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PHYS 1001

Physics and the Modern Society

To understand a science it is necessary to
know its history.
—Auguste Comte (1798–1857)
Discussion Questions (0:00–5:35)
• Prof. Kaku mentioned many inventions that can be traced to
physicists. Which one is NOT mentioned?

A. MRI scan
B. Computer
C. Explosives
D. Internet
E. World Wide Web
Discussion Questions (0:00–5:35)
• What was Einstein’s unsolved problem when he died?

A. Quantum gravitation E

B. General relativity
C. Cosmology
D. String theory
E. Unified field theory
Discussion Questions (0:00–5:35)
• What phenomena does E = mc2 explain?

A. Why does the galaxy light up?
B. Why can things be invisible?
C. Why do the stars shine?
D. Why do we have energy on Earth?
Discussion Questions (5:35–16:00)
• According to Prof. Kaku, the history of physics is the history of:

A. Physicists D

B. Inventions
C. University education
D. Modern civilization
E. Academic research
Discussion Questions (5:35–16:00)
• How did Aristotle explain why an object moves toward the earth?

A. Because of gravity
B. Because it has mass
C. Because it wants to be united with the earth
D. Because it is heavy
E. Because it gets tired
Discussion Questions (5:35–16:00)
• What is the key question that Newton asked?

A. Why does an apple fall? B

B. Does the law dictating an apple’s fall also dictate the motion of
the Moon?
C. Why does a moving object stop?
D. How to calculate the motion of the comets?
E. What is gravity?
Discussion Questions (5:35–16:00)
• Newton’s three laws of motion are

A. Law of gravitation B

B. Object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by outside

C. Law of friction
D. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
E. Force is mass times acceleration
Discussion Questions (16:00–22:50)
• What is Faraday’s law about?
A. A moving electric field creates a magnetic field
B. A metal cage protects you from lightning
C. Light is an electromagnetic wave
D. A moving wire in a magnetic field generates electric current
E. Nuclear power
Discussion Questions (16:00–22:50)
• Maxwell discovered

A. Maxwell’s equations AC

B. Where there is electricity, there is prosperity

C. Light is an electromagnetic wave
D. Internet
E. A metal cage protects you from lightning
Discussion Questions (22:50–30:30)
• The Sun has been burning for billions of years because

A. It contains a huge amount of coal
B. Nuclear forces
C. It moves fast
D. It contains antimatter
Discussion Questions (22:50–30:30)
• What happens when matter meets antimatter?

A. Glued together
B. Bounced back
C. Form a new type of matter
D. Circulate each other
E. Release energy
Discussion Questions (30:30–)

The Theory of Everything is NOT about

A. To be tested in the biggest machine physicists ever built – the
Large Hadron Collider
B. To unify all four forces in one
C. To explain the origin of life
D. To explain the big bang
E. String theory
Discussion Questions (30:30–)

The type of matter we (human beings) are made of constitutes ____ of
the universe.

A. 73%
B. 23%
C. 4%
D. 0.03%
E. 0.001%

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