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Every story made was to lecture and educate . That's why I was impressed in this
story "turban legend" by Zamora Linmark, this doesn't just lecture ,it shows what makes
Filipino people different to others and how Filipino give importance to some things.
When I read the story , i can say it is a story where Filipino can really relate to,as I am
one I have felt that real feeling of sadness and terrified type feeling. Homesickness is so
really relatable for me because I experience it right now,but this story gives
homesickness the picture of even more sickness from being far from home.
Many Filipino's working abroad for money,and it hurts me everytime someone needed
to be parted away from their family. We all know that no one want to be separated from
their families, but in order to live we need to. One of the characteristics of the Filipino is
being patient,strong and very courageous and that's the reason i was really proud for
being Filipino. My tita that is working on abroad once said,when she was working there
are times when she wanted to go home,once there was a time where she even
experience being really sick as she got fever, only because she cannot take care of
herself anymore because of missing home.

The word home isn't where your house is but it is where your heart feels
comfortable ,now in this story the story of the engineer who died because of inserting
self in the balikbayan box for wanting to get back to his home,because home is where
we are used,I mean I think why the engineer here put his self in the box not only
because he wants to be with his family but he wants to be comfortable again like what
he used to. I think this story was interesting because it gives and holds real life
situations. What made this story popular is because this shows Filipino
characterestics ,how we are willing to do anything for our family .This story made me
idolize OFW's doings and this story is an eye opener .And made us realize how hard
being OFW'

The importance or essence of the story is that in the Filipino culture, Family are
the most important thing on earth that should always be remembered even though you
are miles away from them. The things in the balikbayan boxes that are expensive is not
only a “gift” but it represents the love of the sender to their family.  

I think the real message of the anecdote is that Filipinos will always love their
families by remembering them. Through that balikbayan boxes, it can say that love will
always prevails even though you are far away from each other.

For me, I think the author feels proud towards his fellow Filipino. In this story he
shows that we shouldn’t be ashamed of being a Filipino Citizen because he elevated
the good attitude of Filipino towards culture and family even in a small things like
remembering them through balikbayan boxes.

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