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Earl Marcial C Caingcoy Nov.

16, 2021
2 – BMSEE Prof. Edgardo Villasenor

Position paper: The Functions and Importance of Health

and Guidance Services in School
When we hear the word back to normal we always think of something that the
government are preparing of, we also think about having a new normal regarding
about the school. This is where the school became one of the goals to rejoin or to
open, after a long run of pandemic in our country. The health and guidance services
are the two important thing that need to improve and focus on because the life of the
students, faculty, and staffs are those being weighed in this back to normal schooling.
So, as a new normal approaching there are many challenges that need to be consider,
especially if it is about the health and guidance of everyone that will be doing the pilot
run of the opening of the classes. But, why did the function and importance of health
and guidance services in school must be the first to focus and pointed out, in between
or anything else? We all know that the main goal before is to have a quality education
for everyone but we should also consider the health and guidance of everyone as it is
the main source of producing an adequate education of the students.
Currently, the mainstream education causes some problems for the students, as
mostly did not access the education we have right now. There are many things that
need to focus on like how this pandemic can be solved. Preventing the rate of the
cases of the virus, focuses on other functions and importance of staying at home
rather than preparing to go in the school, that might cause some problems. However,
we are now going to back in a new normal set-up wherein, different guidelines must
need to follow. Before anything else, elaborating the functions and importance of
health and guidance services in school must be present. This is the most important to
tackle on, in this coming back to new normal school, the health and guidance need of
the students in the school that will provide a proper care for everyone. Meaningfully,
according to the blog of Alliant International University (2021), Why is Counseling
Important in Schools? said that“counseling can be very important in many schools it
can help provide important information and perspective to students who might not be
able to get it otherwise”. As stated from the blog it is so important to have a good
guidance counseling in the student, as we are now in almost a new normal most
students need a proper counseling especially if it is about mental health. Health and
guidance services have a big role and functions in school as they are the way to help
the students when experiencing a turning points. Another is that according to the
article of Williams (2021), entitled Back to School amidst the New Normal: Ongoing
Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Children’s Health and Well-Being, that
children’s mental health and mental service utilization has worsened since the start of
the pandemic. The article shows how pandemic really affect the student’s health, and
the health and guidance counseling will be the best answer to help the students cope
up in this challenges. Possible way to lessen this problem in a new normal is by
understanding that the health and guidance services is important in any aspects of life
of the students especially in the school. That in this department it must get the proper
support from the upper department. It is the first that need to pointed out aside from
everything else, as it’s promote a good and quality care and guidance in this back to
normal thing.
Therefore, the Function and Importance of Health and Guidance Services in
School is a must to support on between anything else, as the students, faculty, and
staffs are in need to have a good and secure health in this back to normal guidelines.
Students health is important because this will help to function well and secure an
adequate learning. The goal of the school is to have an exemplary learning for
everyone and to gain this, by maintaining a pleasant environment that will also help a
good counseling. Higher department must always support the guidance counseling
that will later improve the community. The functions of the pointed topic is still the
most to consider by everyone at all cost.

Alliant International University (2021). Why is Counseling Important in School?
[Blog post]. Retrieved from

Williams, Elizabeth. Back to School amidst the New Normal. Ongoing Effects of the
Coronavirus Pandemic on Children’s Health and Well-Being. 13 August 2021,
Accessed 27 November 2021.

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