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Grade 3 English Structure Final Exam Review

Class: __________ Number:_________________ Name:__________________

✐Unit 4 Lesson 1 What Are Adjectives?

➙An adjective is a word that tells about a noun.

➙Some adjectives tell what kind.

ex. They wore heavy clothes. (Adjective: heavy tells about the noun: clothes)

(What kind of clothes?)

☞Practice.(Write the adjective and the noun it tells)

1. They traveled across high mountains.

(adjective: ________________) tells about (noun: ________________)

2. Icy winds blew all the time.

(adjective: ________________) tells about (noun: ________________)

✐Unit 4 Lesson 2 More Adjectives

➙An adjective is a word that tells about a noun.

➙Some adjectives tell how many.

ex. a, an, some, many, few, several, (numbers)

✮Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,

twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty,

thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand, million

ex. A few children cheered and clapped.

(Adjective: few tells about the noun: children)

☞Practice. (Circle the adjectives that tell about how many)

1. I wonder if many people know about this short cut?

2. We ordered for two cups of coffee.

✐Unit 4 Lesson 3 Using a, an, and the

➙A, an, and the are special adjectives called articles.

➙Use a before words that begin with a consonant sound.

I wear a jacket.

➙Use an before words that begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) sound.

I wear an orange jacket.

➙Use the before plural words.

It’s time to eat the apples.

☞Practice. (Circle the correct article.)

Vera wears ( a , an ) dress today. There is ( a , an ) ice-cream cone on her dress.

She is looking for ( a, the ) books in the library.

✐Unit 4 Lesson 4 Comparing with Adjectives

➙Add –er to most adjectives to compare two people, places, or things.

⋇Taipei has a cold winter. Tokyo has a colder winter than Taipei.

◎ Usually “than” in a comparative sentence

➙Add –est to most adjectives to compare two people, places, or things.

⋇Taipei has a cold winter. Tokyo has a colder winter than Taipei.

London has the coldest winter of the three.

◎ Usually “the” before the superlative adjective word

★Pay more attention to the rules of –er and –est, read the comparative and

superlative adjective worksheet again.

♪We usually add –er and –est to one-syllable words to make comparatives and

superlatives: old→older→oldest

♪If an adjective ends in –e, we add –r or –st: large→larger→largest

♪If an adjective ends in a vowel and a consonant, we double the consonant:

♪If an adjective ends in a consonant and –y, we change –y to –i and add –er

or –est: happy→happier→happiest

♪We use more and most to make comparatives and superlatives for most two

syllable adjectives and for all adjectives with three or more syllables:

interesting→more interesting→most interesting

♪Irregular comparatives and superlatives

❤good→better→best ❤bad→worse→worst ❤many→more→most

☞Practice. (Fill in with the correct form of adjective.)

1. Taking the bus is ______________(cheap) than taking the car.

2. It’s the _______________(short) route to the stadium.

✐Unit 6 Lesson 1 Subject Pronouns

➙A pronoun is a word that can take the place of one or more nouns.

➙The pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, and they are called subject pronouns.

➙Singular subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it

➙Plural subject pronouns: we, you, they

❤a male person (ex. my uncle, Mr. Guo, Andrew)→he

❤a female person (ex. my aunt, Ms. Lin, Mrs. Chang, Ann)→she

❤a thing, an animal, or a place (ex. the house, the kangaroo, Paris)→it

❤noun and I (ex. my friend and I)→we

❤you and noun (ex. you and Nina)→you

❤noun and noun, plural noun (ex. Abby and Nick, the boats)→they


(Write the subject pronoun that can take the place of the underlined words.)

1. The Beatons go camping every year. ( )

2. Cathy and I like to read stories. ( )

3. Mr. Fitch ate three hamburgers for lunch. ( )

4. Are you and Betty in the same class? ( )

5. Winchester was the first and former capital city of England. ( )

✐Unit 6 Lesson 2 Object Pronouns

➙Pronouns that follow action verbs and words like to, for, at, of, and with are

called object pronouns.

Singular object pronouns Plural object pronouns

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

I me we us

you you you you

he him they them

she her

it it

➙ex. Mom and Dad took Rico and me on a trip.

Mom and Dad took us on a trip.


(Write the object pronoun that can take the place of the underlined words.)

1. Dad asked Uncle Jo for direction. ( )

2. We went to the museum last weekend. ( )

3. Gina gave my sister a book. ( )

4. Are you going with Zoey and me? ( )

5. We met our cousins there. ( )

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