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Chapter 2:

1. Differentiate matter from energy.
2. List four major energy forms and
provide one example of how
each is used in the body.
3. Define element and list the four
elements that form the bulk of
body matter.
4. Recognize that chemical
reactions involve the interaction PREPARED BY:
of electrons to make and break Ms. Gail Chantel Spring P. Saludares, MN, RN
chemical bonds. Mr. Vincent Z. Solidum, MAN, RN
Mary Jane Gensola, MAN, RN
Rosanna Buison, MAN RN
It is the branch of science that explores the chemical
processes within and related to living organisms.

It is the basis for how the body transforms and uses energy
and for how our cells use crucial molecules such as
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

It helps us understand the interactions of different

molecules and why some interactions store energy, such as
in fat, and other interactions release energy, such as when
an enzymes breaking down the food.
anything that occupies space and has
mass (weight).

Concepts of
Matter and
• Solid – has definite shape and volume.

(ex. bones and teeth)

• Liquid – has a definite volume but it takes the

shape of its container (ex. blood plasma and
the interstitial fluid that bathes all body cells)

• Gas – has no definite shape and volume.

(ex. The air we breathe is a mixture of gases.)
Changes that occur in matter:

1. Physical Change- a change that

occurs commonly in solid materials but
can also happen in liquid materials. It
does not alter the basic nature of a
substance (Ex.water).

2. Chemical change - alters the

composition or basic nature of the
substance (ex. Wine from grapes)
In contrast to matter, it has no mass and does not take up space.
It can only be measured by its effects on matter –its ability to do
work or to put matter into motion.

Types of Energy
1. Kinetic Energy
an energy in motion or is doing work such as moving
It is displayed in the constant movement of the tiniest
particles of matter (atoms) as well as in larger objects, such
as a bouncing ball.
2. Potential Energy
When energy is inactive or stored (Ex. batteries of an
unused toy)
All living things are built of matter, and to grow and function they
require a continuous supply of energy. Thus, matter is the substance,
and energy is the mover of the substance.
Major energy forms in the Body
A. Chemical – is stored in the bonds of chemical substances. When the bonds are broken, the (potential)
stored energy is unleashed and becomes kinetic energy (energy in action). (Example: Food nutrients-
natural chemicals found in the food we eat).
B. Electrical – results from the movement of charged particles (ions) typically across a membrane
(Example:1. electrical impulses that allow the heart muscle to contract at the right time. 2. nerve
impulses to transmit messages from one part of the body to another.)
C. Mechanical – directly involved in moving matter – such as muscles moving bones. For example, when
you pedal a bicycle, as the muscles in your legs contract, they pull on your bones, causing your limbs to
D. Radiant – travels in waves it is the energy of electromagnetic spectrum which includes X rays, infrared
radiation, visible light, radio, and UV waves. For example, Light energy, which stimulates the retinas of
your eyes. UV waves they also stimulate our bodies to make vitamin D.


Energy Form Conversions
Energy is easily converted from one form to another
(Ex. Electrical energy to light energy)
All energy conversions in the body liberates heat
which contributes to our relatively high body
temperature, which has an important influence on
body function.
When matter is heated its particles begin to move
more quickly- that causes kinetic energy of the body
to increase.
In the body, chemical energy from food is trapped in
the bonds of a high-energy chemical called ATP
(adenosine triphosphate) - this is the form of
potential energy in the body
❑ Are unique substances
that cannot be broken
down into simpler
substances by ordinary
chemical methods.
4 Elements that Form the Bulk of Body Matter

❑ Carbon
❑ Oxygen
❑ Hydrogen Oxygen plays a vital role in the breathing

❑ Nitrogen
processes and in the metabolism of the
living organisms. Used to burn the food
molecules to fuel body cells.

❖ makes up about 96 percent all molecules in the body contain carbon. It

can form bonds to make essential compounds,
allowing us to live, grow and reproduce.
of the weight of the human
Part of the molecular structure of water.
body Used for ph and fluid balance in our body.

It generates proteins for your muscles, skin,

blood, nails, hair and DNA
❑ Comes from the Greek word
“Incapable of being divided”.

❑ Building blocks of elements-

the smallest unit of Matter that
retains all the chemical
properties of an element.
Atomic Symbol

❑ Is chemical shorthand
for each element.
❑ The first or the first 2
letters of the element’s
The Basic Atomic

❑ Also known as Subatomic Particles

> An atom’s subatomic particles differ in their mass, electrical
charge, and position within the atom

❖ Protons (p+) are positively charged, found inside the

nucleus, heavy particles
❖ Neutrons (n0) are uncharged or neutral, found in nucleus
❖ Electrons (e–) are negatively charged particles that orbit
around the nucleus.
Planetary and Orbital Model of an Atom

❖ Portrays the atom as a miniature solar system

❖ The protons and neutrons are clustered at the
center of the atom in the atomic nucleus

Because the nucleus contains all the heavy particles, it is

dense and positively charged.
The tiny electrons orbit around the nucleus in fixed, circular
orbits, like planets around the sun.

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The Orbital Model Nucleus

We can never determine the exact location of

electrons at a time because they jump around
following unknown paths.

So, instead of speaking of specific orbits,

Helium atom
chemists talk about orbitals— regions around
2 protons (p+)
the nucleus in which electrons are likely to be
2 neutrons (n0)
2 electrons (e−)
❑ Depicts the general location of
electrons outside the nucleus as a
(b) Orbital model
haze of negative charge referred to
as the electron cloud. KEY: Figure 2.1b The structure of an atom.

Neutron Electron cloud

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Atomic Number

❑ Is equal to the number of

protons its atoms contain.
• The number of protons is always
equal to the number of electrons
• The atomic number indirectly
tells us the number of electrons
that atom contains.
Atomic Mass
is the sum of the masses of all the
protons and neutrons contained in
its nucleus.
Atomic Weight
❑ The atomic weight of an atom
should be equal to its atomic
❖ This would be possible, if there
were only one type of atom
representing each element.
❖ is when the atoms of almost all elements exhibit two or more structural variations.
❖ They have the same number of protons and electrons but vary in the number of
neutrons they contain.
❖ Thus, the isotopes of an element have the same atomic number but different atomic


❑ can be defined as atoms that

contain an unstable
combination of neutrons and
protons, or excess energy in
their nucleus (Ansto.gov.au,
Uses of Radioisotopes

❑ Radioactive therapy for the

treatment of cancer.
❑ Used as tracers for diagnostic
purposes as well as in research
on metabolic processes.
❑ Are valuable tools for medical
diagnosis and treatment. For
example: radioisotope of iodine
can be used to scan the thyroid
gland of a patient suspected of
having a thyroid tumor.
Molecules and Compounds

• Molecule—two or more atoms of the same elements combined


• Example of a chemical reaction, shown as a chemical equation,

resulting in a molecule:
H (atom) + H (atom) → H2 (molecule)
• The reactants are the atoms on the left
• The product is the molecule on the right, represented by a molecular


Molecules and Compounds

• Compound—two or more atoms of different elements combined

chemically to form a molecule of a compound

• Example of a chemical reaction resulting in a compound:

4H + C → CH4 (methane)


Figure 1. Properties of a compound differ from
those of its atoms.

Sodium (silvery metal) Chlorine (poisonous gas) Sodium chloride (table salt)
Used in making bleaches.

Na Cl NaCl

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Chemical Bonds and
Chemical Reactions
– Chemical reactions occur when atoms
combine with or dissociate from other
Chemical bonds are energy
relationships involving
interactions among the
electrons of reacting atoms
Roles of Electrons
▪ Electrons occupy energy levels called electron shells
(or energy levels)

▪ Electrons closest to the nucleus are most strongly

attracted to its positive change

▪ Distant electrons further from the nucleus are likely

to interact with other atoms
Role of Electrons
– Each electron shell has distinct
– How to fill the atom’s electrons shells
– Shell 1 can hold a maximum of 2
electrons shells
– Shell 2 can hold a maximum of 8
– Shell 3 can hold a maximum of 18
– Subsequent shells can hold more
Role of Electrons
– The key to chemical reactivity

– Atoms are considered stable when their outermost (valence) shell has 8

– Atoms with 8 electrons in the valence shell are considered stable and
chemically inactive (inert)

– The exception to this rule of eights is shell 1, which can hold only 2
Role of Electrons

– Reactive Elements
– Atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons to complete
their outmost orbitals
– Chemical bonding helps atoms achieve a stable
valence shell
Types of Chemical Bonds:
– Form when electrons are completely transferred from one atom to
– Allow atoms to achieve stability through the transfer of electrons
Result from the loss or gain of electrons
- Anions have negative charge due to gain of electron(s)
- Cations have positive charge due to loss of electron(s)
- Tend to stay close together because opposite charges attract
Formation of an ionic bond
Types of Chemical Bonds

3. Covalent bonds
– Atoms become stable through shared electrons
– Electrons are shared in pairs
– Single covalent bonds share one pair of electrons
– Double covalent bonds share two pairs of electrons
Formation of a Single
Covalent Bond
Formation of a Double
Covalent Bond
Types of Chemical Bonds

4. Hydrogen bonds
- Extremely weak chemical bonds
- Formed when a hydrogen atom is attracted to the negative
portion, such as an oxygen or nitrogen atom, of a polar molecule
- Responsible for the surface tension of water
- Important for forming intramolecular bonds, as in protein
Hydrogen bonding between
polar water molecules
Patterns of Chemical
1. Synthesis reaction (A + B AB

- Atoms are molecules combine to

form a larger, more complex
- Energy is absorbed for bond
- Underlies all anabolic (building)
activities in the body
Patterns of Chemical
2. Decomposition reaction (AB A+B
- Molecule is broken down into smaller
- Chemical energy is released
- Underlies all catabolic (destructive)
activities in the body
Exchange Reactions:
- Involves simultaneous synthesis and decomposition reactions as bonds are
both made and broken
- Switch is made between molecule parts, and different molecules are made
The End
Thank You

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