –
S Disadvantages
done in non-production environments Production infrastructure • M
 aking changes in the production
and, once approved, moved to production Step 2: Production instance – Production environment can affect the current
environments. infrastructure discovery
Approach 1: This process involves using Advantages • T he production ServiceNow instance is
a non-production ServiceNow instance to • S ervice maps are created in lesser time less stable
discover the non-production infrastructure as mapping is required for only one Approach 4: This process involves
of the service. Then, the solution is moved infrastructure environment using the non-production ServiceNow
from the non-production instance to the Disadvantages instance to discover the non-production
production instance of ServiceNow. Once infrastructure of the service. The solution
• C
 onnectivity from non-production
the non-production infrastructure of the is then moved to the production instance
instance to production infrastructure
service is discovered and approved, the of ServiceNow. Then, the production
needs additional security approvals
production infrastructure of the service infrastructure of the service is discovered in
which would further delay the
should be identified. This approach follows the production ServiceNow instance. The
three steps: key steps here are:
• C
 ustomizations must be unit tested
Step 1: Non-production instance – Non- Step 1: Non-production instance – Non-
using the production infrastructure,
production infrastructure production infrastructure
which may lead to production issues
Step 2: Non-production instance – Step 2: Production instance – Production
Production infrastructure Approach 3: This process involves using
the production instance of the ServiceNow
Step 3: Production instance – Production
to discover the production instance and Advantages
non-production infrastructure. Once • A
 s environments and instances are
Advantages approved, the production infrastructure mapped appropriately, this approach
• M
 ost of the issues will be fixed before should be discovered. The key steps here aligns well with security considerations
the production infrastructure is are:
• C
 ustomizations are tested in the
discovered Step 1: Production instance – Non- non-production instance, making the
• T he production ServiceNow instance production infrastructure production instance more stable
will be more stable Step 2: Production instance – Production Disadvantages
Disadvantages infrastructure
• N
 ew issues may be identified when
• C
 onnectivity from non-production Advantages changes are made to the production
instance to production infrastructure • S ervice maps can be created in lesser instance
needs additional security approvals time
which would further delay the
• M
 ultiple ports must be opened from
several servers to management,
instrumentation and discovery (MID)
• I mplementing the same solution in
multiple environments takes additional

Approach 2: This process involves a

non-production ServiceNow instance that
discovers the production infrastructure of
the service. The solution is moved to the
production instance of ServiceNow. After
this, the production infrastructure of the
service is discovered in the production

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Decision 2: Entry point • Additional entry points will not be Load balancer discovery approach:
identification discovered Here, service mapping runs discovery
The key components needed to begin against the management IP of load
service mapping are: balancers and automatically provides a list
• Only the desired application of service candidates. The load balancer
a. Entry point infrastructure is discovered and mapped discovery approach is recommended for
b. Credentials Disadvantages organizations with multiple applications to
be mapped as it reduces the effort spent
• Requires greater manual effort
c. MID server with ports enabled in identifying every entry point through
• Additional services are not discovered automation. In this approach, service
Service mapping discovery begins with
an entry point. An entry point is the first- In the case of bulk mapping, service mapping performs the following tasks:
tier application on a host configuration mapping allows hundreds of services to • When no credentials are available, it
item (CI) where the end user receives the be mapped parallelly. The two approaches relies on traffic-based discovery by
service. There are three approaches used for identifying entry points during bulk reducing traffic noise using machine
to identify entry points, depending on how mapping are – CSV import approach and learning
entry points are created or used: load balancer discovery approach.
• Extracts entries directly from load
• Sequential approach for entry points CSV import approach: Entry points balancers on the network
that are manually entered one at a time can be manually imported from a CSV
• Includes steps for prioritization,
file, allowing multiple services to be
• CSV import approach for entry points suggestions, task assignments, and
discovered in parallel. A standard CSV file
are imported from a comma separated better visibility into the overall picture
can be downloaded and updated with the
variable (CSV) file, allowing for multiple
required entry points and imported back to Advantages
services to be discovered in parallel
ServiceNow. • Bulk mapping is an effective and quick
• Load balancer approach where entry way to create numerous application
points are used to run discovery against services
• Multiple applications can be discovered
the management IP addresses of all load
once the entry points are imported • Unlikely candidates will be filtered out
balancers in an enterprise. Here, service
mapping will automatically provide a list • Minimizes the potential of irrelevant • Reduces discovery time
of service candidates application services
• Minimizes the number of potential
Sequential approach: This approach is Disadvantages irrelevant application services
used for entry points that are manually • Creating the entry points is still a manual Disadvantages
entered one at a time. The key aspects of process and needs knowledge about the
this approach are: • The results of bulk mapping are not
application service
• The service map entry points must be
• The outcomes of bulk mapping are not
created one after the other • False or duplicate applications may be
created erroneously as the data from the
• Issues and errors in each map are
load balancer is raw

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Decision 3: Refining the service may be missing even after multiple fixes maps can be used along with the event
map and may need to be created manually. management module to identify impact
The service mapping process consists to the service during any infrastructure or
The next step is to send the service map
of the following steps, which are further network outage.
for review and approval by the subject
described below: matter expert or the service owner. When traffic-based discovery continues
• Discovery of the service using patterns Once approved, the service map will be to discover services without customized
published in ServiceNow. patterns, it can result in some negative
• Discovery of the service using traffic impact like unstable service maps. This
In all cases, the above approach must be
• Customizing patterns leads to greater effort being spent to
used to create a service map; there is no
maintain the map and keep it accurate.
• Fixing the service map alternate approach. Published service

• Turning off discovery of the service

using traffic

• Reviewing the service map

• Publishing the service map

Discovery through patterns is the

recommended method to discover
infrastructure and its inter-relationships.
Nowadays, there are several out-of-the-
box (OOTB) discovery patterns available.
However, there are some scenarios where
this approach may be unable to identify

In such cases, organizations can opt for

traffic-based discovery. A caveat here,
though, is that changes in the traffic
will alter the service map. Hence, it is
recommended to fix discovery patterns
and use it for discovering the underlying
infrastructure. Once the patterns have
been fixed and the topology of the service
has been refined, Infosys recommends
turning off traffic-based discovery.

While most discovery patterns are suitable

for infrastructure discovery, this may
not be the case for application-related
discovery. Sometimes, application teams
do not provide access to OOTB commands
and instead request different commands.
In such cases, the discovery fails. The
discovery pattern must then be fixed
in order to successfully complete the

Once all the underlying infrastructure

has been discovered, the service map
gets populated automatically. In some
cases, discovery may detect additional
components that will need to be removed
from the map. Similarly, some components

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Decision 4: Maintaining the map CMDB during horizontal discovery. pattern, a shared library (either existing
Service maps tend to change due to or new) can be added to the discovery
Some CI types are more prone to changes
changes in the applications. To ensure logic without changing the identification
and updates than others. It is easier
that the service maps are updated, section. By extending the discovery
to manage the load by adjusting the
preconfigured discovery as well as custom patterns, additional information about the
discovery schedule to match the nature of
schedules can be created. application service can be discovered.
the CI type, thereby eliminating redundant
stress on the infrastructure. Checking and troubleshooting service
Discovery schedules: Service mapping
maps: Service mapping discovery patterns
includes a preconfigured generic schedule Discovery schedules can be created for
ensure that only the relevant CIs are
for discovering all CIs of an application different application CIs as listed below:
discovered for each business service. It
type. CIs of the application are derived
• For CI types – Service mapping will is important to regularly monitor critical
from the configuration management
discover all the CIs that belong to a service maps for transparency and
database (CMDB) CI application table. The
particular CI type accuracy. Some key monitoring tasks
generic schedule triggers the discovery
of all the organization’s applications • For specific CIs – Service mapping will
once daily. In addition to this, there is a discover only the CIs specified for the • Hiding unwanted CIs
preconfigured schedule for discovering schedule • Hiding topology cycles, i.e., connections
load balancers derived from the CMDB CI returning to the same host
load balancer service table. Being upgrade friendly: When
customizing OOTB patterns, ServiceNow • Hiding traffic-based CIs
Service mapping checks whether the
automatically creates a copy of these
device hosting the application CI exists • Merging CI errors
patterns and does not delete the original
in the CMDB. If not, service mapping
version. While the original version keeps • Setting map indicators to display related
triggers a discovery to detect the host. The
getting upgraded, the customized copy records
information on the host is updated in the
will serve as the active one. To extend the

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Service mapping helps organizations
better understand how IT infrastructure
and components align with business
services. When implementing a service
map, there are some key decisions to
be made at strategic points. Some of
these decisions include how to identify
environments and entry points and
how to refine and maintain the service
map. While each approach to these
decisions has its own advantages and
disadvantages, it is important to discuss
these with the relevant stakeholders like
application architects, security teams,
product owners, and product sponsors
before choosing the right approach. The
above recommendations can act as a
guide to facilitate key and timely decisions,
a crucial differentiator for successful

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About the author
Nagendra Swamy Paladi – Senior Consultant, Infosys
Nagendra has over 13 years of experience working with Infosys clients across domains and geographies. His
areas of expertise include architecture definition, evaluation, implementation of infrastructure and application
monitoring, discovery, dependency mapping, service mapping, event management, and CMDB.

For more information, contact

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