Servant of The Lord: Study Guide

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By Mark Rae

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae


This study guide is brought to you by the Grace Center for Spiritual Development (GCSD),
an extension ministry of Grace School of Theology. Our desire is to provide non-degree
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Con t en t s
1 Jesus Christ, The Son of God 3
2 Servant of Sinners 5
3 Servant of Vision 8
4 Servant of the Kingdom 11
5 Servant of Faith 14
6 Servant of Disciples 17
7 Servant of the Heart 19
8 Servant of Revelation 22
9 Servant of the Last 26
10 Servant of Sight 29
11 Servant of Purpose 32
12 Servant of Rejection 34
13 Servant of Hope 38
14 Servant of Choices 41
15 Servant of Sacrifice 44
16 Servant of Resurrection 47
17 Servant of Servants 49

reserved. 2
Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Jesu s Ch r i st , Th e Son of God


In t r odu ct ion : Mark, a companion of Paul, wrote this gospel (the one that bears his name) and in it presents
Jesus as the Servant of the Lord. This was an OT title for the Messiah who was to redeem and reign as
prophesied in the writings of Isaiah. Mark records the offer of the Messiah, the rejection of the Messiah, the
ministry of the Servant to His people, and the obedience of the Servant to His Father in heaven. In the first
chapter, Mark gives us the four characteristics of this Messiah which will be the foundation for what Christ
says and does: His suffering, His sacrifice, His servanthood, and His sympathy.

I. His Su f f er in g (M ar k 1:12-13) - The Kingdom of God is at hand - the second part

of Jesus' declaration: the fulfillment of
- Immediately - no time to waste - this happened
Emmanuel, and what Christ would tell the
right after the baptism
disciples to pray for - Matthew 4:17 - Kingdom
- The Spirit drove Him - this was training initiated here in the Greek means ?royal rule"
by God - the word ?drive? (ek balla) denotes the
- Repent and believe in the gospel - change your
strong moral compulsion by which the Spirit led
mind about what you believe and then believe
Jesus to take the offensive against temptation
in the good news of Jesus Christ the Son of God
and evil instead of avoiding them
who is here before you now - "repent" and
- Into the wilderness - the traditional place in "believe" are intricately linked - in John's gospel,
Jewish culture for testing the word repent is never used but believe is
used 98 times - the purpose of John's gospel -
- Forty days - a perfect time period in God's
John 20:31
He sacrificed for me.
- Tempted by Satan - this was allowed and not the
only time it would happen - the Greek word - III. His Ser van t h ood (M ar k 1:16-17)
peiraz? (tempted) - means to put to the test in
- Follow Me - literally, ?Come after me.? Go behind
order to discover the mettle of a person - Here,
Me as a disciple. Jesus took the initiative and
God put Jesus to the test to show His
called out to them. He could have done it all by
qualifications as the Messiah, but Satan puts
Himself but instead, chose to grace us to be
Jesus to the test to draw Him away from His
part of His kingdom work
- And I will make you become fishers of men - He
- With the wild beasts - Christ was surrounded
became a servant to teach us how to fish for
- Angels ministered to Him - but He was not alone, people - Matthew 4:19
and neither are we
- They immediately left their nets - the invitation
He suffered for me. was compelling

II. His Sacr if ice (M ar k 1:14-15) - And followed Him - this is an expression that in
the culture meant to give your full allegiance -
- The time is fulfilled - the first part of Jesus'
our example as disciples - to follow the Servant
declaration; this was God's timing, and it was
perfect - Christ left heaven to dwell on earth -
Galatians 4:4-5 He became a servant for me.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Jesu s Ch r i st , Th e Son of God

SESSION 1 | M ARK 1 (Continued)

IV. His Sym pat h y (M ar k 1:38-41) IV. M y St r en gt h

- That I may preach - a huge part of his A. M ar k 1:1-3

compassion on us was to bring the truth - The
- Gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God - the good
Word became flesh and dwelt among us - He
news of the truth of Christ
brought us the Word
- Written in the prophets - attested to by the
- Casting out demons - compassion on the
possessed and oppressed - same word as the
driving out of Jesus into the wilderness - Prepare the way of the Lord - the way - a
significant word in Mark's gospel describing
- A leper, imploring Him, kneeling - in humility
My strength comes from the truth of Christ.
- If You are willing, You can make me clean - with
faith - without presumption or doubt B. M ar k 1:6-8

- Jesus, moved with compassion - His motivation - He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit - The
toward His creation bestowal of the Holy Spirit was an expected
feature of the Messiah's coming - Isaiah 4,
- Stretched out His hand and touched him - what no
Ezekiel 36, Joel 2 - Christ said it was good that
one else was willing to do - He touched the
He go because He would send us the Holy
untouchable and cured the incurable
- "I am willing, be cleansed? - the very heart of
My strength comes from the truth of the Spirit.
Jesus - present tense and aorist - a past decisive
action that is received C. M ar k 1:9-11

He had sympathy for me. - You are My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased
- Jesus is loved by the Father and through Him,
In the gospel, do I see Christ as a Servant? Suffering for me? so are we
Having compassion in me? Sacrificing it all for me? How will I
My strength comes from the truth of the
respond to this truth?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Si n n er s

Review : Suffer, sacrifice, servanthood, and sympathy. Mark presents the characteristics of Christ the Servant
of the Lord in chapter 1 of his gospel. Theme verse ? Mark 10:45: For even the Son of Man did not come to be
served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Chapter 2 unfolds Christ demonstrating that
servanthood and being challenged for it. Up to this point, He headbutted against Satan, demons, a man with
an unclean spirit, disease, Peter 's mother-in-law, and a leper with no blowback. Now in Chapter 2, Mark
presents four scenes in which Jesus and the religious authorities, those who should know better, butt

I. Th e Par alyt ic (M ar k 2:1-12) - Arise, take up your bed, go home - get up, your
sin and your infirmity are gone
- Capernaum - a small seaside town and the
hometown of Peter - Amazed, glorified God - what's our response to
the Lord working in our midst?
- In the house - very personal
- We never saw anything like this - can we say this?
- Immediately many gathered - the word had
spread quickly Christ, through serving this sinner by healing him,
demonstrated that He was God and had the
- He preached the word - what He came to do -
authority to forgive sin.
from Mark 1:38

- They came to Him - these friends brought the What has He demonstrated to you that you are still butting
problem to the answer: a step of faith your head against believing?

- Uncovered the roof - they were servants for the


- When Jesus saw their faith - what motivated


- Son, your sins are forgiven you - He did what only

God can do


- Scribes - Religious authorities

- Why does this Man speak blasphemies? - what

was blasphemous? forgiving sins

- Who can forgive sins but God alone? - surely in

their view, this Jesus was not God

- Which is easier to say... - the contrast of belief,

seeing is believing

- Son of Man - power to forgive sins - forgiveness

was the direct act of God

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Si n n er s
SESSION 2 | M ARK 2 (Continued)

II. Th e Tax Collect or (M ar k 2:13-17) III. Th e Sabbat h (M ar k 2:23-28)

- By the sea - close to Capernaum - Grainfields on the Sabbath - a visible reminder of

the grace of God
- Multitude - another large crowd
- He taught them - still doing what He came to do
- Unlawful on the Sabbath - the religious leaders
- Levi - also called Matthew
used the Sabbath as a way to control others by
- The tax office - the worst of the worst determining what was lawful and unlawful. This
was not biblical, it was legalism. Interesting to
- Follow Me - the invitation to a sinner
note that Jesus in Mark 1:21 goes into the
- Levi's house - very personal synagogue on the Sabbath and preaches, casts
out demons, and heals. But now, the disciples'
(HEADBUTTING TIME) picking the grain is unlawful.
- Tax collectors and sinners - the contrast: here are - Example of David - one the religious authorities
the sinners would have known and would have studied
- Scribes and Pharisees - here are the so-called - Sabbath was made for man - the Sabbath was
righteous meant to be a gift of grace
- Righteous/sinners - the contrast between the - Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath - "Since the
self-righteous and the ones who know they are Sabbath was made for man, He who is man's
sinners (not righteous in God's sight but in their Lord... has authority to determine its law and
own eyes) use."
Christ, through serving these sinners by dining Christ, serving us as the Lord of the Sabbath
with them, demonstrated the heart of God - to through His grace, frees us for worship and rest.
save them.
How has He freed you that you are still butting your head
How has He demonstrated His heart to you that you are still against believing?
butting your head against believing?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Si n n er s
SESSION 2 | M ARK 2 (Continued)

IV. Th e Old an d t h e New - M ar k 2:18-22 Are we trying to take parts and pieces of what we like about
Jesus and put it into our own system?
- Disciples of John and of the Pharisees - fasting,
the religions practice


- Your disciples do not fast - because Jesus is with


- The bridegroom is with them - when the

bridegroom is here, it is not time to fast Are we trying to earn His love and His grace... things that are
already ours by His grace?
- Bridegroom is taken away - now it is time to fast

- New cloth and old cloth - for John's disciples,

Jesus was saying that you cannot take pieces of
the new (Christ's teachings) and try to patch it
on the old. You will ruin both.

- New wine and old wineskins - for the Pharisees,

Jesus was saying that there is a new way, a new
Are we trying to fit Him into our way of life?
covenant that Christ has brought. If you try to
put the new way into the old Mosaic way (that
they had destroyed), both will be ruined.

Christ, through serving you, has demonstrated the

grace of God poured over you.

How has He demonstrated His grace to you that you are still
butting your head against believing? Do we believe His love for us?

Do we live by His grace or are we stuck in our own legalism?

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 7

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Vi si on

Review : In Chapter 1 of the Book of Mark, the characteristics of a Servant - the Servant of the Lord - Jesus
Christ, were revealed. In Chapter 2, Mark shows Jesus to be the Servant of sinners - even those who butted
heads with Him. In Chapter 3, He shows Christ to be a Servant of Vision - a vision of life that is far beyond that
of those He is confronted by.

I. A M or al Vision (M ar k 3:1-6) - His hand was restored - he received the gift - he

was released from his infirmity
- Synagogue - ministry on the Sabbath in the
church - Pharisees immediately plotted - in fact, their
plotting would have been considered work on
- A man with a withered hand - not life-threatening
the Sabbath and it was plotting to kill (evil). They
at present but it is eventually
were the ones in violation of breaking the
- They watched Him closely - observing with an Sabbath law.
intended purpose - an agenda
- To destroy Him - not just kill but destroy -
- Heal on the Sabbath - His mission including His ministry and reputation

- Accuse Him - their mission A Moral Vision simply says ?do good? .

- He said to the man - the invitation directed to the What did Christ want for the man? For the Pharisees? What
one who needed a Savior does He want for us?
- He said to them - the accusation directed at
those who thought they didn't

- Lawful on the Sabbath - the issue moves from

legal to moral - and moral in God?s economy
always wins - this is the heart of God and of

- Good or evil; save life or kill - to do good and save

the life - or do evil and kill Jesus

- They kept silent - a verification of their guilt Is my heart hardened toward the work of Christ?

- He looked with anger, being grieved - all He sees is

hardness which grieves Him deeply

- Hardness of their hearts - can also be translated

as blindness

- He said - Since Jesus did not use anything but

His word to heal the man, His enemies could
not charge Him with performing work on the

- He stretched it out - he was obedient

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Vi si on
SESSION 3| M ARK 3 (Continued)

II. A M in ist r y Vision (M ar k 3:13-19) III. A M er cif u l Vision - M ar k 3:20-30

- Up on the mountain - it denotes a nearness to - His own people - His family and friends
- Lay hold of Him - arrest Him - stop Him - take
- Called to Himself those He Himself wanted - Jesus? charge of Him
specific choice
- He is out of His mind - His zeal looks to His family
- He appointed twelve - the twelve corresponding like it is bordering on insanity.
to the twelve tribes of Israel, the nucleus for the
- Scribes from Jerusalem - the attacks were for the
new church and the name they would be known
inside and the outside
by - the Twelve
- He has Beelzebub - Satan is the one giving Him
- They might be with Him - The first reason for His
the power to cast out demons
- Jesus?response - two parables
- Send them out to preach - the second reason -
though they had never preached before - How can Satan cast out Satan? - Why would
Satan divide His kingdom and see it fall?
- Have power to heal sickness - Jesus also gave
them His power to heal as He had done - A strong man?s house - the one who subdues the
strong man is stronger, therefore, Christ is
- Cast out demons - also as He had done
stronger than Satan
- Four groups of three disciples - perhaps denoting
- Assuredly I say to you - (Amen, I say to you) the
how they were to be sent out and the leader of
strongest statement of Jesus related to truth
each group - the names listed are their casual
names - All sins will be forgiven the sons of men - All
derogatory words against God by people are
- And they went into the house - they followed
open to God?s gracious forgiveness with one
A Ministry Vision simply says ?I will?
- Blasphemies - a sin of speech that is hostile,
malicious, injurious, and derogatory of God.
Am I willing to follow Jesus?
- He who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit - they
were saying that the work of Jesus in casting out
demons was the work of Satan and not of the

- Never has forgiveness - no appeal to the rejection

of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

- Eternal condemnation - eternity with no

forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

A Merciful Vision simply says ?I forgive?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Vi si on
SESSION 3| M ARK 3 (Continued)

Do I know His mercy in that fact that I am forgiven? Am I in the family?

Do I know that I am loved and that I am free to live a life of

fullness in following Christ - a truly victorious life?

Do I share that mercy and forgive others?

IV. A M ission Vision (M ar k 3:31-35)

- His brothers and His mother - Jesus has only one


- Outside seeking you - wanting an audience to

restrain His activity

- Who is my mother or My brothers? - literally who

is My family or who is in My family?

- Looked around - He looked at those who were

right in front of Him

- Here are My mother and My brothers - He

identified them by their association with Him.

- For whoever does the will of God is - doing God?s

will characterizes those who are Jesus?spiritual
kin - our family is bigger than we could possibly

- My brother, My sister and mother - my spiritual

family made possible by the work of Christ

A Mission Vision simply says ?I belong?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Ki n gdom

Review : In Chapters 1-3, Mark has described the Servant of the Lord, Jesus, by the characteristics
of a Servant, the contrast to the religious leaders, and the vision He had for those He came in
contact with. In short, He has done exactly what He said He had come to do and what the
prophetic word said He would do. In Chapter 4, He now turns His attention to those before Him
and His teaching through parables about the Kingdom of God.

I. Wh at ?s t h e Seed? (M ar k 4:1-20)
A. THE PARABLE: f r om t h e Gr eek "par abole" m ean in g
?com par ison .?

- A sower went out to sow - a farmer

- Seed by the wayside - the trampled footpath

- Seed on the stony ground - the soil with limestone

below the first inches of soil

- Seed among the thorns - weeds, thorns, and thistles -


- Seed on good ground - the desired soil

- vs. 9 - He who has ears to hear, let him hear - Hear it,
receive it, understand it, and apply it.

B. THE EXPLANATION (t o t h e disciples)

- To the disciples - Those to whom it has been granted

to know the mysteries of the Kingdom

- The seed - the word - the good news

- The responses to the seed (the word)

- The wayside - Satan takes away the word sown in

their hearts

- The stony ground - no endurance through tribulation

and troubles

- The thorns - the cares of the world choke it out

- The good soil - Hear the word, accept it and bear


The Principle: For Disciples - Sow the word no matter what

the soil type is.

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 11

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Ki n gdom
SESSION 4 | M ARK 4 (Continued)

II. Wh o?s t h e Sow er ? (M ar k 4:21-23)

- A lamp put under a basket or under a bed - not where the
light is supposed to go

- He who has ears to hear, let him hear - Listen up, receive
it, understand it, and apply it

The Principle: For Disciples - Don?t hide the light

III. Th e Key (M ar k 4:24-25)

- Take heed what you hear - take to heart

- The measure you use it - The degree to which you pay

attention to what Jesus says and use it is the degree to
which you will profit from it.

- It will be measured to you - how do you want it to be

measured to you?

- To you who hear - Listen up, receive it, understand it,

and apply it

- Whoever has more will be given - isn't this what we want?

The Principle: For Disciples - Use what you know

IV. Wh at ?s t h e Kin gdom ? (M ar k 4:26-29)

- The Kingdom of God is as if - the first of the parables

describing the Kingdom of God.

- A man should scatter seed on the ground - sounds

familiar? By the way, who created the seeds?

- Sleep and rise - it all happens without the involvement

of the sower beyond sowing

- the seed should sprout and grow - automatically - from

the Greek - automate - by itself

- He does not know how - it shows that the growth is not

by any effort of man

- The harvest - either the harvest is for the sower or at the

return of Christ - but again the focus is on
Who determines when the harvest is, and am I ready?

The Principle: In the Kingdom - God causes the growth

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 12

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Ki n gdom
SESSION 4 | M ARK 4 (Continued)

V. M ar k 4:30-32
- To what shall we liken the Kingdom of God? - another
revelation of the kingdom that is at hand

- A mustard seed - the smallest of the seeds

- When sown - it has to be sown

- when it is sown - but if it is sown

- It grows up - it will enlarge until

- Greater than all - the largest of all the shrubs

The Principle: In the Kingdom - The small things matter

V. Wh o?s t h e Kin g? (M ar k 4:35-41)

- Let us cross over to the other side - a very scary place

- Windstorm; waves; drowning - What the world throws at


- Teacher, do you not care we are drowning? - the irony is

that if they drowned, so would He

- Peace, be still! - what only Jesus can do and the proof He

is who He said He was

- Why are you so fearful? - A great question to me when

sowing opportunities are presented

- How is it that you have no faith? If He is for me - where is

my faith?

- Who can this be? - Do I get who He is?

The Principle: For Disciples - have faith in the King

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 13

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Fai t h

Review : We have seen Christ as the Servant of the Lord, the Servant of Sinners, the Servant of
Vision, and the Servant of the Kingdom. Mark 5 reveals Him as the Servant of Faith.

I. Th e Lack of Fait h (M ar k 4:35-41) - I implore You by God that You do not torment me -
The fact that He knelt before Jesus shows
- The other side - this was the Gentile side where
that the demons regarded Jesus as their
they were going to be taught.
superior. They feared that He would send them
- Have no faith - translates - no trust in Him on to their eternal judgment immediately?
this occasion something only God can do.

Jesus is calling me to grow in my faith - even when - My name is Legion; for we are many - A legion
it is lacking was an army of 4000 - 6000 soldiers - this was a
very strong and powerful force in this man - he
Do I recognize Jesus in my everyday? was incredibly tormented

- Pigs - Jews considered pigs as unclean animals

so these farmers who raised these on the east
side of the Sea of Galilee for the Gentile meat
Does this increase my faith?

- 2000 pigs - the size of the possession

- Sitting clothed and in his right mind - notice the

Do I see that the call to grow in faith is a call to grow in my
contrast - sitting clothed, in his right mind - all
relationship with Jesus?
had been healed - he had been delivered

- They were afraid - Jesus obviously had great

power - what would He do next?

- They begged Him to leave - rather than turning to

Him, they turned from Him

II. Th e Su bject of Fait h (M ar k 5:1-20) - He begged to be with Jesus - Remember the call
to the disciples - to be with me and to preach?
- The other side - the place where bad things
- this is the same call to this disciple
- Go home, tell your friends what great things the
- Tombs - these were hollowed out places in the
Lord has done for you - tell your story - sow the
rocks where people lived.
seed of the word for the sake of the Kingdom
- Unclean spirit - He was possessed
- How He has had compassion on you -
- He ran and worshiped Him - the demons paid Compassion - the characteristic of the servant -
homage to Jesus this is what the disciples were concerned that
Jesus did not have for them!
- Son of the Most High God - an Old Testament
name denoting the God of Israel - He obeyed and began to proclaim the good news -

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 14

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Fai t h
SESSION 5 | M ARK 5 (Continued)

He was obedient to spread the word, to let his immediate in her case
light shine, to use what he knew
- Power had gone out of Him - He was conscious of
Jesus is the subject of faith - is He the subject of healing hopping out of Him
my faith?
- Who touched My clothes? - not to chide or to
discipline but to love
When I talk about things in my life with others, does Jesus enter - He looked to see her - maybe for the first time
into the conversation? she was seen - shows His compassion

- She fell down before Him - in humility - she knew

what had happened and Who had done it

- Daughter - Her new relationship with Jesus

Do I have faith conversations?
- Your faith has made you well - she was now
physically and spiritually clean

- Go in peace - shalom - wholeness or

completeness brought about by a right
Does Jesus take center stage as the subject of those talks? Why relationship with God.
or why not? Jesus is the object of Faith - is He the object of my

When I say I have faith, what do I mean?

III. Th e Object of Fait h - M ar k 5:25-34

- A certain woman - anonymous just like she had

been for 12 years What is the object of my faith?

- Suffered many things for many years - Leviticus

15 - ritually unclean - she was ?dead? for 12

- She heard about Jesus - someone planted a seed Do I see my faith in Christ growing? Why or why not?
and her faith was stirred

- Touched His garment - she had not heard about

His garment but about Him

- I shall be made well - faith before the action

- Immediately she was healed - the action was

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 15

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Fai t h
SESSION 5 | M ARK 5 (Continued)

IV. Th e Pow er of Fait h - M ar k 5:21- 24; 35-43 out of their minds with great amazement.

- Back on the other side - now on the Jewish side Jesus is the power of faith by which we live
- Ruler of the synagogue - a lay official responsible
for the management of the synagogue building When have there been times when I have seen Jesus respond to
and the services my faith?

- Jairus - meaning ?he who gives light or awakens

or he who enlightens?

- Fell at His feet - an act of humility and a

recognition of who Jesus was What did that do to my faith?
- He begged earnestly - again a pleading (like the
demoniac and the woman)

- Little daughter - who she was

- Point of death - her condition

- Lay hands on her - the cultural laying on of

V. Th e Respon se of Fait h
hands signified a transfer of power
- In each case, they knew they needed saving - from
- She will be healed and live - what Jairus wanted -
the storm, from demons, from illness, and from
his request of faith
- Your daughter is dead - do not trouble the
- In each case, they knew they needed a Savior
Teacher - The delay caused by the woman?s
healing now would rest Jairus' faith - 3 problems - In each case, they knew that Jesus was the only
- she?s not dead; He?s not just a Teacher, and it one who could save them from
was no trouble for Jesus. their impossible plight

- Do not be afraid; only believe - Literally - ?Stop - In each case, by faith, they humbly asked Him to
fearing; continue believing? save

- Peter, James and John - witnesses to faith three C.S. Lewis said - ?We trust not because 'a God' exists, but
times because 'this God' exists." What is my response of faith to this
God - the one who calls me to have faith in Him?
- The mourners - paid weepers who mock Jesus

- The child is not dead but sleeping - her condition

is not final and irrevocable

- He put them outside - He removes the faithless

- Little girl, I say to you arise - this is a command

and not a magical formula

- Immediately overcome with amazement - literally

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 16

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Di sci pl es

Review : So far, Mark has shown Jesus to be the Servant of the Lord, serving sinners, sharing a
kingdom vision, serving the kingdom, and growing the faith of those He comes in contact with. At
this point in His ministry, He now begins to focus on His disciples and serve them by engaging
them in His ministry. Chapter 6 introduces scenarios that show Him serving the disciples in training
them to be His disciples.

I. Do I Recogn ize Him ? (vv. 1-6) - Send them out two by two - for two good reasons
- a second person validated the message by
- Came to His own country - 20 miles south of
being a witness; and they were His
Capernaum in Nazareth
representatives who would report back to Jesus,
- He began to teach on the Sabbath - again on the so a second was a validation of the events to
Sabbath Jesus

- Many hearing were astonished - do His words - Gave them power - who is the giver and who is
astonish me? the recipient?

- Wisdom and works - what He promised He - Take nothing - a journey of faith - dependent
would do and how we recognize Him upon Him

- Is this not the carpenter? - the ????? ? (tektón) - They went out and preached - they preached
was a very skilled craftsman about Him and His Kingdom

- Son of Mary - a tremendous insult - not the Son - Cast out demons and healed the sick - they
of Joseph - implies illegitimacy represented Him and His power

- Without honor - what the disciples could expect - What is my mission?

like the OT prophets who were not believed

- He healed a few - those with faith

- He marveled because of their unbelief - He was

astonished at the unbelief of who He is

- He went about teaching - this was the disciple?s

example - His mission and theirs III. Do I Reject Him ? (vv. 14-29)

- King Herod heard of Him - the seed was spread

Where is my faith?
to Herod (son of Herod the Great)

- John the Baptist, Elijah, the Prophet - no belief in

who Jesus was

- This is John whom I beheaded - a refusal to

II. Do I Ref lect Him ? (vv. 7-13) believe

- The twelve - the new ?name? given to the - Herod feared John - interesting that the King
disciples feared the subject

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Di sci pl es
SESSION 6| M ARK 6 (Continued)

- A just and holy man - John was but Herod wasn't Where is my obedience?

What is my fear?

V. Do I Rejoice in Him ? (vv. 45-52)

- He departed to the mountain to pray - His

dependence upon His Father
IV. Do I Ref u se Him ? (vv. 30-44)
- He saw them straining - they were struggling for
- Apostles - ?sent ones? - ?messengers,?
a long time
- Fourth watch - 3:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.
- Told Him what they had done and taught - they
testified to what the Lord had done - Saw Him walking on the sea - not just calming it
but walking on the stormy seas
- Jesus saw a great multitude - again, a large crowd
followed Him - They all saw Him and were troubled - now
troubled by the storm and by Jesus
- Moved with compassion - the one continual
attitude of Jesus toward the people - He talked to them - to calm them as He did the
wind and the waves
- Like sheep without a Shepherd - the view of the
servant shepherding the sheep - Be of good cheer - Rejoice

- He began to teach - what they needed even more - It is I - I AM - the OT reference to God
than healing
- Do not be afraid - the constant battle of Christ
- Send them away - the disciples missed the point against the fear of His disciples - STOP FEARING;

- You give them something to eat - Jesus continued - Their heart was hardened - they had not learned
to teach them compassion and dependence the lesson of the loaves - who Jesus is - God -
upon Him nothing will destroy joy quicker than a
hardened heart
- Shall we go and buy it - their sarcastic response
(around eight month?s worth of wages) Where is my joy?
- Blessed and broke the loaves and fish - use what
you have

- Gave them to His disciples to serve - a

tremendous lesson in discipleship
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, do I recognize Him in
- All ate and were filled - the rich abundance of the
the world around me, reflect Him to that world,
and rejoice in Him?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Hear t

Review : A look back on the first six chapters reveals the servant Christ is - and Chapter 7 is a real
focal point as Jesus makes a dramatic distinction that reveals the heart of His Father.

I. Th e Hear t of t h e Fat h er (M ar k 7: 1-13) - Corban - a gift devoted to God

- Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem - religious - No longer let him do things - don?t allow the
leaders coming to investigate the stories person to assist his parents
- Unwashed hands - ?common? hands - - making the word of God of no effect - robbing
ceremonially unwashed God?s word of its authority
- Holding to the tradition of the Elders - had to - Through your tradition - your handed down
wash hands in a specific way to be clean tradition is more important than the Scriptures
- From the marketplace - the Gentiles - the - Handed down - the oral tradition continues to
unwashed - the unworthy supersede the Scriptures
- Why do Your disciples - the followers of Jesus - Many such things you do - like restrictive Sabbath
- Not walk according to the tradition of the Elders? -
live by the oral tradition that was designed to The heart of God is for His people to know Him and
regulate every aspect of Jewish life and culture. to exhibit His heart
- Hypocrites - in the Greek - an actor or one who
Do I know the heart of the Father?
plays a part with no heart

- Isaiah?s quote - their own exalted prophet

pointed right at them

- Laying aside the commandment of God -

sidestepping the true source of authority Do I hold my own traditions and rules above the Scriptures?

- Hold the tradition of men - they said the rules of

men were more authoritative than the

- Reject the commandment of God - not casual but Am I more concerned about my rules than about a relationship
a full rejection with Him and with others?

- that you may keep your tradition - in favor of

man-made traditions

- Moses - the lawgiver

- Honor your father and mother - a positive


- He who curses father and mother - a negative


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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Hear t
SESSION 7| M ARK 7 (Continued)

II. Th e Hear t of M an (M ar k 7:14-23) and treachery

- Hear Me and understand - Listen closely - Lewdness - open immorality

- Nothing that enters a man from outside that can - An evil eye - stinginess or grudging jealousy of
defile him - contrary to what is being taught another

- The things which come out of a man defile him - - Blasphemy - slander directed toward another
like a sponge with dirty water man but more likely an affront to the majesty of
- Ears to hear - apply what you hear
- Pride - Arrogance and self-exaltation
- Entered a house - to get to a quiet place for the
explanation - Foolishness - the position of a person who is
morally and spiritually insensitive - he does not
- Whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile
know God nor wish to know God
him - the things of God?s creation
- All of these evil things - these acts and attitudes
- Because it does not enter his heart - where the
defilement lives - Come from within - have their source in the
- Purifying all foods - the food is not what is
unclean - And defile a man - open rebellion against God

- What comes out of a man, that defiles him - the The heart of man destroys the relationship with
progression from heart, to thoughts, to actions God

- For from within - the source of true defilement - Do I identify with any of these ?evils??
the human heart

- out of the heart of men - six actions and six


- Evil thoughts - this stands at the pinnacle of evil

Do I see my heart here?

- Adulteries - the breach of the marriage bond

- Fornications - a broader term of sexual

What does that do to my relationship with God? With others?
- Murders - including hatred

- Thefts - stealing not just material possessions

but things like time as well

- Covetousness - deeds committed out of lust or


- Wickedness - acts of deliberate malice

- Deceit - lying but with additional cunningness

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Hear t
SESSION 7| M ARK 7 (Continued)

III. Th e Hear t of t h e Son (M ar k 7:32-35) Do I know the heart of Christ?

- They brought to Him - FAITH

- One who was deaf - could not hear - like those to

whom He preached

- Speech impediment - a speech problem born out

of a hearing problem
Is it my heart? Does He know my heart?
- He looked up to heaven and sighed - connecting
the healing with compassion

- Be opened - His desire for us all - to be open to

the voice of the Father through the Son and by
the power of the Spirit
Are my ears open to Him and will my voice speak of Him to
- His ears were opened - ears to hear - let him hear
- his tongue was loosed - share the good news of
Christ and of the kingdom, as well as the heart
of the Father

- he spoke plainly - speak the truth in love

- He has done all things well - Christ has done and

can make all things well

The heart of the Son is to make us well and


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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rev el at i on
Review : We now turn our attention to the revelation of Christ as the Messiah. Notice how He continues to
serve ? the 4000 by feeding them, the blind man by healing him, the disciples by teaching them, and us by
dying for us. We should be challenged by Chapter 8 and the overarching question, ?Whose side do I want to
be on when He returns??

I. Revealed Th r ou gh Com passion (vv. 1-21 - f eedin g - 4000 were fed ? details were different enough
t h e 4000) from the previous miracle that these were two
separate ones ? given the location, there were
- In those days ? not uncommon for people to
more than likely larger contingents of Gentiles
follow a Rabbi in order to hear His teaching
at this particular event
- I have compassion on the multitude ? Christ had
- Pharisees want a sign from heaven ? testing Him ?
compassion ? He was moved to act even when
they came to test and to argue ? not learn.
the disciples did not ? His compassion
Notice the motivation ? they were wanting a
underscores much of what He does in His
different type of sign ? like a sign from the Old
Testament ? not a miracle but a sign ? a
- Continued with me three days and have nothing to confirmation and authentication of Jesus?
eat ? supplies exhausted ministry ? do something like God did.

- How can we satisfy these with bread? ? Why did - Sighed deeply ? Jesus? disappointment at the
the disciples not learn the lesson from the disbelief of those who should have had even
feeding of the 5000? Perhaps, they more belief.
remembered this miracle, but they still did not
- No sign shall be given ? What He had done was
grasp the fact that Jesus could fill the need.
more than adequate ? beyond Moses and the
Depending on Jesus rather than relying on the
manna from heaven that was provided by God ?
self is a tough lesson to learn especially when
this was a miraculous feeding greater than
you are not really sure who Jesus is.
- How many loaves do you have? ? Same question
- Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of
? perhaps to jog their memory
Herod ? beware of the corrupt teaching of the
- Seven loaves ? different number of loaves ? Pharisees ? leaven is invisible and pervasive just
same result as the teaching of the religious leaders; the
false teaching was that Jesus received His
- He gave thanks, took the bread, broke them and
authority from Satan ? it was a denial of His role
gave them ? notice the progression ? gave
as God?s anointed Servant
thanks first, then broken, then distributed
- Do you not understand? ? Jesus?rebuke of their
- Also a few small fish ? still not enough to fill the
lack of spiritual understanding ? they
need (humanly speaking)
remembered the facts but not the significance ?
- They ate and were filled ? Jesus?provision always the proof of who Jesus is. You have eyes but do
fills the need, not the greed not see and ears but do not hear ? you
remember but do not understand ? vs. 21 ?
- Seven large baskets of leftovers ? Miraculous
Mark leaves us hanging with no answer ? yet?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rev el at i on
SESSION 8 | M ARK 8 (Continued)

Through His compassion, Jesus is revealed as the clearly when they see the Lord "face to face."
Messiah - the Servant of the Lord.
- Made him look up ? where the only answer and
Have you experienced the compassion of Jesus? How? the healing will come from ? He fulfills one of
the prophetic statements about the Messiah ?
gives sight to the blind ? Psalm 146 and Isaiah

- Don?t tell anyone ? Let the healing speak for itself

? that is the confession of who Jesus is

- Caesarea Philippi ? 25 miles away ? where Herod

Have you heard the same thing from Jesus by way of the Holy lived ? the disciples confess here who Jesus is -
Spirit and still have not acted on it? the Lord - just as this is the site where the
pagans professed Caesar as Lord

- Who do men say that I am? ? Jesus asks

Do you find that dependence on self is easier than dependence
on Jesus? questions in the Book of Mark to lead to a new
teaching. This question is asked to set up the
very next question ? the personal question.
What do you think you should do about that?
- John the Baptist ? already dead and the last of
the OT prophets

- Elijah ? the greatest of the OT prophets

- One of the prophets ? all gone ? shows a

potential belief in the resurrection

- Who do you say that I am? ? Emphasis on the

YOU ? now the personal question
II. Revealed Th r ou gh Con f ession (vv. 22-33)
- Peter answered ? the first time that Peter
- Blind man of Bethsaida ? not blind from birth (he
answers for the rest of the disciples
knew what trees were), but still blind ? friends
brought him ? shows faith on his part and their - You are the Christ ? from the Greek Christos and
part the Hebrew Mashiach = anointed One - Peter 's
confession constitutes a high-water mark in the
- He put His hands on Him ? Jesus healed him in
disciples' understanding of, and commitment
stages ? why? For the sake of the disciples to
to, Jesus. They still had much to learn about the
open their eyes to who He is one step at a time
significance of Jesus being the Messiah that the
- Made Him look up ? These three stages of this Old Testament promised, and all its
man's blindness are typical of the spiritual implications. Nevertheless, Jesus could now
blindness from which Jesus delivers believers. build on their faith and commitment.
First, believers are completely blind to spiritual
- Tell no one ? Three reasons: 1. A deterrent to His
truth, in their unsaved state. Second, they now
mission; 2. Would generate too many questions
"see through a glass, darkly." Third, they will see
and too much opposition at the current time; 3.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rev el at i on
SESSION 8 | M ARK 8 (Continued)

Jesus was not yet ready to unveil His death and are wrong! Sounds like me many times.
resurrection publicly
- He turned back to the disciples ? not just Peter
- He began to teach them ? now that His identity but all of the disciples
has been confirmed with the disciples, He can
- Get behind Me Satan ? Peter ?s rebuke was
focus His attention on the cross in front of Him
Satan?s plan not God?s
- The Son of man must suffer many things ? Jesus'
- You are not mindful of the things of God, but the
clear revelation of His coming suffering, death,
things of men ? God?s ways are not man?s ways
and resurrection resulted from Peter 's
as seen in how God will bring about atonement
confession of faith. The disciples were now
for sin and the deliverance from His righteous
ready to receive what would have been
wrath ? through the death and resurrection of
completely incomprehensible ? if they still
His Son.
viewed Jesus only as a political Messiah. Notice
the emphatic word ? must! Through multiple confessions Jesus is revealed as
the Messiah ? the Servant of the Lord.
- Be rejected by the religious leaders ? rejected by
all three of the religious groups. The three
groups that would reject Jesus made up the Am I blind to Jesus in my life?
Sanhedrin. The "elders" were its lay members.
They were men of wealth and were the leaders
of aristocratic families. The "chief priests" were
the ranking priests and were mostly Sadducees. Do I need Him to open my eyes?
They occupied a hereditary office and
supervised the temple and the sacrificial
system. The chief priests included Annas,
Caiaphas, and the leaders of the 24 divisions of Who do I say that he is? Do I act like I believe it?
the priesthood. The "scribes" or "teachers of the
Law" were the approved interpreters of the
Law, and they were mostly Pharisees. They were
the theologians and lawyers of Judaism who Do I reject Him?
were "experts" in Israel's "laws." Together these
three groups formed a united front as
opponents of Jesus.
Do I acknowledge Him as Christ but then tell Him He is wrong?
- Be killed ? Still begs the question ? How can God

- After three days rise again ? This is how ? He will

rise on the third day ? the disciples only hear Am I mindful of the things of God?
the first part and not the concluding triumphant

- Peter took Him aside and rebuked Him ? the irony

of Peter ?s rebuke ? you are the Messiah and you

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rev el at i on
SESSION 8 | M ARK 8 (Continued)

III. Revealed Th r ou gh t h e Cr oss (vv. 34-38) his or her life to follow God's will faithfully, he or
she will gain something of greater ultimate
- Whoever desires to come after Me ? requirements
for discipleship
- Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words ?
- Deny himself ? to turn away from the idolatry of
consequences for believers and unbelievers ?
rejecting His claims has serious consequences
- Take up his cross ? what do I need to nail to the
- Adulterous and sinful generation ? apt description
of this world
- Follow Me ? faithfully and publicly ? why do this?
- Son of Man will be ashamed of him ? loss of
To save your life for eternity
rewards? Yes; loss of salvation for the
- For whoever desires to save his life will lose it ? my unbeliever? Yes
life becomes His
- When He comes in the glory of His Father ? the
- Whoever loses his life for My sake and the sake of promise ? He will come again
the gospel with save it ? His life becomes mine
- With the holy angels ? When he comes, whose
- What will it profit ? to gain the world but lose your side do you want to be on?
life? ? To have it all and die ? not good ? your life
Through the Cross, Jesus is revealed as the Messiah
is much more valuable than the whole world ?
and His death is the act of the Servant of the Lord
don?t make this deal!
on our behalf.
- What will a man give in exchange for His life? ?
nothing in this world is worth it; in this verse, Am I willing to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him?
Jesus used the word "life" (Gr. psyche) in two
ways. The translation of this Greek word as
"soul" has caused some people to conclude that
Jesus was only warning about the loss of Do I believe that the world?s offer is better than God?s offer
salvation. He was not. In its first occurrence in through His Son?
each clause, "life" refers to one's physical life. In
the second part of each clause, "it" means the
essential person (the soul/spirit) that continues
to exist beyond the grave. Likewise, "lose" has Which side do I want to be on when he returns?
two meanings. In the first clause, "lose it"
means the loss of reward for believers, and the
loss of salvation for unbelievers. In the second
clause, "loses his life" means loss of physical life What am I doing about that today?
? which can include physical suffering, loss of
health/well-being, or literal death. Jesus meant
that if a person wants to retain control of his or
her life now, he or she will suffer the loss of
something more valuable in the future.
Conversely, if a person will relinquish control of

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 25

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Last

Review : In Chapter 7, Christ showed us the heart of God in contrast to the heart of man. In Chapter
8, He showed us who He is and offered the invitation to follow Him. Now in Chapter 9, He reminds
us again of who it is that we are following and what it looks like to follow Him.

I. Th e Pow er of Ch r ist (vv. 1-13) Do I see Christ as who He truly is in my life?

- Assuredly I say to you - A prophetic statement
that is fulfilled within 7 days - this is Peter ?s
confession and Jesus?prediction

- After six days - a very real time and place and the
fulfillment of the prophecy II. Th e Pu r pose of Ch r ist (vv. 14-32)

- Peter, James and John - the three He takes into - Mute spirit - cannot speak - also incorporated
His inner circle deafness

- Transfigured - metamorphosis in the Greek - His - Disciples could not cast it out - they were relying
external now reflected His internal - who He is on their past successes and not on Christ

- Exceedingly white - holy and pure - Faithless generation - generation of little to no

- Elijah and Moses - the Law and the Prophets
- Have compassion - the hallmark of the Father
- Peter said - showing that he saw them as equals
and the Son
- This is My beloved Son - God?s repeated words
- If You can believe - this is the question of the
from the Baptism - God?s endorsement of Jesus
- Hear Him - literally ?be obedient to Him?
- Lord I believe, help my unbelief - the response of
- Saw no one but Jesus - Jesus is the only thing faith
they needed to see
- Deaf and dumb spirit - Can't hear or speak
- Risen from the dead - not fully understanding
- Why could we not cast it out? - a question built on
what Jesus meant by this
their experiences, not on faith in Christ
- Questioning - the disciples were very good at
- Prayer and fasting - dependence and focus on
- Why Elijah must come first - the religious leaders
- The Son of Man is being betrayed - foreshadowing
did not understand that he had already come
of what the faithless generation will do
- Son of Man must suffer - fulfilling prophecy
- They will kill Him - His crucifixion
- Elijah has come - John the Baptist
- He will rise the third day - resurrection - so have
- They did to him whatever they wished - fulfilling faith!
prophecy - John?s beheading
As the Servant of Faith, Jesus reveals to the
As the Servant of the Kingdom, Jesus reveals to the disciples that the kingdom operates by faith in Him
disciples the One who is bringing the kingdom

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Last
SESSION 9 | M ARK 9 (Continued)

Do I see Christ?s purpose in my life - to help my unbelief? Do I recognize what is valuable to the Kingdom and am I a part
of that?

IV. Th e Per il of Sin (vv. 42-48)

III. Th e Pr ide of M an (vv. 33-41) - But - the contrast to a small act done in His
name that gains a big reward
- Disputed who would be the greatest - for the
Jewish culture, rank and status were important - Little ones who believe in me to stumble - is a
small act against Christ to ones of little faith
- First shall be last and servant of all - this is true
greatness - Millstone around his neck - brings a significant
- Whoever receives one of these little children -
Jesus?example to their question - If a Hand, foot, or eye causes you to sin - what
should entice you to fall away from Jesus
- Receives Me and My Father - this is Kingdom work
and this is what it takes to be first in the - Cut it off - deal with the sin quickly and seriously
- Gehenna - the site of Jerusalem?s refuse dump
- In Your name - doing the work by faith in Jesus where fires burned continually to consume
regular deposits of worm-infested garbage.
- Does not follow us - the telling statement spoken
twice by John As the Servant of Sinners, Jesus reveals to the
disciples the result of a life wasted by sin
- We forbade him - John after the rebuke - now
tries to divert the Lord and gain His approval
How do I deal with sin in my life?
- He who is not against us - the reverse of Matthew
12 - he who is not with Me is against Me

- A cup of water in My name - the little things are

important in the kingdom - an act of faith

- Will by no means lose his reward - the first will be

a servant of even the lowliest

As the Servant of Vision, Jesus reveals to the III. Th e Pr ice of Peace (vv. 49-50)
disciples what is valuable in the Kingdom
- Everyone will be seasoned with fire - our lives as
disciples will be seasoned with trials

- Every sacrifice with salt - like the sacrifices in the

temple that were seasoned with salt

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 27

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Last
SESSION 9 | M ARK 9 (Continued)

- Salt is good - for three things - preservation, Will I be a servant of the Servant of the Lord by being a servant
prevention of decay, and enhancement of to the least as He is to me?

- Loses its flavor - it becomes useless like the

wasted life of a believer

- Have salt and be at peace - stay salty, thus

preserving peace

As the Servant of Disciples, Jesus reveals to the

disciples the risk and reward of being a disciple

Copyright © 2021 by Grace School of Theology. All rights reserved. 28

Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Si gh t

Review : Chapter 10 is one in which the Servanthood of Christ is readily apparent but in very unique ways. An
overview reveals the same question asked by Jesus to two different audiences resulting in two contrasting
responses. These two set the stage for what occurs in Chapter 10.

The ultimate Servant Question: What do you want me to do?

In ver se 36 - to the disciples - their response - still one of pride.

In ver se 51 - to blind Bartimaeus - one of humility

I. See t h e Lor d in you r M ar r iage (vv. 1-12) Do I desire my marriage as God designed it?
- Pharisees - The legal authority of the land

- Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? - a

question not designed as a trap

- Testing Him - as they had done so many times

- What did Moses command you? - Jesus appeals to

their ?tradition of men? Is my heart with God in my marriage?
- Certificate of divorce - a legal document very
different from a covenant relationship with God

- Dismiss her - rather treating women as


- Hardness of your heart - an obstinate refusal to

accept God?s view of marriage

- God made male and female - Christ?s focus is on

what God designed and desired, not on man?s II. See t h e Lor d in you r Lif e (vv. 17-31)
- Running, knelt, Good Teacher - All are indications
- Two shall become one flesh - His intent from the of his spiritual state - more than likely a believer
garden forward - literally to form a new creation
- What shall I do to inherit eternal life? - ?How do I
- Therefore - because of this - God?s creation and live life to the fullest and obtain treasure in
institution, thereby sacred heaven?

- What God has joined together - Who joined two - No one is good but God - the recognition from
together as one? Christ

- Let not man separate - Man is to stop disrupting - You know the commandments - Jesus here does
marriage by divorce not say believe

- Man divorce or woman divorce - God?s desire for - All these things I have kept from my youth - notice
a broken marriage is forgiveness and that Jesus does not disagree

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Si gh t
SESSION 10 | M ARK 10 (Continued)

- One thing you lack - Wow - only one thing he Do I desire my life as God offered it?
lacks! Jesus does not say 'believe'

- Sell whatever you have, give it to the poor - His

problem is that he values what is earthly more
than what is eternal; Jesus saw this and
addressed it

- Treasure in heaven - the man?s issue is Is my heart with God in my life daily?
sanctification and treasure (reward), not

- Come, take up the cross and follow Me - this is the

same invitation made to the disciples

- He went away sorrowful - not willing to do the

last two things
III. See Th e Lor d in you r Ser vice (vv. 32-45)
- How hard it is for those who trust in riches - the
ultimate test - faith - where is your trust placed - Jerusalem - Where He is headed

- To enter the Kingdom of God - to enter into the - Jesus was going before them - The Servant
riches of the kingdom (future greatness) Shepherd leading the flock

- Who then can be saved? - Who then can inherit - Son of Man - His official title includes the Servant
the kingdom? of Man

- With God all things are possible - Getting into the - Will be betrayed - a look at what is coming -
kingdom is only possible with God?s help betrayed by His own

- See, we have left all and follow You - Peter is really - condemned - to death by the religious
asking what their reward is for following Him. authorities

- Assuredly no one who has left all - meaning - delivered - to the religious authorities
anyone who makes this sacrifice now
- mocked - by His own creation
- Shall not receive a hundredfold - shall have rich
- scourged - by His own creation
life now (a hundredfold)
- spit upon - by His own creation
- In this time - in this life
- killed - as is the will of His Father
- In the age to come - and the next
- The third day He will rise again - as is the will of
- With persecutions - remember the caveat - which
His Father
was evident in Jesus?life and the disciples
- James and John - two of His inner circle
- First will be last and the last first - a final
exclamation point - His continued statement - We want You to do for us whatever we ask - the
lack of humility

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Si gh t
SESSION 10 | M ARK 10 (Continued)

time this question is asked

- What do you want me to do for you? - The
Servant?s heart question - Rabboni, that I may receive my sight - a much
different response - let me see You clearly
- Sit on right and left - In Your glory - their
response shows their heart at this point - Go your way, your faith has made you well -
always the issue of faith
- Willing to drink the cup I drink - here is your cup
- He received his sight and followed Jesus - when I
- They were greatly displeased - this is what pride
see Jesus clearly, is this my response

- Whoever desires to become great shall be your Do I desire to see Christ?

servant - His consistent answer

- Verse 45 - the capstone verse of this gospel. The

purpose of the Servant

Do I desire to serve as Christ served? Is my heart with God in my faith?

Is my heart with God like that of a servant?

The Servant was sent to give us eyes to see Him

and His kingdom ? do we?

IV. See Th e Lor d in you r Fait h (vv. 46-52)

- Blind Bartimaeus - notice the blindness - this is

the last healing recorded in Mark

- Jesus, Son of David - His acknowledgment of who

Jesus is; the Messiah

- Have mercy on me - an acknowledgment of what

Jesus came to do

- He is calling you - the question for each of us

- He rose and came to Jesus - do we do this?

- What do you want Me to do for you? - the second

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Pu r pose

Review : We are now entering the incredible series of events contained within the narrative story
of Christ?s last week. Mark continues his unfolding of the character of Jesus as the Servant of the
Lord which comes into clearer focus during this final week. The triumphal entry is the first of these

I. Pu r pose of t h e Ser van t Kin g (vv. 1-11) - Blessed is the kingdom of our father David - a
recognition of the covenant with David
Th e Tr iu m ph al En t r y
- That comes in the name of the Lord - the
- Drew near Jerusalem - continuing to move
representative of God
forward in His purpose
- Hosanna in the highest - ?Save us O Lord who
- Bethany and Bethphage - House of young figs
lives in the heavens?
and the house of unripe figs
- Jesus went into the temple - notice that no one
- Mount of Olives - the center of three small
was there to greet Him in His Father ?s house
mountains that overlook the city
- Looked around and went out to Bethany - He
- Two disciples - More than likely Peter and John -
assessed the condition of the temple
The Triumphal Entry points us to the Servant King
- You will find a colt tied - unbridled - His control
who has come to save His people.
over creation - a symbol of peace and humility

- No one has sat - unridden - purity - as in the Am I a servant of the Servant King?
spotless sacrifice of the Passover

- Loose it and bring it - Zechariah 9:9 - ?your King

comes riding in on a colt?

- The Lord has need of it - ?angaria? - an ancient

II. Pu r pose of t h e Ser van t Pr iest (vv. 12-26)
- Threw their clothes on it - a makeshift saddle for
this servant king Th e Tr ee an d t h e Tem ple

- Spread their clothes on the road - the red carpet - The next day - Mark?s continuation of the story
treatment for royalty
- Fig tree having leaves - Looks good on the
- Branches from trees - prepare the way of the outside
Lord and make His paths straight
- He would find something on it - His expectation
- Before and followed - the crowd was before Him and desire
and behind Him
- Nothing but leaves - no fruit
- Hosanna - hosi ah na - ?Oh save us now? - later a
- Not the season for figs - no young buds and no
shout of praise like Hallelujah - from Psalm 118
fruit - it was not the season (April) for the ripe
- Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord - figs
Part of Psalm 118

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Pu r pose
SESSION 11 | M ARK 11 (Continued)

- Let no one eat fruit from you ever again - the Am I bearing fruit?
prophetic judgment on Israel

- The temple in Jerusalem - the holy place in the

holy city

- Drive out those who bought and sold in the temple

- now a place of crooked commerce

- No one to carry wares through the temple - no cut III. Pu r pose of t h e Ser van t Lor d (vv. 27-33)
through the court of the Gentiles
Th e Tr u t h
- My House - claims deity in quoting Isaiah 56
- Walking in the temple - a specific place and time
- House of prayer - the purpose of His house -
- Chief priest, scribes, elders - Sanhedrin - the court
communion with the Father
of justice - the guardians of Jewish religious life
- for all nations - open to Jews and Gentiles
- By what authority - authority is a very big deal to
these religious leaders
- Den of thieves - the accusation of the religious
- Baptism of John - heaven or men - back to John -
a major character even after his death
- Sought to destroy Him - now it has turned to
- From heaven - the obvious answer but that puts
?destroy? Him
them in a real bind of faith
- They feared Him - why they did not just arrest
- From men - this answer puts them in a real bind
Him on the spot
with the people
- Next morning - the story continues
- We do not know - what a sad commentary on the
- Fig tree dried up from its roots - the roots are the religious leaders
religious leaders of Israel
- Neither will I tell you - My sheep know Me and I
- Have faith in God - the kingdom operates by know them and they follow Me.
faith and Christ exhorts them to have faith in
The truth points us to the Servant Lord who has all
authority in heaven and on earth
- Assuredly I say to you - this is the truth
Do I know the truth?
- Believe - faith is the key even in our prayers

- When you pray - believe - believing prayer in the

things of God taps into the power of God
Do I know the Servant?
- Forgive - forgiveness is a key fruit that can affect

Fruit is borne when we believe, pray, and forgive.

The tree and the Temple point us to the Servant
Priest who exhorts us to believe, pray and forgive.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rej ect i on


Review : We are in the final week of Jesus? earthly ministry. Chapter 12 focuses on Jesus as the
Servant of rejection for it is in this chapter that He faces three more times the rejection of the religious
leaders but then shows them, through the Scriptures, what and who they are rejecting.

I. Jesu s is Reject ed Nat ion ally (vv. 1-12) How am I treating Jesus?
- Parables - these are addressed to the Sanhedrin

- A Man - symbolic of God; a Vineyard - symbolic

of Israel

- A hedge, a wine vat, a tower - the care that God

has taken to build Israel - Isaiah 5:1-7

- Vinedressers - symbolic of the religious leaders; II. Jesu s is Reject ed Polit ically (vv. 13-17)
Vintage time - Harvest time
- Pharisees and Herodians - at odds politically and
- Servants - prophets including John the Baptist religiously but joined together against Christ

- Fruit of the vineyard - the rent - To catch Him in His words - their purpose -
literally to catch an animal in a trap
- Beat, wounded and killed them - what has been
done to the prophets - You are true - Honest and impartial

- One son, his beloved - Symbolic of Christ; they will - Care about no one - paid no attention to
respect my son - the assumption someone?s status

- The heir - the heir to the property they were - Do not regard men - He is not courting their
tenants on favor

- Lets kill him - Their plot is to gain it all and - Teach the way of God - This is false flattery used
become the Master to set Jesus up to speak plainly

- The inheritance is ours - They assumed the father - Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? - This
was dead was a debt owed to Caesar

- Destroy the vinedressers - the destruction that - Why do you test Me? - Instead, why do you not
comes in 70 A.D. to Jerusalem believe Me?

- Give the vineyard to others - the church will pick - Whose image and inscription is this? - It?s all about
up the cause of the Lord whose image it is

- Psalm 118:22-23 - The Chief Cornerstone - Christ - Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar?s -
Give back to Caesar what bears his image
- Sought to lay hands on Him - The Irony!
- To God the things that are God?s - Give back to
- Knew He had spoken the parable against them -
God what bears His image
they plot to fulfill the parable

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rej ect i on

SESSION 12| M ARK 12 (Continued)

Have I given to God what is His? - The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - those
patriarchs who died and are now alive

- God of the living - He still has a relationship with

them because they are alive

- You are greatly mistaken - You are deceiving

yourselves - Now you know your errors

III. Jesu s is Reject ed Spir it u ally (vv. 18-27)

Do I live like I believe?
- Sadducees - this is the upper class religious

- There is no resurrection - they did not believe in

this because they saw no evidence of it
IV. Th eir Reject ion of God (vv. 28-34)
- Teacher, Moses wrote - they bring the argument
from Moses the lawgiver - their authority - Scribes - the law-keepers

- Levirate Marriage - literally a husband's brother - - He had answered them well - How about that!
a ridiculous scenario
- Which is the first Commandment of all? - The
- In the resurrection when they rise - a sarcastic religious authorities had 613 commandments
- Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one - This
- Whose wife will she be? - a ridiculous question verse is the foundation of the nation

- You do not know the Scriptures - Jesus hits them - Love the Lord - The first commandment
in the two areas where they prided themselves
- Heart, soul, mind, strength - will (decisions);
- Nor the Power of God - the power of God to raise emotions (desires); minds (thoughts); and
people from the dead bodies (actions)

- When they rise - confirmation of the resurrection - Love your neighbor - The second
commandment - literally ?one who is nearby?
- No reason for marriage - Partnership and
procreation will not be necessary - As yourself - as you care for yourself

- Like angels - they also did not believe in angels - No other commandments greater than these -
or future judgment This sums up all the commandments

- Concerning resurrection - He goes right to the - Teacher, You have spoken well - Well how about
heart of God?s character that!

- Book of Moses God spoke - Exodus 3:6 - God - You are not far from the Kingdom of God - You
speaks to the lawgiver Moses understand with your head - Now believe

- I AM - Present tense

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rej ect i on

SESSION 12 | M ARK 12 (Continued)

Do I love God and others? - Long robes - long white linen garments with

- Love greetings - to be noticed in public places

and greeted by their titles

- Devour widow?s houses - exploiting people of

limited means

- Long prayers - seeming very pious and religious

V. Th eir Reject ion of Ch r ist (vv. 35-37) - They will receive greater condemnation - there is a
judgment coming
- Taught in the temple - back in the temple

- How is it that the scribes say that the Christ is the What is my desire?
Son of David? - how can this be?

- David said by the Holy Spirit - notice the authority

of David?s writings

- The Lord said to my Lord - Yahweh said to Adonai

- David calls Him Lord - He is the Messiah and

therefore David's Lord - the deity side of Jesus

- How is He then his Son? - He is the son of David -

this is the man side of Jesus

- The common people - the everyday person loved

VII. Th eir Reject ion of t h e Hear t (vv. 41-44)

Who is He to me? - Jesus sat opposite the Treasury - He sat across the

- Saw how people put money in - He noticed their


- Many who were rich put in much - because they

had much

- One poor widow - obvious to all

- Threw in two mites - 1/100 of a day's wage - she

VI. Th eir Reject ion of t h e Hu m ilit y (vv. 38-40) could have kept one back

- He said the them - to the common people - He called His disciples - this was a lesson for His
- Beware of the scribes - teachers of the Law
- Assuredly I say to you - Amen and amen - this is
- Who desire - what their heart is focused on
the truth - emphatic statement

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Rej ect i on

SESSION 12 | M ARK 12 (Continued)

- This poor widow has put in more - her Where is my faith?

dependence on God is evident by her sacrificial

- They all put in out of their abundance - their

dependence was on their wealth

- She out of her poverty - an attitude of faith and

she is the richer one

- Her whole livelihood - in giving to God

sacrificially, she completely entrusted herself to

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Hope

Review : In view of the rejection of Jesus in the previous chapter and Jesus?parable of condemnation to the
religious leaders, the narrative now focuses on ?what now?? Without Christ, the vision is hopeless, but with
Christ, the hope is certain and He unfolds this in this message ? "The Olivet Discourse"

I. Th e Tem ple (vv. 1-2) - Wh at w ill h appen - sign that the end will be completed?" Jesus
Im m ediat e answers these two questions in reverse order

- Then - next action in the story - Verse 5 - theme verse - Take Heed - This Greek
word is spoken four times during this teaching
- He went out of the temple - leaving the place
where He was rejected - No one deceives you - this begins Jesus' teaching
on what these signs will not be
- His disciples - the Twelve
- Come in My name - they will come claiming His
- Stones and buildings - the disciple referred to the
buildings, porticoes, and porches
- I am He - and in actuality claiming to be the
- Not one stone - the immediate prophecy of
judgment on Israel for their rejection of the
Messiah - Will deceive many - this is the sad reality that
those who have believed can be deceived
What is your security based on? - Wars and rumors of wars - there have been
many of these

- Such things must happen - these things are


- BUT the end is not yet - these are not the the end
but they are markers

- Nation vs. Nation - this continues today - as

II. Th e Tr ibu lat ion (vv. 3-13) - Wh at w ill h appen -
nations rise up against other nations
t h e Fu t u r e
- Kingdom vs. Kingdom - and kings against other
- Mount of Olives - the significance of this place in
kings with their kingdoms
Mark's story continues
- Earthquakes and famines - even creation moans
- Opposite the temple - possible play on words -
and becomes part of the destruction
He takes a seat opposite the place of rejection
- Beginnings of sorrows - the birth pangs - before
- Peter, James, John, Andrew - the four disciples are
the birth of a new creation
called out in Mark?s account only
- Watch out - again - take heed - be alert - do not
- Question #1 - When will theses things be?
be taken in - these are not the signs
Literally, "When will the temple be destroyed?
- For My sake - The foundation and the purpose -
- Question #2 - What will be the sign when all
for His name to be known
these things are fulfilled? - Literally, "What is the

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Hope
SESSION 13 | M ARK 13 (Continued)

- The gospel must be preached - this is God's plan - Unless the Lord shortened - God's mercy and
grace poured out
- To all the nations - This is God's audience and it
is His timetable - For the sake of the elect - the believers alive
during this time period of 7 years
- The Holy Spirit - this is Whom God has provided
to be our Advocate, our Voice, and our Strength - Deceivers - False Messiahs
- Brother betray brother - close relationships will - Take Heed - the third warning
be betrayed (a foreshadowing of Judas?)
- I have told you - you have been told the truth
- Father vs. children - even closer relationships will
be severed IV. HOPE (vv. 24-27) - Wh at We Will See

- Children vs. Parents - Families will fall apart - But - The wonderful contrast of Hope
because of Jesus - in those days - the specific time period
- Hated for My name?s sake - Faith in Christ will - After that tribulation - After this 7 year fulfillment
divide families and God's merciful shortening
- But he who endures to the end shall be saved - to - They will see - All will see and not be blind - the
the end of the persecution inference is he who has eyes to see now as well

- The Son of Man - From Daniel 7:13-14- the

When things look hopeless, where do I find hope?
Messianic Prophecy that Jesus will claim

- Coming in the clouds - From the heavens

- With great power and glory - as the three

disciples saw at the Transfiguration

- He will send His angels - His army - what a

glorious and terrible sight

- Gather His elect - His followers - those who came

to Christ during the Tribulation

III. Th e Sign (vv. 14-23) - Wh at it w ill be - t h e Fu t u r e V. HOPE (vv. 28-31) - Wh at w e w ill k n ow

- Abomination of Desolation - From Daniel 9:24-27 - Learn this - to his disciples

- the prophecy of the 70 weeks of 7 years - Fig Tree - He used the fig tree previously to show
- Daniel the prophet - Jesus quotes Daniel here as the judgment on Israel
proof of the validity of the prophecy - Assuredly I say to you - take this to the bank - the
- Woe - Head for the hills because things will go absolute truth
from bad to worse - This generation will not pass away - this current
- Tribulation - this will occur during this time of generation will see the destruction of the
Great Tribulation temple

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Hope
SESSION 13 | M ARK 13 (Continued)

- Heaven and earth will pass away - after a How will hope show in my life?
cataclysmic end, a new age will be ushered in

- My words will by no means pass away - we can

have the certainty of hope in what Jesus said

VI. HOPE (vv. 32-37) - Wh at w e sh ou ld do

- Of that day and hour - The final end

- No one knows - Not even the Son knows

- Only the Father - this is reserved for God the

Father only - it is His plan and His glory

- Take Heed - The fourth time this is stated

- Watch and pray - what we are to do

- Watch - stay alert, see the signs, be obedient, do

not be deceived, BELIEVE

- Evening, midnight, crowning or morning - Roman

times of the watch

- He find you sleeping - do not be found this way

- Watch - be found this way - eagerly awaiting His


There is the certainty of hope because there is the

certainty of His return.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Ch oi ces

Review : In Chapter 13, we looked specifically at Christ being the Servant of Hope. Today we look at Jesus ? the
Servant of Choices.

Our daily lives are filled with choices. Some are big 6. Of the three disciples, Jesus singles out Peter. Why? ? v. 37
choices and some are little choices. Some choices seem
huge in the moment and later have little impact while
others seem inconsequential and yet later have huge
and lasting impact on our lives and the lives of those
around us.

If you are like most people, you allow all sorts of 7. What temptation did Jesus warn them of falling into?
external circumstances to shape your choices.
Pressures, deadlines, other people, opinions, facts, and
sometimes the unknown ? these contribute to our
decision-making process.

Though the focus of this study is on Mark 14:32-50, the 8. Who?s in control in verse 41?
first section (14:1-31) shows people from all walks of life
making choices. Verse 3 ? the woman and the oil; vv.
4-9 ? the naysayers and Jesus?response to the choice;
vv. 10-11 ? Judas and the religious leaders; vv. 12- 31-
the preparation for the Last Supper

Mark 14:32-50 - the Garden experience - shows us four 9. Judas is described in two ways. What are they? ? v. 43-44
clear examples of people making choices based upon
different criteria. See if you can find yourself in one of
these four.

Gar den in g Qu est ion s

1. Gethsemane means olive press ? v. 32 10. The sign that Judas gives is a kiss. Why is this noted? ? v. 45

2. Olive trees/branch are a symbol of peace ? v. 32

3. Jesus has been called the Prince of Peace

4. How many times did Jesus make His request and pray?
11. Judas calls Jesus Rabbi. Why?

5. How many times did the disciples fall asleep?

12. Judas has come with the multitude. ? v. 43

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Ch oi ces
SESSION 14 | M ARK 14 (Continued)

I. Th e Pr ior it y Ch oice ? Th e Flesh

13. The multitude is carrying swords and clubs. Why?
- James, Peter, and John ? v. 38 ? the disciple?s
choice is for themselves

- Three times came the request ? vv. 34, 38, 40

- Three times came the choice ? vv. 37, 40, 41

- For Peter ? Three more times came the choice ?

14. What does Peter do? Why? v. 47 Mark 14:66-72

What?s our priority when we make choices? The flesh or the


15. What does Jesus do? Why? vv. 48-49

It's a matter of choice.

II. Th e Par t icu lar Ch oice ? Th e Fact s

16. What do the disciples do? Why? ? v. 50 - Judas ? v. 45 ? Judas only saw the facts

- Jesus was only a Teacher

- Judas saw the handwriting on the wall ? the end

is near

- Judas weighed the facts as presented and made

his choice
17. Does all of this fulfill Scripture? ? v. 49

What particulars do we look to when making choices? The facts

or the Father?

Now that we have the scene firmly planted in our

minds, let?s look at the four main characters or groups
of characters who make choices and see what
influences them and determines their process of
making those choices.
It's a matter of choice.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Ch oi ces
SESSION 14 | M ARK 14 (Continued)

III. Th e Popu lar Ch oice ? To Follow

- The Multitude ? v.43 ? Is the mob ever right?

- Sent by the religious leaders

- Mob mentality rules

- Heavily armed, at night? why?

Does popular thinking sway our choices? Do we follow the

crowd or Christ?

It's a matter of choice.

IV. Th e Per f ect Ch oice ? Th e Fat h er

- Jesus ? v. 36 ? He chose you!

- Romans 5:8 ? while we were still sinners, He

chose us

- Isaiah 53:10 ? God?s greatest joy is us

- Mark 14:36 ? Jesus chose for the Father and in

doing so, He chose you

V. Applicat ion

- John 15:16 ? He chose you

- John 21:15-18 ? He pursues you

- Joshua 24:15 ? Choose this day whom you will


In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus made His

choice? He chose you. The question of today is,
?Will you choose Him?? It?s a matter of choice.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Sacr i f i ce

Review : Chapter 15 records the final hours of Jesus? earthly life as seen through Mark?s eyes and
for the importance of his Roman audience. He shows Jesus as the Servant ? a
silent and suffering One ? so that God?s will is done. He is convicted by His own testimony in
Mark 14:62 and is now delivered up to Pilate and the crowd.

I. Bef or e Pilat e - vv. 1-5

- Immediately - the next part of the story

- Chief Priests, elders, scribes and the whole council - all of

the religious leaders

- Delivered Him - paradidómi - Greek for deliver, or hand

over, or even betray

- Are you the King of the Jews? - the question from the
religious leaders

- It is as you say - literally in the Greek - ?You say;? a

cryptic answer that can be taken as a yes but not
enough of a confession to convict

- Chief Priests accused - no answer for Jesus

- Pilate asks - no answer from Jesus

Jesus was the Servant who suffered in silence before Pilate

for me.

II. Bef or e t h e Cr ow d - vv. 6-15

- Barabbas - son of the father

- Pilate asks the crowd - Barabbas or crucify?

- What evil has He done? - no answer

- He delivered Jesus - an innocent man

Jesus was the Servant who was innocent before the crowd
for me.

III. Bef or e t h e Soldier s - vv. 16-20

- The whole garrison - just like in the Garden - all of this

for one Man

- Clothed Him in purple - royalty

- A crown of thorns - a king

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Sacr i f i ce
SESSION 15 | M ARK 15 (Continued)

- Salute him - Hail King of the Jews

- Struck Him - with balled fists - not a slap

- Spat on Him - the ultimate degradation

- Bowed the knee and worshiped Him - today in mockery

but one day in reality

- Mocked Him - in every way possible

- Led Him out - paradidómi

Jesus was the Servant who was mocked before the soldiers
for me.

IV. Bef or e God - vv. 21-41

- Simon of Cyrene - perhaps symbolic of taking up the

cross to follow Jesus

- Golgotha - The Place of the Skull

- Wine and myrrh - He did not take it - the full effect

- Crucified Him - attached Him painfully to the cross

- Divided His garments - Psalm 22

- Inscription - The King of the Jews

- Two robbers - Jesus was crucified as a criminal

- So the Scripture was fulfilled - still fulfilling prophecy

- Wag their heads - Psalm 22

- Destroy the temple - His own body

- Saved others - they acknowledge this

- Cannot save Himself - but do not understand this

- We may see and believe - when He does - they don?t

- 6th to the 9th hour - three hours of darkness in the


- Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - My God, My God, why have

You forsaken me?

- He is calling for Elijah - the great prophet - they still don?t


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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Sacr i f i ce
SESSION 15 | M ARK 15 (Continued)

- Elijah will take him down - another mockery

- With a loud voice, He breathed His last - Mark records His
last earthly breath - fully conscious until the end - a
victory cry

- The veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom -
the passive verb indicates that this was God?s action

- Truly this Man was the Son of God - based on Jesus?final

cry - never a truer word spoken

Jesus was the Servant who cried out before God for me.

V. Bef or e Us - vv. 42-47

- Joseph of Arimathea

- Waiting for the kingdom of God - a reflection of Mark 1:15

- ?Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.? A believer
in Jesus as the Messiah

- Pilate marveled - He had died so soon - he confirmed it

with the centurion

- Pilate granted the request - for Joseph to take the body

- Joseph prepared the body - the Jewish custom of the

laying of spices

- The women observed where He was laid - eyewitnesses to

the tomb

Jesus was the Servant who died and, by His death, paid the
penalty for me

How will I respond to what Jesus did for me?

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Resu r r ect i on


Review : It?s Easter Sunday! He is Risen! Let?s rejoice and read what the evangelist, Mark, shares
about the good news of Jesus Christ who has risen from the dead for me!

I. Wh at Th ey Saw (vv. 1-8) said it

- Sunday morning - after the Sabbath of Saturday - They said nothing - out of their fear
What have I seen?
- Mary, Mary and Salome - the same women who
saw Him crucified and buried

- Spices to anoint Him - a fragrant aroma

- The stone - The Roman seal already rolled away

- Young man in white - his dress and strength

indicated that he was an angel II. Wh at Th ey Sh ar ed (vv. 9-13)

- You seek Jesus of Nazareth - for all who seek him - Mary Magdalene - she is described for this
the answer is the same Roman audience who may not know her

- He is Risen - The passive nature of the verb - Heard and seen - her testimony of the truth she
states that God is the One who has done this had seen

- He is not here - in the tomb - it is empty - They did not believe - we are not to be
discouraged when our testimony is not believed
- See the place where they laid Him - you were
witnesses to His death and His burial and now - He appeared to two - the two on the road to
His empty tomb Emmaus - this is a very condensed version of
this encounter
- But Go - the command to all of us in light of the
news that He is risen - When they told it - still sharing the testimony

- Tell His disciples - we need to encourage one - They did not believe - still not believing
another with this truth
What have I shared?
- And Peter - Mark singles out Peter for the
example of forgiveness and purpose

- Galilee - we go back to where all of this started -

Mark takes us full circle

- There you will see Him - the promise He made to

them and to us - we will ?see Him? if we but look
for Him - He who has eyes to see

- As He said to you - He has fulfilled all prophecy

to this point and He told you that He would rise
on the third day - now this is true because He

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of t h e Resu r r ect i on

SESSION 16 | M ARK 16 (Continued)

III. Wh at Th ey Believe (v. 14) gospel and to see the Lord?s supernatural
protection over them as the gospel is spread.
- Later - Easter Sunday evening

- He appeared to the eleven - they were together What will I do?

without Thomas as John explains

- He rebuked their unbelief - they had seen and

heard and had not yet believed that the
resurrection was true

- And hardness of heart - at the resurrection

- They did not believe those who had seen Him -

eyewitness testimony

What do I believe?

IV. Wh at Th ey Did (vv. 15-18)

- Go into all the world - the same command to the

women and to us in Matthew 28

- And preach the gospel - the good news that Jesus

Christ is Lord and is Risen

- He who believes and is baptized - The inward

saving reception of the gospel by faith and the
outward public expression of that faith through

- Will be saved - the primary importance of

salvation is belief

- He who does not will be condemned - by their

own choice to not believe, they will bring about
their own condemnation

- Signs - They will continue to see supernatural

experiences occur with the sharing of the

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Ser v an t s
SESSION 17 | M ARK 16:19-20

Review : For over 17 weeks, we have looked at Mark?s narrative of the ministry of Jesus and have seen him
present Christ as the Servant of the Lord. Now in the final two verses, we see the conclusion to this
wonderful gospel and again we see the servanthood of Christ in all of its glory.

I. Th e Ascen sion of Th e Ser van t - v. 19 were not called to go and preach the good news
of Jesus Christ who died for my sins and rose
- So then - Mark once again gives us a
from the dead.
continuation of the narrative
How do we do this? - Acts 1:4-8
- After the Lord had spoken - What had He just
spoken to them about? ?Go into all the world - The Promise of the Father - the Holy Spirit - John
and preach the gospel to every creature.? This is 16:7
His last word to the disciples - Matthew
- Baptized with the Holy Spirit - a common
reiterates this in his gospel as do Luke and John.
occurrence for all believers
- He was received up into heaven - He went home
- Receive power - one of the promises of the Holy
as He asked the Father to do for Him
- Sat down at the right hand of God - the seat of
- Witnesses to Me - now we have the power to be
power and authority which was His before He
His witnesses
came to earth. He was restored to His position
and status as the second member of the Trinity. - 'Witness' comes from the Greek word
See Hebrews 1:3, Acts 2:32-34, & Ephesians 4:8. where we get the word for 'martyr.'

Remember this post-Easter truth: He has not only

What does His Ascension mean to me?
risen - He has ascended!

What does His Ascension mean to me?

III. Th e Applicat ion f or Ser van t s - v. 20b

- The Lord working with them - we are in

II. Th e Act ion s of t h e Ser van t s - v. 20a partnership with the Ascended Christ!

- They went out - in obedience to the command of - Confirming the word - Validating the good news
Christ - the Great Commission that still applies
- Through the accompanying signs - and seeing the
miraculous happen
- and preached everywhere - there is no place they
How does this happen? Acts 1:1-3

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

Ser v an t of Ser v an t s
SESSION 17 | M ARK 16:19-20 (Continued)

- Began both to do and teach - what He began on

earth, He is completing in and through us today

What does His Ascension mean to me?

Who is the Servant of the Lord? He is the Savior

who is Christ the Lord; He is the One whom God
called His beloved Son in Whom He is well pleased;
He is the One in whom we place our faith; He is the
One who was transfigured in all of His glory; He is
the One who was crucified for my sins; He is the
One who was resurrected - that death could not
destroy; He is the One who has ascended into
heaven; He is the One who sits at the right hand of
God; He is the One who reigns; He is the One who
lives in us; He is the One who has made us new and
transforms us through the power of His Spirit; and
He is the One who will return as He has promised.
Who is the One who has served me and calls me to
serve others? He is the King of my heart.

- And all God?s Children said - Amen - So be it.

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Servant of the Lord by Mark Rae

@gr acecen t er on lin e


Developing spiritual leaders in every nation who
can teach others about the love of Christ ? a love
that cannot be earned and cannot be lost.


Mark Rae holds a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological
Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Grace School of Theology, the same
school from which he is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree. He
spent half of his career in sales and marketing and the other half in church and
parachurch ministry as an Associate Pastor, COO of an evangelistic ministry,
Executive Director of a discipleship ministry, and Lead Minister. He currently
serves as the Vice President of Community Development at Grace School of
Theology and is the Executive Director of the Grace Center for Spiritual
Development. Mark is married to Melissa and they have two grown children,
Ryan and Sean, and five grandchildren.

The work of the Grace Center for Spiritual Development is supported by generous donors!
You can give securely at

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