Smoke Trails-1-4

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a SMOKE TRAILS Quarterly Journal of the Phantom Phanatics Society TPE TT as ia ae | $2.50"tor'postare and handling CONTRIBUTIONS WANTED ANI Soctety menbers are requested to send tn material for publication. This ts YOUR magazine, land to make 1t 2 success, everyone must partic! pate. While you might not think that you have ‘no special talent, you would be surprised how easy 1t 1s to write an article or do some art work, {f that 1s your interest. If you have had an unusual experience with reoards to the f-4, tell us about it, we want to know. If you have Sone rare material pertaining to the Phantom, please share {t with us. Contact the Fditor fon how you should prepare your matertal. He Wil) be happy to work with you. If you have Photographs. to illustrate your story, all the better. We want the magazine to De as much picture history of the Phantom as a written history. Please help and send in your material or write the Editor and let hin know what you ean do. WoL IT No. 1 U.S.M.C, Phantoms WPL IT Xo. 2 Corman Fats YOL IT %o. 3 gS0F F-8s Yor If No. 4 Open at this time Society cap & —————_—_ JACKET NOM AYATLAALE Me now have a supply of Society hats on hand. The acter will be available in fust 2 few weeks. 40 fells that these are quality items that you will? he proud to wear. Send in the order form enclosed with this. Issue of SORE TRAILS and make sure that you set yours--now The cap 1s of the baseball type, with a solid cane! in front and mesh in back, The color fs Roya) Slue with the Soetety emblem on the front panel. The Cap has an adjustable back strape, so one size fits Sil, Price for the cap 1s $5.00 plus $1.89 for postage and handling. Overseas orders please add Tf more than one cap 1s ordered at one tine, please add $.50 for each additional cap. Allow two to three weeks for delivery. The Society Jacket fs made of satin nylon, with a soft lining and comes fn Sflver with knit waist band, collar end cuffs. The Jacket has @ snap button front, to slash pockets and front and back design. On the front will be the Soctety enblen. fon the back will be @ "generic" F-4 fn flight. This 48 4 quality jacket and one we are sure you will be proud to wear as a menber of the Phanton Phanatic Soctety. “The price of the Society jacket will be {27,50 which includes postage in the U.S. For those outside the U.S. postage and handling wiil be an adéittonal $5.03, The Socfety Jacket cones in a varfety of sizes, all of which are listed below, It 1s reconnended if you are near the extent of your present size, that you order the next larger size to assure a confort~ able fit. Uithante peteths Briitiant uehentie” {plored Clatsonte Pins, Ts veka Tor. See for Matsy Cape, a ‘The S00 te stiT1 aval Table in Antioued SMiger tovored netot $20" eay plus $75 Fa Sead orders to PINS oF HRESTICE, Prareoreoita, Florist, DO. 63032 . [Sw Youth Sizes Small 6-8 Medium 10-12 Large 14-16 Adult Sizes Smal] 34-36 Medium 38-49 Large 42-44 KeLarge 46-48 We-Large 50-52 (This size $3.00 nore.) ANI Jackets, except as noted, are priced the sane. Please allow at least five to six weeks for delivery. Overseas orders will be shipped via parcel post. Most donestic orders will be sent via U9S so please give your HOME address and not a POST OFFICE BOX nunber then ordering. Payment. should be made via check or POSTAL MONEY ORDER, Overseas orders should be paid via INTERNATIONAL POSTAL MONEY ORDER or cheke drawn fon U.S. bank. Send orders to PHANTOM PHANATICS SOCIETY 3381 Apple Tree Lane Erlanger, Kentucky 41018 Usk please be sure to renenber the follow Indicate whether you want ‘on jackets make hen ordering, ing: On caps be sure to an adult regular or child size. sure you give the correct size de here at Soctety HQ believe these itens to be quality products or we would not be offering then Te you, "We Took forward to recetving your orders. to VOLUME I EDITORIAL ADDRESS 3381 Apple Tree Lane Brlanger, KY 41018 U.S.A. Tele: (606) 342-9039 EDITOR Paul F. Collings CONTRIBUTING EDITORS. ANG/AFRES Don Spering, PHANTOM PHOTO PHILES Jerry Geer INSIGNIA ‘John Cook MODELS Larry Davia & Bob Uirich Roger Chenard Eric Renth INTERNATIONAL, GATEGUARDS PRINTING Colonial Pree Covington, KY MISSION 106 PAGE the Spook Speaks 2 U-S.9Navy Taile 3 Base Exchange a ry 15 19 a Phantom Photo Philes 2 Phantom Patches 26 Military Post Cards 3% Gateguard (acDi11 AFB, FL) 36 Membership Information 38 SMOKE TRAILS 4 the offietal publication of the PHANTOM PHANATICS SOCIETY and {8 published on a quarterly schedule. Subscription fee is $15.00 (U.8.) per year. Firet clase and Air Mail postage fe avatlable to aubseribere additional fee. Please write to the address above for additional infornation on postage rates. COVER PHOTO: Mice photo of F-4C of the 131 ‘RW taken by 1/S6T Fred Hart in April of 1985. SOT Karl hhas sent in « nuuber of photos that ve will be using 4x future Annues of SMOKE TRATLS. ABOVE: Plight of F-4Ce heading for the Tanker. This a another photo sent in by SCT Fred Hari. ‘The PHANTOM PHANATICS SOCIETY {2 an international, organization open to all persons or groupe that are interested in the study and preservation of the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom IT. The quarterly agazine of this Soctety will be known as "SMOKE TRAILS” and will contain stories about the F-4 and the collecting of material pertaining to this aircraft. The magazine vill feature articles on collecting insignia, modele, taking slides end Photos and mumerous other articles that should be of interest to Seetety meaber Members must report any change of address plus ZIP code promptly to the Society in order that they Sight receive their copy of "SMOKE TRAILS." The Post Office vill not forvard third class sail to fand vill not return it to the re to report your nev addrege vill Fequire you to pay $4.00 for each inaue of "S¥OKE TRAILS" that you mies. NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. fon June 30 of the ‘current ye Vea start to continually send out renewal notices, you vill Feceive one notice with the No 3 insue of each Volune and reminder notice with the No. 4 tanue. Should you not pay your subseription by the tine the No. 1 tesue of the next Voluan is published, you wiil r te due. Thes receive from the Soctety to let you know that your dues should id. Just remember that ALL eub- scriptions expire on JUNE 30. Send in your renewal ‘BEFORE JUNE 30 and there will be NO problems. Please be alert to reneval fee indicated on the notice. expire C4 YSPOOK This tssue of SMOKE TRAILS brings to a close ur first year-as an organization. vould Vike to chant aft those: that have nage this First year Psuceess. Merstarted with a handful of menbers Snavwith nfs tase, we end with 251 names on the fopters” I'have a. feeTvog_ that this coning year UIiI see our roster grow considerably. OF course vor this to happen, we will need the support of ALL of our current nenbers. "It all of you vould fet just ONE nex ember, our membership woot BGdeteS* T"on"e thank that fe asking to much, to yout As mentioned {n the last Issue, there 1s now a Soctety hat and jacket available.” Please see the Advert. in the back sectfon of this fssue on how you can obtain your very own hat and jacket. The hats are ready for shipnent--now. The Jackets will de ready for shipnent n several weeks. The reason for the delay on the jackets 1s that the first design that I sent into the manufacturer did not Took right. So, {t was back to the drawing board for a better design. The second destgn was 2 lot better Tooking on the jacket. Now {t will teke three to four weeks to get the design placed on the jackets we ordered. would Mike to thank all those that placed initial orders. We needed at Yeast two dozen orders to get this project off the ground. We have more than exceeded that nunber at this tine. Please bear with us on this, and we will get your Jackets out as soon as we receive then. Sone of you have not yet recetved your Soctety patch, Well, Iam sti11 waiting for the manufacturer fo send then'to me. The order was placed just about, tthe time the last issue of SMOKE TRAILS was mailed Tealleé the Company that 15 making the patches and they sald I would have then in tine to mail out with ‘this fssue. "So--if you have a patch coning, Took {in the envelope real good--1t just might be there: If not you will receive as soon as I get it. Sorry for the delay on this. I saw member Robert Conely at, the IPMS con~ vention in Indtanapolis and he advised that, the mendership certificate would be ready to maf] out with this tssue of SMOKE TRAILS. I do believe that he was serfous about this and {f you Took real care- ful, you might just find your certificate enclosed with this Issue. Thanks Bob, really appreciate your effort on behalf of the Society. With regards to holding 2 “nattonal convention” I would Tike to offer the following. To put to- gether any size convention takes tine and effort, fon someones part. I would like to see about five or six Society members volunteer to becone a con~ ventton conmfttee so we can see just what it would take to have a meeting 1n 1986. I would prefer: that at Teast one of these "volunteers" live tn the St. Louis area, If your interested, please Aron a Vine to Society HQ and advise that you are xill1ng to serve on this convention committee. SPEAKS ‘Any plans we make should be firmed-up by the end ‘OF the year so menbers can be informed of tine, Gate and place. I would also l1ke to hear fron Soctety menbers with thetr ideas on what ths “first” convention should be trying to accomp!ish. Your {deas will help the comitee decide which way the convention will head. Please write. With this ssue, I would Mike to Introduce two new nenbers to our Editorial Staff. Larry Davis and Bob Uirich have volunteered to take on the job of Yodel Editors. Their first column fn this tssue 15 used to introduce thenselves and give you an idea of what they w111 be dotng in the future. Iam really looking forward to the materfal these gentlenen will be producing. Welcone eboard! While our staff 1s starting to butld, we are StiTl In need of sone additonal qual fied people to Join our ranks. We need people that can do stories/research on certain aircraft (Hig Killers) on the Drivers and other crew members, on various. units and yes, even other type afrcraft. If you have any talent {n ary of these areas, please con- Sider doing some work for SMOKE TRAILS. We need your help! While on the subject of staff, we also need ‘an EDITOR. I took this Job, to get things started, and now would Tike to see someone “volunteer” to becone “the” Editor of SMOKE TRAILS. I am sure there are several of you out there that are nore qualified to handle this jod than I am. If your interested, olease drop a Vine and we'll talk about {t. ‘The pay is m1, but the satisfaction Of putting out a quality publ fcation can't be heat. Please call [am happy to report that we have had several menbers volunteer to act as lfatsons between the Soctety and several of the units that have operated the F-4, We certainly appreciate there taking thefr time to'work for the Soctety. If you can do this Kind of work, we would like to hear from YOU. Please weite to Society HQ and we will work something out. In the last Issue we also asked for people to send in samples of their art work for publication ‘in SWORE TRAILS. One menber took us up on this offer and we really appreciate his doing so. If you do “art” work, please send it in for pubifcatton. Tan sure that our menbers will enjoy seeing what you can do, It wil? also be a good way to showcase Your work. Cone on--share! Once again I would Tike to thank all those that. have made this first year of the PHANTOM PHANATICS SOCIETY/SMOKE TRAILS a success. We've come a Tong way Since the Spring of 1984, but we also have a Tong may to 90. Kith your help, I am sure we will continue to bea success. Until the next tssue. heck tx. the Spook ABOVE: F-4N (152968) of VF-IIT. This "Sundewmens” Phantom was captured by the camera of Robert Dorr. VE-T1T has had Some veri beautiful color schemes over the uears. This one 4s sunen. U.S. Navy Tails by ROGER CHENARD This 45 part four of a series detailing the many letter codes that the U.S. Navy has used, and 1s using, on the F-4 Phantom. Since 1951 there has bezn many Phantons. using many combi nations of letters and numbers, and with this series we hove to sort ft all out To keep track of the various colors used in the drawings, it is necessary to refer to pages 17, 18 and 19 in the First issue of SMOKE TRAILS, This set of drawings concludes the U.S. Navy. part. In the next issue the series will continue With drawings of Marina Corp Fe4 tafl codes. The author of this series, Mr. Roger Chenard, would Vike to hear from those members that have. photos of Navy tatTs that have NOT been ‘Tlustrated. This holds true also for the Marine F-&'s that wii) be {Tustrated in the next issue Your continued support of this series is areatly appreciated ABOVE: Bicentennial bird of UX-4 aincrast that had to be the most outs tandeng 06 the métitary a/e painted up to cetebrate Trutir an our 200th binthdaw. "Photo by Rast Leailen ie ‘ CHD) OF Go 6 (/} PAGE 25 60¢0 8 USNAVY Os MOMNELLF.4 “Phantom I” Le CS | Jeoes & Feat (100) Seay He.3 etszait 353 feral sea USWAYY . : Mt MONMELLF.4 “Phantom I zn (103) Feist ieis30se O55 1. dosearent 2.43 (200) €ua¥2 Treas este PAGE 27 USNAVY : i Gt DOMMELLF_4, “Phantom IT = e743 (9) areas Habs Mee Sas (5076) PAGE 28 USHA rae (40) Se 145365 vy Mt OONNELLF.4 / 8 @ 6 dé USWAVY J Ot DOWIELLF.4 “Phantom I” USWAYY . Wt DOMIELLF.4 “Phantom I” paa Hige ists06zs 2.48 (307) ise 3252307 uSWAVY j Ot DOUNELLF.4 “Phantom I” 208 PAGE 32 Roane the aL usMaVY , Gt DOWMELLF.4 “Phantom I” 2.44 (Ga0,7) Sic se te3321 exeaa (43) (42) Git) wetesaes (312) Fea4 L2zo3ect 21207) 143308 ABOVE: Another famous F-4 is this black "Playboy Bunny adrorage of VX-4. You neatly had to see this ale £0 neatly appreciate the beauty of it. Photo grom Bruce Stomert viz Piceisnad Airerafe ABLE: F-4J 153766 abso of the NATC. This is one of Sevenat diggexent pane schenes worn by the We 2k the MATC, Phoco fom Picecanad ANC Seiden, ABOVE: | F-41 153071 of the Naval Ain Test Center. Noze enbten on tai. Clean aixcragt. Fite photo. Base Exchange The BASE EXCHANGE (8X) section of the magazine 1s provided to give you, the Soctety menber, a place to list material that you have for sale or trade or to Mst matertal that you are looking for. Please keep your requests short and to the point. jo Tong lists of {tems--please. When sending in natertal to this column, ALWAYS send it in on a separate sheet of paper and do not include t within a letter. Send your requests to: SX-SMOKE TRAILS, 3381 Apple Tree Lane, Erlanger, KY 41018 U.S After Misting natertal in thts ‘colum, pl ve the courtesy to ANSWER ANY AND ALL INQUIRIES THAT YOU RECEIVE! — THANK YOU. RICHARD FIEROOW, 2424 E. WAN4 Turkey. San Antonto, TX 78232 has an extra copy of PHANTOM IN COMBAT by Matter 9. Boyne, publ shed by Sanerse Te 1SBSe Tor $17 postpatd. ir interested write or cal1 (812) 496-3255, Member Brent A. Mettert would like to see a story fon the 906th TFG at Nright-Patterson AF8 in a future {ssue of SMOKE TRAILS. Anyone care to research Such an article and send ft n for publication? PAUL COLLINS, 3381 Apple Tree Lane, Erlanger, KY 41018 fs looking for military post cards. Prefer modern day Jets and MW IT era atreraft, Also n- terested in the older cards showing air bases and Arny posts. Have no traders, but will. purchase. Please write and let me know what you have. FRANCOIS CONTE-DEVOLX, 55 Avenue Julfen Fabre, 13300 Saton-de-Provence, France 13 Tooking for any $14de/photograph of F-43 BuNo 153790 (PtTot. Lt Cdr Norm McCoy) with spectal camouflage seen at Miramar tn October of 1976. Any assistance from Soctety menbers will be appreciated. JOE THOMAS, 4407 N. 20th Road, Arlington, VA 22207 1s Tooking for Jacket patches, Navy desk models and other goodies associated with the F-4 Phanton. In the last {sue Janes £. Ray was looking for information on the Euro-1 paint schene. MIs re- quest was answered and James 1s now on his way to completing a rode! in the Euro-1 scheme. Thanks, the system really works KARL SMALLEY, 5232 Curtis, Dearborn, MI 48126 would like to buy good qual ity slides of F-4C and F-AD a/c. Please NO RFS. Espectally interested in those used by ADC untts.” Also wants T-235 used by the ADC units. ATTENTION: Members, this column 1s for YOUR benefit. Tam sure that « number of you have ttens that you are looking for and {tens that you might wish to sell or trade. Here 1s the opportunity to do just that. Please send in your requests so you can enjoy your membership even more. THE PHANTOM MASCOT You may renenber in the last issue of SMOKE TRAILS it was requested of those that had photos and drawings of the Spook to send then in for publication in future issues of the magazine. Soctety menber Johnny "Staay" Stgnor has answered this request with @ number of drawings oF our favorite mystery fellow. Johnny 2180 does other art work including unit insignia and aircraft Tf your Interested in what he could do for you, please write him at 3418 Carolyn Lane, Cocoa, FL Soa26. “I have seen sone of his work, and was very impressed. should anyone else desire to see their work published in the pages of SMOKE TRAILS, please send Samples of your work to the Editor. We neeé your help on this, so 1f you do art work, please drop a line ‘The Spook Phantom Phlashes ABOVE PHOTO: LT Mark Morgan from San Diego, CA has. submitted this fine photo of the Havatt AG F-AC in the "Egyotian” color schene. To model this bird fn 1/4? scale, use the Hasegawa F-4C/D and the decals fron Microscale sheet 49-253 and kit decals. Mr. Chelun Muang of Hawai} offers the following on. the photo of the Hawaii Air Guard F-4C that appeared in the last issue of SMOKE TPAILS, The canouflage scheme is referred to as the “Eqyptian Grey Scheme.” The Hawait AS has two schemes on Its F-4Cs: A wrap- around SEA scheme and the Eayotian scheme. Prior to the adoption of the Eayptian schene the planes were painted in a gloss ADC grey, fs everyone is, aware, the US Navy and Marine Corps have toned down all of their conbat aircraft, painting those a/e in three toned low-visibility greys. The Hawatt AG also noticed that the gloss ADC arey aircraft were also too visible, especially in turns when ‘the sun caused alot of “glint” to be seen. fs a result, all AOC grey F-8¢s are being repainted in Tow-visibilfty greys. I'm told that the colors are the same as the F-16 greys (FS-36118, FS-35270 and FS-36375). About half of the Guard's 24 F-A¢s wil] be in SEA wrap-around schene and the other half will be in the Egyptian schene. ATIENTION: For those that missed {t in the last Tans aT Snore Tenis, Society ats and Sockets are NOW AVAILABLE. Please check the announcement located in the back section of this tssue. These are really ‘phantastic* {tens at a price you can all afford. Get YOUR order in N 0 ¥! 6 INFORMATION 1 Marco Abrate, via San Marine 68 Fe Te et ta crow unat unite aned’ the tail code FS. Anyone have this info available? If 50, please drop Marco a Tine. IRE_INFORMATION PLEASE: Sometime back one of our inenbers inqutred of Mt-1f we knew about any F-8s being in RUSSIA: oes anyone have such information? If so please advise so we can give out this scoop to all members. If known, aircraft nunber and how they got to Russia. Thank you, Several menbers wrote in with regards to the last F-4 to come off MCAIR production line. Here it fs: MOC #506 A.F. No. 78-0744 (KS) F-4E 437, Block 67. First flight--14 Septenber 1979. Flyaway--26 October 1979. “Assigned to 17th TFH Cheong JU AB, ROKAF. Thanks to all that wrote in with this information ADDITIONAL INFO: Masahiro Yamasaki fron Osaka, Jepan reports on the last Fa assembled by Mitubisht Heavy Industry Co. The 140th going to the JASOF wearing serial 17-8440. Aircraft went to 306 Sq/6th Air ‘Wing fn grey and white scheme with old 6th Air Wing marking on tall, Joho Harty of Bridgeton, MO advises that F-8£ (68 345) of 31st TFW has the new bird proof one-ptece windshield installed as a Class II modification. He wil] furnfsh photos for next tssue of SMOKE TRAILS. Hr. Wilfred Boudas of France asks the following: When the Iranfan Phantoms are operat{onal on their bases, they wear on the middle of the fin, Just tunder'the flag, a small number within 2 circle. What 15 the purpose of this nunber? Anyone know? Tf so please write in and we will publish 1t fn ‘the next issue of SMOKE TRAILS. Andrew Kingdon of Essex, England send in the beauti- ful photo of the Phanton illustrated above. Here 1s his story. (Editors Note: Andrew had sent this in earlier in the year, but it was misplaced until now.) Recently I went to Europe for 2 long weekend and while T was there went to the Pferdsfeld Air Base Open bay. The Hest Geman unit J8C 35 is based here and fly the F=AP. The show was drilliant: 1 was tir. Boudas also has sone inquiries about Spantsh F-As. Tea Mah ds fad aka memer pf tha press. Me ‘The photo iTlustrates. an F-4C, the last of its type really got the royal treatnent! Me were permitted {n Europe, with serial 12-39 (64892) ané C12-04 to go around all of the static displays BEFORE the (64909). "in Spain, 2 wing (ALA 12) 1s equiped with pustic was adnttted, then we were placed on a coach both F-ac and RF-AC. The aircraft are distributed weciertasc’s ahert scr aroeal tne base. We Between twe squadrons: 121 and 122 Escuadrons. The finished up at the blast pens where all of the F-4s difficulty {5 to know in what squadron are the F-4 are kept. We were surrounded by about 15 F-4Fs, and because it changes all the time according to the ona nard stand by itself wos the F=f {TTustrated disposition of the atreraft. Note the F-4s don't Shove. This aircraft was painted to conmenerate Wear the number of the squadron on the intake 25 years of JG 35. The F-4 was completely painted followed by the number of the plane in the unit as Hobe’ clue with a bright.yellow stripe--abeotutly Usual On the other hand, the Phantom has, on the SRT “Lebar ches Stntboan Rone wiiware. taken fin dhe insignia of ALA No. 12, a cat's head. Cen Inyone" explain how the Spanish operate their Fu#s? pigete answer through this colum so a1? society hen the flying started we were a11 taken down, ty renbers will know the answer. Thank you. ven the, tan startet cay Teadtng from the. $13¢t © hack ‘> get some food and drink pens, ‘Towards the end of the flying display, 17 Stefano Vettorazzi of ViTlazzano, Italy offers the Phantoms taxied out, in front. of us. We were no nore following three photooranhs that were taken at, the than 20 feet away from the aireraf’. Sone of thew Aviano AB afr. show in June of 1964, Me appreciate Stopoed end posed for photegraphs--you should have hearing fron’ Society menbers that fave this type of 1n- Keard the cameros clicking--ft mas {ike the crickets Tarvation avallables We want to hear fron YOU. Rating seasons, The 17 Phantoms took off and did a Shank you tre Vettorazzi for sharing this early nase flypast that was just "phantastic! vintage F-4 photos with us. 16 Photo on previous page {Tlustrates F-4 (189459) of Jean-Michel Guhl of “AIR FAN" magazine offers the NF-I4 (operating from USS Roosevelt) arriving at folowing two photos of F-4s stationed 1n California as The arey bird was photographed at Fresno in January, of 1984 and belongs to the 198th FIS. The SEA color~ fed bird was caught at March AFS in January of #4 and belongs to the 196th TFS. This Tivery 1s now avatlable on Microscale sheet #48-253. Both photos are very nice. F-4 (149417) on display at the Air Show held at Aviano AB, Italy in 1964. BELOW: Fred Har] offers this photo of the latest No. 149817 being serviced by some Air Force types addition to the 131 TFW at Lambert IAP. Latest prior to departure of Aviano AB. report has it that the F-4E has totally replaced the units F-4C's. More fron Mr. Harl later uv The “AND FACTOR” The Model Hangar by LARRY DAVIS. & BOB ULRICH This issue's modeling column will be Serving to introduce Larry Davis ani Hob Ulrich as modeling editors of Snoke Trails. As Phantom bulls and modeling enthusiasts of long standing we look forward to the opportunity to communicate with you about our favorite subjects. We hoje the commun tea tion will work both ways. Specifically, we invite you to tell us vhat you might like to sce iw the column. Suggestions, comments, or ailditions to the information presented here are welcome, If you have questions concerning Phantom molelingy please ssh. ‘The Phantom is a rich subject for tle plast te modeler, with nore kits and decals available. than for ‘almost any other aircraft. Only such other classics 8 the P-51 and its WII brethren can rival the Fa’ for its diversity of kits and mirkings. In spite of this, modeling some versions of the f4 can b difficult and frustrating experionce. Fither the available kits are incorrect, or in some cases a kit sinply isn't available at ali. Modelers working to one scale and trying to build’a complete collection fof Phantoms know vhat ve are talking about. We hope to F111 the gaps, so to speak, by passing along the experience of many years building one Phantom kit after another. A long term project already in nind is to focus on one particular variant of the Fé at a time and cover in detail how best to model it. This would begin with a considered choice of the best kit (or kits) to start out with, followed by all the Corrections or additions necded to produce a {irat~ class replica. Painting and marking details would also be dealt with. The eventual result should be a series of articles which taken together vould give the Phantom modeler the information needed to build an accurate model of any major version of the Fes, The column will elso atteapt to keep up vith levelopenents in the hobby industry ty meona of news and reviews of new products. Because this column was prepared very quickly, ue will confine it to soe brief reviews of sone new kits, with deteiled rodeling articles to follow in later iasues. ww ABOVE: F-AE of 31 TFW shown here in SEA colors. Photo {ram Chantes Johnson coltection, There che a number of decats now avaitabte to do various F- modets. Hasegawa has recently reissued its 1/72 scale F-4E kit in two versions, one a West Gernan FAP, and the other a USAF F~AE, If you passed these kits’by thinking it vas just a markings change, Look again. Hasegaxa has a policy of revising and updating its older kits as the actual aircraft change, and the F-4E is the latest to benefit from this progran. The Hasegawa kit 1s now the most up to date Fd, kit on the market, sic kit, familiar to most modelers, is not The bad points, such as a very simple and spartan cockpit and closed canopies, remain. hut the kit now includes an entirely new wing molding, Featuring the leading edge slats, their associated stall fences, and the prominent combat camera, pous Found on US atrerafe. The fences and cancras are two important items omitted in the ESCI PAP. ‘The Tealeri kit gives you the fences, but not the camera: The Hasegawa kit also provides the TISHD pod for th Ning, complete with a clear piece for the lens. Other new items include a vastly improved pair of ejection seats, a centerline boab rack pylon, new inboard ving pylons with chaff dispensers molded iny and very nice Falcon missle launchers for the pylons. The pylons are designed to accomodate the Air Force style Sidewinder launchers provided in Hasegawa’ Weapon sets. Many USAF Phantoms have been fitted with the new ARN-IO1 navigation system; Hasegawa ABOVE: F-AF of the West Gorman Ain Force. Acreage etn standard west Germain camousage. Photo éxom Charles Johnson collection. provides the distinctive large flat antenna located bn the spine which is associated with this system. plank filler piece is included for aircraft not so equipped. Be careful if building an ARN-101 bird, however, as there are two additional blade antennas Tocated’on the spine which the kit does not provide. Check your rere The Luftwaffe kit includes narkings for two JG74 gircra{t, one in the standard paint schene sporting large shorkmouth, and the other in one of the new and inuual cmt lage schemes appearing on German birds. Huth versions feature extensive stencilling, and full painting instructions are provided. The USAF kit gives you markings for a S2TFW Phantom in the new Farope {paint sehewe, with all black markings Cineludin the sharkaouth), and for a 4TE¥ aircraft Sith a strange flaming sharknouth. Hasegawa has Siniticent1y improved the quality of their decals Fecent ly; amd they aire now among the best kit decals Ivailable., We highly recommend these kits. Several months ago Fujimi announced a series of 2 scale Phantoms ta cover all major conbat type: ) sort of simill seale counterpart to the Hasegawa (uartersacale series. Since the Line vas to include s WN version, Iwas overjoyed. At last a small Scale BL eagerly went through all ay old decal Shoots, teying Lo decide which markings to use Tirste, | should have saved ay energy. The kits are heres and they were not worth the excitement . This review will concern itself with the N and S versions, but most of the remarks will be applicable tothe entire line, Tt is diffieult to know where to tart, since there is much fo criticise, so perhaps ii Laleness I should give Fujimi credit for the good joints first. The kits do represent the aircraft they claim to; that is, the N is externally correct, with the flat wing section characteristic to this Variant Tt has the distinctive RHAW antenna on the Teading edge of the tail found on many B's molded in, This is certainly to allow the later B kit to use the sane fuselage molds, but most N models did not have this antenna, The § version is also basically Ok. Although the stall fence on the slatted wing is an Air Force type, much too small for a Navy bird. Many enall details are ell done, such as the intake RHAW antennas, and even the snali bumps on the upper ving Surfaces unique to Navy Phantoms. Surface detailing is of the fine recessed panel line variety, with the Brille and vent details ell represented. So much for the good stuff. The bad news begins in the cockpit, uhich aside from the seats is a total disaster area.” Fujimi made the same mistake as ESCT fand Italeri in using the cockpit floor to double as the nose gear well roof. This puts the cockpit too low inside the Fuselage, Ever yonder why the seats in these kits have those Little legs molded to their bottoms? The Legs push the seat up high enough so that the seat top protrudes above the cockpit sill line as it should, Fujimi then compounded their error by failing to correctly natch the shape and location of the cockpit assenbly with the fuselage. The whole cockpit sits too far forvard, so that the reor instrument panel sits right up against the back ‘of the pilot's seat, and the pilot's panel is lost Sonevhere up near where the radar set lives on the Teal aircraft. On top of this nothing in the cockpit, not the instrument panels, not the consoles, not even the rear bulkhead, comes even close to’ fitting lip with or matching the space inside the fuselage. There are open spaces and huge gaps any vay you look at it, The only recourse for the cockpit detail buft ts to cut off the consoles, glue the renaining piece to the nose gear well, and Start scratehbuilding. If you do this, plan to vacuform @ canopy, otherwise fall your work will be hidden inside a thick, one piece canopy molding. The basic parts breakdown is similar to the ESCI kit, except that the lover forvard fuselage piece which incorporates the nose gear vell is oddly shaped. For no apparent reason it angles up sharply at its front end where St mates vith the nose. The nose area itself looks funny, with a sharply defined step in the molding below the windscreen. Tt looks as if Fujimi originally planned a separate radone piece and then changed their minds and cast it integrally vith the fuselage. Fit of the parts is not especially good, with much putty being required on the N model. BELOW, F-48 of Marine Attack Tr IWHFAT-101), Rudder markings axe from Piceiand Aincragt Sides. ing Squadson 101 sheen. "Photo ‘As if all the forgoing were not enough, the final Andignity cones vhen you look at the price tag. The retail price of these kits is $11.58!" Given the relative differences in quality between the two kits this makes $21.00 Hasegawa quarter-scale kits look like a bargain. The store vhere I got mine started ‘out at retail, went down to $9.00, then to $7.98, and finally sold it to me at $6.50. Another locai shop Still has theirs’ at retail, and they are sitting on the shelf. Twelve dollar 1/72 scale Phantons turn people off. If it sounds like I have it in for Fujiml, forgive me. My attitude is a result of thinking vhat an opportunity Fujimi has squandered by producing kits ‘of such poor design vhen their competition 1s turning out state of the art products. Fujimi is capable of better and they've shown it in the past. What happened here is anybody's guess, but these kits fare just not up to the level of quality reached by the plastic model industry. Fujimi could have sold kits by the ton if they had given us # good kit of Such needed subjects as the FSB, ad we get a kit that looks as if their engincering departaent got tired of the project and rushed it to completions The only way I can recommend this kit is it you simply oust have a 8/N model and you don't want to convert another kit to get one, Otherwise save your mnoney. Micro-seale has rec Ly released Tour new decal sheets of interest to the Phuntom mndcler, Sheets 72-484 and 48-259 provide intake and wing walkways for Air Force Phantoms. Sheets 72-645 and 48-260 provide similar walkways“for Navy aireralt. ‘The Air Force walks are in dark geay and black solid styles, and gray and black outline type. ‘The Navy sheets contain all solid styles, in (wo shades of dark gray and black. The darker of the two gray types is for use vith the new low-visibilty paint ‘schemes. ‘The decals are sized to fit the SCI ant Italeri kits in 1/72 scale, and the ESCI and Hasegawa kits in 1/48 scale. They Will be post welcome to th Phantom modeler, as they clininite the tedious job of painting the walkways or cutting thew Crom solid color decal sheet. In the case of the Air Force Outline style they provide something simply available at all previously. Micro-scale has always had the best interests: of Phantom modelers at heart, but of tate they have greatly improved the quality of their products ai search across the board. "Instruct ion shoots in Particular have seen a radical improvement. In quality and completeness. ‘These’ new sheets can be recomended without reservations ‘That's it for now. In the coming months Look Fa detail article on building the Kavy's newest tom, the FAS. Also Larry Davis will be telling ou how to bash kits to build’ correct British Phantom. “Until then, good modeling. a Pas iew ng InRe by MARTON C. PYLES "EAA OSHKOSH, the World's Biggest Aviation font" by Mig lott and published in 1965 by Osprey Publishing Liméted and distributed by Hotor- books International, Osceola, WI 54020, Price: $13.95 1f you Like spectacutar photographs of airplanes, you'll Love this book, Written by Néget Hott and dedicated to the memory of Stephen Plexcey and CLésé Barnete, both wetl known photographers and writers that wore kitted in a freak midair crash in Haover, Germany in 1983, the book tells the story of the FAA (Experinentat Adrcragt Association) on pictures. Me, Hoel <4 Executive Factor of *Feying™ maga zine and has adéended the Oshkosh excaavagenca sence 1960.. te covers the stony of "Wings on Dleans" tn @ nose fashconabee monner, *Oskkcsh" ts. the som of many auch dheans, T've been going to this Neca Of avaction sence 7975 0 that T'mcght enjoy sone 06 my own dreams, TE 3 an expenconce that you wit? ting’ remember. Back to the book. As soon as T sav the cover, T coud atmost hear the roar of Eat Cherw's bé Stearman "General Smoke." 1 opened the bock ant heading right at me were four AT-6/S\I"s, and T COULD hear them? The story of FAA is shown through photographs 0g the Founder/President Paul Pobereznys and his 4on Tem, photos of the EAA Aca Museum and many other photographs of aircragt that have made the Oshkosh gathering wortd famous, Homebuitt airerngt are the heart of EAA and Mr. Mote introduces you to then, —WhéLe some of you F-4 Phanatic types may not be familiar with grass roots aviation Cike this, buy thés book and you Will soon become one of us. Illustrated are the Likes of the Warc-Eze, Tiotp T-16, Starduster Too, Fateo, Osprey 2, Hiperbipe, 80-5 and the Pober Pxée’ are just Some of the’ homebudcts show to wet your desire for more. Ok, don't, gorget the Wind= wagon and the Rotor Way Scorpion! Antiques and Classics, Warbirds, Ueeraciohts andthe aly present shoptanes até covered wtth photoaraphec brétCiance, The cator in this. book 4s ‘oautégue, The book” is availabe from the TAA ty wecebig KCtoran Aingéeld, Oshkosh, WT 54903-3086, U.S.A. The prcce of $73.95. tnetudes postage and handeing én the U.S. from the EAA Phantom Photo Philes Jon of SHORE TRAILS w111 feature photos of our favorite bind . If you have sone photos of the ease send then In this issue, Jerry is featuring a variety of different F-#s. We WilT be seeing some RF-4s, Cs, Ds, f5, ds and Ms. Your coments and suggestions on this colurn are welcomed. Fao 65-0614 127 TETS 184 TFTG ansas Ate Cusrd. Kansas Alr Guard | in September of 1964, Matt Geer photo. F-8C 64-0923 93 TFS 452 TRY AFRES. photographed at Shaw AFB, Urhoutés end the canopy ratis are wtiite with ron now flies D models. Norm Taylor photo. F-4C 64-0770 123 FIS 142 FIC Oregon Af the ADC paint of light arey. and the ti dark red outlined 6) ‘The name OREGON is white. eae Mecomeli AFB fn Ao lack outlines. tased at Yonestend AFB, Florida, but ings are black and white check- The squad- ‘Shot at Florennes AB in Sentenber of 1 and the 36 TF enblem on the intake. F-4E 68-402 43 TFS 21 TW, This alrcraft 1s seen here at Millian Tell 76 hel tober of that year. The aircraft carries the AAC enblen on the nd tne 43, TFS emblem on the intake. Sharknose adds spice ee they wire alter a ‘to the aircraft appearance. K. fuchanana photo. Jerry Geer photo. kings are carried and the paint schenes to cone Tater Swanberg photo. F-4C 63-7540 356 TFS 475 TH. This afreraft carried no markinos and Fog 183804 ¥F-103. Nae’part of the PACAF, Photo taken at Yokota AB, Japan in April of Tetine er the tee 1970. Jerry Geer photo. NAS Oceana in July KANSAS AIR NATIONAL McCONNELL AIR GUARD FORCE BASE unser: Acra-iz? an39 s wir USED BY 127¢h & 177¢n TFSs, 1Btth TC DESCRIPTION: MITE TWILL OVAL, MIDE RED SORDER, BLACK MERROW EDGE, BLACK, GREEN AND BROWN F=4 (FRONT VIEW}. OVER'A WAITE AND BLUE FUNNEL (TORNADO) CLOUD: JOHN W COOK 1985 - NoEER wir DESCRIPTION: 26 Tr6-104 443-778 INEHES 184th TACTICAL FIGHTER GROUP (KS ANG) ALF RED/HALE_OARK BLUE EMBROIDERED SHIELD, BLACK. CUT EDGE, YELLOW SUNFLOWER, RED, COLD AND BLACK *JAYHANES LIGAT BLE AN WHITE Sky, WHITE SCROLL, BLACK LETTERS: uma rrs-127 41/8 x 3.1/4 INcHES wn 127th TACTICAL FIGHTER SQUADRON (KS: ANG) DESCRIPTION: ROBIN ALUE EMBROIDERED DISC, BLACK. AND (OW CUT EDGE, 3 YELLOM, BLACK, BROWN AND RED “JAYHAWK” HEADS, SMITE CLOUDS, ROBIN BLUE SCROLL, YELLOW LETTERS. 90 6tH TACTICAL FIGHTER GROUP WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, DAYTON, OHIO @IOHN W COOK 1985 wer: ww: vescarPrion: 1F5-009 3.1/4 INeHEs, 89th TACTICAL FIGHTER SQUADRON (AFRES) BLACK TWILL DISC; BLACK AND ORANGE CHECKERED BORDER; BLACK CUT EDGE: GRAY, WHITE, BLACK AND RED SNORTING HIND; 2 BLACK SCROLLS; ORANGE LETTERS 176-906 3/2 x 3:2 INCHES war: 906th TACTICAL FIGHTER GROUP (AFRES) DESCRIPTION: MEDIUM BLUE TWILL SHIELD YELLOW cUT EDGES WHITE STARS; ORANGE, BLACK AND WaITE SWARLING TIGER MEAD} WHITE SCROLL; BLUE LETTERS. Nowe ‘AcFaogs 5-1/4 x 3.3/4 INCHES ust USED BY 69th TFS AND 906en TFG DESCRIPTION: ORANGE EMBROIDERED DIAMOND; BLACK AND (ORANGE CHECKERED BORDER: SLACK MERROW EDGE; BLACK F-4 (TOP VIEW) 906TH TACTICAL FIGHTER GROUP WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, DAYTON, OHIO ae Fact Sheet “United States Air Force ‘906th Tactical Fighter Group Public Affairs Office, Wright-Pamerson AFB, Ohio 45433 (AC 513) 257-7306 The 906th Tactical Fighter Group began organizing in October 1981 and officially activated 1 July 1982, The 906th is the only United States Air Force Reserve flying unit located at historic Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton. Ohio. tis the firs fying fighter unit to be based at Wright-Patterson In over nventy years Wis one of the five Air Force Reserve F-4 Phantom fighter units. The other units are located at Homestead AFB, Florida, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, Bergstrom AFB, Texas and Carswell AFB, Texas. The group is completely selfsutfcient and capable of world-wide deployment in support of any ‘mission under the Air Force's “total force policy.” The 906th is composed of the Consolidated Maintenance Squadron, Combat Support Squadron, Tactical Clinic, Weapons System Security Flight and other support elements The 89th Tactical Fighter Squadron (Buckeye Phantoms) is the only flying squadron assigned to the group. The 89th Is authorized 18 F-4D Phantom Il aircraft. These aircratt are from Kunsan AB, Korea and were previously used during the Vietnam contlict. The Fe4D is 9 two seat tactical fighter capable of speeds in excess of 1600 miles per hour Equipped with dual controls, long range air intercept radar, an inertial navigational system and Inflight refueling capability. the combat tested aircrat is versatile in performing a wide variety of ‘missions. The Phantom Il can be armed with the Vulcan 20mm Gatling gun capable of firing £6000 rounds per minute, Sparrow and Sidewinder air intercept missiles. the optically guided. maverick antiarmor missile aid a wide variety of other conventional weapons. The slrcrafi can carry up t0 14,000 pounds of bombs. The 906th TFG is essigned fo the 482nd TFW at Homestead AFB, Florida and comes under the direction of 10th AF, headquartered at Bergstrom AFB, Texas. In the event that the unit I called to active duty through a presidential order, the 906th would be trensferred to the 9th AF (Shaw AFB, South Carolina) and become a member of the Tactical Air Command. The 906th is trained, eauipped and organized 10 tight side by side with the active forces The unit has a strong base of prior active duty personnel which provides the group # wealth of experience to draw from. All of the people assigned to the unit are chilians that have completed extensive miliary training enabling them ta perform the same functions as theit active duty counterparts. The hands-on experience provided by once a month weekend training helps reservists maintain job proficiency. Many 906th members ate residents of the greater Dayton, area and devote » considerable amount of ime to Reserve activities. The 906th is authorized 103 officers, 719 enlisted and 21 non-reserve civilians. (Current as of Moy 1983) PHANTOM UNITS IN THE PHILIPPINES CLARK AIR BASE, ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES. NUMBER sP-0036s 3 5/8 x 3 5/8 INCHES aneuveRING) unit USED BY 3rd TAC FIGHTER KING (PACAF) naeeow. Eo DESCRIPTION: 33/8 x4 INCHES, TFS-090 3.3/8 x 3.1/2 Incats 3rd TACTIC SQUADRON (FACAF) 90th TACTICAL FIGHTER SQUADRON (PACAF) DESCRIPTION: LIGHT BLUE INVERTED TRIANGLE, CUT BLACK EDGE; RED, ORANGE, WHITE AN vtHicaL unto ‘cReaTURE Uh BLACK LETTERS. (HAOE IN ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ATR FORCE (@OHN W. COOK 1985 nova: RAAF-00150 45/8 x 3 3/8 INCHES wit 1 (FIGHTER) SQUADRON DESCRIPTION: BLACK FELT BACKGROUND, CUT EDGE: RED, {GOLD AND ELUE ROYAL QUEEN'S chow [AKO WREATH: GOLD LETTERS; BLACK, BROWN ‘AND WHITE FLYING KOOKABURRA BIRD, SUPER IMPOSED OVER GOLD JERUSALEM CROSS; GOLD SCROLL; BLACK LETTERS. 30 NUMBER wnt DESCRIPTION: RAAF-00659 4 5/8 x 3.3/8 IncxEs 6 (FIGHTER) sqUADRON BLACK FELT BACKGROUND, CUT EDGE; RED, ITE, GOLD'AND BLUE ROYAL QUEEN'S. CRON AND WiEATH; GOLD LETTERS; GOLD AND BLUE BOOMERANG; GOLD SCROLL; BLACK LETTERS. UVWPANESE ATR SELF DEFENSE NveeR: war DESCRIPTION: nme war, escarPrion: oP -30359 4 3-3/8 nents 303rd FIGHTER SQUADRON (JASOF) LIGIT BLUE EweRO] ERED WEAAGON, MIDE YELLOW BORDER; LIGHT BLUE MERROW EDGE; STYLIZED GREEN, TELLOM, WHITE, RED AND BLACK DOUBLE DRAGON; WITH A RED’ SNOK- FLAKE IN CENTER, BLACK LETTERS. P3024 4x3 778 INcHES 302nd FIGHTER SQUADRON (ASDF) DARK BLUE EMEROIDERED SHIELD, YELLOK vescatPtion: GUT EDGE: BLACK F-4 (TOP VIEL) OVER A YELLOW ROWAN NUMERAL "IL"; SUPERIMPOSED OVER A RED DISC (SUN); BLACK LETTERS PHANTOM DARK BLUE SCROLL, MATE LETTERS. ap-303a¢ PORTE 1/8 x 4 Ine 303rd FIGHTER SQUADRON (JASOF) LIGHT SLUE te EDGE; BLACK F IDERED SHIELD, RED cu (3/4 BOTTOM VIEW); S; SUPCRIMPUSED OVER A ‘AF -50150 50st RECONNAISS LicvT eLve ene GON; YELLOW SCROLL 3/6 1 4 INCHES ANCE. SQUADRON (ASDF) OIDERED SHIELD; YELLOW UT EDGE: OARK BLUE WORLD SLOSE; SLACK Lines; RED, ORANGE, GOLD, GREEN, WHITE XD BLACK. CARTOOM BLACK AND Wwe MAP; GOLD SCROLL; fn ROODPEEKER, HSLDING. TELESCOPE. AND ROLLED BLACK LETTERS, 1 D ©) 0! 5 00K 198: ROYAL AIR FORCE GsOHN we ar-04350 41/2 43.178 IncHES 43 (FIGHTER). SQUADRON NoocR RAF-O43FS us DeSCRIPT oH: 33/6 x 2 3/4 INCHES 43 (FrerTER) SQUADRON HITE TWILL DIAMOND, QUARTERED IT BLACK EOGE RED'F=8 (TOP Y} NuMBER RAF-07880 Y/8 X3:1/2 INCHES. wit 24 (FIGHTER) squaDRON DESCRIPTION; BLACK FELT BACKGROUND WHITE, GOLD ANO BLUE. ROYAL QUEEN'S Row AO MREATH: GOLD LETTERS; GOLD, BLACK, WHITE, AND REO SNARLING TIGER HEAD; GOLD SeRoLds BLACK LETTERS. CUT EDGE: RED, nuWecr RAF-O74FS 33/4 13 3/8 INCHES, unit, 74 (FIGHTER) SQUADRON DescRiPrion: TWILL DISC, GOLD MERROW EDGE: RED, LACK, WHITE. AND GOLD SAARLING TIGER HERD; "GOLD LETTERS. AIR wat Descazerion: Nomen wit DESCRIPTION: as 0028 Ack T¥ILL m EOGE; Wl TE, GRAY SUPERIMPOSED OVER ® HMITE F RAF-0OKC 3x3 INOS Nowet nwnoKn unt WHITE AND BLACK F-4 (TOP ViEW) SUPER- DESCRIPTION: IWPOSED OVER A RED, WHITE AND BLUE ROUNDEL; YELLOW LEFTERS "PHANTOM TI RAF-00380 91/2 x 4172 INCHES TWILL DISC, WIDE WHITE BORDER, BLUE DGEs RED, WAITE AND BLACK f-8 ED LETTERS; RED, WHITE. AND BLUE ROUNOEL AF-05656 3/2 x 3.1/2 INCHES 56 (FIGHTER) SquanRON RED TWILL DISC, INNER BLACK BORDER, RED MERROW EDGE; BLUE, BLACK AND MAITE SPOOK" SUPERIMPOSED OVER BLACK, YELLOW AND WHITE CROSSED WRENCH (SPANNER) ANC’ SCREW DRIVER; BLACK LETTERS, Military Post Card by This is a JON FRY cand featuring our Number 1 WACK. bind, an Fo4 of VF-103. Very nice card. Of all the items I collect, perhaps one of my favorites, whether military or Comerica) atrerart, 45 post cards. Over the years I have collected well over several thousand of these little pieces of history. While most of the cards in my collection are of comerical atreraft, I do have a good start on a military collection. ‘Over the last several years I have obtained sone very nice cards of ay favorite military bird, the F-4, as well as some nice WW IT atrcraft/airfields One advantage to collecting cards 1s that they are easy to find. You can find cards at flea mar- Kets, junk stores, variety stores and military post towns. IF you want to get a good start in military air post card collecting, visit the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Chto. They have over 100 cards that are Presently available and the last tine that T was there, they were selling at only 5¢ each! Friends, that is a bargin: There are a1s0 several independent card pro- duces that have published sone very nice military cards. One that cones to mind 1s John Fry Productions (P.0. Box 9464, San Diego, CA 92193) and another is, Aviation Color Photo (2218 North Junett, Tacoma, YA 58406). You will find, however, that many nice ‘cards are produced locally, in the towns were air bases are located or where located. On this page and the next, Twill feature sone of ‘the cards from my own collection, Should you have any cards that you would Ike’ to see presented tn this section of SMOKE TRAILS, please send then in. AIT such material MIT1 be returned to the owner after publication. Please send im your conments on this column. Uf enough of you indicate that you think it is a yood idea, we will make it a regular feature. This card of the "Blues" was produced by NEC see & “ce of Japan. Nise shot of the Team ix formation. ”

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