Hypertension During Pregnancy

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Current Hypertension Reports (2020) 22:64



Hypertension During Pregnancy

Akanksha Agrawal 1 & Nanette K. Wenger 1

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose of Review Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy affect about 5–10% of pregnancies impacting maternal, fetal, and
neonatal outcomes. We review the recent studies in this field and discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management
of hypertension during pregnancy, as well as the short- and long-term consequences on the cardiovascular health of
Recent Findings Although the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association revised their guidelines for
hypertension in the general population in 2017, hypertension during pregnancy continues to be defined as a systolic
blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg, measured on two separate
occasions. The addition of stage 1 hypertension will increase the prevalence of hypertension during pregnancy, identi-
fying more women at risk of preeclampsia; however, more research is needed before changing the BP goal because a
lower target BP has a risk of poor placental perfusion. Women with chronic hypertension have a higher incidence of
superimposed preeclampsia, cesarean section, preterm delivery before 37 weeks’ gestation, birth weight less than
2500 g, neonatal unit admission, and perinatal death. They also have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease
later in life. The guidelines recommend low-dose aspirin for women with moderate and high risk of preeclampsia. While
treating pregnant women with hypertension, the effectiveness of the antihypertensive agent must be balanced with risks
to the fetus.
Summary Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy should be appropriately and promptly recognized and treated during pregnancy.
They should further be co-managed by the obstetrician and cardiologist to decrease the long-term negative impact on the
cardiovascular health of women.

Keywords Chronic hypertension . Pregnancy . Gestational hypertension . Women . Cardiovascular . Fetal

Introduction normal pregnancy, the BP decreases gradually in the first tri-

mester due to a decrease in systemic vascular resistance. It
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy complicate about 5– reaches a nadir at about 22–24 weeks, rising again from
10% of pregnancies causing maternal, fetal, and neonatal mor- 28 weeks to reach preconception levels by 36 weeks of ges-
bidity and mortality [1]. Hypertension during pregnancy is tation [2]. There are multiple hormonal, vascular, and meta-
defined as a systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg bolic factors postulated to explain hypertensive diseases dur-
and/or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg, mea- ing pregnancy.
sured on two separate occasions. During the course of a Hypertension during pregnancy has negative implications
for a woman’s cardiovascular health later in life. As per a large
population study, the prevalence of chronic hypertension in
pregnancy has increased over 13-fold during the last 4 decades
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Guidelines/Clinical Trials/
Meta-Analysis (1970–2010) [3•]. In this review, we discuss the categoriza-
tion of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and discuss the
* Akanksha Agrawal pathophysiology, associated maternal and offspring risks,
aagra30@emory.edu; Akanksha21agr@gmail.com management, and long-term consequences of hypertension
during pregnancy, but do not address preeclampsia/eclampsia.
Division of Cardiology, Emory University School of Medicine, 101 A detailed review of literature and latest guidelines have been
Woodruff Circle, Suite 319, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA included in the review and reflected in the included citations.
64 Page 2 of 9 Curr Hypertens Rep (2020) 22:64

Categorization Severe Hypertension SBP ≥ 160 mmHg and/or DBP ≥

110 mmHg
As per the American College of Obstetricians and The threshold for severe hypertension is lower in pregnant
Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines, hypertension in pregnan- women compared with non-pregnant women due to higher
cy is divided in the following four categories [4]. risk of hypertensive encephalopathy.
In the last several years, though the definition of hyperten-
Chronic/Pre-existing Hypertension Hypertension discovered sion in general population has been revised (BP 130–139/80–
preconception or prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, persisting for 89 mmHg termed as stage 1 hypertension), the guidelines for
more than 42 days postpartum. diagnosing hypertension in pregnancy have remained un-
changed so far [5]. As per a retrospective study from China
Gestational Hypertension (GH) Hypertension developing after including 16,345 women, adopting 2017 ACC/AHA guide-
20 weeks of gestation and usually resolving within 42 days lines would result in a substantial increase in prevalence of
postpartum. gestational hypertension (25.1% vs 4.2%) [6•]. Another study
from the USA including 1020 women demonstrated an in-
Preeclampsia/Eclampsia Gestational hypertension accompa- creased risk of preeclampsia in the high-risk population in
nied by one of the following: the presence of stage 1 hypertension (as per ACC/AHA guide-
lines) when compared with high-risk normotensive women
& Proteinuria [7]. Elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension have
& Maternal organ dysfunction includes the following: been shown to be associated with higher risk of preeclampsia,
severe preeclampsia, preterm delivery, and perinatal death [8].
& Acute kidney injury, More prospective data are needed to establish the risk and
& Liver involvement (transaminitis) with or without right cardiovascular consequences of stage 1 hypertension during
upper quadrant or epigastric abdominal pain pregnancy. Detecting and treating women with stage 1 hyper-
& Neurological complications (eclampsia, altered mental tension during pregnancy might reduce maternal and neonatal
status, blindness, stroke, clonus, severe headache, persis- risks.
tent visual scotomata)
& Hematological complications (decreased platelet count <
150,000/uL, disseminated intravascular coagulation, Epidemiology
In women of reproductive age (20–44 years old), the estimat-
& Uteroplacental dysfunction (fetal growth restriction, ab- ed prevalence of hypertension is about 7.7% as per the
normal umbilical artery Doppler wave form analysis, or National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
stillbirth) (NHANES) [9]. The prevalence of gestational hypertension
is estimated at about 6–7% [4] and that of chronic hyperten-
sion during pregnancy varies between 0.9 and 1.5% [10].
Chronic/Pre-existing Hypertension with Superimposed During the last 4 decades, the prevalence of chronic hyperten-
Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Chronic hypertension that develops sion has increased by almost 6% per year [3•].
signs and symptoms of preeclampsia or eclampsia after The rate of chronic hypertension in pregnancy increases
20 weeks’ gestation. steadily with increasing maternal age [3•]. As per a study
In addition to above, the European Society of Cardiology including 150 million women from the National Hospital
(ESC) has an additional category, antenatally unclassifiable Discharge Survey from 1970 to 2010, the prevalence of
hypertension, which is used when BP is first recorded after chronic hypertension has a 2-fold higher rate among black
20 weeks of gestation; and reassessment is necessary after women (1.24%) than white women (0.53%) [3•].
42 days postpartum [1]. Additionally, black women tend to have earlier disease onset
Depending on the severity of BP elevation, hypertension and poorer control of hypertension [11]. The pregnancy-
during pregnancy is categorized as mild or severe. related mortality data from 2006 to 2010 also echo a similar
racial disparity, with a higher rate of death in non-Hispanic
Mild Hypertension SBP 140–159 mmHg and DBP 90– black women when compared with non-Hispanic white wom-
109 mmHg en [12]. The 2014–2015 national birth cohort data showed
Sometimes, it is further broken down into mild (140– substantial ethnic differences in the prevalence of maternal
149/90–99 mmHg) and moderate (150–159/100– hypertension among other races, varying from 2.2% for
109 mmHg) Chinese and 2.9% for Vietnamese women to 8.9% for
Curr Hypertens Rep (2020) 22:64 Page 3 of 9 64

American Indians/Alaska Natives (AIANs) and 9.8% for non- As a result of the above-mentioned complications such as
Hispanic blacks [13]. In another smaller study (n = 3244), placental abruption and preeclampsia, patients with chronic
Hispanic women demonstrated a significantly decreased inci- hypertension have a significantly higher rate of preterm deliv-
dence of gestational hypertension (1.6% versus 8.5%; ery and cesarean section. Preterm delivery rates range from 12
P < 0.01) but a similar incidence of preeclampsia (3.8% versus to 34% among women with chronic hypertension and be-
3.7%; P = 0.9) when compared with non-Hispanic Caucasian tween 62 and 70% in women with severe hypertension [25].
women [14]. Women with preeclampsia also have a greater risk for car-
diovascular disease in the postpartum period even after
adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, and other CVD
Pathophysiology and Risk Factors risk factors [26]. The impact on the outcome of pregnancy
and future risk highlights the need for antenatal surveillance
The risk factors for gestational hypertension (GH) include and aggressive control of modifiable cardiovascular risk fac-
obesity, parity, and history of prior preeclamptic pregnancies tors such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes control.
[15]. The last variable poses a challenge in that preeclampsia
is the most common in the first pregnancy. In addition, as
mentioned above, African-American women are at higher risk Long-Term Maternal Cardiovascular Risk
of having hypertension. About 42% of women with pre-
eclampsia and 39% of women with GH progress to hyperten- It is well known from several studies that in comparison with
sion after a mean follow-up of 2.5 years as compared with normotensive pregnancies, women with a history of hyperten-
women with normotensive pregnancy where the rate is as sive diseases of pregnancy have a higher risk of developing
low as 1% [16]. cardiovascular disease later in life [27]. Wu et al. demonstrat-
Multiple mechanisms including placental vascular insuffi- ed that women with a history of preeclampsia have a 71%
ciency, endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, and system- increased risk of CV mortality, a 2.5-fold increase in risk of
ic inflammation play a role in the development of preeclamp- coronary artery disease (CAD), and a 4-fold increase in the
sia [17–20]. However, it is not entirely clear if the same path- development of heart failure when compared with normal co-
ophysiological changes are also responsible for gestational horts [28].
hypertension. Additionally, there is limited research on mech- The same association has been less aggressively studied for
anisms that link hypertensive disorders of pregnancy with gestational hypertension; a few studies show an increased risk
maternal cardiovascular disease. A large cohort study demon- for CVD in comparison with preeclampsia; the others show an
strated a strong association between hypertensive diseases of increase in the risk but comparatively lower than preeclamp-
pregnancy and several cardiovascular risk factors including sia. A study by Lykke et al. suggested an increase in the risk of
hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and subsequent cardiovascular events as the severity, parity, and
increased body mass index (BMI) [21]. recurrence of hypertensive pregnancy disorders rise. The risk
of subsequent hypertension after gestational hypertension was
5.31-fold in comparison with mild preeclampsia (3.61-fold)
Immediate Maternal and Fetal Risks and severe preeclampsia (6.07-fold) [29].
On the contrary, a study of a Finnish cohort with 39 years
Women with chronic hypertension have a higher incidence of of follow-up found that GH was associated with modestly
superimposed preeclampsia, cesarean section, preterm deliv- higher CVD risk than preeclampsia (HR: 1.45 versus 1.40)
ery before 37 weeks’ gestation, birth weight less than 2500 g, [30].
neonatal unit admission, and perinatal death [22]. Fetal growth A study including more than 600,000 women in Norway
restriction, defined as absolute or estimated weight less than showed that GH was associated with an increased risk of sub-
the 10th percentile for gestational age-based population sequent CVD (1.8-fold) in comparison with normotensive
norms, has been observed in 10–20% of pregnancies in wom- pregnancy and the highest risk was observed when GH was
en with chronic hypertension [23]. combined with small-for-gestational-age infants and/or pre-
Placental abruption, i.e., premature separation of the pla- term delivery [31]. Also, women who were hypertensive dur-
centa from underlying myometrium resulting in pain, bleed- ing their first pregnancy had a 70% increased risk of type 2
ing, and potentially clinically significant interruption of fetal diabetes and 30% increased prevalence of hypercholesterol-
gas and nutrient exchange, is more common in women with emia later in life [32•]. All these long-term cardiovascular ef-
chronic hypertension. According to a study using National fects highlight the need for long-term follow-up of women
Center for Health Statistics data from 1995 to 2002, the rate who develop hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and routine
of placental abruption was about 1.56% in comparison with surveillance for cardiovascular diseases. The majority of these
0.58% in normotensive women [24]. studies are from Europe, not reflecting the ethnic heterogeneity
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seen in the United States (US) population, and hence its trans- Prevention
lation to real world practice becomes challenging.
The ESC has categorized pregnant women into high and mod-
erate risk of women (Table 1) and recommends 100–150 mg
Diagnosis of aspirin daily from week 12 to weeks 36–37 for both high-
and moderate-risk women. This recommendation is supported
Measurement of BP should be done in either the sitting posi- by a study by Rolnik et al. where 1776 high-risk women were
tion or the left lateral recumbent (during labor) with an appro- randomized to aspirin 150 mg per day or placebo and preterm
priately sized arm cuff at heart level, and using Korotkoff V preeclampsia occurred in 1.6% in the aspirin group vs 4.3% in
for diastolic BP (DBP) [33]. The United States Preventive the placebo group [40].
Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening for As discussed above, on application of 2017 ACC/AHA
preeclampsia by BP measurement at each pregnancy visit guidelines to current categorization, patients with stage 1 hy-
[34]. In a small study of 100 nulliparous women with a BP pertension in a high-risk cohort have been shown to have an
more than 140 or 90 mmHg, measuring automated BP mea- increased risk of preeclampsia compared with normotensive
surement for 24 h at home in comparison with conventional women (39% versus 15%). Randomization of this cohort to
sphygmomanometry in the antenatal clinic showed improve- low-dose aspirin (60 mg) showed a decline in the risk of
ment in the identification of women at high risk of poor ob- preeclampsia (24% versus 39%) in a study of about 1000
stetric outcome such as proteinuria, preterm delivery, birth patients [7].
weight below 10th percentile, admission to a special care neo- The ACOG recommends daily low-dose aspirin beginning
natal unit, and cesarean delivery [35]. This suggests the use of in the late first trimester for women with a history of early-
ABPM (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring) in high-risk onset preeclampsia and preterm delivery at less than 34 weeks
women to plan for early intervention and better blood pressure of gestation or for women with more than one prior pregnancy
control. complicated by preeclampsia [41]. The USPSTF recommends
Identifying women with chronic hypertension is important the use of low-dose aspirin (81 mg/day) as preventive medi-
during the first antenatal visit, and if possible preconception, cation after 12 weeks of gestation in women who are at high
so that safe medications can be discussed. When indicated, risk for preeclampsia [42].
evaluation for secondary causes of hypertension should be Calcium supplementation has also been studied to evaluate
performed prior to pregnancy in an ideal scenario to avoid its effect on maternal and child outcomes in patients with hy-
radiation exposure and enable surgical intervention if re- pertensive disorders of pregnancy. As per a Cochrane review,
quired. Hypertension of secondary cause is common in ado- calcium supplementation (≥ 1 g/day) is associated with a sig-
lescent and young adult years [36]. nificant reduction in the risk of preeclampsia, particularly for
women with low calcium diets [43]. The ESC guidelines rec-
ommend calcium supplementation (1.5–2 g/day, orally) in
Laboratory Tests pregnant women with low dietary intake of calcium (<
600 mg/day) starting at the first antenatal clinic for the preven-
Basic laboratory evaluation including urinalysis, blood count, tion of preeclampsia [1]. The ACOG guidelines mention cal-
hematocrit, liver enzymes, serum creatinine, and serum uric cium to be useful in reducing severity of preeclampsia in pop-
acid is recommended in all pregnant women [1]. Screening ulations with low calcium intake; however, there are no task
for proteinuria is essential in early pregnancy to detect pre- force recommendations for US population with adequate cal-
existing kidney disease and also in the second half of pregnan- cium intake [4]. The ACOG also recommends against vitamin
cy to check for preeclampsia. Pre-pregnancy proteinuria has C or vitamin E supplementation to prevent preeclampsia [4].
been associated with an increased risk for fetal growth restric-
tion [37]. During pregnancy, a value of < 30 mg/mmol rules out
proteinuria, and anything above that is labeled as significant Management
proteinuria requiring close monitoring [1]. A relatively new
marker called sFlt1 to placental growth factor (sFlt1:PIGF) Goal Blood Pressure
ratio ≤ 38 can be used to exclude the development of pre-
eclampsia in the next week when suspected clinically [38]. The primary aim of BP control during pregnancy is to limit the
In addition to laboratory investigations, doppler ultrasound episodes of severe hypertension, thereby reducing maternal
of the uterine arteries (performed after 20 weeks of gestation) morbidity. A study by von Dadelszen et al. in 2000 suggested
can be useful to detect women at higher risk of gestational that aggressive maternal BP control might adversely affect
hypertension, preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth retarda- fetal growth, causing small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants
tion [39]. and fetal growth restriction [44]. Another relatively recent
Curr Hypertens Rep (2020) 22:64 Page 5 of 9 64

Table 1 Categorization of
pregnant women to high risk and High risk of preeclampsia (includes any of the following) Moderate risk of preeclampsia (includes more
moderate risk for preeclampsia than one of the following)

Hypertensive disease during a previous pregnancy First pregnancy

Chronic kidney disease Age 40 years or older
Autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus Pregnancy interval of more than 10 years
or antiphospholipid syndrome
Type 1 or type 2 diabetes BMI of ≥ 35 kg/m2 at first visit
Chronic hypertension Family history of preeclampsia
Multiple pregnancy

study on about 1000 women with gestational or pre-existing Non-pharmacological Management

hypertension showed no significant difference in the compos-
ite primary outcome with less-tight-control (target DBP < There exists a linear correlation between body mass index
100 mmHg) or tight-control (target DBP < 85 mmHg) [45]. (BMI) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, with the risk
The composite primary outcome included pregnancy loss or for preeclampsia becoming 2-fold with each increase in BMI
high-level neonatal care for more than 48 h during the first 28 of 5 to 7 kg/m2 [47, 48]. Hence, regular exercise should be
postnatal days. However, severe hypertension (≥ 160/ continued with caution during pregnancy. A randomized trial,
110 mmHg) was developed in 40.6% of the women in the LIMIT, compared comprehensive dietary and lifestyle inter-
less-tight-control group and 27.5% of the women in the vention with standard care in overweight women (BMI ≥
tight-control group (P < 0.001). 25 kg/m2) between 10 and 20 weeks of gestation [49]. The
The ACOG recommends maintaining BP between 120/80 antenatal lifestyle advice used in this study did not reduce the
and 160/105 mmHg in women with uncomplicated hyperten- risk of delivering a baby weighing above the 90th percentile
sion [4]. ACOG further recommends initiating antihyperten- for gestational age and sex or improve maternal pregnancy
sive treatment for women with chronic hypertension when the and birth outcomes. More studies are needed to examine the
BP is persistently elevated to > 160 mmHg systolic and/or > effect of lifestyle interventions during pregnancy. As per
105 mmHg diastolic. The European guidelines have a slightly guidelines, obese women (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) are advised
different BP goal, recommending initiation of drug treatment against gaining more than 6.8 kg during their pregnancy [50].
in all women with persistent elevation of BP ≥ 150/95 mmHg,
and at values > 140/90 mmHg in women with gestational Pharmacological Management
hypertension, pre-existing hypertension with superimposed
gestational hypertension, and hypertension with subclinical While treating pregnant women, the effectiveness of the anti-
organ damage or symptoms at any time during pregnancy hypertensive agent has to be balanced with risks to the fetus.
[1]. As discussed above, these guidelines antedate the 2017 Most women with mild chronic hypertension are able to stop
ACC/AHA guidelines for non-pregnant adults, and more pro- their antihypertensive medications during the first and second
spective studies are needed to establish if there should be a trimester secondary to a physiologic fall in blood pressure.
change in the BP goal. The Chronic Hypertension and Earlier medications during pregnancy were classified under
Pregnancy (CHAP) project is one such large, multicentric, five letter risk categories (A, B, C, D, or X). As per the US
randomized controlled trial including pregnant patients with Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this categorization is
blood pressures ranging between 140 and 159/90–104 mmHg. no longer used, and specific drug information should be
Patients are randomized to the “antihypertensive therapy” arm checked at the US FDA website under pregnancy and lacta-
to control their blood pressure to < 140/90 mmHg, or the “no tion registries (https://www.fda.gov/drugs/labeling-
antihypertensive or low-dose therapy” arm, with the goal of information-drug-products/pregnancy-and-lactation-labeling-
maintaining a blood pressure < 160/105 mmHg; antihyperten- drugs-final-rule). The drugs of choice for treatment of
sive drugs are only given in small enough doses to maintain hypertension during pregnancy include methyldopa, beta-
pressures just below this threshold. Primary outcomes will be blockers, and calcium antagonists. Specific drug information
composite adverse perinatal outcomes up to 2 weeks postpar- is discussed in Table 2. angiotensin-converting enzyme
tum (fetal and neonatal death, preeclampsia with severe fea- (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and
tures, placental abruption, and preterm labor < 35 weeks’ ges- direct renin inhibitors are strictly contraindicated during preg-
tation) and SGA (< 10th percentile birth weight). This study is nancy and lactation due to adverse fetal and neonatal
estimated to be completed in June 2021 [46]. outcomes.
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Table 2 Antihypertensive medications used to treat hypertension during pregnancy

Drug Class Intravenous dose Oral dose Former Placenta Transfer to breast milk
FDA permeable

Methyldopa Central α-agonist Not commonly used first line 500–3000 mg/day, divided into two to four doses B Yes Yes*
Hydralazine Vasodilator 5 mg, then 5–10 mg every 20–40 min, maximum 20 mg Not commonly used first line C Yes Yes (1%)*
OR 0.5–10 mg/h infusion
Labetalol α-/β-blocker 10–20 mg, then 20–80 mg every 10–30 min, maximum 200–2400 mg/day, divided into two to three doses C Yes Yes*
300 mg OR 1–2 mg/min infusion
Nifedipine Calcium channel Not used in intravenous form Immediate Release—10–20 mg every 2–6 h, maximum C Yes Yes* (maximum of
blocker 180 mg/day (may repeat initial dose after 20 min if 1.8%)
Extended release—30–120 mg/day
Verapamil Calcium channel Intravenous use not recommended. Associated with Immediate release—80 mg three times a day C Yes Yes*
blocker greater risk of hypotension and subsequent fetal Extended release—180 mg once a day (total maximum
hypoperfusion dose not to exceed 480 mg/day)
Furosemide Diuretic (loop) Individual dose not to exceed > 200 mg/dose 20–80 mg q12/daily (not to exceed 600 mg/day) C Yes Well tolerated (milk
production can be
Nitroprusside Vasodilator 0.3 mcg/kg/min infusion, titrated every 5 min to a Not available C Yes Unknown
maximum dose of 10 mcg/kg/min (animal

*Breastfeeding is possible if the mother is treated with the drug

Adapted from the 2018 ESC guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy [1] and Drug Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy [52]
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