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#1 Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal

Show all your work. Do not just show your answer, you must show your solution
process. Handwritten solutions are not accepted; all work should be professionally
formatted and typed.

(0) Convert 58 (base10, sometimes written as: 5810) into
(a) base16 hexidecimal
(b) base8 octal
(c) base2 binary

(1) On a color scale in base10 from 0 to 255, how much RED, GREEN, and BLUE exist
in this HTML color?

(2) What hexadecimal value (HTML) is cyan?

(3) Add the following numbers; do not change bases (show all your work):

octal (base 8) hexadecimal (base 16)
736 00EBA
+ 673 + 01ABC

(4) Assume integers are stored in five (5) bits and the left-most bit is the sign-bit.

(a) What is the range of possible values [MIN to MAX]?

(b) In base10, what is the actual value of this (5-bit) binary value: 10010

(5) Assume your computer stores signed integers in eleven (11) bits, the left-most
bit representing the sign-bit.

(a) Show what happens when you add these two base10 numbers:
1017 + 34 (Convert these values and show your work in binary).

(b) If we do the following instruction in a programming language:

x = 1017 + 34;

what number will be stored in x? (show your answer in base10).

Due: Tuesday (at start of class) Feb. 8

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