Figure of Speech BR

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Figure of Speech

Figure of Speech is also called the style of language. The good style of language should have three
elements, such as honesty, politeness, and attractiveness.

There are many ways to divide Figure of Speech, so different author / expert will classified into different
category. There is no limitation so a type of it will include in more than category.

But, for this occasion I’ll just want to make you familiar with some of them.

Basically Figure of Speech can be divided into four types, namely:

1. Comparison (perbandingan)
2. Uniting ( pertautan)
3. Contradiction ( pertentangan)
4. Repetition ( pengulangan)

I. Comparison (perbandingan :
I.1. Simile : It functions to compare something explisitely. It usually uses: like, as, etc.
Example : The lady is like a real princess.

I.2. Metaphor: It functions to compare two things directly, but in a short way.
Example : Spring is a lovely lady

Lion is the king of the jungle.

I.3. Personification: It functions to compare inanimate thing with human being character.
Example : The coconut leaves wave me.

I.4. Dispersonification: It functions to compare human being with inanimate thing.

Example : If you are the sky, my dear. I’ll be the earth.

I.5. Alegore : It is the improvement of metaphor. It wants to show morality and spirituality
Example : The moral value of folk tales.
I.6. Parabole : It uses to compare about morality with fiction stories. (in Holy Bible)
Example : The story of 5 wise and 5unwise women
Moral teaching: we must be ready to celebrate the groom

1.7. Fable : A kind of metaphor which tells about animal kingdom.

Example : The stories about mouse deer. Each has moral teaching.

II. Uniting ( pertautan)

II.1. Climax : To explain something using words that have deeper meaning to stress it.
Example : You must know, understand, and master this subject.
The meeting will be attended by the villagers, the local government, even the
Central government.

II.2. Anti Climax : To give more explanation by arranging from important words to the least ones.
Example : The national ceremony will be celebrated by the university, college, high -school,
junior - school and elementary students.

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II.3. Metonym : To unite certain thing with certain name which has already been familiar with.
Example : Is Tiger more expensive than Ninja? (both are the trademarks of motorcycle)

II.4. Synecdoche: To change a part of thing with the whole thing or in the contrary.
Example : I’m really satisfied with the performance of Italy and The Netherland. (the foot
ball teams from both countries).

III. Contradiction ( pertentangan)

III.1. Irony : It functions to ridicule someone by expressing the contradiction.
Example : How clean this class is! You see the floor is so dirty.

III.2. Sarcasm : It functions to mock someone by using the rude words.

Example : Your mouth is your tiger!

III.3. Synism : It is more rude than irony

Examples : Yes, you are the right person who can destroy this company.
You’re beautiful enough to trick the men.

III.4. Satire : It functions to make fun/ reject something or some one.

Example : Hi, you want to be high? Now, climb the coconut tree, then you’ll be the highest
among us.

III.5. Euphimism : It functions not to irritate some one by using polite words.
Examples : I think you’re son is rather difficult to follow this lesson, sir. (= stupid)
His father doesn’t live with him anymore.(= pass away)
III.6. Antitheses : To express contradiction words directly
Examples : old – young, rich – poor, majority – minority, all have to support our nation

IV. Repetition ( pengulangan)

IV.1. Anaphor : To repeat the first word in every line.
Example : Rose is a beautiful flower
Rose smells good

4.1. Epistrophe : Repetition of the same word or group of words at the end of successive clauses.
The counterpart of anaphora (also known as antistrophe)

Example : Fill your life today

Because life is today
Everything is for today
IV.2. Alliteration : To repeat the same consonant

Example : Don’t doubt, Dear

IV.3. Assonance : Repetition of vowel sounds, most commonly within a short passage of

Example : Come, come, come here my love

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