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Parent & Student Meeting

May 1, 2011
TBC Student Ministries exists to assist students in pursuing strategically
what God prizes supremely, namely Himself (Is. 48:11). Thus, our ulti-
mate aim in every aspect of ministry is to see and savor the glory of God
in Jesus, thus living a life of worship in all things.


To achieve this end we must be God centered in all we preach and prac-
tice, meaning we embrace the glory of God as God’s ultimate goal in all
things Rom. 11:36), and we enjoy the glory of God as our ultimate glad-
ness in all things (Rom. 5:2).


The pursuit of such God centeredness requires we be continuously Word

saturated as God’s Word is the only lens through which we see the glory
of God in the face of Christ. (Ps. 138:2; 2 Cor. 4:1-6)


As a result we will be others oriented, expressing our Word saturated,

God centered life of worship in an outward directed, others focused life
trajectory aimed at those in Christ and those outside of Christ (Matt.

Thus the aim of TBC Student Ministries is not to insulate ourselves but
expend ourselves, not to live minimally complying with external ethics,
but explode maximally out of internal enjoyment, to be so moved by the
worth of God displayed in the Word of God that we join the great goal of
God to be worshiped by every tribe and tongue and people and nation
(Rev. 5:9), thus covering the earth with His glory as waters cover the sea
(Hab. 2:14).
The Youth Council is made up of 8 men who meet monthly to dis-
cuss, plan, and pray for the direction and advancement of TBC Stu-
dent Ministry. Please feel free, at any time, to ask questions, ex-
press ideas, or share concerns with any of the council members.

Travis Jones

Danny Webb

Bob Clements

Randy Watson

Mark Shiew

Joey Shoop

Kevin Wesel

Andrew Moss
Just because AWANA is ending doesn’t mean our Wednesday
times together are too. Hey! It’s Wednesday is for junior high
and senior high students who desire to meet, be encouraged in
the Lord, and have fun together. Meetings will be held at the
church, 7 pm to 9 pm, on Wednesday, of course.

May 18 & 25#. June 8, 15, & 29#. July 13 & 27#. August 17

What if it was illegal or extremely dangerous to gather with fellow Christians?

What if churches met in secret? What if copies of Scripture were rare? What if
meeting to study the Bible were a criminal offense or a danger to your life? While
these are mere questions of theory for us, they are blunt reality for many of our
brothers and sisters in the world.

The Gathering is series of five bible studies held at various locations to be an-
nounced covertly. At each Gathering we will sing, study Scripture, and pray for the
persecuted, oppressed, and suffering church around the world. Our objective will
be to encourage a greater appreciation for the fellowship of the church, a deeper
love for the Word of God, and a more tender heart for the sufferings of our broth-
ers and sisters throughout the world. The Gathering is for both junior high and
senior high students.

June 3 & 24#. July 8 & 22#. August 12

May 22# June 26# July 24# August 28th

Christian Youth in Action is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellow-

ship aimed at reaching children with the story of God’s love and sal-
vation. Christian Youth in Action training equips students to minister
directly to children through Good News Clubs, 5-Day Clubs, camps,
open air rallies, and other various venues. Students eligible to at-
tend CYIA training must be 13 years old or have completed the 7th
grade by the end of the 2011 Springs semester. Training will be
held at Mid-America Christian University in Oklahoma City. Cost is
$395. Application deadline is May 15th.

June 7-17

John 3:16 Summer K.I.D.S. Camp is a remedial education program

and vacation Bible school for academically at risk elementary-aged
children. We (TBC Students) are leading one week of the afternoon
VBS portion of the program. Both junior high and senior high stu-
dents are encouraged to participate and serve.

August 1-4
Junior High & Senior High
August 19-21

Other items for your attention:

TBC Vacation Bible SchoolGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. June 20-23


Good News Club Summer OutreachGGGGGGGGGGG Date(s) TBD

Sunday SchoolGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. James/1 Peter

Promotion SundayGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG August 14

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