Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue: Voluntary

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Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue

Muscle Tissue – has cells that contract.

➢ Actin microfilaments and proteins generate force for contraction which drives movement.
➢ Mesodermal origin

3 Types
1. Skeletal Muscle – bundles of very long multinucleated cells with cross-striations

➢ Contraction is quick, forceful, and voluntary

2. Cardiac Muscle – cross-striations and has elongated, often branched cells bound to intercalated discs

➢ Intercalated Discs – unique to cardiac muscle.

➢ Contraction is involuntary, vigorous, and rhythmic

3. Smooth Muscle – collection of fusiform cells which lack striations

➢ Contraction is involuntary and slow

Skeletal Muscle Cross-striations Strong Voluntary

Cardiac Muscle Cross-striations Strong Involuntary
Smooth Muscle Lack striations Weak Involuntary

Contraction – caused by sliding interaction of myosin

filaments along actin filaments.

➢ Forces necessary for sliding are made by other


Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of muscle cells

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum – smooth ER

Sarcolemma – muscle cell membrane and external Hypertrophy – increased cell volume
lamina Hyperplasia – tissue growth by increase in
the number of cells


Consists of muscle fibers

Muscle fibers – long, cylindrical multinucleated cells.

Mesenchymal Myoblasts – during embryonic muscle development, it fuses

to form myotubes with many nuclei.
➢ Elongated nuclei found under the sarcolemma (unique to skeletal muscle fibers/cells)

Satellite Cells – reserve progenitor cells, adjacent to most fivers of differentiated skeletal muscle.

Organization of a Skeletal Muscle

Thin connective tissue surrounds and organize contractile
fibers in all types of muscle. Seen well in skeletal.

Supportive layers in large peripheral nerves:

1. Epimysium – external sheath of dense irregular

connective tissue, surrounds the entire muscle.
a. Septa – extends inward, carrying larger nerves,
blood vessels, and lymphatics of the muscle.
2. Perimysium – thin connective tissue layer that
surrounds a fascicle
a. Fascicle – bundle of muscle fibers, makes up a
functional unit where fibers work together.
b. Nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics supply each
3. Endomysium – located within the fascicles, surrounds
the external lamina of individual muscle fibers.
a. Capillaries bring O2 to the muscle fibers.

Collagen – transmit the mechanical forces

Myotendinous Junctions – tough connective tissue of a tendon

that joins the muscle to bone, skin, or another muscle.

Organization Within Muscle Fibers

Myofibrils – long cylindrical filament bundles that run parallel to the long axis of the fiber.

➢ A bands – DARK bands

➢ I bands – LIGHT bands, do not overlap the thick filaments in the A bands.
➢ Z disc – bisects I band by a dark transverse line.
➢ Sarcomere – repetitive subunit of the contractile apparatus and extends from Z disc to Z disc.

Myofilaments – thick and thin regular arrangement that causes the A and I banding pattern in

➢ Have myosin (thick) and f-actin (thin) organized in a symmetric pattern

Myosin (1.6µm long 15nm wide) – thick filaments that occupy the A band at the middle region of the
➢ Large complexes with two identical heavy chains and two pairs of light chains.
➢ Heavy chains – thin, rodlike motor proteins twisted as myosin tails.
➢ Light chains – four chains that form a head at one end of each heavy chain.
o Binds both actins, forming bridges between the thick and thin filaments, and ATP,
catalyzing energy release.

Actin (1.0µm long and 8nm wide) – run between the thick filaments.

➢ Each G-actin monomer contains a binding site for myosin

➢ Anchored perpendicularly on the Z disc

Two Regulatory Proteins:

1. Tropomyosin – coil of two polypeptide chains in the groove between two twisted actin strands.
2. Troponin – complex of three subunits:
a. TnT – attaches to tropomyosin
b. TnC – binds Ca2+
c. TnI – regulates actin-myosin interaction

I Bands

α-actin – actin-binding protein, exhibits opposite polarity on each side of the Z disc.

Titin – accessory protein in I bands, largest protein in the body

➢ Supports the thick myofilaments and connects them to the Z disc.

Nebulin – large accessory protein, binds each thin myofilament laterally.

➢ Helps anchor them to α-actin

➢ Specifies the length of the actin polymers during myogenesis.

A Bands

Contains the thick filaments and overlapping portions of thin filaments.

H zone – light zone in its center, a region with only rodlike portions of the myosin molecule and no thin

M line – inside the H zone, contains myomesin

Myomesin – holds thick filaments in place and creatine kinase

Creatine Kinase – enzyme that catalyzes transfer of phosphate groups form phosphocreatine helping
supply ATP for muscle contraction.

Phosphocreatine – storage form of high-energy phosphate groups

Myosin & Actin – represent over half of the total protein in striated muscle.

➢ Cause of the striated appearance of the skeletal muscle.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum & Transverse Tubule System
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum – smooth ER of skeletal muscle fibers.

➢ Contain pumps and other proteins for Ca2+ sequestration and surrounds the myofibrils.
➢ Calcium release from cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum through Ca2+ channels to muscle fiber.
➢ Simultaneous release of calcium and contraction of all myofibrils

Transverse or T-tubules – tubular infoldings of the sarcolemma

➢ Ling fingerlike invagination that penetrates into the sarcoplasm and encircle each myofibril near
the aligned A- and I- band boundaries of sarcomeres.

Terminal Cisternae – adjacent to each T-tubule.

➢ Triad – complex of T-tubule with two terminal cisternae

➢ Allows depolarization of the sarcolemma in a T-tubule to affect the sarcoplasmic reticulum and
release calcium ions into cytoplasm.
➢ Calcium initiates contraction of sarcomeres.

Mechanism of Contraction
Contraction – occurs due to the overlapping of thin and thick filaments of each sarcomere as they slide
past one another.

1. Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ) – action potential

2. Action potential arrives to trigger calcium release.
a. Resting muscle, myosin heads cannot bind actin because sites are blocked by troponin-
tropomyosin complex on the F-actin filaments.
3. Calcium ions bind to troponin
4. Change in shape and moving tropomyosin on the F-actin to expose myosin-binding active sites.
5. Binding actin produce a change or pivot in the myosins
a. Energy from hydrolysis of ATP
b. Continued presence of calcium and ATP, attach-pivot-detach repeats about 50
c. Shortens the sarcomere and contract the muscle
6. Pulling thin filaments farther into the A band to the Z disc.
7. When neural impulse stops tropomyosin covers the myosin-binding sites on actin.
8. Filaments passively slide back and sarcomeres return to their relaxed length.

Rigor mortis – rigidity of skeletal muscles that occurs as mitochondrial activity stops after death.
Myelinated (inside perimysium) → Unmyelinated terminal twigs → Endomysium → Synapses → Muscle

Schwann cells – enclose small axon branches and cover their points of contact with the muscle cells.
➢ External lamina fuses with sarcolemma

Motor end plates (MEPs) – axonal branch forms dilated termination within a trough on the muscle cell
surface, part of the synapses termed the neuromuscular junctions.

Axon terminal have:

➢ Mitochondria
➢ Several synaptic vesicles
o Acetylcholine – neurotransmitter

Synaptic cleft – between the axon and muscle

Junctional folds – adjacent to the synaptic cleft, where sarcolemma is thrown in.

➢ Provides greater postsynaptic surface area and more transmembrane acetylcholine receptors.

Nerve action potential → MEP → Acetylcholine liberated from axon terminal → Diffuses to the cleft →
binds receptors in the folded sarcolemma

Acetylcholine receptor – has nonselective cation channel that opens upon neurotransmitter binding.

➢ Allows influx of cations, depolarizing the sarcolemma, and producing muscle action potential.

Acetylcholinesterase – extracellular enzyme that removes free neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft.

➢ Prevents prolonged contact of the transmitter with its receptors.

Muscle action potential → sarcolemma → T-tubules → sarcoplasm

➢ Triads – depolarization signal release calcium from terminal cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum,
initiating contraction cycle

Innervation (single muscle fibers by single motor neurons) – provide precise control of muscle activity.

➢ Occurs in extraocular muscles for eye movements

Motor Unit – single axon and all muscle fibers branch and
make up this

Individual striated muscle fibers – do not show graded

contraction, contract either all the

To vary contraction – muscle fibers don’t contract at the

same time.

Large muscles:
Myasthenia gravis – autoimmune disorder
involving circulating antibodies against ➢ Coarser movements
proteins of acetylcholine receptors.
➢ Have motor axons that branch profusely and innervate 100 or more muscle fibers.
➢ Composed of many motor units
➢ Firing single motor axon generate tension proportional to the number of muscle fiber it
➢ Number of motor units and their variable size control the intensity and precision of muscle

Muscle Spindles & Tendon Organs

Proprioceptors – sensory receptors in striated muscle and myotendinous junctions

➢ Provides the central nervous system (CNS) data from the musculoskeletal system.
Muscle spindles – detectors of the muscle fascicles (2mm long and 0.1mm wide)

➢ Encapsulated by modified perimysium with intrafusal fibers

➢ Intrafusal fibers – concentric layers of flattened cells with interstitial fluid and a few thin muscle
fibers filled with nuclei.
➢ Have many sensory nerve axons.
➢ Detects changes in length (distension) of the surrounding (extrafusal) muscle fibers caused by
body movements.
➢ Sensory nerves relay info to the spinal cord.

Golgi Tendon Organs – smaller encapsulated structures that enclose sensory axons penetrating among
the collagen bundles at the myotendinous junction.

➢ Detect changes in tension within tendons produced by muscle contraction.

➢ Act to inhibit motor nerve activity if tension becomes excessive.
➢ Help regulate the amount of effort required to perform movements that call for variable
amounts of muscular force.

Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types

Dystrophin – large actin-binding protein in the
sarcolemma of skeletal muscle fiber. Skeletal muscles in:
Functional organization of myofibrils.
➢ eyes and eyelids – need to contract rapidly.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – mutations of ➢ For posture – maintain tension for longer
the dystrophin can lead to defective linkages periods while resisting fatigue
of cytoskeleton and ECM. Muscle contraction Possible due to varied expression in muscle fibers
can disrupt the weak linkages causing atrophy contractile or regulatory protein isoforms.
(decrease) of muscle fibers.

Different types of fibers identified:

➢ Maximal rate of contraction (fast or slow fibers)

o Due to myosin isoforms with different maximal rates of ATP hydrolysis.
o Histochemical staining – use to identify fast and slow ATPases
➢ Major pathway for ATP synthesis (oxidative phosphorylation or glycolysis)

➢ Densities of surrounding capillaries

➢ Number of mitochondria
➢ Levels of glycogen and myoglobin

Myoglobin – globular sarcoplasmic protein same to hemoglobin which has iron atoms and allows
oxygen storage
3 Major Types of Fiber Diversity

1. Slow oxidative – slow contractions over long periods without fatigue

a. Many mitochondria
b. Many surrounding capillaries
c. Much myoglobin
d. Dark or red in color
2. Fast glycolytic – rapid short-term contraction
a. Few mitochondria or capillaries
b. Depending on anaerobic metabolism of glucose from glycogen
c. Rapid contraction → rapid fatigues as lactic acid from glycolysis accumulates
d. White
3. Fast oxidative-glycolytic – intermediate between the others.

Metabolic type – determined by the rate of impulse conduction along its motor nerve supply.

Determining fiber types in needle biopsies of skeletal muscle helps diagnosis of:

➢ Myopathies
➢ motor neuron diseases
➢ other causes of atrophy


Embryonic Development – mesenchymal cells around the primitive heart tube
align rather than fusing.

Cardiac Muscle – cells form complex junctions between interdigitating


➢ Cells often branch and join with cells in adjacent fibers.

➢ Mature: 15-30µm in diameter and 85-120µm long
➢ Has striated banding pattern
➢ Each cell has only one nucleus and centrally located
➢ Endomysium – delicate sheath with rich capillary
network that surrounds the muscle cells.
➢ Perimysium – separates bundles and layers of muscle
➢ Cardiac skeleton – large masses of fibrous connective
Ischemia – tissue damage due to lack
of oxygen in heart diseases.

Heart – consists of tightly knit bundles of cells interwoven in spiraling layers

➢ Wave contraction that resembles wringing out of the heart ventricles.

➢ Muscle of heart ventricles is much thicker than the atria
➢ Ventricular muscle T-tubules fibers are well-developed.
o Large lumens
o Penetrates the sarcoplasm in the vicinity of the myofibrils’ Z disc.
➢ Atrial muscle T-tubules are much smaller or entirely absent

Intercalated Discs – unique characteristic of cardiac muscle

➢ Transverse lines that cross the fibers at irregular intervals

➢ Where myocardial cells join
➢ Represents the interfaces between adjacent cells and consist of many junctional complexes.
➢ Has many desmosomes and fascia adherens junctions – provide strong intercellular adhesion
during constant contract.

Less abundant region of intercalated disc run parallel to the myofibrils and are filled with gap junctions

➢ Provide ionic continuity between cells.

➢ “electrical synapses”
➢ Promotes rapid muscle conduction through many cardiac muscle cells simultaneously and
contraction of many adjacent cells as a unit.

Same contractile apparatus as the skeletal muscle.

➢ Mitochondria 40% of cell volume (higher than slow oxidative skeletal muscle)
➢ Fatty acids – major fuel of the heart
o Stored as triglycerides in small lipid droplets.
➢ Glycogen granules
➢ Perinuclear lipofuscin pigment granules

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum – less well-organized

➢ Junctions between terminal cisterns and T-tubules involve only one structure of each type
forming dyads.
Contractions – intrinsic and spontaneous

➢ Impulses for rhythmic contraction (heartbeat) – are initiated, regulated, and coordinated locally
by nodes.
➢ All-or-none
➢ Rate of contraction is modified by autonomic innervation at the nodes.
➢ Sympathetic nerve supply accelerating
➢ Parasympathetic supply decreases the frequency of the impulses

Secretory Granules – 0.2-0.3µm in diameter, found near atrial muscle nuclei

➢ Associated with small Golgi complexes.

➢ Release the peptide hormone atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
➢ ANF – target cells in the kidney to affect sodium excretion and water balance
➢ Contractile of cells of the heart’s atria is endocrine function.


Specialized for slow, steady contraction under the influence of autonomic nerves
and various hormones.

Visceral Muscle – fibers of smooth muscle

➢ Elongated, tapering and unstriated cells

➢ Enclosed by an external lamina and type I and III collagen fibers
comprising the endomysium

Major component of:

➢ Blood Vessels
➢ Digestive
➢ Respiratory
➢ Urinary
➢ Reproductive tracts

Cells – length from 20µm in small blood vessels to 500µm in the pregnant uterus.

➢ Only largest profile contains a nucleus

➢ Linked by many gap junctions
➢ Concentrated near the nucleus are:
o Mitochondria
o Polyribosomes
o Vesicles of a Golgi apparatus
➢ In the surface are caveolae
o Small plasmalemma invaginations
o Compartmentalize various signaling components
o Contains major ion channels that control calcium release that initiates contraction.
Fibers – have rudimentary sarcoplasmic reticulum but lack T-tubules

➢ Unnecessary in smaller tapering cells with many gap junctions

Contractile activity – generated by myofibrillar arrays of actin and myosin

➢ Thin and thick myofilaments crisscross the sarcoplasm obliquely.

➢ Myosin filaments – less regular arrangement among the thin filaments and fewer crossbridges
➢ Actin filaments – not associated with troponin and tropomyosin using instead:
o Calmodulin
o Myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK) – calcium sensitive
o to produce contraction
➢ Contraction mechanism is similar to striated muscle
o Fibers lack neuromuscular junctions
➢ Stimulated by autonomic nerves
➢ Gastrointestinal tract – controlled by various paracrine secretions
➢ Uterus – oxytocin from the pituitary gland

Actin myofilaments → cytoplasmic and dense bodies (have α-actin, functions same to Z discs) →
intermediate filaments

Intermediate filaments – 10nm, composed of desmin

➢ Attach to the dense bodies

Submembranous dense bodies – have cadherins of desmosomes linking adjacent smooth muscle cells

➢ Serve as points for transmitting contractile force in cells and adjacent cells

Endomysium and other connective tissue – help combine the force generated by the smooth muscle
fibers into a concerted action

➢ Peristalsis (wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract) in the

Autonomic nerves Axons – periodic swellings or varicosities is close with muscle fibers

➢ Synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitter (acetylcholine or norepinephrine)

➢ Diffuses and binds receptors in the sarcolemmae of many muscle cells.
➢ No specialized structure to junctions
➢ Stimulation is propagated to distant fibers via gap junctions allow smooth muscle cells to

Other activity of smooth muscle cells:

➢ Supplement fibroblast activity

➢ Synthesizing collagen
➢ Elastin
➢ Proteoglycans (major influence on ECM)
➢ Active synthesis of ECM may reflect less specialization for strong contractions, same function in
myofibroblasts and pericytes.

Leiomyomas – benign tumors in smooth

muscle fibers.

Fibroids – leiomyomas in the uterus.


Skeletal Muscles – limited regeneration

➢ Satellite cells – mesenchymal, source of regeneration

o Inside the external lamina of each muscle fiber.
o Inactive reserve myoblasts which persist after muscle differentiation.
o After injury, is activated, fusing to form new skeletal muscle fibers.
o Cell hypertrophy – muscle growth after extensive exercise, fuse with existing fibers.

Cardiac Muscles – very little regenerative capacity beyond early childhood

➢ No satellite cells
➢ Defects or damage are generally replaced by proliferating fibroblasts and growth of connective
tissue forming myocardial scars

Smooth Muscles – more active regenerative response

➢ Simpler, smaller, mononucleated cells

➢ After injury, viable smooth muscle cells undergo mitosis to replace damaged tissue
➢ Pericytes from walls of small blood vessels participate in the repair of vascular smooth muscle.

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