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Paul Zia
Professor and Associate Head
of Civil Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina

W. Denis McGee
Assistant Professor of
Civil Engineering
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington

Design provisions for torsion in reinforced concrete

members have been developed and included in the ACI
318-71 Building Code. These provisions are not
applicable to prestressed concrete.
Based on a thorough review of available research data
on torsion in prestressed concrete, this paper proposes
an extension of the ACI design procedures to cover
torsion in prestressed concrete. The basic approach
consists of determining the concrete contribution to the
ultimate strength of a member and then proportioning
reinforcement for the remaining portion of the
required ultimate strength.
Formulas for the nominal torsional stress and the basic
equation for torsional strength of reinforced members
are presented, and followed by a discussion of the
torsion-shear interaction relation, taking into account
the effect of the prestressing force. The requirements for
both web and longitudinal reinforcements for torsion
are explained.
The proposed procedures are illustrated by a design
example of a precast prestressed L-girder in a roof
framing subjected to combined torsion, bending, and
shear. It is believed that the proposed procedure is
reasonably conservative and future refinements and
simplifications are possible when more complete
research data become available.

The problem of torsion in concrete
structures has received considerable at-
tention of design engineers in recent
years. In 1971, the ACI Budding Code
(ACI 318-71) 1 included for the first
time explicit requirements of torsion de-
sign for reinforced concrete developed
on the basis of substantial research da-
ta. However, the code provisions are
not applicable to prestressed concrete
members, for which research has been
in progress but design criteria have yet
to be developed.
This paper presents a proposed de-
sign procedure for torsion in prestressed
concrete, based on a thorough analysis Paul Zia
of 394 test results available in the liter-
ature. 2 The proposal is in close parallel
with the ACI Code procedure for rein-
forced concrete.
The basic approach consists of deter-
mining the concrete contribution to the
ultimate strength of a member and then
proportioning reinforcement for the re-
maining portion of the required ulti-
mate strength. It is believed that the
proposed procedure is reasonably con-
servative and future refinements and
simplifications are possible when more
complete research data become avail-
In developing the proposed proce-
dure, the authors have benefited from W. Denis McGee
helpful discussions with several mem-
bers of the ACI Committee 438 on Tor-
sion. However, this proposal should not
be regarded as a committee-endorsed
torsional stress of a rectangular section
In the following discussion, the usual can be expressed by:
capacity reduction factor 0 is not in-
cluded for the sake of convenience. T.
Tu— m, 2y (1)

e where
TORSIONAL SHEAR STRESS x = shorter side of rectangular sec-
y = longer side of rectangular sec-
Rectangular section
A prestressed concrete member with- a = torsion coefficient
out web reinforcement fails, under tor- It will be recalled that Eq. (1) is of
sion, in the form of skew bending. The the basic form for either the elastic the-

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 47


05 1 coeff.
k i

6 0.45

00.40 ^• ._
o !:

0 035 ; j' _ ,-AC I of 1/3

° 030 ; 0.75+x/y

0.25 coeff.

0.20 position
of ave.f

1 2 3 4 5
aspect ratio y/x
Fig. 1. Variation of torsion coefficients with aspect ratio.

ory, the plastic theory or the skew where

bending theory of torsion. The coeffi- f,. = modulus of rupture
cient a varies from 0.208 to 1/3 in the a- = average prestress on section
elastic theory and from 1/a to 1/a in the The factor (0.85 f,.) is nearly equal to
plastic theory. For simplicity, the ACI the tensile strength of concrete f,' and
Code adopted a value of 1/3 in accor- may be taken as 6Vf j . Hence, corn-
dance with the skew bending theory. 3 bining Eqs. (1) and (2):
Hsu4 has shown that the torsional
capacity of a prestressed section with- Tu = 6Vf^ ^1 + 10 a-/f0 — IXx2y
out reinforcement, or the cracking
torque of a prestressed section with re- or
inforcement is reached when: _ _ 3
Tu = (0.85 fr) 10 a- /f0' (2) x2y 6 Vfc lrl + 10 a-/f0 ( )

Using the test results of 218 concen- tribution of the concrete to the ultimate
trically or eccentrically prestressed rec- torsional strength is a much larger por-
tangular beams, the value of a has been tion of the cracking strength for pre-
computed for each beam by Eq. (3) stressed members than for non-pre-
and these values are plotted against the stressed members, it is prudent and es-
aspect ratio y/x in Fig. 1. Also plotted sential that the nominal torsional stress
for comparison in Fig. 1 are the curves be evaluated more accurately. There-
for the elastic and plastic torsion coeffi- fore, it is proposed that the coefficient
cients as well as the value currently a in Eq. (1) be taken as:
specified by the ACI Code. 0.35
It can be seen that for sections of low « = 0.75 + x/ y (4)
aspect ratio, the ACI 318-71 value of which represents a reasonably conserva-
1/. could be quite unconservative. tive lower bound to the experimental
Since, as will be shown later, the con- data.

Table 1. Comparison of experimental cracking torque of prestressed flanged sec-

tions with Eq. (5).

Inves- Beam E(ax2y)

Tex Tth* Tex
tigator No. (in.3) (in.-k) (in.-k) Tth

Wyss, et. al. Al 294 253 234 1.08

(I-beams)ḏ(5) A2 294 256 234 1.10
A3 294 300 233 1.29
A4 294 316 233 1.35
A5 294 329 233 1.42
A6 294 313 233 1.35
B1 294 203 185 1.10
B2 294 216 185 1.17
B3 294 222 188 1.19
B4 294 222 188 1.19
B5 294 209 188 1.12
B6 294 200 188 1.06
Ziaḏ (6) 0.25T1 52.9ḏ
(41.5)** 51.12 40.3 (31.6)** 1.27 (1.62)**
(T-beams) 0.25T2 52.9ḏ
(41.5) 51.98 40.3 (31.6) 1.29ḏ(1.64)
2.25T1 52.9ḏ
(41.5) 35.20 39.9ḏ(31.3) 0.89ḏ (1.13)
2.25T2 52.9ḏ
(41.5) 32.92 39.9ḏ(31.3) 0.83ḏ (1.06)
2.75T1 52.9ḏ
(41.5) 33.96 39.8 (31.2) 0.88 (1.12)
2.75T2 52.9ḏ
(41.5) 33.16 39.9ḏ(31.3) 0.83 (1.06)
Zia (6) 0.75I1 57.1 (49.4) 28.0 39.4 (34.1) 0.71 (0.82)
(I-beams) 0.75I2 57.1 (49.4) 35.0 39.4 (34.1) 0.89ḏ (1.03)
3.I1 57.1 (49.4) 30.0 39.7 (34.4) 0.75ḏ (0.87)
3.I2 57.1 (49.4) 33.0 39.7ḏ(34.4) 0.83 (0.96)
3.5I1 57.1 (49.4) 48.5 41.2ḏ(35.6) 1.18 (1.36)
3.512 57.1 (49.4) 46.0 41.2ḏ(35.6) 1.11 (1.29)

*Computed from Equation (5).

**Neglecting outstanding flanges.
+Cracking torques for these members were not available; T was
taken as the elastic limit, which is less than the actuaTTX
cracking load.

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 49

Table 2. Comparison of experimental cracking torque of prestressed box sections
with theory.

Beam x, y Equiv. T T * Tex

Investigator Core square 4h/x ex th
No. (in.) core (in. -k) (in.-k) Tth

T 9 5" x 5" 5" x 5" 0.89 127.2 113.9 1.12

Johnston H-0-0-1 12 8.5" 7.5" x 7.5" 0.75 120 99.5 1.21

and Zia (9)
H-0-3-1 12 8.5" 7.5" x 7.5" 0.75 120 73.7 1.63

H-0-6-1 12 8:5"c 7.5" x 7.5" 0.75 115 73.7 1.56

*Computed from Equation (1) multiplied by 4h/x.

Flanged section Box section

For a flanged section, the same as- Based on test results, ACI 318-71
sumption implied by ACI 318-71 will specifies that for reinforced concrete
be used. That is, the torsional strength box sections with a wall thickness h not
of a flanged section can be expressed as less than x/4, where x is the overall
the sum of the strengths of the individ- width of the box section, the torsional
ual components. Hence: strength of the box section may be
taken as that of a comparable solid rec-
Tu =^ 2y ^ Jr) tangular section with the same overall
Eq. (5) is identical to the ACI 318-
71 Eq. (11-16) except for the modifi- If the wall thickness h is less than
cation of torsional coefficient a as ex- x/4 but greater than x/10, the torsion-
pressed by Eq. (4). The section may al strength of the box section is reduced
be divided into component rectangles and the strength reduction is accounted
such that the quantity l.ax2y would be for by a reduction factor 4h /x multi-
a maximum. plied to the denominator on the right-
Comparison of Eq. (5) with test re- hand side of Eq. (1).
sults reported in the literature indicates This design approach seems also ap-
that the method is reasonably safe as plicable to prestressed concrete box sec-
shown in Table 1. However, it should tions. Although only four tests of pre-
be cautioned that only two investiga- stressed concrete box sections under
tions5 ' 6 have been reported, consisting. pure torsion have been reported in the
of 24 test specimens, all being some- literature that can be used for compari-
what stocky in cross section. The mar- son, application of the ACI design rule
gin of safety seems to reduce as the for these test results indicates a consid-
cross section becomes more stocky such erable margin of safety in all cases as
as the specimens tested by Zia. For shown in Table 2.
such disproportionate sections, it would For box sections with a very thin
seem logical to disregard the small out- wall, h approaching x/10, caution
standing flanges. should be exercised against possible

wall buckling or crushing, particularly (see Fig. 2). The effect of prestress is
when high prestress is applied. to increase the contribution of the con-
crete to the ultimate torsional strength,
while the contribution of the reinforce-
BASIC EQUATION FOR ment remains unchanged.
TORSIONAL STRENGTH Referring to Fig. 3, it can be seen
that for non-prestressed beams the con-
The basic equation for torsional tribution by concrete To is only a por-
strength has been developed from the tion of the torsional strength Tu5 of a
test results of prestressed beams under corresponding plain concrete section.
pure torsion. Tests conducted by Hsu7 Likewise, for prestressed beams, the
show that the ultimate torsional contribution by concrete To is also a
strength can be expressed as the sum of portion, but a greater portion, of the
the strength contributed by the con- torsional strength of a corresponding
crete and the strength contributed by prestressed concrete section without
the web reinforcement, for both pre- web reinforcement. Accordingly, the ba-
stressed and non-prestressed beams sic strength equation for prestressed


0 ^^j


6\/``' o prestressed
o nonprestressed

00 100 200 300 400 500

x^ yI As fsy /s (ink)

Fig. 2. Tests on prestressed and nonprestressed reinforced concrete beams (after


PCI Journal/March-April 1974 51

Tu ^a that of the web reinforcement, then the

parameter m should be replaced by
t^^Jn mfj /f3i, in which f ly is the yield
strength of the longitudinal reinforce-
ment. Hsu has recommended that:
0.7 mfl5 /f8 1.5 (7)

yl/xl 2.6 (8)
In Fig. 3, the cracking (or ultimate)
lb 0 torque of a plain concrete member can
be obtained by substituting 6Vf,,' for
Tu in Eq. (1). Thus:

°i T., = ( ax2y)6 V/ff (9)
^ Amin. reinf. The ordinate T° has been deter-
mined by Hsu experimentally as:

T0 =0.4(3xZy)6V
x i y1 A s fsy /s
= 0.133(x2y)6Vf0'
Fig. 3. Relation between ultimate Hence:
torque for prestressed and non pre- To =T,,, /1 +10a-,/f 0' — (T„ P — To)
stressed reinforced, rectangular beams = Tu5 [V I + 10 a-/f,, -
(after Hsu). (1 — T0/T)]
_ (ax2y)6 Vi (V 1 + 10 o-/f0' — k)
k=1—T0/T,,5= 1-0.133/a (11)
Thus, by combining Eqs. (6) and
beams can be expressed as: (10), the basic strength equation be-
1 y 1 A cf8y (6)
T u = To + H x
s 1',, = ( a x`y)6 Nlf (V 1 + 10 a-/f,,' — k) +
and 1 y 1 A tf3v (12)
fl = 0.66 m + 0.33 y1/x1 s
where Likewise, for a box section:
To = strength contributed by con- T,, = [(ax2y)6 Vf0' X
xl = shorter leg of a closed stirrup
(V1 +10a-/f0 - k) +
yl = long leg of a closed stirrup
At = cross-sectional area of one leg cX SYSAtfSY]
of a stirrup (13)
f8y = yield strength of stirrup
and, for a flanged section:
s = spacing of stirrup
m = volume ratio of longitudinal 1 ',, = ( ax2 y)6 Vf x
reinforcement to web rein- (Vi + 10a-/f^ - k) +
forcement 1 y1Atf8 v (14)
If the yield strength of the longi- s
tudinal reinforcement is different from in which the value of k is determined

Table 3. Comparison of experimental ultimate torque of concentrically prestressed
rectangular beams with Eq. (12).

Inves- Seam Inves- Beam T,

Tex Tth* Tex Tth* Teic
tigator No. (in.-k) (in.-k) Tth tigator No. (in.-k) (in.-k) Tth

Mukherjee and
Chandler, C1 59.32 54.67 1.09 106 140.8 97.05 1.45
Warwaruk (12) 206 146.4 121.24
et. a1. 03 79.00 62.07 1.27
C5 75.60 66.94 1.23
(10) C9 85.10 72.47 1.17
94.50 78.86 1.20 Okada, et. al. RbIII-1I 47.0 25.05 1.88
106.40 (13) RbIII-21 47.6 25.05 1.90
C15 85.64 1.24
C7 54.77 58.68 0.93
C13 59.10 49.18 1.20
41.08 42.54 0.97 Superfeskyḏ
(14) SP17 213.0 141.19 1.51
C19 51.60 62.00 0.83 SP18 246.0 229.24 1.07
SP1261 164.90 173.74 0.95 SP19 245.0 188.70 1.30
SP1262 134.65 130.15 1.03 SP20 215.0 169.94 1.27
SP1269 151.15 155.25 0.97 4S1 63.5 35.63 1.78.
SP1270 129.90 112.80 1.15 452 77.5 58.68 1.32
SP1241 82.90 67.71 1.22 453 92.7 61.50 1.51
SP1242 81.40 67.71 1.20 4S4 83.1 63.78 1.30
SPC1243 70.95 58.51 1.21 455 95.8 68.91 1.39
SPC1245 103.00 84.67 1.22 4S6 72.0 42.30 1.70
SP1247 93.70 77.99 1.20 457 80.6 65.75 1.23
SPC941 52.20 46.05 1.13 4S8 88.3 67.85 1.30
SP1263 175.15 172.89 1.01 4S9 99.4 71.14 1.40'
SP1264 136.15 129.31 1.05 4S10 101.3 75.80 1.34
SP1271 162.40 155.39 1.05 4511 49.0 40.00 1.23
SP1272 121.15 112.94 1.07 4S12 88.7 63.90 1.39'
SPI 152.15 118.55 1.28 4S13 90.7 66.02 1.37
SPII 142.65 118.58 1.20 4S14 89.8 68.64 1.31.
SP1267 169.25 170.91 0.99 4515 94.7 72.82 1.30
(6) ORW1 50.64 40.25 1.26
0RW2 57.44 40.25 1.43
Mukherjee SP1 190.8 129.79 1.47
Kempḏ (11) SP2 171.0 122.79 1.39
SP3 233.8 204.82 1.14 GangaRao 1-0 79.86 81.76 0.98
SP4 198.6 164.45 1.21 and Zia (15) 2-0 111.68 89.50 1.25
SP5 200.8 153.85 1.31 2-C 136.20 89.07 1.53
SP6 153.0 122.99 1.24 3-0 104.70 104.29 1.00
SP7 156.0 110.51 1.41 4-0 120.00 102.38 1.17
SP8 186.0 190.83 0.97
SP9 185.0 155.62 1.19 Hsu (7) P1 382 318.76 1.20
SP10 178.0 143.42 1.24
SP11 207.0 163.39 1.27 P2 440 384.67 1.14
SP12 205.0 153.93 1.33 P3 500 468.25 1.07
SP13 232.0 243.96 0.95 P4 534 563.47 0.95
SP14 232.0 200.34 1.16 P5 424 349.29 1.21
SP15 203.0 184.46 1.10 P6 496 414.17 1.20
P7 530 504.05 1.05
P8 546 687.99 0.79
Jacobsen(16) 306 177.9 122.09 1.46
*Computed from Equation (12)

on the basis of the largest component TORSION-SHEAR INTERACTION

rectangle where the web reinforcement
is usually placed. Tests2 have shown that the interac-
By comparison with available test re- tions between torsion and shear for pre-
sults, it has been shown that, with only stressed beams without web reinforce-
a few exceptions, the above three equa- ment can be adequately represented by
tions are reasonably and consistently on a circular curve. By following the same
the safe side (see Tables 3 through 5).2 development adopted by ACI 318-71,
It would appear, therefore, that these it can be shown that the permissible
equations are acceptable as the basis of shear stress for torsion and shear are,
design. respectively:

PCI Journal/Marcia-April 1974 53

Table 4. Comparison of experimental ultimate torque of eccentrically prestressed
rectangular beams with Eq. (12).

Ines- Beam T Tḏ * T
ex th ex
tigator No. (in.-k) (in.-k) Tth

Chandler, et. E2 52.82 54.90 0.96

al.ḏ (10) E4 64.70 62.94 1.03
E6 70.20 66.94 1.05
E10 79.70 72.47 1.10
E12 92.20 78.86 1.17
E16 107.82 85.64 1.26
E8 50.44 58.68 0.86
E14 61.90 49.18 1.26
E18 41.35 42.54 0.97
E20 53.10 62.00 0.87
SPE1244 66.70 58.51 1.14
SPE1246 97.00 84.67 1.15
SPE942 44.70 46.05 0.97

Ganga Rao (15) 5-0 106.80 109.30 0.98

and Zia 6-0 119.50 107.96 1.11

(16) 326 154.2 143.50 1.07

Mukherjee and 126 147.5 99.50 1.48

Warwaruk (12) 226 152.3 121.23 1.26

Ziaḏ 2RW1 48.44 40.33 1.20
2RW2 52.24 40.09 1.30
2.5RW1 53.44 39.81 1.34
2.5RW2 52.44 39.81 1.32

McGee and W2e-4.5-LL 105 63.99 1.64

Ziaḏ (2)

Woodhead and I1-1 105 70.89 1.48

McMullenḏ (17) 111-4 125 87.50 1.43

*Computed from Equation (12).

6 1 k)
To _ where
TC _
1 + (^ v5 1 2(15)
2 T0' = ^/f' (^/ + 10 a-/f0'
-/f0'- (17)
L v; = lesser of vj and v defined
h+ T
by ACI Eqs. (11-11) and 11-12), re-

V a=
v 0'
(,a r, )2 (16)
Q- 2 (Tc, 1 (18)
1+ Uu J
It is noted that r6' and v 0 ' in Eqs. taking into account the torsion-shear
(15) and (16) are the permissible shear interaction, we have:
stresses for torsion and flexural shear, SZxiyiAtfB„
respectively, if torsion or shear is act- T. = Y-ax 2 yr 0 +
ing alone. The factor in the denomi- _ Y.ax2y-r^
nator of these equations accounts for
Transposing terms:
the interaction between torsion and
shear. For a discussion of Eq. (18), see SLx1 y1 Aa f sy
'x2y(?u -r0)=
Reference 2. S

WEB REINFORCEMENT At_ (ru-Tc)s laxly
FOR TORSION 12xiyif"
in which, for simplicity, the coefficient
Recasting the basic equation for tor- fZ may be taken as:
sional strength discussed above and 11= 0.66 + 0.33 y1/x1

Table 5. Comparison of experimental ultimate torque of flanged and box sections

with Eq. (14) and Eq. (13), respectively.

Inves- Beam T th
ex Tex
tigator No. (in. -k) (in. -k) Tth

Wyss,ḏ al.
et.ḏ A2 318.0 194.65 1.63
(5) A3 391.0 223.4 1.75
A4 430.0 255.9 1.68
A5 477.0 313.7 1.52
A6 493.0 385.9 1.28
B2 219.0 137.2 1.60
B3 296.0 163.4 1.81
B4 320.0 195.3 1.64
B5 544.0 252.9 2.15
B6 582.0 325.3 1.79

Zia (6) 0.25TW1 50.20 34.42 1.46

(T-beams) 0.25TW2 54.44 34.42 1.58
2.25TW1 41.00 33.79 1.21
2.25TW2 46.70 33.79 1.38
2.75TW1 46.84 33.59 1.40
2.75TW2 50.56 33.59 1.51

0.75IW1 54.00 31.13 1.74

Zia (6) 1.61
0.751W2 50.20 31.13
(I-beams) 1.94
3IW1 59.72 30.77
3IW2 57.76 30.69 1.88
3.5IW1 59.00 30.58 1.93
3.5IW2 62.10 30.58 2.00

Johnston H-0-3-1 210 109 1.93

and Zia (9) H-0-6-1 176 74 2.38

*Computed from Equation (14) or Equation (13).

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 55

Thus, the web reinforcement is re-
T(max) = 2yC /f,' 1/1 + 10 v/f
quired for the torsional shear stress in (20)
excess of that carried by the concrete. in which C is an unknown coefficient
The web reinforcement for torsion must yet to be determined. It is assumed
be in the form of closed stirrups and it that C is a function of a-/f0'.
should be added to the web reinforce-
ment for flexural shear. Note that the For the extreme case of o-/f,' = 0,
latter could be open stirrups. i.e., reinforced concrete members with-
out prestress, ACI 318-71 specifies 12
Vf^ as the limiting stress. Thus:

MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM T.(ma,) = 3 x2iy 12 Vfc = O x2y C Vfc

To avoid brittle failure, a minimum For a typical cross section with an
amount of web reinforcement must be aspect ratio of two:
provided to resist both torsion and _ 0.35 0.35 _
shear. A series of tests 2 with prestressed a- 0.75-1-0.5 1.25-0.28
rectangular beams, containing a mini- and
mum amount of web reinforcement as C = 4/0.28 --x= 14
specified by ACI 318-71 for shear, have
shown that the post-cracking ductility Hence, in Eq. (20), the coefficient C
of the beams was insufficient under can be taken as 14 for o-/f0' = 0.
high ratios of torsion and shear. In view For members subjected to high val-
of the sudden and explosive nature of ues of a-/f0', Zia° has shown that a
the torsional failure, and the lack of transition from tension failure to com-
sufficient research data, it is suggested pression failure would take place at
that a beam should be reinforced for no a-/f0' 0.6. Since the tensile strength
less than its cracking torque. of the concrete can be taken as 6V f 0' ,
At the other extreme, considerations it is then reasonable to limit the maxi-
should be given to the possible danger mum nominal torsional stress as 6Vf0'
of over-reinforcing a member such that
for a-/f0' = 0.6. Assuming a linear func-
a compressive failure of the concrete
tion of a-/f0' between these two limit-
might occur before the reinforcement ing values for C, one obtains:
yields. To avoid this type of failure, an C = 14 — 13.33 (o-/f 0')Ɂ (21)
upper limit of web reinforcement
should be established by specifying a In Fig. 4, test results are compared
maximum permissible nominal torsional with Eq. (21) and it is noted that, with
stress. If the design stress exceeds this a few exceptions, all the data represent-
limit, then a larger beam section would ing tension failure fall below the curve
have to be used. of Eq. (21) and the data for those
Since the prestressing force exerts a beams retorted to have failed in com-
compressive load on a member before pression fall above the curve. It would
it is subjected to torque, it seems logical seem that the coefficient C as repre-
that the upper limit on the nominal tor- sented by Eq. (21) is a very reasonable
sional stress should be a function of the value to be used as the upper limit of
prestress ratio o- /f'0. Based on this rea- the nominal shear stress for both rec-
soning, it will be assumed that the max- tangular and flanged sections.
imum torque a rectangular section can Eq. (20) can be extended to the case
carry is: of combined torsion and shear, again

tens. comp.
fail. fail.
20 Rect. section
conc. p/s o 0
eccen. p/s •
18 Flanged sec. 0 0


C °
12 °^: o
0 °
0 (9 ° •g o°o o0

W 0 ° s ^o

8 • o 0 0
ep • •

G ° C =14 -13.33 a-/f'

0 0.2 0.4 0.6
0 / fc

Fig. 4. Comparison of Eq. (21) with tests results for upper limit of nominal torsion

based on the circular interaction rela- where

tion. Thus:
C'= C1/1+10a-/fo
^'u(mam) = 2 (22) C = 14 — 13.33
\ 1O
1 + [( c Tull
\ 10/1/`f' /J The term 10 f^ in Eq. (23) is based
on the ACI Code upper limit for flex-
)"(max) = (23) ural shear stress and is obtained by tak-
1 + g a = V in Section 11.6.4 of ACI

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 57

cracking and stiffness at service load,
LONGITUDINAL TORSION the maximum yield strength of rein-
REINFORCEMENT forcement should be limited to 60,000
psi and the maximum spacing of stir-
To resist the longitudinal component rups should not exceed (x l + yl)/4
of the diagonal tension induced by tor- nor 12 in. If required, longitudinal tor-
sion, longitudinal reinforcement must sion reinforcement of not less than a
be provided in addition to that re- No. 3 bar should be distributed around
quired by flexure. This longitudinal re- the stirrup at no more than 12 in. apart.
inforcement should be approximately of In any event, at least one No. 3 bar
equal volume as that of stirrups for should be placed at each corner of the
torsion in order that both will yield at stirrup.
failure, i.e., m f l5 / f sy = 1. Therefore: For reinforced concrete members,
ACI 318-71 permits the torsional effect
(xi + yi) fsv (24)
A1 l = S to be neglected if the torsional shear
stress is less than 25 percent of the
A l is the total area of longitudinal cracking stress. This same requirement
torsion reinforcement and must be dis- would seem justified for prestressed
tributed around the inside perimeter of beams. That is to say, the torsional ef-
the closed stirrups. fect may be neglected in design if the
The question of whether the pre- torsional stress r,,, is less than:
stressing steel can be considered as a
part of longitudinal torsion reinforce- 1 .5\/fo' V1+10cr /f0'
ment should be considered. The pre-
stressing steel is provided primarily for
resisting flexure and often is not effec- SUMMARY OF PROPOSED
tively distributed around the perimeter DESIGN PROCEDURE
of the closed stirrups.
Tests2 have shown that without addi- The design procedure proposed here-
tional longitudinal reinforcement of in may be summarized as follows:
mild steel, prestressed beams would fail 1. Determine the nominal torsional
abruptly under high torsion. In light of stress according to Eq. (5). The stress
this observation, it is recommended that Tu should not exceed that specified in
until more research data become avail- Eq. (22).
able, only the prestressing steel in ex- 2. If T < 1.5 Alf' Vi + 10 cr/f0' ,
cess of that required for flexure and lo- torsion may be neglected.
cated around the perimeter of closed 3. If T,.> T. according to Eq. (15),
stirrups should be considered as a part determine the required web reinforce-
of the longitudinal torsion steel, having ment from Eq. (19). Check the mini-
an equivalent area of: mum web reinforcement requirement.
4. Determine the required longitudi-
A (mild)eq — Ap s(eff) fys(off)!!l1/ nal torsion reinforcement according to
in which APS(eff) is the excess area of Eq. (24). Check the minimum require-
prestressing steel and f,, ( ,ff) is the ef- ment.
fective stress in prestressing steel.

To illustrate the above design proce-
To ensure the development of ulti- dure, let us consider the design of tor-
mate torsional strength and to control sional reinforcement in a prestressed

Inverted tee ledger girder

c^ I a I I I _- Precast conc.
1 p r 8 wide dbl. tee roof columns (typ.)
i M

0 d -
O '"
0 (Columns support
M floor below -
r L"- girder - (spandrel) industrial loading

30'-0° 30'-0° I 30'-0° 30'-0° 30'-0°

O @
Fig. 5. Partial plan of precast concrete roof.

concrete L-girder in a roof framing sim- grade) are required for the L-girder
ilar to that given in the PCA Design with the eccentricity of prestress at
Notes18 as shown in Fig. 5. The design midspan being 7.3 in. and that at the
live load plus insulation and roofing is support being 3.65 in. Assume that the
40 psf. For this loading, a double tee loss of prestress is 22 percent; f'. =
8DT18A and a L-girder 18LB30 can be 5000 psi; f'ci = 3500 psi; fn = fly = 40
chosen according to the PCI Design ksi. In the following calculations, the
Ilandbook.19 usual capacity reduction factor for
From an analysis for flexure, thirteen shear and torsion (A = 0.85 will be ap-
i -in. diameter 7-wire strands (270 ksi plied.

(a) Calculate Tu and V,,, for spandrel

WDL = 30' X 0.062 = 1.85 kips per ft (double tees)
0.45 kips per ft (spandrel beam)
2.30 kips per ft
WLj = 0.040 X 30' = 1.20 kips per ft
Assume no continuity at columns.
DL = 1.4x2.30X30X2=48.3kips

LL = 1.7 x 1.20 X 30 x 2 = 30.6 kips

V,, at centerline of support = 78.9 kips
Neglecting restraints from double tees and walls.

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 59

DL = 1.4 X 1.85 x (9/12) x 15' = 29.1 ft-kips
LL = 1.7 X 1.20 x (9/12) X 15' = 22.9 ft-kips
Tu at centerline of support = 52.0 ft-kips (or 625 in.-kips)

(b) Calculate shear stress v,^

V,, at "d = 22.7 in." from support = 78.9 X 13/15 = 68.4 kips
= V,/4b 4,d = 68,400/0.85 X 12 x 22.7 = 295 psi

(c) Calculate torsion stress with Eq. (5)

?'u = Tu/4(^.ax2y)
For maximum 2 y, consider beam web and outstanding ledge as compo-
nent rectangles.
_ 0.35
= 0.304 (beam web)
«I =075+12/30
_ 0.35
= 0.280 (ledge)
a2- 0.75+6/12
.ax2y = 0.304 X 122 X 30 + 0.280 X 62 X 12
T,, at "d" from face of support = 625 X 13/15 = 541 in.-kips
= 541/0.85 X 1434 = 445 psi
Effective prestress = 0.78 X 189 = 147 ksi
o- = 13 x 0.153 x 147/432 = 0.677 ksi = 677 psi
u/ f0' = 677/5000 = 0.135
1.5 V/0' /1 + 10 a/ f = 1.5 x 70.5 X 1.53 = 162 psi < 677 psi
Requires torsion design.

(d) Check Tu(maz) and v,j („ a^) with Eqs. (22) and (23)
C=14- 13.33(cr/f 0')= 14 - 13.33(0.135) = 12.2
C'=C-V1+10cr /f0' = 12.2 x 1.53 = 18.7
C' V fcɁ
_ 18.7V5000

(e) Calculate torsion stress and shear stress carried by concrete To and v0
with Eqs. (15) and (16)
To = 6\/fo (V 1 + 10 o-/f' - kweb)
k,,,e b= 1 - 0 .13 3/x1 = 1- 0 .133/0.304 = 0.563
= 6x/5000 (-/1 + 10(0. 135) - 0.563) = 412 psi

vo = lesser of v, ti and v,w from ACI Eqs. (11-11) and (11-12)
= v aw =3.5 1/fo +0.3ff0 +b

= 3•5 V5000 + 0.3(677) + 5930/12 x 22.7
= 247 + 203 + 22 = 472 psi
R () (412)=0.573
T^ 412

2 1 295\2
1+ (^j Tu) 1+( • 445)
_ = 270 psi
ye, 472
vo = _
( T \\
1+ 1 F0.573 445)
= 358 psi
— \/L75

(f) Calculate web reinforcement for torsion with Eq. (19)

x1 =12-2X1.5=9in.
y1 =.30-2X1.5=27 in.
11 =0.66+ 0.33 (yl/xl)
= 0.66 + 0.33 (27/9) = 1.65 > 1.5
Use fZ =1.5
— (Tu — Tc)s XicYx2 y
A t — (445 — 270) x 1434 -
T 1.5x9x27x40,000 0.0173 sq in. per in.

Maximum s =
xl 4 yl
= 9+27 9 in. < 12 in.
At =0.0173X9=0.155 sq. in.
Use No. 4 closed stirrups at 9 in. on center

(g) Check minimum web reinforcement for torsion

Minimum web reinforcement should be what is required to develop cracking
torque of section.
Torsional stress atcracking:
Ter = 6Vf" V1 + 10 v/fo
= 6 i/5000 V1 + 10(0.135) = 650 psi
Torsional stress carried by concrete under pure torsion is T0' = 412 psi.
At — (650-412)x 1434
s 1.5 x 9 x 27 x 40,000 = 0.0234 sq in. per in.
At = 0.0234 X 9 = 0.21 sq in. — 0.20 sq in.
Thus, No. 4 closed stirrups at 9 in. on center is adequate.

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 61

(h) Calculate web reinforcement for shear
v, = 295 psi
v, = 358 psi > v,
But v, > v,/2; so minimum web reinforcement is required.
50b,^,s =
50 x 12 x 9 /40,000 = 0.135 sq in.
Av = f8^

A,,/2 = 0.0675 sq in. << 0.20 sq in.

Thus, the minimum web reinforcement provided for torsion is more than
enough for shear.

(i) Calculate longitudinal torsion reinforcement with Eq. (24)

A i = 2(A t/ s) (xi + Yi) (fsv/f 1 5)
= 2(0.0173) (9 + 27) = 1.24 sq in.
Distribute A l around perimeter of stirrups with maximum spacing of 12 in.
Eight bars are required.
Use four No. 4 bars and four No. 3 bars.
Area provided = 4 X 0.20 + 4 x 0.11 = 1.24 sq in. (ok)

Design reinforcement for ledge

Load on ledge:
DL = 1.4 x 1.85 = 2.59 kips per ft
LL = 1.7 X 1.20 = 2.04 kips per ft
V,, = 4.63 kips per ft
d = 12 - 2 = 10 in.
Check for beam action:
v — Vu — 4630 - = 141 psi (ok)
= 45.5 psi < 2^/f^
u— Obwd-0.85X12X10
Check for slab action:
Vu — 4x4630
= 282 psi (ok)
vu = ^b o d 0.85 X21 x10 = 104 psi < 4\/f^
M,u = 4.63 X 3 = 13.89 in.-kips per ft
jd , 9.5 in.
Mu 13890 = 0.0405 sq in. per ft
`^ S — 4 jd fy - 0.9 X 9.5 x 40,000
Even if one-third more than the above steel area is provided, the design is
controlled by ACI Code Section 10.5.2.
A8 = 0.002 X 12 x 10 = 0.24 sq in. per ft
Use No. 4 bars at 10 in. on center and one No. 4 bar in each corner.
Check shear friction:
V _ 4630 - 0.098 sq in. per ft < 0.24 sq in. per ft
AVt — O fy p — 0.85 X 40,000 X 1.4
The reinforcement details for the L-girder are shown in Fig. 6.


4 sti r. @ 9' o.c.
tt This paper is based on the results of
with 44& one phase of a continuing torsion re-
j 4 tt 3 long.
bars search program supported by the Na-
tional Science Foundation Grant No,

GK-1843X. This financial support is
gratefully acknowledged.


c .g.s.
1. ACI Committee 318, "Building
Code Requirements for Reinforced
18" 410'o.c.
Concrete (ACI 318-71)," Ameri-
can Concrete Institute, Detroit,
Fig .6. Reinforcement details f or L-girder. 1971, 144 pp.
2. McGee, W. D. and Zia, P., "Pre-
stressed Concrete Members under
Torsion, Shear and Bending," Re-
search Report, Department of Civil
Engineering, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, N.C., July
1973, 212 pp. (Also available as a
CONCLUSIONS PhD. dissertation by W. D. McGee,
University Microfilm, Ann Arbor,
A procedure for design of torsion in Michigan).
prestressed concrete members has been 3. ACI Committee 318, "Commentary
proposed, which follows the same ap- on Building Code Requirements for
proach as ACI 318-71 for design of tor- Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-
sion in reinforced concrete members. 71)," American Concrete Institute,
Comparison2 with available test results Detroit, 1971, 96 pp.
of 132 beams under combined loading 4. Hsu, T. T. C., "Torsion of Structur-
as reported in the literature indicates al Concrete—Uniformly Prestressed
that the proposed procedure is reason- Rectangular Members without
ably conservative for rectangular beams Web Reinforcement," PCI JOUR-
and quite conservative for flanged and NAL, Vol. 13, No. 2, April 1968,
box beams. The application of the de- pp. 34-44.
sign procedure has been illustrated by 5. Wyss, A. N., Garland, J. B., and
a design example. Mattock, A. H., "A Study of the
When more complete research data Behavior of I-Section Prestressed
becomes available, especially for pre- Concrete Girders Subject to Tor-
stressed flanged and box members, the sion," Structures and Mechanics
procedure can be further refined and Report No. SM 69-1, University of
simplified. In the meantime, design ta- Washington, Seattle, Washington,
bles and curves can be easily prepared 1969.
to aid the designers in reducing the 6. Zia, P., "Torsional Strength of Pre-
amount of computation. stressed Concrete Members," ACI

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 63

Journal, Vol. 32, No. 10, April Abe, T., "Experimental Studies on
1961, pp. 1337-1359. the Strength of Rectangular Rein-
forced and Prestressed Concrete
7. Private communication to ACI
Beams Under Combined Flexure
Committee 438, Torsion, from
Thomas T. C. Hsu, October 17, and Torsion," Transactions, Japa-
nese Society of Civil Engineers,
No. 131, July 1966, pp. 39-51.
8. Swamy, N., "The Behavior and Ul-
14. Superfesky, M. J., "Torsional Be-
timate Strength of Prestressed Con- havior of Prestressed Rectangular
crete Hollow Beams Under Com- Concrete Beams," MS thesis, De-
bined Bending and Torsion," Mag- partment of Civil Engineering,
azine of Concrete Research (Lon-
West Virginia University, Morgan-
don), Vol. 14, No. 40, March 1962,
town, West Virginia, 1968.
pp. 13-24.
15. GangaRao, H. V. S., and Zia, P.,
9. Johnston, D. W., and Zia, P., "Hol- "Rectangular Prestressed Beams in
low Prestressed Concrete Beams Torsion and Bending," Journal,
under Combined Torsion, Bending Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 99,
and Shear," Research Report, De- No. ST1, January 1973, pp. 183-
partment of Civil Engineering, 198.
North Carolina State University, 16. Jacobsen, E. B., "Torsion, Bending
Raleigh, N.C., December 1971, pp. and Shear in Rectangular Pre-
178. (Also available as a PhD. dis- stressed Concrete Beams," MS the-
sertation by D. W. Johnston, Uni- sis, Department of Civil Engineer-
versity Microfilm, Ann Arbor, ing, University of Alberta, Edmon-
Michigan) ton, Alberta, Canada, 1970.
10. Chander, H., Kemp, E. L., and 17. Woodhead, H. R. and McMullen,
Wilhelm, W. J., "Behavior of Pre- A. E., "A Study of Prestressed Con-
stressed Concrete Rectangular crete under Combined Loading,"
Members Subjected to Pure Tor- Research Report No. CE 72-43,
sion," Civil Engineering Studies University of Calgary, Calgary,
Report No. 2007, West Virginia Canada, 1972. See also PCI Jour-
University, Morgantown, West Vir- nal, Vol. 18, No. 5, September-Oc-
ginia, 1970. tober 1973, pp. 85-100.
11. Mukherjee, P., and Kemp, E. L., 18. Notes on ACI 318-71 with Design
"Ultimate Torsional Strength of Applications, Portland Cement As-
Plain, Prestressed and Reinforced sociation, Skokie, Illinois, 1972, p.
Concrete Members of Rectangular 12-17.
Cross Section," Civil Engineering 19. PCI Design Handbook, Prestressed
Studies Report No. 2003, West Vir- Concrete Institute, Chicago, Illi-
ginia University, Morgantown, nois, 1971, p. 3 -26, and p. 3 -47.
West Virginia, 1967.
12. Mukherjee, P., and Warwaruk, J.,
"Prestressed Concrete Beams with
Web Reinforcement under Com- NOTATION
bined Loading," Structural Engi-
neering Research Report No. 24, A l = area of longitudinal torsion re-
Department of Civil Engineering, inforcement
University of Alberta, Edmonton, At = cross-sectional area of one leg of
Alberta, Canada, 1970. stirrup
13. Okada, K., Nishibayashi, S., and V,, = ultimate shear force

To = contribution by concrete to tor- flexural shear
sional strength of non-pre- v,' = permissible flexural shear stress
stressed beam without torsion as defined by
T o ' = contribution by concrete to tor- ACI Eq. (11-11) or (11-12)
sional strength of prestressed v, = nominal flexural shear stress
beam x = shorter side of rectangular sec-
Tu = ultimate torque tion
= torsional strength of plain con- xl = shorter leg of closed stirrup
crete beam y = longer side of rectangular sec-
= concrete cylinder strength tion
fly = yield strength of longitudinal re- yl = long leg of closed stirrup
inforcement a = torsion constant, see Eq. (1)
f, = modulus of rupture of concrete fl = reinforcement coefficient, see
f $y = yield strength of stirrup Eq. (6)
h = wall thickness of box section a- = average prestress on section
m = volume ratio of longitudinal re- ,r, = permissible shear stress for tor-
inforcement to web reinforce- sion under combined torsion and
ment flexural shear
s = spacing of stirrup = permissible shear stress for tor-
v, = permissible flexural shear stress sion without flexural shear
under combined torsion and ,r,, = nominal torsional shear stress

Discussion of this paper is invited.

Please forward your discussion to PCI Headquarters
by August 1, 1974, to permit publication in the
September-October 1974 PCI JOURNAL

PCI Journal/March-April 1974 65

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