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Class:IX Date:

Subject:Information Technology Topic:ICT and It's compact


Q1. Compare a smartphone with tablet

Ans- i.Smartphone is lighter than tablet.

ii. Smartphone is smaller than tablet

iii.smartphone is more flexible than tablet

Q2. Compare tablet with a laptop

Ans- i.Tablet is lighter than laptop

ii. Tablet is smaller than laptop

iii.Laptop is more productive than tablet

Q3.How has ICT impacted our daily life?

Ans:-Our daily life chores, entertainment, connectivity, online shopping etc.

Q4. Give some examples where you see use of ICT in our lives.

Ans- Online game, Payment, shopping, media sharing, Video conference

Q5.Which ICT skills do you need at home?

Ans-i.operating modern machine

ii. Using Internet

iii. Using Social media

iv.Using connectivity software like video conference

Q6. What are the common ICT tool?

Ans- i.Computer and laptop

ii.Smartphone and laptop

iii.Radio and TV

iv. Internet and Email

Q7. How has ICT impacted our lives?

Ans- i.Decision making

ii.Data availability

iii. Reach to any corner

iv. Better presentation and connectivity

Q8. What are mobile apps? Give some examples.

Ans- A mobile app is special type of software that can work with limited resources such as limited battery,

Memory etc.

Ex- Facebook,Twitter, WhatsApp, Uber,airbnb,sbiyono etc.

Class:IX Date:

Subject:Information Technology Topic:Basics Of a computer system and a mobile

' device

Q1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer system?

Ans- option C) Apply judgements on its own in unknown/unexpected situations.

Q2. Which of the following correctly defines a computer system?

Ans- option C) Hardware+Software+Data

Q3. Unprocessed raw facts and figures are known as

Ans- option C) Data

Q4. In computer science, by information we mean

Ans- option B) processed data put in an intelligent form

Q5. What is a computer? How is it a useful device?

Ans- A computer is an electronic device that can perform variety of task according to program.
Q6.What are strength and weakness of computer system?

Ans- Strength- Speed, Accuracy, Reliability, Versatile, High storage capacity

Weakness-Lack of decision making power, Zero IQ

Q7. What do you understand by IPO cycle?

IPO stand for Input-Process-Output I.e. computer takes input ,process it and provides output.
Q8. What are the four basic components of a computer system?

Ans- Input unit, output unit, CPU, internal memory.

Q9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a mobile system?

Ans- option B) Unlimited power availability

Q10. What all types of functionality does a mobile system combine?

Ans- Audio& Video, OS, APP,Keyboard, Messaging features, Camera, Internet access

Q11. What common functionality is available in smart mobile device?

I) Mobile Battery

II) Cellular telephony

III) Interactivity with ease

IV) Connectivity Options


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